I Promise You, You'll Never B...


237 37 127

Ava is a seventeen year old girl and the daughter of an abusive alcoholic dad and mother who is never home an... Mere

Authors Note
Alone, Again
Another Beating
Going To Camp!
Boys and Girls
Lunch and A Bad Night
A Party!
Getting Ready To Leave
A Sad Departure
Breaking Dishes and Feeling Numb
It's Close, Danger is Close
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
A New Day
Baseball Game
Goodbye and Hello
No, Not Again
Dancing and Death
Dreams and a Party
Party Time
Happy Birthday -Last Chapter-

Back and Forth

5 1 5

-Songs for this chapter, #1, Got You On My Mind by NF, #2, Have It All by Jason Mraz-

Ava sighed as she stared out the window, she watched sadly as her mom drove off to go on a business trip. Ava knew she wasn't going on a business trip, or at least, that's not the only reason she was leaving.

Ava heard her father's footsteps coming up the stairs but she didn't bother looking in their way. Only when Ava's door opened did she turn her head away from the window. "Yes, Sir?" Ava asked as she looked at her father.

He gave her a tired look, "your mother isn't going to be back for a month and a half, she told me to tell you," Ava sighed and nodded. "Is she out cheating on you again," Ava's dad snarled at her, "watch it, kid, what she is doing is none of your business. I'm going out with Gareth, you better not go anywhere."

Ava nodded and her father turned around to leave her room. Anytime her dad was with his friend Gareth they either got drunk, high, or both. Ava shook her head since she knew he would be home late.

"Well, I should probably eat something," she whispered to herself as she walked downstairs. To no surprise, her dad was already gone. Ava sighed and started to make some macaroni. She also cut up some cucumbers and strawberries.

-I want that so bad right now lol... also start #1-

Ava sighed and took her plate of food up to her room. She sat on her bed and started eating, "Siri," Ava said sadly, "shuffle my music," "ok," Siri responded before playing some music. The phone made a "ping" noise and Ava smiled when she saw that Mika had texted her.

Mika: Hey! What are you up to? I know we saw each other yesterday... but I already miss you.

Ava smiled and reached for her phone. She took another bite of her food and decided what to text back. It wasn't like this was a big deal, why was she making such an effort in thinking about what to say? Ava shook her head and responded to his text.

Ava: Nothing much, just eating. I miss you too lol, what are you doing?

Mika: I'm getting ready to move out of my parents and into my own house, we already bought the house now I just need to move all of my stuff. It's a huge house, my parents bought it and they have a lot of money so they bought me a big house. I think I'm gonna get a dog so I'm not lonely.

Ava: Aww, name him or her Star.

Mika: Lol, why Star?

Ava: Because! I love the stars and I know you do too, it'll be perfect!

Mika: Ok, I'll name her Star, it's a pretty name anyway

Ava smiled, 'he likes my idea, he thinks it's pretty. Wait? Why does this mean so much to me, it's just a stupid name,' Ava thought as she took another bite of her food.

Mika: Why don't you send me a picture so I can remember what you look like?

Ava: Why? Don't you have a memory for that?

Mika: Yeah... but I want to see your pretty smile!

Ava: My smile... pretty? Yeah, sure. But, since you're being annoyingly persistent, here.

Ava then carefully picked a picture she decided she didn't look too bad and sent it to Mika.

Ava: Here, is this what you wanted?

-Start #2-

Mika: Yup, you look good today. Well... you look good every day but, I'll just stop now lol. Also, "annoyingly persistent?" oh yeah? Bite me! Bite me right here!

Ava: Haha, are you being serious?

Mika: Jk, no I'm not. But, I must warn you, if you're going to be my friend then this is the type of humor you're going to have to put up with.

Ava: I don't mind, sorry if I'm slow to answer I'm going to be cleaning my room.

Ava then got up and started to clean her room, it wasn't like it was dirty but it gave her something to do. Every few minutes she went back to check her phone and see if Mika had replied.

Mika: Okie dokie, when you don't answer I'll spam you with pictures of myself then.

Mika: It's been two minutes... I guess we start the spamming of pictures! Woohoo!

Mika: This is one of my personal favorites, my cousin took it when I needed to pretend I was her boyfriend since someone from school wouldn't get off of her back. That's why I'm acting all sexy-like, I seriously remind myself of Chance in this picture.

Ava: Wow, you look really good lol. I say that as a friend of course,

'Why do I feel the need that I need to clarify that?' Ava asked herself after she sent the text. She shook her head and went back to cleaning her room. In all honesty, she liked the picture a lot... she thought he looked really nice.

Mika smiled when he saw Ava's text, 'she thinks I look nice, even if it is just a friend saying that. It's nice to think that she thinks that I look good, what is this feeling in my stomach? Butterflies again...?' Mika groaned and then smiled when he saw that Ava had texted him again

Ava: Anyway, you're way better than Chance. He sucks ass

Mika and Ava chuckled at her text. Ava smiled at his reply.

Mika: Yeah... he probably does. And I mean that seriously,

Ava: Lol, I have to go now. Bye Mika! I"ll talk to you later! Peace!

Mika: Gone so soon? Bye-bye, princess! Nice picture lol!

Mika: Not princess, sorry, autocorrect. I meant piece of shit... but in a nice way hehe

Mika facepalmed after sending the last two texts. "Why are you so stupid?" he asked himself. He shook his head and saved the pictured of Ava for future reference before putting his phone down and going to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Ava laughed when she saw the texts. "He's hilarious," she whispered before taking her dirty plate down to the kitchen. "So... what should I do now?" Ava asked herself. She smiled when she realized she was home alone and she could watch something on the tv.

She walked into the living room and put Stranger Things on the tv. While she watched it, she cleaning up the empty beer bottles off of the floor and couch. She also cleaning up some stains from the couch. Ava did not know nor did she want to know what they were from.

After the living room was in much better shape, Ava sat down and watched a few more episodes while eating potato chips and a chocolate muffin.

-Hello everyone! How was your day? I hope it was good, how many of you watch Stranger Things? I just started watching it and I'm on season two now so don't spoil anything! What do you think of Ava and Mika's relationship so far? I love you all so much you don't even know how much! Have an amazing rest of your day/night!-

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