Gilmore Girls: Breaking Free

By HelenLouise7

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It seems that no matter how much time passes by, the big questions left by Gilmore Girls 'A Year in the Life'... More

Chapter 1: That's the Dynastic Plan
Chapter 2: Maine
Chapter 3: Settling In
Chapter 4: Lorelai
Chapter 5: The Interview
Chapter 6: Saturday
Chapter 7: Christopher
Chapter 8: The Spending Spree
Chapter 9: The Phone Call
Chapter 10: More Surprises
Chapter 11: The Storm
Chapter 12: Evening Walk
Chapter 13: The Accident
Chapter 14: The Coma
Chapter 15: Waking Up
Chapter 16: Filling in the Gaps
Chapter 17: The Turnaround
Chapter 18: Revelations
Chapter19: Breakthrough
Chapter 20: London
Chapter 21: Coming Home
Chapter 22: Special
Chapter 23: Highs and Lows
Chapter 24: When the Bough Breaks
Chapter 25: More Memories
Chapter 27: I'll be Home For Christmas
Chapter 28: Stars Hollow
Chapter 29: Unlocking Doors
Chapter 30: So Close!
Chapter 31: Breaking Free
Chapter 32: Ready for Anything
Chapter 33: All I Want For Christmas Is You!
Chapter 34: Christmas Day Surprises
Chapter 35: Early Preparations
Chapter 36: Startling Revelations
Chapter 37: The Vow
Chapter 38: The Search
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: A Clean Slate
Chapter 41: Pre-Wedding Surprises
Chapter 42: Diamonds Are Forever
Chapter 43: I Choose You
Chapter 44: The Reception
Chapter 45: The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 46: Reconciliation
Chapter 47: Life Goes On
Chapter 48: Hope

Chapter 26: Sacrifice

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By HelenLouise7

Emily pulled out her cellphone and typed a message to let her granddaughter know she and Berta had landed safely and were on their way to her new home.  As they drove from the airport, Emily recalled a holiday in Maine, early in her marriage. Richard had surprised her by taking a week off work in June to enjoy the wonderful beaches, restaurants and of course the Cape Neddick Country Club golf course.

She smiled as she recalled how Richard had given her his cheque book and told her to go shopping for the day while he enjoyed breaking in some new golf clubs. Richard was never far away in her memories and seemed particularly close as Emily was driven by the York Harbor Inn where they had stayed.  As she recalled, this was most likely where Lorelai was conceived!  She breathed in deeply, willing away some unexpected tears.

"Can't you drive any faster?" Emily snapped at the cab driver in order to hide her emotions. "You do know where Independence Drive is I trust?"

The driver answered but Emily didn't hear.  She had received a message from Rory explaining she was sorry that she might not make it home by noon but she had a spare key under the mat by the rear entrance.

"I wonder where she is?" Emily thought, surprised that Rory was out and about so soon after being discharged from hospital. "I would have expected Rory to be here for my arrival.....young people these days have very different priorities!"

Rory felt awful to be late for her grandmother's arrival but she just couldn't leave Jess as the doctors were concerned with his scan and test results. The resident took Rory aside to give an update on Jess' condition.

"We have picked up a pulmonary embolism in the was hard to see at first because of the congested nature of Mr Mariano's lungs....." the doctor explained.

"Oh no! That's very serious isn't it?" Rory asked, feeling like she might need to sit down.

"Are you alright there?" The doctor enquired noticing that Rory looked pale. "Here, take a seat and I'll get you some water...."

Rory felt terrible. She hadn't eaten properly and the shock of seeing Jess was too much for her to handle. The doctor came back with a cup of water and then continued to discuss treatment options.

"This complicates things quite significantly....has Mr Mariano travelled recently?" The doctor queried.

"He did mention a trip overseas last Summer and he travelled by car from Hartford to York.....I don't think there's been anything else...." Rory offered not completely sure of everything Jess had been doing.

"Well clots can easily form even on a road trip...." the doctor muttered while adding notes to Jess' file. "Anyway at least we now know why Mr Mariano's oxygen levels were still so low and his pulse very weak might have noticed his lips and extremities looked blue...."

