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        BEING MORE THAN familiar with all kinds of scheming and plotting proved pointless by the time evening was nearing and Freja was bouncing from one side of the apartment to another with a stomach full of butterflies and a dry mouth she wasn'...

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BEING MORE THAN familiar with all kinds of scheming and plotting proved pointless by the time evening was nearing and Freja was bouncing from one side of the apartment to another with a stomach full of butterflies and a dry mouth she wasn't sure would be able to utter out a single word. Being persistent and clever when it came to reaching her goals had always been a strength in the woman, yet the hasty fumbling with her TV remote and tea kettle whilst waiting for Ravi confirmed that she was currently fueled by something much different than courage and wit. Then again, perhaps the difference was that usually, she had a definitive goal — this time around, she wasn't positive what she was looking for beyond Ravi's company and time.

          Not even the encouragement she had gotten from Matilda all day long had prepared her for the moment her door was finally knocked on, startling her from the haze of fluffing her pillows for the millionth time. She was still conflicted, her steps uncertain as she trailed towards the foyer — Ravi had been to her place before, and she had been to his place, too, and none of that had been awkward or uncomfortable. But now, she couldn't stop analyzing and worrying about every inch in the building, her skin crawling and her heart thudding in her ears as she quietly opened the door and licked her drained lips.

         The struggle of finding a balance between enchanted and sickened clashed in Freja's chest and erupted on her face as a nervous but amused grin when she found Ravi standing in the hallway, his face barely visible from the tower of blankets and pillows huddled up in his arms. Once he peeked from behind the soft materials, however, he made sure to flash a proud smile, one that swung at Freja's stomach but coaxed an incredulous laugh out of her, nonetheless.

          "I figured that neither of us really wanted this to feel like the last night before an untimely demise so I decided we must set up a fort in your living room", Ravi explained casually, his gaze falling from Freja to view his feet as he uncertainly hovered into the apartment — acting on instinct, the Barrett reached out for his arm to steer him in, her lips only lifting higher in the process. "And after snooping around with Liv last time, I came to the conclusion that you simply don't have enough pillows to suffice", he continued his rambling, a fond tease in his tone as he stumbled into the living room where he tossed all the covers without a worry in sight.

         Snorting, Freja sealed the door behind them and quirked an eyebrow. "I sleep with three huge pillows", she pointed out, but the good-natured eye roll she received whilst Ravi shrugged off his jacket was hardly discouraged. "But, this seems like an awesome idea. I haven't done this since I was, like, eight", she thought out loud, a smile blossoming on her lips yet again when she caught sight of the sheepish grin forming on Ravi's own, "I'm guessing you and Major have a little more recent experience."

         With an attempt at an offended scoff, the Chakrabarti grabbed the pile of pillows he had dragged along and boldly used one of them to fling at Freja. "I can neither confirm or deny that statement", he insisted dramatically, and while firing the pillow back at Ravi, Freja skipped across the living room to sneak into her bedroom and grab her own covers to throw into the fort Ravi was effortlessly beginning to build.

DREAMER ↝ Ravi ChakrabartiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin