Everything is made to be brok...

By gracesimpo

34.4K 646 265

Jay, Nathan, Jay, Nathan. She's with Jay, she loves Nathan. What will she do when her and Nathan's fling beco... More

Part 1- Everything is made to be broken.
Part 2- Sex in a club toilet!
Part 3- Harley the bitch.
Part 4- A mouse in the office!
Part 5- Oh dear...
Part 6- She's a skank.
Part 7- It really is you...
Part 8- You really are my personal solider!
Part 9- This is me being casual, but trying to impress you.
Part 10- ''Oh, I was just twapin' him.''
Part 11- What the hell is up her arse today?!
Part 13- You look good in my clothes.
Part 14- C'mon, Max is peaking through the curtains.
Part 15- You both look nice for once!
Part 16- Once a cheat, always a cheat!
Part 17- Fire brigade please.
Part 18- It's me that loves you, not him!
Part 19- Marry me, Vanessa?
Part 20- I love you, even if you hardly change your underwear.
Part 21- Should you really be calling her babe?
Part 22- Nathan Sykes is fitter though!
Part 23- Seriously guys?
Part 24- Everything is made to be broken.

Part 12- I'll never let go Jack.

1.2K 28 7
By gracesimpo

Vanessa Pov-

I woke up to the sound of moving around outside my door. I grumbled to myself as I knew it would be Nathan. I suppose it was my own fault that he thought about me in that way but still! He was the guy I was doing it with, surely he'd know I loved him? And that I wouldn't do that to him? Obviously not.

"Nathan, just come in!'' I ordered, annoyed he was just waiting there for me. He slowly stepped in the room and sat on the end of the bed. He couldn't look at me which I also found aggravating! ''I erm, breakfast is ready.'' He mumbled. ''Not hungry.'' I said, getting out of the bed and routing through my wardrobe for an outfit.

I made my way to the bedroom door to get changed in the bathroom. ''Where are you going?'' Nathan asked, quickly standing up and grabbing my arm. ''To get changed.'' I simply replied. He sighed and let go. ''Look Vanessa, it's not that I think you're going to do that but-'' ''It is Nathan, you don't trust me! After everything I did for you, you can't fucking trust me! Thanks a lot Nath.'' I rolled my eyes and walked out, and into the bathroom.

After quickly pulling on my jeans and a top, I put my hair into a messy bun. As I left the bathroom, I saw Nathan with his head in his hands, still sat on my bed. I sighed and headed to the front door. Maybe I should talk to Emma? Or would she be too hungover?

As soon as I took a step out of the door, my body collided with another and I was knocked to the floor. ''Flipping heck Vanessa! Watch where you're going!'' Jay exclaimed, his hand reaching down to help me up. ''Sorry.'' I muttered, not looking at him.

''Whats up? You and Lover boy fallen out already?'' He smirked at me. ''No actually-'' ''I know you Vanessa, you don't have to cover up.'' He winked annoyingly. I was about to reply with something smart but a girl came running over to us. ''Jaay!'' She squeaked. I held my ears so they wouldn't explode from how high pitched her voice was.

''Oh hey Phebe's!'' Jay smiled at her, kissing her cheek. ''Vanessa this is Phoebe, and old family friend!'' Jay announced. ''Is that what you call it then?!'' The girl, also named Phoebe scolded. ''I'm sorry, I meant-'' But Phoebe was already down the corridor, walking away. I smirked, turning round to Jay. ''Don't start!'' He said, sitting down.

I nodded, knowing not to annoy him. ''Anyway, what's happened with you and Nath?'' He asked casually. ''I don't really wanna talk about it..'' I sighed. Jay ran his hands through his curls and looked at me. ''Look Vanessa, I know how hard he's worked just plan this few days. He even came to see me and ask of it was okay with me, not that I actually care about where you are or what you're doing but he still did. So don't let one thing cause you to fall out!'' Jay said.

I smiled at him. ''Thanks Jay.'' I told him. He nodded proudly. ''I know you hate everything that I did and probably me too and your answer will probably be no...but do you think we could be friends? I mean, I am sorry Jay, I truly am!'' I asked. ''There you are!'' Nathan exclaimed, appearing next to me and Jay turned to walk away.

''Sure we can Nessa.'' He smiled before walking into his own flat. I turned back to Nathan and saw him looking to the ground. ''I'm sorry Nath, I over reacted.'' I told him honestly. ''Nah, I'm just a twat!'' He chuckled. He led me back into the flat and held me close to his body in a tight hug.

