Chapter 9~The Shadow War

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(Art done by me! And that's the outfit you're wearing for this chapter! Also, that's just how I'll draw the reader for this story, I colored the eye grey though, since that's technically your choice XD That's Anastasia btw too!)

(Third P.O.V)

"You sure you're okay? I can call up the rest of the group, they'll drop anything just to know if their friend is alright." Anastasia asked, looking over at (Y/N) in worry.

"No, I'm good. I just don't want to be around my family. My dad never told me about my mom, and had to force it out from Mr. Mcduck, Fenton is going to go all mother hen on me, and the others are still mad at Mr.Mcduck. I just need some space and a friend to talk to." (Y/N) explained, taking off her sunglasses. Anastasia shrugged, before looking in her house window.

"I won't say anything about the problem, we'll just use this time to have some fun together!" Anastasia suggested, looking back at her friend. (Y/N) smiled warmly at Anastasia, before looking back at the ocean.

(Two thing I should make clear, Anastasia and the others live by the ocean, and Iris, Indigo, and Millie have part-time jobs except for Anastasia, who is in school to become a nurse.)

"It's weird that right after everything, we have an eclipse." (Y/N) stated, looking up at the sky. Anastasia followed her view, humming a bit.

"That is weird..." Anastasia thought, before getting up. "I'm getting some chips, anything you want?

"Sour cream and onion please!" (Y/N) yelled, making Anastasia chuckle as she went inside the house. (Y/N) laughed a bit, before getting out her phone, seeing many messages from Webby, before jumping slightly as Webby's name appeared on screen, now calling. (Y/N) mumbled, before answering.


"(Y/N)! Please, you got to help me and and Launchpad to save the Mcduck's from tearing themselves apart! Can you come to their boat?" Webby asked-well, yelled through the phone, seeming to be in a panic.

"Uh...No?" (Y/N) said quickly, thinking about what Dewey had said to her on the plane.

"Yes-wait, what?"

"I'm not going to help them out, especially after what Dewey said to me on the plane. They got to learn that the world doesn't evolve around them, and realize that other people are going through some stuff too." (Y/N) explained, not seeing that Anastasia was listening, a worried expression on her face.

"B-but (Y/N), they're moving away! I don't want to be friendless again..." Webby said sadly, making (Y/N) groan with guilt. She turned her head to Anastasia, who gestured her hand for her to go, making the younger teen huff.

"Fine, but I'm only coming if there's food, haven't eaten all day!"

"Yes! Yes-there's food, see you here!" Webby exclaimed, before hanging up.

"If you don't want to be there anymore, just come right back." Anastasia said, before helping (Y/N) up, who only mumbled something in annoyance.


"(Y/N)! Thank you for coming! Everyone just sat down!" Webby said nervously, before dragging the teen in the boat. (Y/N) ignored the guilty look Dewey gave her, and stood next to Huey. "Anyway! This dinner will be a culinary journey through Duckburg! Every bite reminding you how much you love this town you're leaving behind for some dumb reason." Webby growled in the end, putting a cokkie version of herself with the other cookies.

"Mmm, the "family-tini!" Old family recipe." Launchpad exclaimed, walking in with cups full of melted Popsicle on a tray. He then sets it down and takes drink of one. "Tastes like the loving embrace of family."

Life is like a Hurrican~Ducktales(Either Discontinued or On a HUGE Hiatus)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora