The Organization (Season Thre...

By KingzGaius

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I'm Gaius Dominic. An avenger. The only legitimate son of the late deputy senate president (Senator Uche Domi... More

Episode 1 (S3)
Episode 2 (S3)
Episode 3 (S3)
Episode 4 (S3)
Episode 5 (S3)
Episode 6 (S3)
Episode 7 (S3)
Episode 8 (S3)
Episode 9 (S3)
Episode 10 (S3)
Episode 11 (S3)
Episode 12 (S3)
Episode 13 (S3)
Episode 14 (S3)
Episode 15 (S3)
Episode 16 (S3)
Episode 17 (S3)
Episode 18 (S3)
Episode 20 (S3)
Episode 21 (S3)
Episode 22 (S3)
Episode 23 (S3)
Episode 24 (S3)
Episode 25 (S3)
Episode 26 (S3)
Episode 27 (S3)
Episode 28 (S3)
Episode 29 (S3)
Episode 30 (S3)
Episode 31 (S3)
Episode 32 (S3)
Episode 33 (S3)
Episode 34 (S3)
Episode 35 (S3)
New story alart

Episode 19 (S3)

312 25 0
By KingzGaius

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

•*He said barely audibly like a devil and walked passed me,leaving me speechless and heart broken,probably he overheard Zion*•.
An Hour Latter At The Organization

After refreshing myself in the adjoined bathroom in my office,i changed to a new fitted dark red suit and new pair of black shoes,before taking my phone from the other black suit inner pocket and unlock it for the first time since after the incident to see eight missed calls from Clara and two from Sonia. Followed by a message from Clara that say “Are you okay? Reply as soon as you see this".

And just as i made to call her,my door opened and Sonia briskly walked in uninvited,looking so mad.

Hey! •*I muttered as she got closer,and she replied with a sound slap that made my face to turn right*•.

“That's for giving me hard time". •*She said as i turned to face her with a questioning stares*•.

I just stared with a bitter emotionally expression without saying a single word. And after some seconds,she kissed me passionately for like 30 seconds and hugged me,resting her head on my chest and said “I was afraid,I thought i won't get to see you again".

“Me too". •*I muttered after some seconds as i hugged her back,and she took a deep breathe*•.

Seriously,I pity Sonia. I just can't imagine being in her shoes. Loving someone whom you know that he had someone else. A reckless philanderer with a messed up life. A guy who can't love you as much as you do.

I don't need to be told that she is in love with me,she had showed it a thousand times. But i can't just pretend to love her. It will hurt her more when things gets real.

“I gat to go now. Someone will soon go to the police station and report me missing". •*I said with a cool tone,referring to Clara who still don't know my way about,and she gradually disengaged from the hug*•.

I kissed her forehead and walked out from my office,after muttering “See you tomorrow".

It was already getting dark in the night when Toni (my personal bodyguard) dropped me at Clara's place with an organization customized white Audi R8.

“I will give you a call when i am set to go". •*I said to him,got from the car and he gently drove off,while i processed to Clara's gate*•.

But before i could make it to the gate,the security guard on duty pushed the big stuff to sideways,while the SUV that was about to drive out from the compound stopped in the middle of the gate with it's headlights flashing aggressively at me,which made me to close my eyes and open it as it went off to realize that it's Clara's SUV with the help of street lights that stood close to their gate. Getting me wondering where exactly she's heading to,instead of getting some rest as someone who just buried her dad would do.

Within the next two second,she got down from her car and fast walked towards my direction like the tigress she is,while i wonder the kinda lies i will tell her for not picking her calls or reply to her message. My lies gat to be genuine,because i am sure she might had sense that i was in danger.

“Babe,I am really sorry for....." •*I tried to start from apologizing first as she got closer,and she cut me off with a passionate hug,which made me to swallow what ever lie that i was trying to used as an excuse and hug her back,while the guards at the gate stares*•.

“Hope you're okay?" •*I asked after some seconds as we disengage from the warm hug,staring at her face as i brush my right hand on her fine face*•.

