DREAMER ↝ Ravi Chakrabarti

By mcrningstar

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❝THAT HEART OF YOURS WILL NEVER CHANGE.❞ In which Freja Barrett, an enthusiast for all things supernatural, m... More



837 34 17
By mcrningstar

FREJA'S NEXT STEP after proving the existence of zombies had always been building a bridge between them and humankind, but with Liv's and Ravi's pleas to keep the virus a secret, that no longer posed as an option. She didn't have to go through the crisis of figuring out her next goal, however, because it was now obvious that she needed to survive — and sure, there was still a lot that she hadn't gotten to ask Liv and the case of the missing kids was nagging at the back of her head, too, but right now, as she sat on her couch and impatiently waited for Blaine to text her, her only objective was to make it through the date with the big bad zombie of Seattle.

Matilda had stopped by earlier, not only to help her figure out what to wear as if they were straight out of a cheesy rom-com, but to put together a plan of some kind, and instead of arguing yet again, Freja was taking every piece of advice to heart. Going out with a human kidnapper was one thing, but to spend the evening with a creature either blessed or cursed with unimaginable strength and a ravenous hunger for brains was another.

That was, ultimately, why Ravi and Liv had made their way to Freja's apartment as well, the latter unloading her jitters into adorable sandwiches she was making in the kitchen while Ravi sat next to Freja on the old couch in silent support.

"For what it's worth, you look marvelous", the Chakrabarti broke the silence in the apartment with a quiet comment at her outfit, nudging Freja softly and startling her out of her thoughts in the process, and already shyly brushing the hem of her skirt, the woman broke into a flattered smile.

"Thank you", she breathed out, the gratitude born not only from the compliments but for letting her in on the zombie secret and for being there now — once Freja had explained why she had practically cornered Blaine into suggesting a date, Ravi and Liv had both sworn to show up at her place after work and they hadn't gone back on their word. "I haven't really gone on dates. Like, ever. So, it's a little weird that my first official date is basically an attempt to get something incriminating out of the Candyman, of all people", she huffed out while discreetly tugging her curled hair away from her face and shrugging. It was no lie that she wasn't very experienced when it came to relationships, partly because she had never found dating important, partly because she had devoted herself to her research rather than anything else.

The look that descended onto Ravi's features was, albeit free of judgment, surprised, and so was the amazed sigh falling from his lips. "You really aren't making it any easier for me to let you go on this indescribably dangerous date", he pointed out, but the partly joking tone was easy to forget when he placed a comforting hand on her knee and Freja's chest tightened at the gesture. "I promise, you'll have all the wonderful dates to your heart's content once you simply make it through this one", he reassured with half a smile, before rushing to add, "I mean, I don't know with whom, but someone."

Freja couldn't stop herself from grinning — maybe she already had someone in mind — but she didn't get the chance to say anything when Liv was circling back from the kitchen and almost shoving the thick sandwiches into Freja and Ravi's hands. "That scoundrel better not cross any lines tonight. If you need us, we'll only be a message away. And apparently, so will Matilda and your brother, so, you have an army of loyal friends ready to help", the Moore ranted vehemently, her finger wagging in the air as she stood in front of the couch and made sure both of the two got started on the snacks she had prepared.

"I know. I'll be okay. I just keep reminding myself, he has no reason to suspect anything. I'm just another woman he successfully picked up and that's how I shall stay", Freja drew deep breaths between bites, adding a convincing nod before speaking up again to relieve Ravi and Liv of their displeased grimaces. "For tonight, I mean."

Halfway through the sandwich and a conversation about the current brain Liv was on — a mother-to-be, which explained the extra layer of protectiveness — and how exactly the personality changes worked, Freja's phone finally buzzed and immediate silence took over the apartment. No one dared to say anything as the woman looked at her screen with a gulp and sucked in her bottom lip, not even when Freja finally looked back up at them with a nervous attempt at a smile.

"Well, he's downstairs", she informed with a quivering tone, one that she was determined to shake away with a deep breath and a brave jump up from the couch. "I'll keep you guys updated. But also, Liv, don't spend the whole night worrying about me, okay? Have fun with Lowell", the Barrett pleaded with a frown she somehow mustered through the hasty chews to finish her sandwich, and with agreeing nods, the woman, as well as Ravi, was following Freja to the front door.

