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    IN MANY WAYS, being seated in Major's car with him behind the wheel and her trying to convince him not to go on a murderous rampage, was exactly what she had been preparing for all these years

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IN MANY WAYS, being seated in Major's car with him behind the wheel and her trying to convince him not to go on a murderous rampage, was exactly what she had been preparing for all these years. Well, it wasn't exactly what she had expected, but she had always hoped to be a part of uniting humans and whatever creatures she'd come across, a part of helping the most hurt of her kind in realizing, they weren't dealing with monsters.

That pain oozing out of Major was, however, precisely what made getting through to him so difficult.

"They're not all bad. Think about humans, Major. Some of us are the vilest creatures the world has ever seen, but some of us are kind and good and loving. Same has to go for zombies, too", she tried to reason with him, despair dripping from her tone as she watched the relentless rage make a home on his face. Liv had begged her not to reveal that she was a zombie, too, so choosing her words with care was limiting how much she could justify her own opinion, but she was unwilling to give up.

"Do you know any good zombies?" Major asked with a ridiculous chuckle, his eyes full of doubt as he asked the one question Freja couldn't answer. Throwing Liv under the bus wasn't an option, and when she saw the violent confidence storm in Major's stare, she couldn't bring herself to speaking Elliot or Julian's names, either. "The Candyman attacked us. This guy he's working with, they kidnapped the skate park kids and God knows who else. They're murderers and if I don't stop them, they're coming for us all", he ranted with conviction, undoubtedly already imagining the title of a zombie hunter looming above his shoulders.

Shaking her head, Freja placed a hand on Major's knee and sighed heavily. "You don't have to be the one to do that. If you kill them, you'll be just like them", she reminded sternly. It wasn't that she was especially protective of Blaine or his right-hand man, not after all the horrors they had committed, but she was protective of Major, not to mention aware of how terribly his impulsive plans could go. "At least promise me you're not going out guns blazing tonight? Give me a chance to show you they're not all villains."

Reluctantly, Major tore his gaze away from the street and glanced at Freja, the pleading look in her eyes enough for him to squeeze the wheel tight enough for his knuckles to drain of color. And yet, he ended up heaving a defeated sigh.

"I'm doing what you've been doing. Studying, researching. I'm just preparing for the worst outcome, okay?" he caved in, no longer speaking of murder, and Freja took that as a victory. Nevertheless, while they had their curiosity and spontaneity in common, they were polar opposites on where they stood when it came to zombies — he expected the worst, she believed in the best.

And while she wanted to believe in Major, too, she didn't hesitate to send a warning message to Elliot as soon as she got home.


FRETTING ABOUT MAJOR had made falling asleep nearly impossible, but gradually, the piles of worry faded into excitement — more specifically, when Matilda was arriving at Freja's apartment with a bottle of alcohol-free champagne she was intending on drinking by herself while reviewing the Barrett's potential outfits for date night with Ravi. Amidst all the supernatural twists in her life, it felt good to have a taste of normalcy with her best friend, especially when the idea of a date didn't terrify her so much anymore. Maybe it was the assurance she had found from therapy, maybe it was knowing that Ravi was willing to move forward on her terms, maybe it was just the lesser evil of everything else going on.

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