💫She's Different💫

By DayyyFanyyy

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In the middle of an investigation Olivia and the squad raid an abandoned warehouse. Olivia stumbles upon this... More

Finding Bella
Saving Bella
Understanding Bella
Building Bella's Trust
A Growing Bella
My Bella
My Bella Pt.2
Bella's Doing Makeup
Bella And Noah
Bella's Birthday
Bella's Christmas
Bella's Christmas Pt.2
Bella's New House
Bella's Girls Day
Bella's Rough Patch
Bella's Adoption Day
Bella And Olivia
Bella And Olivia Pt.2
Bella During The Week
Bella During The Week Pt.2
Bella's First Mother's Day
Bella's First Mother's Day Pt.2
Bella's Favorite Month
Bella's Last Day Of School Festivities
Bella's Last Day Festivites Pt.2
Bella Visits Mommy
Bella's Fourth Of July
Bella's Forth Of July Pt.2
Bella And The Hammock
Bella Opens Up
Bella Opens Up Pt.2
Bella And Her Dad
Bella A Month Later
Worries For Bella
Olivia's Talk With Bella
Olivia's Talk With Bella Pt.2
Bella Tells The Truth
Bella's Donut Talk
Bella's Music Class
Olivia's Efforts To Protect Bella
A note~😊
Bella's Biological Parents
Bella's Thanksgiving
Bella Approaches Liv
Bella Auditions
Bella Auditions Pt.2
Bella's Acquired Feelings
Bella Misses Out
Bella's School Life
Bella Meets Olivia's 'Friend'
Olivia Tells Bella The Truth
Bella Takes It All In
Bella's Newfound Anger
Bella And Her Family Move Out
Bella Practices Self-Control
Bella Celebrates
Je sais pas
Bella Writes A Note
Bella Learns About Date Night
Bella Gets Ready For Christmas
Bella And Noah Have To Leave
Bella's Thoughts On Christmas
Bella Loves Chase
Bella Refuses
Olivia's Big Mistake
Olivia Fixes Her Bond With Bella
Bella Hides Out
Bella Goes To The Hospital
Bella Tells Her Friends
Olivia Teaches Bella
Bella Goes To Fins House
Bella Stays Away
Bella Feels Off
Bella Feels Off Pt.2
Bella With Tucker
Bella's Moods
Olivia's Confusion
Bella Goes Shopping
Bella Learns About Changes
Bella Questions
Bella Recieves A Letter
Bella's Passport Experience
Bella's Nightmares
Bella's Father Figure Issue
Bella Goes To The Dance
Bella Prepares For Hawaii
Bella's First Flight
Bella's New Friend
Bella's Time With Liv
Bella Takes A Tour
Bella Avoids
Bella Avoids Pt.2
Bella's Start To Summer
Bella Asks About Elliot
Bella's Unpredicability
Bella Goes to Camp
Bella Goes To Camp Pt. 2
Bella Learns About Cassie
Bella Learns About Cassie Pt.2
Bella And Noah's Issues
Bella Helps Her Friends
Bella Comes Home
Bella Goes To Florida
Bella Goes To The Waterpark
Bella And The Mall
Bella's Bad Habit Reappears
Bella's Last Days Of Summer
Bella Meets Someone New
Bella Gets School Supplies
Liv And Bella's Night Walk
Bella's Day Before
Bella's First Day Of School
Bella's Terrifying Encounter
Bella Gets Sensitive
Bella Confesses
Bella's Dilemma
Bella's Halloween
Bella's Halloween Pt. 2
Bella Afterwards
Bella And Noah's Visitor
Bella's Embarrasing Moment
Bella's Embarrasing Moment Pt.2
Bella Turns 9
Bella's Party
Bella's Sleepover
Bella's Amazing Christmas
Bella's Amazing Christmas Pt.2
Bella's Skating And NYE
Bella's New Year Wish
My Bad-
Bella's Competition
Bella's Spring Break
Bella's Discovery
Bella's Realization
Bella And Alex
Bella's Summer
Bella And 5th Grade
Bella's Mentor
Bella's Mentor Pt.2
Bella Deals With Grief
Bella Feels The Tension
Bella's Reward
Bella Gets The Vibes
Bella Hates To Ruin
Bella Hates To Ruin Pt.2
Bella And The Big 1-0
Bella Sees Change
Olivia Consoles Bella
Olivia And The Shocking Revalation
Bella's Day
Bella And The Final Move
Olivia's Shocking Revalation Pt.2
Bella's Results
Bella's Struggle
Bella And The Trip
Holiday Hill
Holiday Hill Pt.2
Bella and Leia
Bella's Elementary School Graduation
Bella's Cookie Dough Chat
Leia's Fourth of July
Paid To Keep Secrets
Bella Gets Caught
Leia's First Vacation
Elijah Things
Lei's Fourth Birthday
Bella Learns About Changes Pt.2
Bella Starts Middle School
Weekend Vibes
Bella's Admiration
Bella And The Monster Under Her Bed