"I will", Liv promised with an encouraging smile, and once Freja had grabbed her purse and leather jacket, the trio was stepping into the hallway in an uncomfortable peace — all of it caused by how bad of an idea the next moments felt like. "You go ahead", the zombie ended up speaking up nonetheless, "we'll come down once the coast is clear. Be safe."

Without a word, Freja flashed one last smile at each of them, earning only faint ones in response before she shrugged on her jacket and spun towards the elevator. She wasn't sure how her goals had sunken to this level, but as the rusty doors closed in front of her and she prepared herself for the scariest night of her life, she deeply and thoroughly hoped to come back in one piece.


"YOU'RE NOT NERVOUS, are you?" The question that effortlessly poked a hole in the brave exterior Freja was trying to maintain, also pulled a hesitant chuckle from the woman as she waltzed around the grand apartment she had been guided to. With her best stab at a smirk, she turned back to Blaine, just in time for him to approach her with the intent of taking her jacket for her — that, mixed in with the car ride that had been significantly less awkward than Freja had expected, she guessed to be part of the routine that had fed his ego to the point of an effortlessly cocky smile.

"Just a little. This might not be the best thing to say on a first date, but I don't really... go on dates, at all", Freja explained with a hum, her voice trailing off as her gaze wandered from Blaine to the extravagant penthouse she certainly hadn't expected to find herself in. She didn't mind, though — being in his home made it all the more likely to get to know him thoroughly, and that very idea was starting to crawl its way up on Freja's current list of priorities.

With a breathy laugh, Blaine hung her jacket by the door before traipsing past her and giving her a confirming nod. "Right this way", he commented, his lanky legs taking the lead into the bright apartment, the light colors and large windows being the very opposite of what Freja would have predicted a kidnapper and a drug dealer to have. "And as for the, uh, not going on dates thing, I don't mind. It's kind of adolescent, don't you think, the concept of being all giddy about grabbing a milkshake with the dreamiest boy in school", he mused thoughtfully, though the slight hint of who he was in the scenario didn't do much to flatten his confidence. "But also, I guess it makes it easier for me to impress you."

Unsure if a scoff or a laugh would have been better for the flaunting yet somehow suave way he spoke, Freja followed on his heel as he instructed her to the shared space of a kitchen and a dining room. Once she saw the candlelit table by the large window displaying the starry sky outside, however, and the fancy bottle of red waiting beside two glasses, she felt her wit dry out and her heart leap in her chest — the lack of remarks was exactly what Blaine had hoped for, and she concluded as much when he looked over his shoulder with a pleased chuckle rumbling in his chest.

"You cooked?" Freja didn't do a very good job at hiding the disbelief in her voice, her eyes still wide as she gently took a seat by the window and watched Blaine journey to the oven while rolling up the sleeves of his dark button-up.

"Well, don't sound that surprised. You do realize what I do for a living, right?" he reminded sarcastically, and while Freja didn't doubt that he was referring to Meat Cute, she instantly fell down the rabbit hole of wondering what it truly was that he did — eat brains? Capture innocent, homeless teens? Take advantage of people?

A comfortable silence landed in the room with Freja observing the view from the balcony through the windows and Blaine taking out the dinner he had already prepared for them, and with genuine talent too, from the looks of it. "I like to think I'm a good judge of character, but if this turns out to be the worst meal of your life, I'll happily order some takeout, instead", he downplayed his skills with the joking tone, only for the plate he presented in front of Freja to look like the most delicious thing she had ever set eyes on. Unable to hold back an incredulous stare, she looked up at Blaine and in response, she got an innocent shrug whilst he smoothly glid onto his own seat.

"So, you cook. You work at a butcher shop. Should I dub you as a strictly food-related person?" Freja inquired in the hopes that her natural curiosity wasn't bleeding through too obviously, and as if to make sure, she held back her tongue from follow-up questions by digging into what looked like a five-star meal.

The deep, narrow gaze she got from Blaine whilst he popped open the wine bottle out of what resembled habit suggested that he wanted to present his own questions, draw the attention away from himself. And yet, he ended up replying. "That would kind of betray the music guy in me. I play the piano, mostly, but I know my way around a guitar. I sing, too. Rock n' roll, obviously", he listed smoothly and poured both of their glasses to the brim with red wine — and as soon as he was pulling away, Freja grabbed hers and took a greedy sip. She wasn't a big drinker, but right now, she leaped at the idea of some liquid courage.