"Yes....I wondered about what can you do to help him?" Rory asked, her mind filled with fear.

"Well due to the pneumonia and pleurisy, we have to be careful...." the doctor looked serious. "We need to get on top of the infection and fluid first.  We will try to use blood thinners in the meantime but surgery may be required......Other than these current issues, he seems to be very fit and healthy so we are optimistic ........if he can get through the next couple of days....he should get through this...."

Rory knew she should be calling her mom to update her but she felt like she couldn't move.  All she knew was that she couldn't leave when there was no one else to stay with Jess. Looking at her phone, Rory knew her grandmother would have arrived but she couldn't talk to her yet.  Just then, a message from Logan popped up on her screen:

Hey Ace, just checking in on you and hoping you are feeling okay today.  Would it be okay to come over after work today? I am happy to cook dinner for you! X

Rory knew she had to reply but wondered what response she would get from Logan. His dislike of Jess was confirmed last night but she began typing anyway:

Logan, I am at the hospital. I found out this morning that Jess was admitted last night with pneumonia. I just heard he has further complications and he is in a serious condition.

Sorry to hear that Ace! Is there anything I can do? I'm happy to come and sit with you as I'm sure Matt can cope without me. I hope you are taking care of yourself.

I'm fine Logan. Thanks for the offer. My grandmother just arrived at my place with her housemaid so I have dinner covered tonight.

Well keep me updated and let me know if there is anything at all I can do. I'm happy to pick you up from the hospital later and take you home. Just call me X

Logan had trouble concentrating as he started feeling guilty about rushing Jess off into the cold, wet conditions the night before. He had to admit he was jealous and even now, as Jess lay seriously ill in hospital, he didn't want his Ace there.

"Is there something wrong Logan?" Matt asked when he noticed his friend's concerned expression. "Is Rory okay?"

Logan knew he needed advice because the attitude he had toward Jess was all wrong. "Rory is at the hospital....she is fine's her ex boyfriend....he came out in the storm last night to help her when the power went out but I arrived there first and made him feel uncomfortable..... I don't intend to be jealous but something just comes over me and I don't feel like I have any control! ......Anyway Rory wanted him to stay until the storm passed but because of me, he went back out in the rain....  with he is seriously ill....."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that!" Matt said, his compassionate nature so evident. "I hope that he will be okay but Logan he was probably very ill to start with... I don't think you can blame yourself...."

"Yeah he was very ill and put his own health and comfort aside to help Rory... I'm sure he still loves her..... anyway, I just have to get a better attitude.... or I'll lose her completely!" Logan lamented.

"It's a hard one!" Matt sympathised. "Whenever I have attitude problems....and I do like everyone else, I remember Romans 15:5...... 'May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had' and I pray asking for help. I can't do it without God's help.....anyway that's just a thought but why don't you take the rest of the day off and go see what you can do for Jess and Rory.

"Demonstrate by your actions that you are there to support him and you'll feel much better! Just think about the attitude Jesus had to people.....even those who had done him wrong! His way was pretty radical but it worked then and it works now! He said in Luke 6:27-28, 'Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.'...... you have the power to turn around this situation Logan ....I'm with you all the way! I'll pray for you while you head off to the hospital...."

Logan didn't need any more encouragement to go. Before he knew it, he was heading up to the ICU where he found Rory sitting by Jess' side, holding his hand. He stood watching for a while, getting control of his feelings and wrestling with his instincts to want Rory far, far away from him.  After some time passed, Rory stood up and came out into the foyer and was very surprised to see Logan.

"Ace, I thought you might need something to eat.... ' Logan explained, handing her a sandwich. "And I need you to know I feel dreadful for my attitude toward Jess when he came last night. I will apologise to him when he is better but I want you to know I will do anything I can to help..... Matt doesn't need me this afternoon so I'm all yours!"
Rory didn't know what to say! She was very grateful for the sandwich and was happy to have someone with her. Without thinking, she fell into Logan's arms and let out the tears she had been holding back.