Bella Tells Elijah

215 7 5
By DayyyFanyyy

I ate my cookie and looked out at the beach.
"You guys have about two hours to swim and play on the beach and then we'll head back to the resort." Mom said.
"Come let me fix your bathing suit Lei."
"It's fine Mommy."
"No it isn't I could see your chest. Let me fix your one piece." I laughed as Mom fixed her swimsuit and put her hair up into a bun.
"My sweet little pumpkin pie. Ready to go in the ocean?"
"Yes, I want to make a sand castle too."
"Alright, we will baby." We followed Mom and Lei and we all just went into the water.
"It's cold!" Lei cried.
"It'll be warm in a few minutes."
"It's okay Lei."
"I like warm water!"  I swam in a circle and she started to giggle.
"Do the handstand!" I went underwater and I could hear Lei giggle.
"Mommy, I like it when sister does that."
"Aww." We played in the water a bit and I just felt so good.
"You're my favorite person ever."
Resort Pool
"Yeah?" I was bored. Talking to Elijah wasn't really fun.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Hit me."
"I like you." I kind of squirmed and didn't know what to say. Weird. I still managed to put a fake smile on my face and nod.
"That's cool."
"So, I'm going to go now."
"Oh, okay." I went back to the hotel room. I stepped into the elevator and rode all the way up to the 8th floor. Mom would be there. Alone perhaps. She mainly did this trip for Lei because she's a part of our family now. She even was having her own room done in the basement. Just for her. I went into the room and Mom was reading a magazine.
"Hey Princess. Had fun?"
"Not sure. Can I talk to you?"
"Of course, don't even need to ask. What's up babe?"
"Can I talk to you about Elijah?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"So today, Elijah was telling that he liked me. And, it feels weird when we talk because like I already knew that. I'm not good at this Mom."
"Things got weird huh? Well, you have two options."
"You could be honest with him, or you could not talk to him if it's that hard."
"But both options aren't good."
"So what do you want to do Bella?"
"I just wished that people didn't like me."
"Don't say that my love. Because one day you'll want to feel loved, and one day maybe soon, you'll start to like boys or even girls. And that's okay."
"Yes, Girls too."
"I don't think I'm gay Mom."
"And that's okay babe. But, for some people it's a major realization. It comes from within, you know what I mean baby?"
"It's like realizing you like someone, a lot?"
"Mhm. And, if you happen to like girls, I'll support you no matter what. I'll love you always baby girl. You're the light of my life. My first little girl."
"I am?"
"You are. Baby, you've always been. And as you've gotten older, and matured you've just become more and more unique and I can't wait to have more of these type of conversations with you. You're going to be a young lady soon and it means that we'll be talking about a lot of things that you're not used too. And it's going to be okay, alright?" I nodded and she held my chin.
"You're the best Mom."
Breakfast (Leia's Perspective)
"I thirsty. Can I have a drink please?"
"Noah's coming with drinks." I looked at Liv and she smiled.
"You look like Bella when she was your age."
"I wasn't even born yet!"
"You weren't baby."
"Mommy, am I your daughter?"
"Yes, you're my daughter baby. And one day, when you're a bit older, we're going to go to the courthouse, and you'll be my daughter forever. Understand?" I nodded and she gave me a kiss.
"We're back!"
"I'm hungry, is that my plate?"
"Yes Lei. Eat up." I ate my bread and bacon with fruits. It was really yummy.
"Mommy, I can have some omelette?"
"Here baby."
"Mom, I'm kind of ready to go back home."
"Leia are you ready?"
"No, I like the pool!" Mommy gave me a kiss and laughed.
"When we get back, we can go to the pool."
"And it's my birthday!"
"Yes and your birthday's coming up."
"Leia said she wants a princess party, right Lei?"
"Yes Pink, Princess, Party. Everything is pink!"
"That's a big request. Everything pink?"
"Yes, pink cake. Pink lemonade, everything."
"Leia is going to be so spoiled. She wants an all pink party."
"I am not spoiled! Stop always saying that. I don't like it." I started to cry and Mommy got angry with Noah.
"Stop it Noah, it's too early for her to be getting upset."
"Am I spoiled Mommy?"
"You're not baby. Wipe your tears and finish your plate. Go on." I wiped my face and ate the rest of my food.
New York, NY (Olivia's Perspective)
That two week vacation was amazing, I'll tell you, but I was glad to be back at work.
"Liv, how was Hawaii?"
"Can't say it was totally relaxing, but it was still amazing. I got to learn more about Lei, and Bella too. Noah's secretive these days, I give him the privacy though."
"Everybody's growing up, and changing."
"Tell me about it." I looked at my picture of Bella and smiled.
"So catch me up."
"Clara Santiago, 27 was raped and murdered in her Upper West Side penthouse. ME sets T.O.D at around 12am."
"Someone was out for revenge. Check the cam-"
"On that Lieu." I was rather surprised. They really did hold down the fort while I was gone.
"Well- Okay. I'll go and review the files further." I went into my office and sat down quietly. The frames of my children facing me, in all its glory. Noah, Bella, and Leia. I was going to eventually adopt Leia, as she's Bella's sister, and she's such an amazing little baby. I didn't expect to have a 4 year old around, but god does miracles. I loved her.
"Mommy Livia, I love you!"
My phone rang and I picked it up instantly.
"Hey Bella, how are you?" I smiled as my daughter told me about her teams win.
"Wow, that's so great! Tell everyone I said hi and I'm so proud of all of you. You guys did it!" She told me thank you and then handed the phone to Lei.
"Hi Mommy!"
"Hi! Did you have fun too?"
"Yes Mommy, I had fun dancing! I wish you come!"
"I wish that I could've been there too baby. I'll try again next time."
"Promise babe. Alright, Mommy has to go work. Bye bye!"
"Bye!" Fin stood at the door smiling and I put down my phone.
"They won didn't they?"
"As expected."
"Bella makes me so proud. But you know what, I don't remember the last time we've spent time together. She barely has time for her Uncle Fin anymore. What's going on?"
"She's starting to grow up."
"Let's not even get into that."
"You and I both know-"
"We know nothing." We both laughed and then let out a sigh."
Bedtime (Leia's Perspective)
"Alright Missy, let's get into bed." Mommy said. I climbed into my nice bed! I loved my room, it was grey and pink all over! My bed was on the grey wall and all of my toys was on the pink!

