Chapter Two~Pranked!

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3rd Person P.O.V

(Y/N) walked along the sidewalk, enjoying the nice sunny day. She started humming a bit, seeing the McDuck's mansion up ahead. And that's where she will see her good friend, Webby! Once she got up there, she pushed the button beside the house, ready to explain.

"Yes?" Mrs.Beakley. The grandmother of Webby. Such a fun time it was when they actually met for the first time.

"It's me, (Y/N) Gearloose! I've come over to hang out with Webby!" You said, raising you voice a bit. You heard a click on the other side, and then the gates opened. (Y/N) smiled as she entered McDuck's property, getting ready to experience an energetic duckling. She knocked on the door, whistling a little bit. She looked up as the door opened, greeted by Mrs.Beakley, who smiled.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I dipped my head in greeting, smiling back.

"Why hello Mrs.Beakley, beautiful day we're having!" I exclaimed as she let me in.

"Why, it is isn't it." She replied, chuckling. She shut the door as I looked around. "Webby should be in her room, doing...something..." Mrs.Beakley said, not really knowing what her granddaughter was doing. I chuckled and waved at her.

"Thanks Mrs.B!" I yelled, going down the halls.

"Please don't call me that!" I heard her yell back, making me stifle a laugh. I continued on my way, trying to remember where Webby's room was. That was until a hand came out of the shadows and pulled me in. I let out a yelp of shock as I was knocked back. I looked up to see Webby, in all of her glory. I let out a sigh, rubbing my temple.

"Could you at least try to not scare me when I'm here!" I exclaimed, looking up at her. She let out a laugh as she helped me up.

"Sorry, I'm trying to scare Huey, Louie, and Dewey. Don't want you ruining the fun!" She exclaimed, making me mock gasp.

"That hurts! How dare you think I'd ruin the fun!" I exclaimed, making a dramatic pose. I heard let out a chuckle, signaling me I did my job. I giggled as got out of the pose. "So, you need any help?" I asked, smirking. She let out a gasp, stars in her eyes.

"Of course!"


Webby and I laughed at the boy soaking figures. They all glared at us, but I could tell that there was a playful glint in their eyes.

"We'll get you guys back for this!" Dewey exclaimed, grinning.
"Oh, like you'd ever get the chance!" I yelled back, smirking. Louie rolled his eyes, chuckling at how childish we probably look.

"Can we just relax for one day!" Huey yelled, throwing his hands into the air.

"Okay fine. Just go get dry clothes so we can watch a movie and eat junk food." I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"Finally!" Huey exclaimed, walking away to get dry clothes. Louie and Dewey followed right behind him. Webby and I looked at each other, before we bursted out laughing.

"Let's just get inside so we can get a movie ready!" I said, Webby nodding in agreement. We then proceeded to go inside and get everything ready. Webby got the food while I picked out the movie. It was a (F/M/G)(Favorite Movie Genre) movie, which was my favorite. I put it in as the triplets came out into the living room. They all sat down, talking. Webby entered with a ton of food, which made Dewey gasp with excitement.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Louie exclaimed, excited. And a hour into the movie, I had taken a picture with the ducklings behind me, and Webby making a goofy face. I guessed she noticed. I then posted the picture online, chuckling. I put my phone back in my pocket and went back to the movie.

2nd Person P.O.V

But what you didn't know right then and there, was that it was the wrong picture. You posted a picture of a selfie with you and Fenton, but behind you were blueprints.

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