“I am okay. Perfectly fine. I should be the one asking you that. I was just about to go to your house right now. You just left without telling me. You weren't answering my calls,and neither did you reply to my message". •*She kept complaining and suddenly stop as she noticed it's just me alone,nothing else*•.

“Where's your car? I mean,how did you got here?” •*She puzzledly asked instantly as she glanced around*•.

ME: I took a cab.

CLARA: Why a cab by this late hour when you gat many cars? •*Staring into my eyes as if the answers to her questions are in there*•.

“Actually,i haven't reached home since i left from the funeral". •*I gradually muttered with a cool tone,with that kinda facial expression that will tell you that things just failed apart*•.

“So what about the car you came with?" •*She puzzledy asked,staring at my face with curiosity*•.

“I had an accident few minutes after i drove out from the funeral". •*I muttered barely,and she freak out*•.

“Oh my god!!" •*She exclaimed and began to inspect my body just like a Nigerian mother*•.

“I'm okay". •*I muttered as she moved her hand to my face inspectingly,probably checking to see if i got bruises*•. “Just that the car was damaged". •*I added*•.

Clara: I felt it during the funeral,and i was worried about you. C'mon,let get inside. Tell me,how did it happen? •*She asked that very question that I've been avoiding as she grab my left arm,lining on me as we walked in,and told one of their guards to drive in her car*•.

As usual,I forged a lie that gat to do with accident and me coming out safely without been hurt,and she had no choice than to believe me,because she weren't there when it happened.

After spending about 2 hours with her and Desmond,in Desmond's room,I left just as the little boy failed asleep. By then Toni was already waiting for me at their gate.

Through out my stay at their place that night,i didn't come across Clara's mum,which made things a little bit easier for my wounded heart. I can't imagine staring at her face,not now that i know the reason of that crocodile reflection. I might even strangle her with my barehand if care is not taken. And the only way to stop myself from causing this family more harm to the one Dan had caused them is to stop visiting. 

But one thing i can't guarantee is Mrs Nwachukwu's safety. Dan might even kill her before i do.
Next Day.
Time: 04:23 pm
Location: The organization

“All this politicians you mentioned are in my list and almost all of them had been taken care of. I need to know any other living soul that contributed to that evil act". •*My uncle asked Zion who was hanging with his hands and legs chained sideways in our underground torture room*•.

Zion isn't an idiot. He's wise and well experienced in what he do. He might try to use this opportunity in exposing our hidden location,which made me to unclad him yesterday before we gets to the organization. Leaving he with just his boxers,while every other stuffs that belongs to him was thrown out from the helicopter.

Dan and some ruthless Junior agents had already beaten him black and blue,making him  look like a thief that was beaten at the market,with wounds all over his body. He looks so weak and famished,unable to look up nor reply to my uncle's question,which made my uncle to gesture me to ride on with what i was doing by nodding his head. And i tugged on the thick engineering hand glove i wore,grab and pulled the hot iron from the burning fire and heartlessly placed the reddish burning part of it on an open wound on Zion bare back,and he screamed as if he was thrown into hellfire.

“The former Inspector generrrrr!!!!" •*Zion shouted in pain and i get the hot iron off his back*•.

“I didn't hear that clear". •*My uncle said,and i placed the reddish hot iron on another wound on Zion's bare back,causing him to shout “Yusufu Abubakar,former Inspector general of police!!" in a painful manner,and i get the hot iron off his back after few seconds,while he pants heavily with pains as he recover*•.

“How sure are you? I mean,how did he contributed to it?" •*My uncle gradually asked disbelievingly".

“He was paid 35 million naira to close the case. And he gladly accept it,forced every inspector that was assigned to the case to stop any further investigation and dismissed those who insisted on knowing why such case that had to do with top politicians was closed just like that. And after that,they paid me to kill the stubborn dismissed officers,so that what happened will stay buried. •*Zion gradually said like a confessing sick dying grandfather in a Nollywood movie,getting me wondering how many family he had rendered fatherless just for the love of money*•.

“Who else?" •*My uncle bossily asked after some seconds,and Zion weakly muttered “That's all i know",while i shoved the iron back to the burning fire*•.

“Are you sure that you aren't keeping anything from us?" •*Dan asked with a mean facial expression,and my heart skipped beats,while Zion gentle nod his head,meaning “Yes",and Dan stared at me for some seconds*•.

“What about Mrs Nwachukwu's little secret which she entrusted to you?" •*Dan's words sounded like drums beats to my ears,while i remained expressionless as if i know nothing*•.

“Please,let her stay. Please for the sake of her kids who just lost their father". •*Zion pleads with a low tone*•.

“What are you talking about?" •*My uncle curiously asked,which means Dan haven't mention it to him yet,while I and Dan glanced at each other for a second and remained silent*•. “Are you both hiding something from me?" •*My uncle asked with disbelieving stares as he glanced at both of us*•.

“Gaius knew all this while that God's Will's wife was responsible for his mother's death and he kept it to himself. Just because he's in love with her daughter". •*Dan upsettingly said loud and clear,and my uncle turn his gaze at me in surprise*•.

“One thing i won't take from you is accusing me of something i didn't do. We both found out the same time". •*I muttered with a cool tone,trying to keep my cool*•.

“But all this while you knew too well that she was guilty of something". •*He added,indirectly referring to the crocodile's reflection which my uncle has no idea that something like that exit*•.

“Am i god,or a seer who sees things that was done in secret?" •*I upsettingly asked as i pulled off the engineering hand gloves from my hand and let it drop as i approximate towards him*•.

“You both are stupid! Stop it!!!" •*My uncle disappointedly shout with anger,and i stopped instantly and devilishly smiled at Dan,trying my best to look extremely expressionless*•.

“How did you know that she killed your mum?" •*My uncle asked with a cool tone*•.

“He stupidly said it yesterday to me when......."

🔊🔊“I don't know what exactly your mother did to God's Will's wife that made her to hate your mom so much. They were good friends. But after she failed poisoning her to death,she doubled my pay and asked me to help her out before anyone finds out what she did,and i did it for the love of money"🔉🔈•*I was still explaining things to my uncle with a cool tone,and Dan interrupt me with a record of what Zion said yesterday which he saved,and the memories of my Mom last days in the hospital flash on my mind,getting me so emotionally pained,heart broken and enraged at same time*•.

“You bastard". •*my uncle muttered as he gently head towards*•.

I didn't do it. I couldn't gain access to where she was because of the security personnel that was guiding her. So i forced your family doctor to do it,unless i will have his kids and wife killed. Leaving him with no choice then to drug her to death. •*Zion said with a low tone,while i remain still,without turning to face him for a reason best known to me,trying my best to keep my cool*•.

“So what happened next?" •*My uncle asked and he remain silent*•. “So it was you who murdered my family doctor?" •*My uncle asked upsettingly with a high tone*•.

“God's Will's wife forced me to do it so that everything will stay buried". •*Zion said frightenedly and i quickly turn and head towards his direction with rage*•.

“She should have killed you instead". •*I said barely audibly with noticeable rage in my eyes as i walked straight to the burning fire,grab the hot iron with my bare hand and hurried up in front of him*•.

And before he could say anything,i forcefully shoved the reddish part of the hot iron through his neck,making sure it popped out from the back of his neck,while his blood splashed all over my body,staining my white shirt,along with that of my uncle who stood few feet closed to us.

“We are still interrogating him". •*Dan disappointedly said from behind,referring to the lifeless Zion who blood was dripping down from his eye,nose and mouth at same time*•.

“The more you interrogate him the more he says rubbish stuffs". •*I said as i freed my grip from the hot iron that was still stocked in Zion's neck,and turn to face them*•.

“Gaius? Your hand! it's burnt". •*My uncle muttered with concern and i gazed at my blood stain hand that was badly burnt by the heat of the iron. That was when i even began to feel the hot pain in my palm*•.

Just then my veins start getting visible as it did the last time i healed,sending that same familiar sensation to my muscles,which means my eyes will soon turn blueish. I never healed this fast. Probably,it's because the injury isn't that deep.

“Gaius? Are you okay?" •*My uncle asked puzzledly as i fast walked to the electronic exit door and typed in the pass code,while i ignored him*•.

