Chapter One~Just a Dreamer

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I sighed, listening to my father yell things at my friend, Fenton. He yelled many terrible things, like, 'You should be fired for such a stupid action,' and such. I could hear Fenton whimper a bit, feeling guilty. I just wanted to slam open the door and yell back at my dad, just having enough of his nonsense. But, I didn't. I just got up and started pacing the room, talking to myself. And then, the door was slammed open, and there was her father and friend in all their glory.

Except, her father looked angry, more angry then usual, and Fenton just looked sad. I looked up at my dad as he stomped over to me.

"This kind of attitude will not be tolerated, young lady! I've said this so many times, I've lost count!" He yelled at me, not really bringing any effect. "That stunt you pulled back there, was dangerous, and also stupid. I don't know if they still even work! What if it did, and it was from one of my evil robots?!" He rambled, earning a huff from me. I then crossed my arms, waiting for him to finish.

"And then! It was supposed to be a peaceful, relaxing day! How did you even think that it was okay to spill all my robot parts on to the staircase?!" He exclaimed, finally stopping to take a breathe. I just stared at him for about ten seconds, before looking at Fenton. He glanced at me and just shrugged, a nervous grin plaster on his beak. I then looked back at my dad and shrugged, which set him off even more. He turned around and stormed out of the room, shoving Fenton out of the way. I walked out to greet my friend, but immediately got yelled at.

"Why didn't you say anything!? He's going to be more angry than he already was!" Fenton exclaimed, making hand motions. I sighed and rubbed my temple.

"Because if I get him more angry, he'll leave, and if he leaves, he gets fresh air. And when that happens, he calms down." I explained to my friend, smirking. Fenton sighed, putting his hands on his hips.

"We're not always going to be able to get out of these kinds of messes, you know that?" He then said to me, making me chuckle.

"Well, when that day comes, hopefully I'm dying right then and there..." I said, making him let out a quiet giggle. "Besides, he's Gyro, a Angered Issue scientist, stuff like this happens!" I exclaimed. Fenton stared at me for a few more seconds, before sighing.

"I'm sorry, shouldn't have gotten mad at you..." He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled, nodding.

"Esta bien te perdono Además, todos cometemos errores!"(It's fine, I forgive you. Besides, we all make mistakes!)I said in Spanish, knowing that would cheer him up. He smiled in amazement.

"¿Has estado practicando?"(You've been practicing?!)He exclaimed, trying not to squeal. I nodded again. He then hugged be, excited.

"So...what should we do about Gyro...?" He then asked, getting out of the hug.

"Eh, ignore him. Besides, we'll keep going through this over and over and over!" I exclaimed, laughing a bit. He crossed his arms, shooting me a playful glare. I then sighed.

"You know what, you have some relax time, I'll head out." I said, backing up. Fenton shot me a confused look. "I'll hang with Dewey." I explained, smiling.

"Be careful!" He yelled, waving as I went down the stairs. I chuckled and headed out. Sure, my father yells at me a lot, but that doesn't mean that one day he'll actually laugh with me. Or be proud of me...Well...I can Dream~

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