The Salvatore Sister • Ava Ro...

Von moonlightbabesx

1.6M 34.3K 27.1K

Stefan and Damon's sister, Ava, arrives in town unannounced with secrets. Secrets that will destroy their fam... Mehr



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Von moonlightbabesx

Part 2

Flashes of memories 1861.
I showed Klaus the first three days. From the point to Garrett kidnap me and taking me to an abandoned farm. My hands are tied up from the ceiling.

"Tell me about yourself." He compels me.

"I'm Ava Rose Salvatore. I have two brothers. Damon is the oldest. I'm the middle child. Stefan is the youngest. My mother died of consumption when I was 14 years old. I'm on my way to Petersburg to... to... to good by my family's name. I want to go home. I want to go home." I said as I start crying.

He starts humming and he takes out a knife.

"Shh." He says as he puts a hand on my cheek and I turned away. He sank his fangs into my neck and I screamed in horror. I then felt this sharp pain in my stomach and that the first to many stabs.


It's the fourth day and I've woken up. I'm no longer tied. I've been stabbed, gutted open, fed off of, and healed for four days. For the most part I had blacked out.

I sat up and I feel this pain on my lower abdomen. I looked to see and there is this huge gash. It's bleeding profusely. I looked at my body and there are bite marks everywhere. I can see the blood trickling down my body. I touched my neck and I can feel the bites.

I laid back down and accepted my fate. I was dying. No one has ever survived a wound this big and I've already lost so much blood.

I started crying hard as I remember my brothers. They are going to so worried when I'm not home in the next few months and they won't know that my rotting flesh will be buried in some ground and they will never find me.

This can't be how my story ends. It can't.

I got up from the floor and put my hand over the wound in hopes it would stop the bleeding just a bit. I'm surprised that I can stand so I started to run for my life. I started to limp as I was running.

It was night time and I couldn't see anything. It was pitched black. I turned around to see how far I've run and I see a small light from the abandoned farm. I kept running and my body hits a wall yet nothing is there. I tried again but it didn't work.

"No, no, no, no." I cried. "This can't be happening."

The guy, Garrett, appears in front of me and I screamed in horror. Before I know it I passed out.


I wake up and he's dragging me back to the farm. My body is getting scraped by the ground. My body is so numb to the pain that it doesn't even hurt.

I'm standing in the farm and my body is healed and Garrett is standing in front of me. I am rattled with fear. He pulls me closer to him pinning my arms to my side. I looked away in disgust. He grabs my jaw forcing me to look at him. He kisses me and I tried to pull away but he holds me in his grip.

I manage to get my hand free and I grabbed whatever was on the side of me. It was something metal.

I kneed him in the groin and I whacked him in the head with the metal stick. Normally a blow like that would have killed him but he looks at me with anger.

He grabs a rope and wraps it around my neck. I tried to take hold of the rope but it was so tightly wrapped around my neck I couldn't breath. I feel myself loosing conscious so I head-butted him. He lets go of the rope and I tried to catch my breath. I was breathing heavily and my head was pounding. Suddenly, he punches me and I blacked out.


Klaus pulls my hand away from his head before I can show him the last four days.

"The more I cried the more he hurt me and the more he hurt me the happier he got. The worst part was being alone and not knowing what was going to happen next. Are you satisfied now?"

"Ava, I..."

He gets cut off as we heard this commotion and I ran out of the room to see what it was and Klaus follows behind.

"Damon! Are you crazy?" I heard Stefan shout.

Me and the rest of the Mikaelsons come see what had happened. I see Kol on the ground dead with his neck snap.

"Maybe a little. Far be it from me to cause a problem." Damon says and turns his back as walks away and I followed.

"Damon!" I shout but he doesn't listen. Damon speeds away and I followed him. "Damon! What was that?!" I shouted and he turns around angrily.

"You know what Ava? I'm going to tell you this because I know Stefan won't. You are either a Salvatore or a Mikaelson. You can't be both. But you already made your choice, didn't you?"

He walks away leaving me speechless. He was talking about how I kissed Klaus earlier. I turned around and see Stefan standing there.


"It's fine. I'm fine. Okay?" I said and walked away from him.


I went back to the boarding house to get something that the compelled humans forgot to get. No one was home when I got there.

I walked into my room and so much of my things are here like I never left. I walked over to the side of my furniture and bend down. I unscrew the air vent and took a small box out and screw the vent back in.