''I do trust you.'' He whispered in my ear, relaxing me. His hand around my waist, Emma barged in.

''I need bed.'' She shouted. ''Down the hall, first right!'' Nathan rushed. ''Your bed is closest to the door!'' I laughed. She scowled. ''They drink way too much!!'' She moaned, stumbling down the hall. I laughed even more as she fell into the room, Nathan joining me.

''After you've eaten, we're going to the cinema!'' Nathan announced. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.


''So what film are we gonna watch then?'' Nathan asked as we looked through the viewing list. ''You decide, I don't mind.'' I shrugged. Nathan nodded and his eyes scanned the list again. ''How about that new one with Brad Pitt in it?'' He offered. ''Ugh, no! I hate action movies!'' I exclaimed. ''Oh okay then, what about Magic Mike?'' He offered a second film. ''As much as I'd love to watch a film about a male stripper with you, I think I'll save it for me and Emma since I also fancy the pants off Channing Tatum!'' I announced, cringing just at the thought of sitting through that film with Nathan.

''What happened to 'you pick the film, I'm not bothered'?'' Nathan mocked. I rolled my eyes. ''Okay, so maybe I just secetly wanted to watch the titanic in 3-D but didn't want to actually say it to your face.'' I admitted. ''You just did.'' He smirked. I slapped his arm playfully whilst he laughed to himself. ''Right then, titanic it is!'' He exclaimed. 

''You won't cry will you? I can't deal with it if you cry on me!'' Nathan asked. ''Nah, I won't cry!'' I lied. 

Of course I was going to cry!

''I'll never let go Jack. I'll never let go. Yeah, biggest lie ever! She let go, she let go of him and let him sink to the bottom of the ocean!'' I cried into Nathan whilst he awkwardly rubbed my back in comfort. ''He died Nathan, he died!'' I sobbed harder. ''All those thousands of people died!'' ''Jack, he was so lovely, he didn't deserve to-'' ''Vanessa, shut up!'' Nathan finally sighed. 

''Sorry.'' I mumbled, wiping my eyes. He let me go from the hug and laughed. ''Whats so funny?'' I questioned, annoyed that he was laughing at me. ''First of all, you said you weren't going to cry? And second of all, you've got mascara all over your face!'' Nathan laughed even more whereas I was blushing. ''Hey! I'm a girl, all girls cry at the titanic!'' I protested. ''I'm going sorting my face out.'' I said, turning to go to the bathroom. ''I'm just nipping to the bank across the road, just wait in the lobby when your done and I'll come and get you.'' I nodded and we both walked in opposite directions.

Luckily, I was alone in the toilets. So there was no one to be horrified at my mascara covered face. I guess I made the right decision in putting baby wipes and make up in my bag this morning! I carefully dabbed away the make up and then re-applied the mascara. I looked just like I did when I first came to the cinema's.

I stood looking at some movie posters waiting for Nathan to come back to the cinema. ''EVERYONE GET ON THE FLOOR!'' I heard someone shout from behind me. I spun round and saw a group of big looking guys in black clothing and ski masks pointing guns in all directions. ''I SAID GET DOWN!'' Another shouted. I followed his instructions and copied everyone else, I dropped to the floor. 

My heart rate increased as one of them pointed a gun to me. ''You!'' He ordered. ''Come here.'' I slowly got up and felt my legs lose feeling but I had to carry on walking. My palms were sweating and I felt nervous. ''Make her be quite!'' He said, pointing to a little girl aged around nine or ten maybe? I mentally did a 'phew' as I thought he was going to hurt me or something. 

As I sat next to the girl, I rubbed my hand on her back, comforting her. ''Hey, are you alone?'' I asked her. ''No, I have my mummy but she's outside.'' The little girl said, indicating to outside where I saw her mum staring at us, tears pouring from her eyes. Then I saw Nathan, his eyes locked on mine. He tried to push through the crowd of armed police that had suddenly arrived but they didn't let him through.

''Do you have a name?'' I asked her. What a stupid question, of course she had a name! ''Yeah, I'm Amelia.'' She answered. ''Well Amelia, if you stay quiet and try to look away from those men, you will be okay. And your mummy will come and get you as soon as this is over, I promise.'' I told the little girl, holding her in my arms. ''Okay.'' She whispered. 

Tears poured down my own face as I watched the men frantically grab the money from the tills and others hold guns up at the other hostages. Me being one of them. One of the guys headed in my direction, evilly walking towards me. That was until the police finally barged into the cinema and grabbed all of the men in ski masks. 

