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  BETWEEN RECOVERY AND worrying about the Candyman coming back to finish what he had started, Freja wasn't sure how much she could balance on her plate, but she had never been one to cower away from a challenge. Therefore, as soon as one of the nurses had come to announce Freja's discharge with painkillers and instructions for home care, the Barrett had almost leaped at the opportunity to put her plans into motion — even though she was quickly reminded of her state, the attempt at rushing to change her clothes seized by the sharp, stabbing pain all over her head.

         By the time Ravi was returning, however, the woman was already looking for her jacket and devouring the water bottle Matilda had stopped by with, showing no signs of stopping as she bounced from one side of the room to the other.

        "Hey, good news!" she informed happily, her hands clapping together after a brief glance at Ravi, far too occupied fishing her boots from under the bed to stare at the man. "I'm getting out. You wouldn't mind giving me a ride to Elliot's?" Freja continued to babble, her voice full of hope along with the strain of kneeling onto the uncomfortably clean floortiles — they reminded her of the morgue, actually.

        "Oh." Already frowning at the weak response she got from Ravi, Freja huffed and grabbed her shoes before peeking up from the other side of the bed, only to find the man still standing at the doorway with his arms full of candy and chips, face distorted with disappointment and remorse. "I—I didn't expect it to be so quick. Are you sure you're ready to go out? Not too long ago you would barely talk. What if the Candyman comes looking for you?" he finally cracked, his worries flooding out in a vehement rant as he strode to the hospital bed and let the crinkling packages fall from his chest.

        Unable to hold back a smile, Freja placed the shoes next to the bags and stretched over the mattress to give Ravi's hand a soft pat. "I know, and I've already asked Matilda if she knows any good therapists in town. I can't pretend like I'm magically healed, because, well", she elaborated with a haphazard gesture at her bruised face, "I'm not. But I also can't stay here anymore. I have to see Elliot and—and I'll probably stay with him and Jules for the night, too."

        "I suppose that makes sense. I guess I'm just a little concerned. I'm here for you too, if you need anything", he chuckled quietly, scratching the back of his head before flashing a faint smile at Freja. It was enough to remind her of the flutter in her heart and make it all the clearer why she had grown so fond of him — and after facing off with the Candyman, the churn of feelings in her stomach didn't even seem so intimidating anymore.

        "I'm scared, too", she admitted, the smile on her lips not quite so cheerful anymore, but when she looked into Ravi's eyes and remembered just how much he had done for her, she couldn't stop her gaze from gaining endless gratitude. "Hey, Ravi—", she began again, but already knowing what to expect, the man was interjecting.

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