I quickly grabbed the box and rushed downstairs. I'm in the kitchen when I hear noises. I looked out to see Rebekah and Damon and they're making out. My eyes widen in shocked and I quickly vamp-speed away making sure that they didn't hear me.


I came back to the mansion and I walked into Klaus's room.


"You need to know the rest of the story." I said as I walk over to him with the box in my hands.

"I don't want..." He says and I cut him off.

"You have to know."  I said as I handed him the box.

"What is this?" He asks and then opens the box.

It has jewelry in it. I remove the tray of jewelry and there is a drawing in it. He looks at the drawing then at me and back at the drawing. He takes the drawing out as he sits on the bed and I sat next to him.

"December 1859. Ava. From Sadie." Klaus says as he reads the note under the drawing, "This is you and you're..."


He looks at me surprised, "What?"

"I was pregnant when I was human. I got pregnant by Dominic." I said and I'm nervous about how he would react.

"Dominic? As in your first love? As in your first real relationship? As in..."

I cut him off.

"We actually never dated. We were just messing around. He was with someone else."


"He was with Laura Gilbert. I knew Dominic because he practically grew up with Damon. They were best of friends."

"You were with Damon's best friend?"

I am not making this easier. First, I screwed around with Damon's best friend. Second, Dominic was already with someone else when we started messing around.

"Why him?" Klaus asks.

"One day he came over to speak with Damon and no one was home but me. So I kept him company. By company I mean talking and I told him about how my father wanted me to see this other guy. Everything kicked off from there. It only lasted a couple of months before I got pregnant and he didn't want anything to do with me."

"He what?"

"He was all like I'm not the father, you were with someone else and all this other crap. I wasn't going to beg him to stay so I ended it with him. I had no one else to turn to so I told my father. When I told him he was angrier than ever before and basically he shipped me."

"How come you didn't go to Damon?" Klaus asks.

"I don't know. I mean, Dominic was Damon's best friend. I didn't want to ruin their friendship."

"What happened to the child?"

"I woke up and I had these painful contractions and I was bleeding. I lost her during birth. I carried Gr...Gra... Grac." I began to stutter as tears flood my eyes, "Grace. I named her Grace. I carried her dead body in my arms. That was the worst pain I've ever felt." I said as he takes hold of my hand.

"The reason for you not celebrating your birthday is because you lost her the day before your birthday."

"Yeah. I survived childbirth at the age of 15 that was a miracle. My father didn't disown me."

"You were fifteen?" Klaus asks surprised and shocked.

"I was just a child myself." I said quoting my father.

Flashback January 16, 1860
I'm at the grave of my daughter and my father is with me. I laid rose on it and turned to walk away.

"Rosie." My father calls me and I looked at him. He hasn't called me that since I was 8.

"Don't. She is dead. She's dead." I cried. "My daughter is dead." He gives me a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Maybe it's for the better. You're just a child yourself." My father tells me as I pull away from the hug and he wipes my tears, "I am sorry. I hope you know that."

"I know."

"Are you going to tell your brothers?" He asks and I laughed. I literally laughed. All the sudden affection was him just trying to find out if I was going to tell Stefan and Damon.

"You deserve an award for that performance, Father. By the way, Dominic was the father." I said and his eyes widen with shock.

"Dominic?! You said it was Sean's!"

"No. You assumed it was Sean's. It was Dominic's child." I said as he looks at me in disbelief and I walked away from him.

"Don't walk away from me!" My father yells and I ignore him, "Ava Rose!"
(End of Flashback)

"I was so stupid enough to believe him. To believe he was actually sorry. If it weren't for Damon I'd probably wouldn't survived the guy." I said as I continued explaining the story.

"That was the first time I had been outside of Mystic Falls and I loved it. I wanted to see more of the world. So, I made a deal with my father I get to leave town whenever I wanted as long I wouldn't tell Damon or Stefan anything or anyone for that matter but I told Dominic I lost the child. He was all regretful and forgiving. He wanted us to get back together but I didn't want to. For a year and a half, he got obsessive. He was watching me like a hawk. So one day I gave him what I thought he wanted but it only got worse."

(Flashback August 1, 1861)
I'm sleeping and I can feel someone staring at me. I see someone but it's too dark to see. Just I was about to scream the person puts it's hand over my mouth.

"Shh, Ava. It's me Dom." He said and I slapped his hand away.