“He will be okay Dad". •*Dan said barely audibly just as the electronic door slide to sideways,and i hurried out without saying a word,and the door closed*•.

Just as i turned right in that underground hallway that leads to my uncle's personal elevator,i boomed into two agents that was assigned to watch over Zion,and i quickly turn to face the wall before closing my scary blue eyes,and hiding my right hand that was rapidly healing as well.

“Boss? Are you okay?" •*One of them asked with concern,and i ignored him*•.

AGENT: Boss?
ME: .........

AGENT: Boss? •*He called out with a low tone again,coming closer to me,by then my body was back to normal,no pains nor wounds. Just Zion's blood*•.

“I'm fine". •*I muttered with a cool tone and walked pass them,heading towards the elevator,still enraged and in need of more blood to calm my bleeding heart. And the only blood that will calm it is that of Clara's Mom*•.

Within seconds i was already in the elevator and within seconds it stopped at our office floor. And just as i walked out of it with that emotional bleeding heart and a raging face,the other generally used elevator few feet away from that of my uncle's opened,and baby agent Glory walked out from it.

“Shit! She don't have to see me like this". •*I thought to myself as i dashed into an adjoined restroom at the hallway,while Zion's blood did well in exposing me as it stains the clean floor*•.

“Boss?" •*Glory puzzledly called out as i slammed the restroom door,while i hurried up to the tap*•.

I quickly opened the tap and began to wash my blood stain hands. And just as my hands seems to be a bit clean,the door opened behind me and i glanced up to the large mirror in front of me to realize that my face was covered with Zion's blood as well.

Shit!! •*I murmured as i began to wipe my face with my wet hands,equally staining my hands as well*•.

“Boss? Is everything alright?" •*She asked with much concern just as she closed the door,and the memory of my Mom's last days in the hospital flashed to my mind again,and i stopped wiping my face and boldly stared at the mirror with rage,while tears began to drip down my chicks without permission as i and Glory made an eyes contact through the mirror,and i closed my eyes immediately*•.

I felt her hand on my right shoulder,braced and gently opened my reddish wet eyes that was filled with mixed emotions and 0%rage.

“It's okay boss". •*She whispered as she wet her white hanky with the running water from the tap,squeezed it and began to clean my blood stained face with it,while i remained quite,but comfortable with the much concern she showed*•.

“Sorry for over reacting the other day. Seriously,You really gave me reason to stay alive. I thought i won't make it out of there,but the moment you set up a gun fight just to rescue me,i felt stronger than i was. Not just for survival,but to protect who ever that was behind that mask. I am tired of loosing people around me". •*I gradually said to Glory with a cool tone,and she stopped cleaning my face*•.

“Nothing will happen to me boss. I can protect myself now". •*She said as she wash the bloody wet hanky*•.

That's what everyone thinks. They are big enough to protect themselves. But one thing you need to know is that your enemies always plans ahead of you. •*I said with a cool tone*•.

“I don't think i gat any". •*she muttered*•.

“You do. That moment i decide against killing you was when you started making enemies unknownly. My enemies are your enemies as well,you have to be careful from now henceforth,because not everyone in this organization is your friend". •*I said with a cool tone for a reason best known to me and she puzzledly stare at me for some seconds*•.

One funny and the most heart breaking thing about betrayal is that it never come from your enemies,rather those you call friends.

“Who ordered you to join the special squad during the rescue mission?" •*I just asked,not that i don't know*•.

“Agent Sonia". •*She muttered with a cool tone*•.

“That's what you think. Someone forced her to put your life at risk". •*I said and her lips shivered with a fearful stares*•.

“Bu.. But why? I can't remember having problem with anyone". •*She muttered barely audibly as if she was scared of talking*•.

“That's not necessary. From now henceforth,you only leave the organization on my command. And if anyone insist you must abide by his or her orders that includes leaving that gate,send me an emergency and i will find you". •*I said and she muttered “Copy Boss"*•.

“Get ready. Very soon you will be going on your first official assassination mission". •*I said as i head for the door*•.

“Will i have to kill again?" •*She asked,making it to sound weird*•.