"I'll jump at a business opportunity when one presents itself. If I drink enough of this I'll probably crack an accent of some kind. But no amount of wine would be enough for me to talk about family", Blaine proceeded, twirling his glass in hand while resentment crossed his features, but only for a split second after which he was already leaning towards Freja with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Taking it as her cue to share, Freja gulped down the wine and nodded with Matilda's advice about talking about her loved ones in mind. "Oh, yeah, I've got family. One brother, two moms, one dog. A few close friends — not that I'd mind a bigger group but I haven't really found those alike minds, you know?" she explained vaguely, emphasizing all the people that would look for her if she were to go missing, and whether or not Blaine noticed, he was quick to egg her on with an intrigued nod — she guessed that he could relate to what she was saying, but knowing that talking about her research wasn't an option right now, she froze for a moment and found herself simply staring while he casually ate his dinner.

"I do know", Blaine was offering to fill the silence, thoughtful and considerate in ways Freja hadn't prepared herself for. "I like dogs, too. I had one when I was younger, but he went missing", he rambled on, every word pushing the image of a cruel criminal further and further away — but even if it took a thick swallow to collect herself, Freja kept herself in check and reminded herself not to let her guard down.

"That's awful", she still sighed, a sympathetic look rooted deep in her eyes. "I walk my neighbor's dog every now and then. I write, too, but it doesn't always pay the bills as well as I'd hope. Uh, about movies, mostly. I like movies. Superheroes. Supernatural stuff", she tried to keep the conversation flowing, hopeful that sooner or later Blaine would open up more too, but the final words were a tip in the wrong direction — in an instant, the man was looking up from his plate with widening eyes, surprise twisting his lips but that didn't stop him from reacting with a quiet chuckle.

Reviewing Freja while sucking in his lip, Blaine nodded softly, as if calculating whether he should kill her on the spot or let her tread on carefully — or so she imagined his train of thought to go, anyway. "Anything I might have read by any chance?" he wondered curiously, either playing clueless or truly caught off-guard, and unwilling to tiptoe between the thin line of the two, Freja responded with a nonchalant laugh and shook her head.

"I doubt it, unless you're big into fanfiction. But I appreciate the support", she pursed her lips together while hoisting her glass in the air, and happy to clink his against it, Blaine's lips curled into a coy smirk, one that Freja guessed was often the final nail the coffin of seducing his dates. Had this been a completely ordinary date, she would have most likely fallen victim to it, too, but knowing that it wasn't, was stopping her from being an entirely different kind of victim.

"Hey, any time. I'll have to play for you sometime and you'll have to show me some of your writing", he proposed without actually making it a question, and already smiling at his optimism regarding a second date, Freja drowned the amused grin into her wine glass — she had managed to avoid shooting herself in the foot once, but she doubted she'd be able to perform the same miracle twice.

As the conversation floated forward, Freja couldn't help but feel like a prey cornered by a predator, though not in the sense that Blaine was seeming like he was planning to swipe her with the sharp knife he twirled in his hand. It was more so the fact that he was polite, attentive and charismatic with just enough snark and flirt to keep anyone hooked, his cheeky jokes and tactful questions to make sure Freja had enough wine, enough food and enough air helping her ease into the night.

Even if she grew numb to the pile of fear resting hot and heavy on the pit of her stomach, however, she never stopped telling herself why she was there. It was easy to play provocative by asking if she could get a taste of Blaine's own, seemingly different dinner, when in reality, she was on the hunt for brains — and as expected, the man had sewn together an intricate excuse as to why he couldn't share, and Freja was electing to take it as a good sign. Not only was it some kind of reassurance that he was trying to shield her from his true nature, but confirmation that he was, indeed, a zombie. Danger aside, it was actually kind of exciting, to dine with one of the beings that she had spent so much time looking for. Maybe next week, she'd be catching a movie with a witch.