"What the hell are you doing in my room, Dominic?" I whispered harshly.

"I came to see you." Dominic says and I roll my eyes. I got up from my bed and took him outside.

"I miss you, Ava." Dominic says breaking the silence.

"I'm with someone else."

"Who? That guy Caleb? Do you sleep all your brother's friends?" Dominic says and I slapped him.

"Caleb was my friend before he became Damon's friend." I said angrily.

"Ava, he doesn't love you like I do. No one will ever love you like I do." He says and suddenly I feel sick and vomited. "Are you sick again?" He asks as I wiped my mouth.

I looked at him confusingly, "Have you've been watching me again?"

"No." Dominic says lying through his teeth.


"You've been sick for days now. I've been worried about you. I love you. So much."

"What happened to Laura? You're getting married to her." I pointed out.

"We can go back to how we were. Laura doesn't have to know anything about us." He says and I scoffed, "I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much but I do. I love you, Ava." Dominic says as cups my cheeks but I moved his hands away.

"No, Dom. It's not love. What you are feeling it's called obsession. An illusion in your mind that makes you do things. That's not how love works."

"We can make this work, Ava. Stay with me, please. Laura hasn't suspected anything and she won't."

"I know my worth. I'm not letting you use me as a doormat, Dominic." I said and his mood changes.

"What makes you think you're worth any more than a doormat, Ava?" He says and I laughed.

"Wow, Dominic, wow. You were just telling me how much you love me, begging me to stay with you. You're pathetic. Goodbye, Dominic. I hope I never see you again."
(End of Flashback)

"He told you that?" Klaus asks, surprised.

"Yeah, clearly my choice in men when I was human wasn't great. I had to leave town. Dom was constantly watching my every move and on top of that I was pregnant again. I was for sure my father would've killed me because when I told him the first time he hit me."

(Flashback August 2, 1861)
"I need to go, Father!" I shouted at my father as I followed him into his study.

"No, Ava Rose! You're not leaving! End of discussion!" Father yells at me.

"Let me go or I will tell Stefan and Damon. I wonder what would the town think of you when they find out. The Salvatore's would be the talk of the town."

"You wouldn't." He glared at me.

"I would. After all I am my father's daughter." I said as he glares me and for a moment I thought he was going to hit me but he sighs in defeat.

"Under one condition while you're gone you have to do good towards our name. Do you understand?" My father asks.

"I understand."

"Get out of here. Go pack. I'll arrange everything." He says and I quickly left the room.
(End of Flashback)

"I was so naive enough to think I could raise a child on my own. I left town and I heard Sadie was in Petersburg so I went to go find her. As you know I never made it there. I was turned into a vampire and I lost my second child. That broke me entirely. I had my second child buried next to my first. I didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl so I didn't name her... him. On the tombstone it just says Salvatore. Transitioning was hard for me. I cried to the whole thing. I would feed off of humans and I would start sobbing and accidentally killed them. The worst part of it I would remember every kill by memory. It was at least 60 to 70 people I killed before I could gain control." I don't remember much of the first two years of being a vampire. I came back home in 1864 after not being home for three years. I sent my brothers letters."

"Who else knows about you...?" Klaus asks trailing off.

"Damon and I'm guessing Stefan also knows. I accidentally slipped and told Caroline but she just knows that I was pregnant when I was human. So does Katherine."

"Katherine?" Klaus asks surprised.

"Yeah, in 1864 she saw me at the grave where my children are buried so I told her. She was my friend at first until I found out she was screwing with both of my brothers."

"You and Katherine friends?" He asks surprised and I nodded.

"After my brothers were turned I left to Italy. The first decade and a half was consistent of blood, booze, and sex. I wouldn't sleep for weeks even months. I would literally pass out from the exhaustion. I had nothing to live for except the fact that I was immortal. I picked fights in hopes death would come sooner but it never did. I wanted death and she didn't want me. I was holding onto the pain because it was the only thing I had left. I realized then that the whole world was moving on and I wasn't. So, I changed for myself. I started living because I wanted to live."

(May of 1876 Italy)
I'm in my home in Italy with Scarlet. She's practically my only friend. We're in the living room talking.

"I don't know what to do. I'm don't sleep at all and when I do it's when I pass out from the exhaustion. I'm paranoid all the time. My life has completely fallen apart." I told Scarlet.

"Then rebuild it."

"Even if I could I don't know where to start."

