Mistress's Good Boy (BWWM)

By Lovelshadows

1.3M 36.4K 11.9K

*Warning there may be sensitive topics in the book* Where one's status is based on their Dominant or Submissi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Crimson Kisses for Him part 1
Chapter 26 Crimson Kisses For Him part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 15

39.4K 1.1K 169
By Lovelshadows

 "Hey, sweeties!" Noma calls out, pushing away from the cobblestone wall. I smile at her pressing my hand to the dip of Ezra's back guiding him towards the dungeon.

"Hey." I say tucking my hair behind my ear. Noma smiles excitedly waving us over towards the door while tugging at the mustard color of her gown. When the woman latches onto the ring handle of the large door, she gives it a firm yank and the door groans open, ominously. Butterflies rupture in the pit of my gut and a tight giggle leaves my lips.

"So, before I came on down here I stopped at my room to get some getup. Mistress Buchanan also had a package dropped off for you, common courtesy. It's a simple power outfit, you can head on down to the dungeon and get changed while I talk a few things over with Ezra. Just a quick brush over the procedures, and the proper learning etiquette he should be acknowledging while I teach you," Noma nods tugging the long strands of her chestnut brown locks into the fist of her hands. She ties her hair up expertise, no loose fly-aways insight. "We'll see you in a bit hun." I give the pair a fleeting look, spinning on my heels to slowly trek down the uneven cobblestone-stairs.

By the time I get to the bottom of the staircase, I've already psyched myself up for something spectacular, gorgeous, over the top. Which is why I'm not overly surprised to see the masterpiece these people call a "Dungeon". The flooring is a deep chocolate, glossy under the shimmer of the chandeliers. Glistening so much I'm able to see the shocked to shit expression on my face. In my peripherals I'm able to see a metallic blurb, not being able to focus the image, I tilt my head in its direction. In the far left of the room, pressed against the honey beige of the walls is a cage. It's woven with precise designs and nice ventilation, big enough to fit at least two people in it. I shudder at the thought.

Stepping deeper into the room, I drag my hands along bronzed curtains and smooth garnet lockers. While I eye the larger pieces of equipment, huge and intimidating, I search the room for the little package Noma had mentioned. More times then I'd like to admit, I end up tripping over foots of benches and bumping into suspended chains. I nearly miss the matte black bag resting ever so enticingly on the leather of a sofa, next to it is my gift from yesterday's encounter with Ms. Buchanan. I bite my lip causing the delicate skin to split, coating my tongue in a metallic coin taste. I scoop the bag onto my lap.

"Ok, kinda excited, kinda nervous," I mumble to myself removing the golden tissue paper. I reach in running my fingers along the material. "Jesus! Wow, okay wow." I snatch the pieces of clothing out the bag, laying it against my legs. I shuck my robe off shivering quickly underneath the coolness of the air, and with haste, I begin to assemble the outfit.

"First things first," I peel my panties off twisting my lips as I set the cloth next to me. I take the latex bottoms slipping them up and over the curve of my hips. Doing a quick hip shake I test the new material and the flexibility of the item. "High quality...of course." I pick up the garter belt next, hooking it around my torso, fitting it right above my naval. The garter is laced giving the dull shine of the latex a more detailed, aesthetic apparel. Next comes the stockings, laced at the tops matching the garter belt. I cross my arms over my nipples sighing deeply.

"Top comes next." I struggle with putting this piece on, solely because it has no zippers, buttons, or clips. Plus, sucking ones chest bones in isn't really...possible? Took me a few minutes, some questionable sounding noises, and a great deal of shoving to fit the top over my head. And finally, I was dressed. The heels could do for none practice days.

"Rosalita?" Noma calls. I spin to the staircase while brushing my hands down the swell of my thighs and the prominent definition of my waist. "Oh my!" The woman exclaims hand paused on the rail, eyes wide and her aura doing these little blips. I look down and then back up towards Noma with my lip caught between my teeth.

"Does it look good?" Noma is lost for words, her eyes blinking rapidly whilst her fingers race through her hair. She scoffs in shock.

"Good? No. Lethally beautiful? Yes," She murmurs cautiously stepping into the room. "You're making me want to drop to my knees, holy cow." Noma pinches her own cheek yelping softly and then she shakes her head causing her hair to whip and smack gently across her face.

