Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)

بواسطة Gerlithequeen

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Flavia Van Der Woodsen is New York's It Girl #1. Flavia's life isn't as perfect as you might think. It's the... المزيد

1.1 Back
1.2 "Give Me A Break"
1.3 Chucky
1.4 "Don't Dare Me, Chuck"
1.5 Caught Off Guard
1.6 "What Were You Thinking?"
1.7 "Love You, Brother"
1.8 Dropping A Bomb
1.9 Photo Shoot
1.10 Carter
1.11 "Mom"
1.12 Masquerade Ball
1.13 Sweet Dreams
1.14 "Who The Hell Was That?"
1.15 Thanksgiving
1.16 The Best Thanksgiving
1.17 Grams
1.18 Carter Baizen
1.19 The Ball
1.20 Special Gifts
1.21 The Key
1.22 "Truths"
1.23 "I'm Chuck Bass"
1.24 "He Was Your First"
1.25 "But you can keep it"
1.26 "G"
1.27 "What Has She Got On You?"
1.28 "We're Sisters"
1.29 "Let's Get You Outta Here"
1.30 "Let's get that Bitch"
1.31 No Saints
1.32 "You deserve it, G."
1.33. "What Are You Up To Now?"
1.34 Summer
1.35 "I'm no saint either"
1.36 White Party
1.37"Why am i even asking you?"
1.38 "I need a Break"
1.39 On Top
1.40 Fashion Week
1.41 "You Can't Lie To Me"
1.42 "I don't have to change for anyone"
1.43 Thanksgiving
A Double Win
Changing Partners
Snowflake ball
"We want you here"
The Will
The Brunch
"Under One Condition"
"Stay Here, Please"
The "Just Friends" Talk
Playing Games
"Relationship Problems"
A Scam
"She Doesn't Know All Of Us"
Arresting The Wrong Girl
"Don't Provoke Her"
"Then Let's Go"
"Right. 'Cause You're Stalking Me "
"I Want You, Carter"
"No More Excuses"
"Please Go, Carter"
"It's Complicated"
"Why Does It Hurt So Much?"
Complicated Love Lifes
"I Don't Know"
"We Should Take Things Slow"
"I Love You, Fla"
The Lost Empire
"Happy Birthday, Baby"
Relationship Problems
Trust Issues
Moving Back In
Sister Fight
An Emotional Evening
Saving The Relationship
" Where Are You?"
First Day Of School
Dangerous Rumors
Waldorf-Bass War
Game Over
"Please, Go"
Photo Shoot
A Busy Evening
"Spin The Globe"
Dan's Book
"You Used Me"
The Wedding Shower
Chuck And Blair
A Trapp
Wedding Crasher
"Fuck Loyalties"
The Wake
"I'm Back In Town "
"I Fucked Up"
One Half Of Gossip Girl
"Is That A Promise ?"
"Jealous, Fla?"
Fashion Show
The Spectator
Leaked Tape
Thanksgiving Drama
Bart Bass
Endings and Beginnings

"I'm Done With You"

8.6K 105 41
بواسطة Gerlithequeen

A few days later. At Nate's.

I walked into the kitchen and saw him making breakfast. I was only in one of his shirts.

He looked at me, eying me.

I smiled "what?"

Nate "i love that look on you"

I smiled and walked over to him "since when do you cook?"

Nate "Honestly, i didn't even know we had a fridge until this morning"

I giggled and grabbed one of the waffles and took a bite of it.

Nate took it out of my hand "stop. We're no heathens."

I shot him a look but then smirked. I kissed him and he chuckled.

Then i walked over to the fridge and opened it.

Suddenly Nate snuck up behind me and kissed me. I kissed back and he lifted me on the counter.

I grabbed a strawberry from the fridge and held it out in front of him. He was going to take a bite from it but i moved back and took a bite from it.

He raised an eyebrow, smirking. Then he tried to kiss me but i jumped off the counter and tried to moved away but Nate blocked my path and grabbed my chin, kissing me.

I smirked, kissing back.

He put his arms around my waist and lifted me on the counter again.

I took my shirt of and then his.

Nate eyed me, smirking. I wasn't wearing a bra.

Me "What?"

Nate shook his head "nothing"

Then i pulled him back to me and kissed him.

Nate smirked and started to move down my body with his kisses.


Nate and i were on the ground .He was leaning against the counter while i had my head on his lap, wearing his shirt again.

Nate put an arm on my stomach "told you i was good in the kitchen"

Me "You should teach me next time, you know, so i could get as good as you are"

He chuckled "i'm hungry, though. Doesn't Rufus make brunch on Saturdays?"

I smirked "i prefer this breakfast"

He chuckled and i sat up, straddling him. He bit his lip and put his hand around me.

I was about to kiss him but then stopped when i heard Blair screaming.

Blair moaned out "oh, God! "

I rolled my eyes annoyed "oh god"

Blair moaned "Chuck!"

Me "of course. Not to be outdone"

Nate sighed amused and buried his face in the crook of my neck "god forbid"

Blair moaned "Yes! that's it! God!"

Suddenly his phone rang.