But it wasn't until Blaine's phone buzzed in his pocket that the two were yanked away from their own little bubble, laughter ceasing as he unhappily leaned back into his seat, away from the middle of the table where their hands had rested hardly inches away from each other. For Freja, it was exactly the breather she had needed, but he was less satisfied to look at the caller ID and take in an irritated breath, although the smile he directed at her was nothing short of apologetic and gracious.

"I am so sorry, it's work. Would you mind?" he questioned softly, and even though Freja suspected that her disapproval wouldn't have meant much, she gave him an encouraging wave and the kind of smile that only blew his wider before climbing up from his seat.

As soon as he had disappeared behind the corner, his annoyed tone fading away, Freja scooted up from the chair and nearly pushed the wine over in her hurry to snoop around. Once the crisis was averted, however, the woman was sneaking from the table to the shiny countertops in the kitchen, her stare roaming past everything and anything that wound up in her line of sight. Nothing stuck out at first glance, but she was quick to steer towards the fridge, a shaky inhale accompanying her as she silently parted the large, silver door and peeked in.

It wasn't like she was expecting to find whole brains just sitting there — except for a little bit — but when she found none, a frown bloomed on her lips and she felt a punch of disappointment in her chest. That was, until she noticed the neat row of yellow coolers on the bottom shelf, not quite fitting in with the rest of Blaine's aesthetic, and effectively sparking hope in her.

"Words I never thought I'd say: there better be brains in here", Freja muttered to herself, reaching for the coolers while shrugging, "actually, I'm not that surprised."

Before she could grab any of the three, the sound of Blaine's squeaky shoes was returning and so was the angered shade to his voice, forcing Freja to shut the fridge and in her panic, lean against the door to watch him round the corner. The sight of her standing there seemed to surprise him, almost as much as it surprised Freja who pushed her lips in a sly smile and adjusted the crumped hem of her skirt against her thighs — a gesture that he certainly paid attention to.

"I cannot believe I'm about to say this, but I'm afraid I have to cut this short", he huffed out after ending the phone call, amazed at himself for the words as he reviewed Freja from head to toe and took slow, meticulous steps towards her. "I really, really can't believe it, but there's a situation at Meat Cute. One of my employees had their car broken into while on duty", he continued with a shake of his head, his eyes narrowing as he approached Freja and his frame towering over her while she practically melted against the fridge.

"That's okay", she breathed out shakily, unsure if Blaine was going to interrogate her with questions she didn't have good answers to or do something else entirely — either way, her heart was racing to a point where she worried it could be seen through her chest. That was, if there had been any space between them. "You run the place, you have to take care of it", she added for good measure, gulping obnoxiously loudly while staring up into the gaze she hadn't realized to be so awfully blue until now.

Nodding in reluctant agreement, Blaine shoved his phone back into his pocket and licked his lips in a way that was impossible to ignore. "I'd love to see you again, though. Second date next week?" he requested, though Freja knew very well he was imagining himself to be pulling all the strings. She didn't think the same way, hence why she was quick to react when Blaine leaned down, her hands flying to his shoulders as she guided her lips to his cheek in a shy, brief peck instead — if it had been him in control, neither of them would have gotten off so easy.

Awkwardly pulling away, Freja chuckled and shrugged. "We'll see. You do have my number", she thought out loud, the intentional confidence working its magic on Blaine who seemed almost shaken out of his arrogance for a second, but rather than staying to overthink, the Barrett sneaked away from between his firm chest and the cold fridge, her legs nearly giving up on her.

"At least let me give you a ride?" he called out after her as she returned to the table to grab her things and then headed towards the foyer where he had hung her jacket.

Supposing that if she had already survived a date with who Liv had called the Devil, Freja no longer cowered from the idea of one last car ride. As much as she wanted to claim herself that this wasn't going to be the new normal, though, she knew it would have been a lie — she was officially a part of the world of zombies, and rather than testing the waters at first, she had dived right in with the worst of them all.

The scariest part, though, was the direction her life had taken wasn't unexpected, nor did it show any signs of changing.


Author's note

Me 🤝 forcing my characters on dates with Blaine as an outlet for my current obsession on him

For real though, this was such a fun chapter to write AND you'll see later that this actually had some very meaningful points that'll blow my girl's mind later on (: Also, worry not, because there's some very, very wonderful Frevi content coming your way in just a few chapters!!

Thank you for reading + for 2K reads ❤️❤️

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