"Can we read tonight?"
"Mhm, What do you want to hear?"
"Any story." I yawned and Mommy gave me a kiss.
"I think you're quite tired for a story baby." She tucked me in and laid down in my bed with me.
"Love you."
"Love you Livia."
"When you wake up tomorrow, I'll be in my bedroom, and we'll get ready to go to Long Island and swim and have a little barbecue."
"Yay." She gave me kisses and I started to get more sleepy. I closed my eyes and the world turned black.
Leia's Dream
I jumped all over the candy land and smiled.
"This tastes yummy! Bella, eat some!"
"That's my favorite!" We kept eating and jumping and it was fun.
"No, don't hurt my sister! Don't!" I cried and then ran away! I couldn't save Bella! Bella got hurt!

I woke up and ran upstairs to Mommy's room.
"Mommy! Mommy!"
"What's wrong pumpkin? Did you have an accident?" I cried and Mommy felt my pants.
"It's okay, what happened?"
"I had a bad dream. I had an accident."
"Poor baby. Okay, come let's go clean up and you can sleep with me tonight."
"I'm sorry I peed the bed Mommy."
"It's okay, come let's go. Mommy is not worried about that. I'm worried about you getting sleep at night." She put my sheets in the wash and put new ones on.
"Take off your pants so they can get washed baby. And we can put some clean clothes on." She put new pants on me and fixed them.
"Everyone has accidents baby, it's okay. I still love you the same." She gave me a hug and I felt so much better!

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