Nate grabbed it from the counter and answered"Hello? chuck?!"

I looked at him confused.

Nate "where are you?"

Blair moaned "God yes! Chuck! don't stop!"

Nate "uh, Blair is sort of in there right now. yeah, sure"

Then he hung up.

Blair moaned "Yes! Chuck! yes! harder !"

I looked at Nate who looked at me.

Nate shook his head "i am not gonna go in there"

I rolled my eyes.

Then I stood up and walked over to Chuck's room.

Blair moaned "God, Chuck ! Faster! Faster!"

I knocked on the door and then opened it "Blair"

She was lying on the bed, reading a magazine while moaning "Yes. Right there. Oh! Haven't you heard of knocking?"

I nodded "i did, you didn't hear it. We heard you, though"

Blair "i am sorry. Was it awkward?"

I asked annoyed "are you trying to prove a point?"

Blair "Yes. But i shouldn't have to. I'm glad i got Chuck's couch Scotchgarded. Now, if you'll excuse me, Louis Vuitton is doing metallic booties for spring"

I nodded "i know, i'm on the cover"

Then i closed the doors and walked over to her and sat down on the bed.

Me "B"

Blair "F?"

Me "Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong"

She sighed and leaned back on my lap "Chuck and i aren't connecting right now"

Me "You mean.."

Blair shook her head "not just like that . But thanks for the constant reminder"

I rolled my eyes.

Blair "He's shutting me out, in his head all the time. Normally, i'd chalk it up to just him being him, but..last week he went through something. And if he's still upset, i just want him to be able to talk to me. "

Me "how do you usually pull these things out of him?"

Blair chuckled "pretty much what you just heard, sans fashion magazine. I tried all my tricks. He's not interested. I just want to make him feel better"

I sighed, driving my hand through her hair.

Nate walked in "Everybody decent in here, alright?"

Then he grabbed Chuck's phone from the shelf "got it"

Blair "what are you doing?"

Nate shrugged "My phone's dead, gonna use Chuck's"

Blair "there's a phone in the living room"

Nate tried to come up with a lie "i know. I wanted to check a tweet"

Me "that's what Chuck wanted from you when he called?"

Blair sat up "Chuck called?"

Nate sighed "no"

I shot him a look.

Nate "I mean, he called, but he wanted me to put his phone in his briefcase so he didn't forget"

Blair smiled "God, i miss that"

I asked confused "What?"

Blair "dating someone who's a horrible liar. So much easier"

I eyed Nate, smirking "i think it's kinda hot"

Blair "Chuck didn't want me to see his phone. Hand it over, Archibald"

Nate looked at her shocked.

I sighed "Nate"

He rolled his eyes and handed it over to Blair.

Blair looked at it "there's half a dozen calls from a number i've never seen..and a message"

I sighed and Nate and i looked at each other.

In the living room.

Nate and i were sitting on the couch while Blair was pacing around with Chuck's phone in her hand.

Blair "i shouldn't. I turned over a new leaf. A new, non-meddling leaf from the trust tree. If he wants to keep secrets, then---but he shouldn't. Something is bothering him. He's not telling me. What am i supposed to do? right?"

She sat down.

I sighed "Blair. Put the phone down, and talk to him when he gets home"

Nate opened his hand to her and she put he phone in his hand.

He looked at it and sighed.

Me "what?"

Nate "it's this number. It's the same number he called me from this morning"

Blair's jaw dropped and she snatched the from out of his hand.

I leaned my head against Nate's shoulder "now you've done it"

Blair pressed a button.

Woman "Charles, it's me again. I know i keep calling, you haven't returned them. There are things you need to know. Things i need to tell you. I'm still at The Algonquin, but i am checking out today. I hope you change your mind"

Blair "Elizabeth Fisher was staying at that hotel"

Me "who's she?"

Suddenly Chuck walked inside "Her name used to be Evelyn. And she's my mother"

My jaw dropped.

Nate "Chuck, how is it even possible?"

Me "Bart told you your mother died"

Chuck "He also told me kids wore suits to kindergarten..and that blue-chip stocks are great birthday gifts. He told me what he wanted me to believe"

He sat down next to Blair.

Blair "Chuck ran into a woman at Bart's grave and tracked her down. She told us she was just one of Bart's friends, but i guess..."

Chuck was plying around with something in his hand.

I asked him worried "You okay, Chuck?"

He looked at me "why wouldn't i be?"

Me "you're off. After thinking your mother is gone...now you have a second chance"

Chuck "for what? why even come back?"

I eyed him but then shook my head "Chuck, she's your mother, you think she would do that to you?"

Nate looked at me confused.

Chuck handed me an amulet "throw this away"

I shook my head but grabbed it "Chuck, no-"

Nate "Kitten-"

I shook my head and walked over to him "Chuck, do you not want to know why she let 20 years ago? why she stayed away?"

Chuck eyed me, lowering his voice so that no one but me could hear it "you're the one to talk, Fla. I could say the same about your relationship with your father"

I froze, shaking my head "don't even go there with me, Chuck, i'm warning you"

Chuck "i am warning you, stay out of my business"

then he looked at Blair and Nate "i'm going to the bar for a drink. if you're planning on doing something more sleuthing behind my back..i can leave you the combination for the hotel safe"

Then he left.

