Chapter 14~The Della Duck!?

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~Before I start this, I will be working on this story for the next week, so sorry about the other two but they'll have to wait until a bit :(~

(Third P.O.V)

"WHOA!!!" (Y/N) let out a yelp when her suit rammed into a wall, hurting her arm a bit. She cringed when she heard many things fall, probably from her little desk in the corner of the room. "Okay...So the wings could use a little bit of work, but that's fine." She looked over as she listened to her phone ring, tilting her head in confusion. She stops the suit and walks out, and goes over to her phone before picking it up and puts it to her ear. "Yo?"

"(Y/N)! You have to come over! Please, something huge happened-" She flinched back once Dewey started yelling, before letting out an annoyed sigh.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something. I only have a little bit before my dad gets back!" (Y/N) exclaims, glancing back at her suit.

"Yeah, but this is something really important-" Dewey stated, before being once again, interrupted by (Y/N).

"Dewey, I don't care. I really need to start working more on this suit! I can't always go on adventures with you guys!"


"Bye!" (Y/N) stated before hanging up. She walks back over to her suit, ignoring the messages from her friends and starts working once again. "Okay, okay...wings need a little bit more working on, but what's next?...Oh! Let's try laser beams!"


(Y/N) clicks away from messages, huffing out of frustration. Dewey, Louie, Huey, and even Webby has been non-stop texting her! She quickly puts her phone down and goes back to the gauntlet on her other hand, testing it for every little thing, too focused to hear the elevator doors opened, that is until she hears a gasp.

"You're (Y/N) Gearloose!" (Y/N) turns around and fires a laser at the stranger out of fear and shock. She closes her eyes for a split second when she hears multiple yelps, before opening them only to see the Triplets, Scrooge and...Della?! She doesn't focus on anything else but Della, very confused yet so shocked. She watches as Della looks up from her cowering position and looks back at the teen in awe.

"" (Y/N) starts, before jumping back when Della went to hug her, not liking the fact that the mother is a PDA person. Della looks at her, confused.

"I'm guessing you're not much of a PDA person...are you?" Della asks, chuckling nervously before rubbing the back of her head.

"Lass, this is Della Duck. Della, meet Gyro's and Linnea's daughter, (Y/N)." Scrooge said, not wanting it to get any awkward. (Y/N) gave a tiny wave, still in shock while Della smiled warmly at the teen.

"She is the best mom ever!" Dewey exclaimed from beside Scrooge, not noticing the glares from his brothers, Huey and Louie. Scrooge looked at the triplet in shock, before looking over to give (Y/N) a sad smile, who just shrugged and looked away.

"So, how's Linnea? Is she being good to you?" Della asks, kneeling down to be at (Y/N)'s height. (Y/N) eyes widened in shock, before looking at Scrooge for help.

"Eh, Lass?" Della looks over at Scrooge, a bit confused. "Linnea..."

"She's dead." Everyone looks over at the teen in shock. "She died looking for you." Della glances at her entire family, before looking back at (Y/N), tearing up.

"I'm sorry, I never meant-"

"You're fine, it wasn't exactly your fault." Huey looked between his mom and friend, before getting an idea.

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