"Hey.... I'm so sorry you are having to go through this Ace.... but I want you to know I am here for you and Matt and I prayed for Jess before I left the paper..... Jess is in good hands...." Logan assured Rory. "Let's find somewhere for you to sit and eat.... it's going to be okay....."

"Thank you Logan," Rory said when she managed to stop crying. "I've been feeling so bad.... I was the one who called him in the beginning..... but the doctor just told me that it was almost a good thing his pneumonia became so serious because he never would have had a scan in time to show up the pulmonary embolism! He was a ticking time bomb!"

"Jess has a pulmonary embolism?" Logan sounded shocked. "That's terrible! I hope he will be okay.... I'll let Matt know if that's okay.... he's getting a few friends from his church to pray for Jess...."

The whole concept of praying was foreign to Rory.  The only one she knew who prayed was Mrs Kim and she found her a bit extreme! Rory had always considered talking to someone she couldn't see, a waste of time and about as effective as making a wish! She therefore found it intriguing that Matt and Logan had been praying but was quite thankful because right now, she had no other resources to draw on!

At Rory's house, Emily had settled into her room and was busy making plans to redecorate! "Berta, could you help me move this chair over here? And I don't think I like this quilt....let's replace it with the one we brought from home....that looks onto the living room!"

Emily was interrupted by a call coming from her daughter. "Lorelai, I'm quite busy..... didn't you get my message..... I arrived safely..."

"Yes Mother.... I got your message.... it's just I wanted to talk to you about Rory..." Lorelai explained.

"Berta..... not those flowers .... I think these look better....." Emily instructed, totally distracted from the conversation with Lorelai. "What about Rory? She's alright isn't she?"

"Yes, Rory is doing much better but she is at the hospital visiting Jess..." Lorelai answered still not sure she had her mother's attention.

"Jess? Why would Rory visit him? Oh for goodness sakes! I hope she isn't thinking of getting back with him!" Emily exclaimed now invested in the conversation.

"No Mom, I'm sure she isn't and Jess is seriously ill ...apparently he had pneumonia and pleurisy and scans have revealed a life threatening pulmonary embolism!" Lorelai shared. "I just need you to keep a close eye on Rory because she is still recovering herself and I guess I am concerned that the amnesia could confuse her feelings for Jess....she was just getting close to Logan again ... I don't want her to miss out on the opportunity of being with the father of her children ...."

"Like you did ..." Emily pointed out. "It was such a shame..."

Lorelai ignored her mother's dig at her past decisions. "Just look out for her Mom.... she is very vulnerable right now. Luke is driving Liz up tomorrow.... he has been very worried about Jess ... he sees him more like a son...."

Emily sighed, she had hoped to spend plenty of time with her granddaughter but it didn't look too promising at the moment but at least she could finish decorating Rory's house so the trip wasn't in vain!

Logan was pleased when Dr Carey happened to walk by and he expressed concern that Rory didn't look like she had been resting enough. Rory explained the situation with Jess but he was very firm.

"Rory, you have been through a very traumatic event yourself and this stress is not good for the babies. It could also hinder the recovery of memories. I strongly suggest that you leave the hospital.... we will contact you if there is any further update." Dr Carey stated.

Logan knew that there was no way Rory would leave Jess alone at the hospital so stepped up and promised, "I will stay here Ace.... then you won't have to worry. I will keep you updated..... you need to go home and rest as Dr Carey has explained...."

Logan's promise took Rory by surprise but she was grateful for the sacrifice he was willing to make. She was very tired and as much as she wanted to be there for Jess, she knew she had to think of the babies.

"You would do that for me?" Rory asked feeling fresh tears welling up in her eyes.

"Of course Ace.... I would do anything for you!" Logan assured her as he embraced her. "I will get Matt to come and get you.... he was keen to help in any way he could."

"Thank you so much Logan.... I can see I have a lot more to learn about you!" Rory expressed as she briefly kissed him then buried her head into his chest, wishing she could stay right there in the safety of his arms.

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