I sighed, shaking my head.

Nate "He's gonna be fine"

Blair "what are we gonna do?"

I shook my head "nothing. I saw the pain in his eyes. He's had enough. I'm gonna respect that "

Blair nodded and walked away.

I looked at Nate who looked at me.

At the bar.

Nate and i walked over to Chuck and Blair.

I smiled "hey. we come in peace"

Nate put his hands on Chuck's shoulder "whatever you need, man, we're here for you"

Me "We made reservations at Kellari. Greeks know how to do comfort food. "

Chuck "Well, i guess i could use the walk. And some food in my system"

I smiled and he and Blair walked ahead of us.

Nate sighed "Are we doing the right thing?"

I sighed "I don't know but it's Chuck"

At the restaurant.

We were all sitting around the table waiting for our food to be served.

Blair eyed us "What?"

I shook my head "nothing. Our drinks would be nice. Maybe some bread"

Blair "you haven't eating bread since middle school"

Nate "So, buddy, how are you holding up? Good?"

Chuck nodded "Yeah, I'm fine"

Elizabeth walked inside.

Blair and Chuck turned around to look at her.

Chuck shot Blair a look.

Blair shook her head "no. it wasn't me"

Chuck looked at us.

Nate sighed "We-We called her"

Me "you're making a mistake, Chuck. Just listen to what she has got to say"

Chuck shook his head, hurt.

Blair "That's it. Let's go"

Me "Blair, you know i'm right. I know Chuck, it will always eat away at him"

Then i looked at Chuck "She's her and she's ready to talk to you."

He just looked at me.

I pleaded "Chuck, please"

He nodded "fine"

Then he left. He walked over to Elizabeth.

Suddenly i saw him writing something.

Me "oh god no"

Blair "what is he doing?"

I sighed "oh Chuck"

It was a check. Elizabeth looked at it and then walked out.

I stood up and rushed over to him.

Chuck "Expensive lunch, but it was worth it. By the way, you were wrong. "

Then he walked away.

Blair shook her head at me.

I followed him out "Chuck, Chuck, wait"

Chuck looked at me "You were looking for a fairy-tale ending. Next time rent a movie. Leave me out of it. I thought you, out of everyone, would understand the most"

then he walked away.

I sighed and looked at Blair "Blair-"

Blair "please. You and i both know why you did this, and it has nothing to do with Chuck"

Nate looked at me confused.

I nodded "Right, i'll go"

Nate nodded "i'll go with you"

I shook my head "Nate, i need to be alone right now"

Then i walked away.

At the Blair's. Night.

I walked into the penthouse and froze confused when i saw Nate sitting there.

He stood up when he saw me "Where'd you go?"

Me "i needed to get my mind off of this day"

Nate "be honest, why was it so important to you that Chuck's hears his mother out?"

I looked down.

Nate "Kitten, come on. Talk to me"

I shook my head "i can't. I'm tired, Nate, i just wanna go to bed"

Nate sighed "Fla, please, talk to me. I'm here for you. don't shut me out"

I sighed "Because of my father, Nate. A while back i tried to find him. I just wanted to know why he left. I've come close to finding him. I tracked him down last summer..but, he didn't wanna see me. And he wrote me a letter explaining. He was with my mother. "

Nate "so that's why you've been avoiding your mom and that's why Serena's mad at you"

Me "She didn't know i was looking for him, Nate. no one knew. But when i came back from that summer Serena asked me for help to find our father"

Nate "you didn't tell her he didn't want to see you?"

I shook my head "i couldn't. She wants to look for him but i'm not gonna help her nor am i going to stop her. This is her thing not mine. He rejected me and it caused me to finally understand that he didn't want me. And as much as i don't want to put her through the same pain she's gonna need exactly that to finally understand that he doesn't give a damn about us. "

Nate "but he wrote a letter, and your mom hid it. "

I shook my head "i don't care what my mom did. He knows where i am, Nate. He hasn't made any effort on finding me and to be honest i couldn't care less"

Nate shook his head "why didn't you tell me any of this?"

Me "Well, things have been so good with us, so fun..i didn't wanna bring any heaviness into it..ruin things"

He nodded "Yeah, this time has been incredible. I mean, we broke my dresser"

I smiled a little.

Nate "i'm enjoying every minute of it. I just--i wanna be that person you can bring anything to. The good and the bad"

I nodded "me too"

Nate "did you ever think that maybe...if that's the way your father feels, he's not worth finding?"

I sighed.

Nate pulled me into a hug.

i hugged him back.

He kissed my hair and pulled me closer to him.

In the bedroom.

Nate and i were sitting on the bed.

I was on the phone on my father's voice mail.

Me "It's me, Flavia, your daughter. I don't know if this is still your number but i wanted you to know that Serena stopped looking for you. We both have stopped. I thought maybe you wanted to know me after i found the letter but now after thinking about it. You walked out on us and i'm done with you. I'm done"

Then i hung up.

Nate put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me to him. 

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