"So, welcome Ama'Rose to your first Dom lessons. In my program, I will be teaching you how to handle equipment properly, how to care for a sub, how to maintain your dom and sub relationships, and basic history. For today we won't be doing anything too exciting, sorry shug. The first days are usually the most boring, anyway I'll just polish your basic knowledge on dom, switch, and sub history. While we do this, I'll have Ezra at your feet, you'll have to put him into subspace as required for today's lesson. And I'll also have you holding and interacting with different objects, toys, and equipment so you're able to get a good understanding of the mechanics while getting a good feel of the item." Noma calls up the stairs for Ezra and the door creaks open incredibly fast, soft feet padding down the cobblestone of the stairs.

"At the end, I'll guide through the basic aftercare of a dropped sub and what to expect, and how to properly handle the situation. And, to help the bond grow how about we make a small list of things the boy can do for you while he's under. Small things like, massage my calves, go find me a flogger, or assume this position." Ezra bounds in the room, collar thick and clasped tight around his neck, legs twitching every now and then. When we lock eyes, he moans. Loud and obscene, Noma chuckles to her self-guiding us to sit at the sofa. Taking the seat as elegant as possible, I cross my leg causing the latex to squeak and rub together. Ezra babbles something incoherent and gladly drops to his knees, shuffling until he's by my calves. He settles on his legs, collar jingling and resting on the bare skin of his neck. I loop my finger through the hoop and tug the boy's head down.

"Put him under," Noma nods. I gulp feeling Ezra stiffen next to me. His breath starts speeding up, until he's panting softly under his breath. His doe eyes are wide and anticipating. "Dom S auras are pretty strong, so we don't really need to do scenes to assist in dropping a sub. Just submerge him in your presence."

"Please—" He runs his fingers along my calves.

"Ezra hush remember what we talked about?" Noma says. Ezra snatches his hand away and he pouts, clasping his fingers behind his back and spreading his thighs apart.

"This is one of the universal positions, some people like to create their own for their subs, but in mandatory schooling, this is the one everyone is taught. Hands clasped behind back, thighs apart, and eyes cast down. Tuck your feet in Ezra." He wiggles his toes before tilting them into a triangular shape." Noma takes up the seat on the small circular chair, her hands folded against her lap.

"Go on now, put him under." She nods towards Ezra.

"Ok...here I go." I look for the subtle feeling of my aura and the others wait patiently. Or at least Noma does, Ezra shifts in his seat clearly excited and restless. After a good fifteen minutes and a lot of clenching of my abdomen, I finally have a semi-solid ball of the warmth building in my stomach. I grab at it with giddiness letting it spill from my body, filling the space of the room quick. Ezra's pupils dilate causing the pretty hazel color of his iris to shrink into a thin ring of color. His familiar flush comes back, and the boy goes quiet, closing his eyes and basking in the fullness of my aura.

"T-that's good, try and invoke his to come up too." Noma mumbles. I uncross my legs leaning into Ezra's space. Pushing my aura onto him causes him to respond, flicking his presence back against mine until it feels as if their blending. I reach up to his face brushing the gathered liquid from his eyes and pushing it away. He doesn't move not fazed.

"Ezra?" Noma tests. He doesn't respond, lulling his head. She reaches out her hand pinching at the skin of his arm, and he barely makes any noise or movement to acknowledge it. Noma nods her head, pearly teeth glistening and then she sticks her thumb up. "Good to go."

"When a sub goes into headspace, you have to always take precaution and make sure you're not overdoing it. Usually, they'll be so far under, they won't even realize they're passing their limits. This is why subs are more likely to end up in the hospital." Noma grabs at the box shaking it with her brows furrowed together and her tongue peeking out from her lips.

"Here, you can start with this one." I take the box settling it on my legs so I'm able to lift the lid. When I peer down at its contents I feel my cheeks aching and my eyes crinkling in joy.

"A riding crop!"

"Do you like it?" I pull it free from the box, testing the weight and how the handle rests in my hand. I nod. "Good, Ezra picked it out in fact. Went through at least ten." I clench the back of his neck in thanks, and a small almost inaudible sound tumbles past his lips.

"So, we'll start at the basics," She says humming to herself. "The population is split into three main types, submissive, switch, and dominant. From there status is based on one's rank, E being the lowest and SS being the highest. Grades/Ranks help people understand the structure of one's aura and its quality. That's why a lot of the higher ranks are more likely to have money because its old money, passed down. People do like to spend a pretty penny on high-quality material. Now keep in mind that parents alleles determine their child's genes, but that always doesn't happen as you see. You and the twins must have this rare mutation, where the child strays away from the genetic composure of the parents, thus creating you into S instead of C or D. There's a lot of percentages I'd go over, but even I don't know it all so that can wait for another day." Noma reaches under her chair to pull out a set of screw clamps. I set the crop down and hold my palms out.

"As for the history of subs, you do know it's been rough?" I nod unscrewing the knobs and sticking my finger in the space, testing the pressure on them.

"In the beginning, all types seemed to have a sense of unity, or at least that is what the historians say. One wasn't superior to the other, and all the types had a sense of balance, but as we moved out of our primitive stages priorities changed. As the centuries passed and we evolved to form bigger and more advanced technology our social system never progressed or better yet it degressed. Back then our understanding of Presence was still very little, there was no way to accurately determine who was classified as a Submissive, Dominant, or Switch, so people who seemed to exude certain characteristics were placed in the category they visually represented. This was known as the Groundless Era. This period lasted for a century before Vanessa Kilford discovered the submissive allele. From there everything just spiraled out of hand. Now that the people knew our genetics played a part, a social hierarchy began taking root in our society. Dominants began to use their authority wrongfully and took storm over our government. Regulations and laws were made to keep the Submissives well...submissive and without say, literally in public it was mandatory for you to gag your submissive." Noma frowns down at her hands, squeezing them tightly which causes them to tremble a bit.

"If a submissive acted out in any sort of way, "punishment" by any Dom who thought they deserved it could perform it. Meaning acts of violence or harassment against Submissives were rightfully justified if it was classified as a form of punishment. We didn't have mandatory schooling either, so a lot of people didn't know what the fuck they were doing, this lead to an increase in fatalities due to overexertion or just plain ignorance, it was sickening what they did to those people...sorry hun I won't be going into detail on that topic. Anyway, no one spoke up about the mistreatment, not in the beginning in fear they'd face the repercussion. This is why this Era is known as the Silent Era. After a few decades, the Gathering of Elites happened which caused an uproar with Submissives and Switches, enough was enough and the fight for better human treatment began to take off. Protests were happening every single week, it was chaotic and it took generations for them to finally get just the bare minimum. It's gotten much better nowadays because we are a part of the generation that has legalized sub humane laws, but even still Subs and even Switches continually get mistreated and our government is barely helping because—"

"It is run by old dom men, who are stuck in the past." I offer.


"There's so much bad that has happened, that it makes me ill to my core. Mistress Buchanan's mother had been a sub, brutally treated to the point of death. And to make matters worse, her father didn't even get pressed with charges. Seeing as her momma was a sub and her daddy was a dom." Noma crosses her claves leaning onto her hands.

"In this house, we respect subs and treat them the way we would want to be treated if we were in their shoes. Abuse is prohibited, which is another thing I wanted to talk to you about...involving Ezra." He frowns blinking his eyes as the haze starts to clear up. I rub through his hair shushing him soothingly, trying to keep him under. He melts into the relaxing strokes across his scalp.

"You're not Ezra's first obsession and I'm sorry to say this, but you most likely won't be the last. He tends to do this a lot with people," Noma fidgets in her seat. "He sadly hasn't had a dom as gentle as you, which I think he absolutely deserves, but the poor boy can't always read between the lines. One of his patrons is an asshole who walks up and down him, ignoring the rules, and beating him to the point of serious injuries." Ezra blinks hard the haze gone, he's fighting for his clarity.

"But no matter how many times we all warn him, he always goes back. Which in the long run, always affects his current main mistress or master. And I think you're no different. Be careful Ama'Rose, Ezra always was a loose cannon." I flinch away from the male, and he whines. I look down at Ezra and the boy refuses to catch my gaze, gulping I shift myself on the seat. What in the world was I getting myself into?



I changed the history of the story and used my own world-building cause this was causin too much controversy. 


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