“Maybe... But trust me,you won't be needing a gun". •*I said as i walked out from the door and closed it,heading to my office that was few feet away,to change to something clean*•.
30 minutes later

“His name is Yusufu Abubakar. The former IG of police. I need you to spy on him and get me every single information on what he love doing with his time". •*I instructed Taiwo before leaving the organization,heading to Clara's place to grant her mother a peaceful death with respect,before Dan will come and do it in a miserable manner*•.

At least if she dies today or tomorrow,people will think she died out of shock of losing her beloved husband,I guess. But if they thinks otherwise,I don't care.
I drove into Clara's family house,shove in a tinny medical bottle that contains the deadly chemical weapon i took from my private laboratory into my suit inner pocket and got down form the car. Looking innocent,but with a raging heart and a deadly intention.

I knocked as i got to their front door and wait. And after some seconds,one of the maids opened the door and invite me in. I asked of Clara and she said “Madam Clara drove out some minutes ago with his elder brother" Making things much easier.

“What of Desmond?"

Maid: He's up stairs. Let me go and call him sir.

“No! No! No!! Don't bother yourself,I will go meet him there". •*I said to her,just to utilize that opportunity in carrying out my main aim of coming there*•.

Within seconds,i was already upstairs,gently walking at the hallway that leads to Clara's Mom bedroom which i guess she will be at that moment. And just few feet away from that stairs,the third left door opened and i slowed my steps with fear of getting caught,because i don't know what i will say that i am doing in this hallway that doesn't lead to Clara nor Desmond's room. And within a seconds Clara's elder sister walked out from that door and walked into the next opposite door without noticing me,and i took a deep breathe as i continued walking.

The second right door was widely opened with kids laughter sounding like a night of thousand laugh,which made me to stop and peep first.

It's a mini well furnished sitting room,and the laughers was coming from Desmond and his cute cousins (Clara's elder sister's kids) whom were playing,laughing and jumping around their grandmother (my target) who was teasing them playfully,and that crocodile reflect on her face.

“The only way to temporary quench that rage is to meek your mind whenever you're close to them. Always think of why they should be kept alive,and the reflection will stop". •*Hilda's advise echoed to my ears as i watch my innocent son laugh broadly as his grandmother teased his ribs,trying to tease her back,while his younger cousin brother climbs the old woman's shoulder*•.

This automatically changed my intentions towards the woman who murdered my beloved mother for a reason i don't know. I mean,I've never seen my son laugh like that. I've never have such time to spend with him,let alone making him feel loved and happy apart from buying him material stuffs that isn't necessary most times.

He had spent almost his whole life with his grandparents. Clara just graduated and barely spend such time with him despite being in Nigeria,under the same roof. Mine is worse. We just met some months back,and even if we stays under the same roof for ages,i will never replace his grandparents whom seems to be his happiness. He almost died because of watching his grandfather die. Had it been i wasn't here that very moment,i would've lose him,he would've been history by now all because of selfish revenge over my parents death.

How can i be the one to take away my own son's happiness? I will be the worse Dad ever. Shit!! I will live my whole life regretting it. He will just grow up,nursing those pains in his heart just like i did. And what if he comes to age and realize that his Dad assassinated his grandma? He might see the guts to point gun at me irrespective of why i did it or who i am to him.

Dan had threatened to expose me,and killing this woman will worse matters when he finally did. It will be better that i have no hand in their death than been hated by those i love so much.

And for the sake of my son's happiness,i will make sure the old woman stays alive. And anyone who wants her dead have to kill me first. And anyone who dare touch her have to pay with his or her blood,Dan inclusive.

He drew a battle line long ago,expecting me to do my worse. And now i dare him to try me one more time,and i will forget the fact that we bear the same surname or ever lived as brothers. I will show him that that other side of me he once feared still live in me,and that I've been keeping my cool because i want to live a normal human life,not that i am human.

Right now,I don't care if whatever i do goes against the rules of the organization. I mean, Fuck rules,I gat to change the game to my favor. Who isn't okay with it should go to hell.

By Kingz Gaius Chinedu.
[Story Boy]


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To be continue......

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