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         THE LAST THING that Freja had expected the following morning was being asked to go get Major from prison, but that was exactly the request that Ravi had called her with — what exactly had happened, she didn't know, but she hadn't taken mo...

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         THE LAST THING that Freja had expected the following morning was being asked to go get Major from prison, but that was exactly the request that Ravi had called her with — what exactly had happened, she didn't know, but she hadn't taken more than a second to agree and skip on breakfast with Elliot to meet Ravi by the side of the street where he was waiting patiently. Or, so it seemed, anyway, but the nervous bounce of his foot and the constant checking of his phone silently ate his cool exterior away.

         The previous night was still vivid in her head, the close calls with Blaine haunting her nightmares even if the date hadn't gone terribly at all — she had survived, after all, and while he hadn't slipped up on any of his grave secrets, Freja hadn't forgotten about the mysterious yellow coolers she had never gotten to study. But beyond that, she was still trying to comprehend the fact that zombies weren't just words on her laptop anymore, but reality. She had never stopped believing, but there was no denying that she was a little more hopeful and gullible than most, leaving plenty of room for her to be disappointed. And yet, for once, she wasn't.

         Still, it was safe to say there was a lot on her mind, and the relentlessly expanding ball of thoughts only let her breathe when she felt a hand land on hers. "Earth to Freja", the familiar accent rang through the waiting room they were seated in, and instantly looking up at Ravi only to find him inspecting her in concern, Freja dropped the strings of her hoodie and rushed out an apology for spacing out. "I was wondering how your date went? With, uh, Blaine", he repeated his question, evident discomfort coloring the name he spoke with strain, and while it threatened to tip Freja's lips into a smile, she didn't blame him — Blaine had been incredibly charming, and that only made him appear worse.

         "It was good", she began, but without taking in a breath, she was correcting herself, "I mean, not good good, but like, I made it out alive. It was a basic date, I guess. We were at his place, he had cooked dinner, I tried to get to know him but then he got a call that someone had broken into one of his employee's cars." In the middle of her rambling, she realized where exactly she was sitting, who she was waiting for, and who exactly Major had been hellbent on going after, and the look that dawned on her face was the same that she found on Ravi's when she met his stare with a hand on her mouth. "Wait, you don't think..."

         "I truly want to say that he wouldn't but he almost got himself killed already and now he's in jail, so I'm not really sure what to expect at this point", Ravi explained with a sigh, his hand only leaving Freja's to run it across his beard in thought, both of them riddled with the same questions. "You didn't get anything out of Blaine, then?" he proceeded with knitted eyebrows, his kind eyes meeting hers again, and even though she couldn't decipher the kick in her stomach when turning away from his deep gaze proved impossible, she forced a shake of her head.

         "Not really. But, uh, there were these yellow coolers in his fridge. I mean, I guess it could be anything in there but they just kind of stood out, you know?" Freja cleared her throat, and already humming in agreement, Ravi dropped his hand, just enough for their fingers to graze and both of their stares to fall to where they had touched. The Barrett was trying her very best to ignore the way her heart tended to pick up the pace whenever they shared the most innocent of contacts, but she had started to notice the automatic reaction she had whenever Ravi placed his hands on her shoulders or pulled her into a comforting, fleeting hug — she wasn't an idiot, but she was unfamiliar with what all of it meant, and therefore, it was easier to just look away and pretend like nothing had happened.

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