I felt Amelia leave my side and I watched her run to her mummy. 'Thank you.' Her mum mouthed to me and I half smiled in return before I tucked my knees into my chest and cried in fear. 

''VANESSA!'' He screamed. I looked up and met Nathan's eyes as he ran to me. He lifted me up off the ground and hugged me so tightly. And when he put me down again, his lips crashed to mine in a passionate kiss. ''What happened to wanting to do things properly?'' I smirked, attempting to lighten the mood. ''Fuck that one! I thought something was going to happen to you!'' He rushed. ''I thought I was gonna lose you then, and now you're here, I'm not letting you go again!'' He said before kissing me again.

And it felt amazing. Feeling his lips on mine was the best feeling in the world and I was so glad to have that feeling once again!

''Are you okay?'' He worried. ''They didn't hurt you?'' He questioned. ''Nathan, I'm fine!'' I told him, grabbing his face in my hands. ''I just wanna go home, I'm just a little shaken up.'' He nodded and smiled. ''C'mon then.''


''Hey, are you okay?'' Jay asked, entering the flat. ''Nathan told me what happened.'' ''Dammit! I told him not to tell anyone!'' I scolded. ''I saw him looking worried so I just asked him what was wrong that's all. But wow! Are you sure you're okay?'' He explained. ''Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up.'' I admitted. ''I would be too! I'm always here, you know, if you wanna talk.'' Jay shrugged, looking at me. I smiled and hugged him. 

I loved that me and Jay were friends again, I really loved it!

''Well I better go, I think Nath's wanting to watch a film with you after this day you've had!'' ''Another film?'' I laughed. Jay chuckled and nodded. ''Yeah, I guess so!'' 

After Jay left, I spoke to Emma on the phone, telling her I was fine. She said she was on a date with Max and that she was ringing me from the toilets since I hadn't spoken to her since her hung over state this morning. I was glad she was on a proper date with Max rather than drinking and forgetting. They were so cute!

''So I picked this one?'' Nathan smiled showing me the DVD case briefly. I nodded as I only saw a little image before he whipped the case away and put the film on. We sat on opposite ends of the couch until he pulled me close to him and lay down, so I was on top of him, my head on his chest. Us cuddling, my favourite thing!

''Seriously Nath?'' I whined as the title screen showed up. The title of the film being 'The Texas chainsaw massacre!'. ''Awh, c'mon, I'll turn it off if you don't like it.'' He said. I sighed and gave in to defeat. 

My face was buried deeper and deeper into his chest as the film went on. ''Don't go in there you stupid bitch! Do you wanna get yourself killed?'' I screamed at the stupid whore on the film. ''Hello? He's not going to jump out and ask you on a date is he you moron?'' I exclaimed. Nathan was in fits of laughter at my outbursts. ''AH!'' I shouted, cowering away again into Nathan's chest as the dude with the chainsaw jumped out. 

''Turn that off!'' I demanded but Nathan was too busy still laughing at me. So I stood up and stormed over to the tele, switching it off. ''It's just a film Nessie!'' Nathan sighed, calming himself down. ''I was scared.'' I pouted. He smiled and hugged me tight into him. ''Well, I think I'm gonna get some sleep, it's a big day tomorrow!'' He beamed, kissing me softly. ''Why? What are we doing?'' I asked, excitedly. ''Now that would ruin it, wouldn't it?'' He winked, kissing me again. 

I rolled my eyes and waved goodnight to him. And as I climbed into bed after switching off the light, I felt alone and scared. I faced the wall in case something was there. I shut my eyes tight hoping I could just fall asleep but I couldn't, I was too frightened. 

So I ran to Nathan's room and knocked on the door. ''Come in.'' He called from inside. I did as he said and saw him stood topless in just his boxers. ''I got scared.'' I admitted. ''Come ere you softly.'' He chuckled, enveloping me into a hug. 

We climbed into the bed and he let me cuddle up next to him in the bed. He hand his arm around my waist whilst I lay my head on his chest. He kissed my head softly. ''I wouldn't let no one hurt you.'' He whispered and I smiled to myself. ''Goodnight beautiful.'' And even then, I blushed through the darkness.

''Goodnight Nath.''


Hope you liked this part:D

Wow, what a day for Vanessa eh?

Please vote and fan me please! Please comment too because I love reading you guys opinions! 

Thank you for reading this, I love you.

I'm gonna leave you again, with a joke:P

Why did the horse cross the road?


Cause it was the chicken's day off.


Bad? I know;)

Thanks again,

Love Lizzie. x*

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