Perfect Beginning (The Preque...

By Taedreamer02

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The Perfect series of books has followed lovers through early dates, late nights, heartbreak and Paradise. B... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38

chapter 30

673 49 37
By Taedreamer02

Drawing a deep breath,  he warned “Don’t think we are through with this discussion.”

Shaking himself, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the car.  All the way to restaurant you kissed and laughed and teased each other.

Every place Jin took you was impressive.  This place was no exception.

The dining room was beautiful, softly lit with the glow of candles .  You were ushered to a private booth in the back, a bucket of champagne and crystal flutes waiting for you on the table.

Jin led you to the seat and waited until you settled in, taking you by surprise with a soft kiss before he slid into the seat next to you. 

He reached for your hand and held it as you discussed the menu and made selections. 

Jin opened the champagne and poured each of you half a flute.  He nodded at you as you both lifted your glasses, silently toasting whatever came next for the two of you.

After that celebration, you sat your glass down and switched to water.  You noticed Jin did the same. 

The buzz in your head and the butterflies battling in your stomach owed nothing to liquor and everything to the man seated next to you. 

You blushed when Jim reached for your hand, holding onto him tightly, knowing he would anchor you inside this swirl of emotions.

Jin discreetly sat his champagne flute down and out of the way.  The vintage was wonderful, perfect for an evening of celebration. But Jin knew he wanted all his senses sharp.  He did not want to miss a glance or a touch from you. 

He also knew he would need to be clearheaded when making decisions tonight.  He already knew by his reaction to you as you opened your door that he needed to remain stone cold sober. 

He was overwhelmed by you, his body, mind and heart were a frenzied jumble as he tried to process what he was feeling.   Tonight, control was definitely an illusion.

As supper progressed you both relaxed into each other.  You shared laughter, and later concerns about work and friends. Piece after piece you each offered the other clues and connections to your authentic selves.

Jin felt a level of comfort with you that he had never felt outside his brothers.  He shared stories and fears and laughs that ushered you deeply into his life.

You marveled at how quickly and completely you felt him hear and consider what you had to say. 

He had a way of listening that made you feel valued.  You knew you could trust him with your fears, your experiences, your opinions. 

He did not agree with you on everything!  And Damn it! It was so liberating to sit with a man who would disagree with you, hear your side and consider that he might be wrong.

His words, his body language, his expressions all proved to you that Jin was offering you his vulnerability and accepting yours in return.

You had given him your greatest secret when you first discussed becoming intimate.  He had taken that information and accepted it as another piece of your complexity.

You looked over the glow of the candles at him.  He was laughing unashamedly at his  own silly joke, waiving a huge piece of steak on the end of his fork, hair slightly mussed, eyes sparkling more than the bottle of champagne at his elbow. 

In that moment you had an epiphany. 

This man had seen you, the real, raw you and he was still here.

He had hurt you, realized his mistake and given a straightforward apology, with no modifier or excuses. His actions showed he was sincere in not wanting to hurt you again.

He wanted you. 

More than that, he was offering himself to you, both hands outstretched, taking the risk.  He was asking you to see him, the raw, real him.

At that moment, with Jin being totally unaware, you determined with your whole heart that you wanted to take his offering. 

You wanted him.

You leaned back and just watched him, content in the decision.

Although it would take months to admit it, right then and there you gave in to the beautiful soul with eyes filled with tears of laughter, sitting next to you, now holding your heart in his hands.

Jin watched you grow quiet.  He could tell that you were lost in thought, feeling him rather than listening to him. 

Before tonight he would have found that thought stupid.  Tonight it made perfect sense.

He knew you were searching him for something.  He said a silent prayer that he was worthy, that you found what you were seeking as you looked at him.

Finally he saw your eyes soften and he sighed in relief. 

It would be years before he knew that your heart was won in that exact instant. 

Tonight, he only knew that right now, in this time and in this place, you picked him.  You wanted him.

It would take months for his head to admit it, but in that moment his heart made a promise to treasure and protect you forever.  And he yearned for you to return that same promise to him.

As you finished the meal, you sat, hands entwined, torn between clinging to the lure of this enchanted time and place or striding into the future, finding the “next" in this relationship.

The offer of the desert tray and after dinner drinks broke the spell and pushed you forward.

You shared a decadent dessert and one fresh flute of champagne. 

You were caught off guard as Jin tasted the chocolate mousse of the stacked confection, a low moan escaping as he closed his eyes and threw back his head.  You felt that moan to your very core.

You were flushed down into your cleavage as Jin raised his head, his eyes sweeping your body, his hand reaching to offer you a taste. 

You obediently opened your mouth for him and closed your lips around the lush dessert.  Your eyes were trained on Jin's as his pupils darkened and fixed on you.

The low gasp that escaped from you was equal parts the burst of chocolate on your tastebuds and the effect of his dark eyes fixed on your mouth.

Jin felt his groin tighten as you opened your mouth for him. There was no artifice or intentional seduction in the action, but he immediately felt  all his blood rush below his belt. 

Holy Fuck! How was he going to survive this night?

There was no need for discussion after that.  The two of you came to the silent agreement that it was definitely time to move from this place to see where these sensations and emotions were leading you.

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