Chapter 17~ Timephoon

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UGHSBDKJHBADKS- I hate that I don't update this more than I should- OKAY!

I have decided that the Original Chapter will be shown AFTER Astro B.O.Y.D Cause every time I write in something, there's a plot hole coming right after it, so I'm just gonna wait until the end to make it more interesting-

So now, we are doing Timephoon- And I can't find the script online which means I have to do it from SCRATCH- UGH! But I'm fine with it- Kind of- I can just tell I'm gonna have a Mental Breakdown during this cause I haven't done this is a while SO-

Enjoy the Chapter!


"I cannot believe he is making me do this..." (Y/N) sighed a bit, looking over at the TV.

"Here in Duckburg, life is like a hurricane? Residents are battening down the hatches for the worst El Pato storm in decades!"

Yup, that's right. (Y/N) is stuck with the McDuck family until this Hurricane dives down. Sounds like an amazing time! If it wasn't for the fact that she was supposed to help Louie with a secret that she knew for sure was going to go down in flames. But hey, Louie's her friend, what are you going to do about it?

As (Y/N) raised a brow at the television, Louie crept up to her and quickly grabbed her hand, leading her out of the living room. She knew what was going on, she just decided to wait until they were alone to ask if this was really a good idea. Louie quietly passed Dewey and Webby, trying to make sure he, nor (Y/N), looked suspicious.

"Hey, Louie? (Y/N)?" Louie let out a yelp of surprise and fear and quickly turned around, giving his brother and friend a nervous gaze.

"What?" Louie asked, a bit louder than he wanted it to be, making him flinch at the sudden loudness his voice made up. (Y/N) glanced up at the stairs, before looking back at the two in front of her, tapping her foot.

"Can you give us a hand?" Webby then asked, pointing behind her at the cans of food that were being stacked up. After a couple of seconds, the four ducklings burst out laughing. Though, while Webby's and Dewey's were a bit more on the genuine side, Louie and (Y/N) glanced at each other, giving out more of a nervous laugh than anything else. As soon as Webby and Dewey turned around, Louie went back to sneaking up the stairs, (Y/N) right behind them.

(Y/N) couldn't help but think in those matter of seconds, is this really worth it? What if they get caught? There won't be any lies that will help them out of this situation. But before she could think of another word, she flinched back in shock when her friend in green let out, yet another, yelp of surprise.

"Nothing, we swear!" Louie explained, getting (Y/N) behind him, until realizing that the duck he bumped into was only Huey, who seemed a bit confused of his actions. Louie quickly put on a fake smile and put his arms out. "Hey Hue! Wh- Why don't you tell everybody what you're up to, in great length?" Huey stared at the two in front of him, seeming a little bit suspicions. He decided to ignore it and smiled, looking down at his WJW.

"I'm almost done with my comprehensible report on Cave Ducks!" Huey exclaimed, getting a bit giddy. Louie realized what was about to happen and quickly started pushing his eldest brother back downstairs, putting on a bored expression. (Y/N) glanced downstairs, watching the little scene unfold. "After months of research, I've written my masterpiece! This is my chance to get my entire into-" Huey paused, letting the thought sink in once more, "The new edition of the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook!"

"My brother's going to be a Professional Nerd." Dewey stated, placing a hand on Huey's shoulder, a proud smile upon his beak. Louie rushed back upstairs- Or, well, tried-

"We need to bring in all these valuables heirlooms into the garage before the storm hits-" Scrooge exclaimed, walking into the room with a bad full of canes.

"I'm sorry-" Louie walked backwards, causing (Y/N) to follow and see what was happening. "Valuable?" Scrooge looked over at the two, smirking.

"These are the famous canes of Clan McDuck! Goes all the way back to our very earliest ancestors!" Scrooge explained, picking up a club and swung it around, before putting to on the ground.

"Oh! Sentimental values- Yuck!" Louie stated quietly, letting out a tiny 'oof' after (Y/N) elbowed him in the side, sending a little glare his way. Luie chuckled nervously, before looking back at his uncle. "Anyway! Got important...Uh- Stuff! To take care of! In my room..." Louie explained, a bit horribly, and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and led her back upstairs.

"...That was terrible." (Y/N) stated after a couple seconds of silence went by. Louie rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah, I know!" Louie exclaimed, rushing over to the bathtub behind a Dewey-Dew Night board. (Y/N) quickly followed his lead and jumped in, tapping her foot. Louie turned the knob behind him, and soon, the tub, as well as Louie and (Y/N) had disappeared.

"Louie? (Y/N)" Launchpad opened the door and looked around, confused on how he just watched the two ducklings walk into the room and now nobody was even in there. He soon raised a brow as a blue light appeared, realizing that something was probably going on. He walked over to the board and looked behind it, staring as the tub reappeared out of thin air. In the tub sat Louie, who had a ton of gold and jewellery with him, along with a crown and staff, while (Y/N) wore a Knight's helmet that had gold and jewels lied upon it. The two looked over in shock, watching as Launchpad let out a loud gasp.

"Launchpad-" (Y/N) started, but didn't know what to say afterwards, so Louie took the lead.

"We can explain!" Louie continued, silently putting down the staff that was in his hands.

"You got your own tub? Lucky!" Launchpad exclaimed, making Louie and (Y/N) and look at each other, with both shock and confusion.


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