"Start by not drinking so much every day." Scarlet says as she takes the bottle of whiskey from my hand. "And tell your brother, Damon, to stop turning people. It'll draw unwanted attention towards you. How are you supposed to be Blake Novak when your brother calls you by your real name?" Scarlet asks.

"We're playing a game, Scarlet. I can't exactly tell him to stop turning people because I'm hiding from a vampire rapist slash torturer who's name I don't know. I can't tell him about that. He'll look at me differently. I don't want to be treated differently. I spent the last 15 years moving on from what had happened to me."

"You have to protect yourself. Family makes you vulnerable. You can't be vulnerable." Scarlet says.

"So, in order to protect myself and him is to make him hate me?" I asked and she doesn't answer. "Damon says I'm the reason he's still in Italy but it's Alison. She looks so much like the girl I told you about... Katherine. He came for my birthday but it didn't end well and he told me he was leaving. It's been 5 months since he told me he was leaving and he's still here."

"Let me see your hand." She says and I looked at her confusingly. I reluctantly gave her my hand and it starts burning so I yank my hand away.


"Did it hurt?"

"Of course it did. It's vervain." I pointed out as if wasn't obvious.

"Does it amount to the pain you went through?" She said and I shake my head, no.

I hold my hand out as she puts the vervain on my hand. It didn't hurt as much as I thought I did.

"Ava, I don't know the pain you went through but are you going to let it weaken you or strengthen you?" She says and I just look at her as I take a deep breath in and exhaled. "Rebuild your life."

I squeezed the vervain in my hand and it didn't hurt at all. The pain was all in my mind.
(End of Flashback)

"I did exactly what she told me. I rebuilt my life. Then Damon killed Scarlet so I killed Alison. Damon left and it was a new start for Blake Novak. I relocated to another town in Italy. Then enemies were made so I fled. I came to New Orleans where I met you. When I met you I was barely standing on my own two feet. You were the best thing that ever happened to me." I said and he smiles. "Well, you know the rest of the story. You're not mad that I kept this from you, are you?"

"I just wished you trusted me enough to tell me."

"I do trust you. I just didn't want to burden you with all my problems. That's the last of my secrets. Oh, wait..." I said and he looks at me a certain way. "Remember when we visited Damon in California in the 60s?"

"I remember."

"Damon and I were the reason we had to leave." I said and he looks at me confusingly. "We started playing the game I told you about. The game was about mostly about who can kill the most people. He killed a little under 80 and I killed over a hundred." I said afraid of his reaction.

"Over a hundred?"

"I didn't necessarily kill them. I turned them. Every day for 6 days I chose 15 to 20 people I saw fit who would be able to handle being a vampire. I asked them if they would choose being human or vampire. Those who chose to stay human were free to go. Those who had children were eliminated. Those who were eager to be a vampire were also eliminated because they would most likely no control. I chose the people who wanted to be a vampire and who I thought who would have control of the bloodlust."

"How did it turn out?" Klaus asks with curiosity.

"Spot on. They're all still alive. Dead, but alive. They're all enjoying vampirism." I said and he smiles.

"Everyone is downstairs. We can stay here if you don't want too."

"No, I want to." I said as we got off the bed and walked out of the room.

"That dress is appealing." He says and I feel his hands on my waist.

"Ha ha." I said as I move his hands away.

"Is this about me taking Caroline to the ball? She's merely a distraction. I only took her because..."

"I brought Kol." I said finishing his sentence and he smiles.

"Next event I'm taking you. Perhaps we'll end the night better." Klaus says with a smirk.

"Perhaps not." I smiled as he chuckles and he kissed my cheek.

"If I had met Dominic I've would have killed him." Klaus says and I chuckled.


We went downstairs and everyone is gone except for Esther and Klaus' siblings.

"Is everything okay?" Esther asks as we enter the living room.

"Everything is fine, Mother." Klaus says.

"Well, then, come join us." Esther smiles.

Klaus grabs my hand as we sat on the couch.

"I'm sorry about my brother." I whispered to Kol.

"You seem to spend an awful lot of your time apologizing for them." He says and I smiled.

We were all talking and laughing for hours.

I've missed this. In New Orleans, it was me, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Marcel, and Rebekah and we would go on for hours at a time. The only person is missing is Rebekah. She should be here... I just remember she's with my brother.

Something is off about Esther and Finn. Klaus seemed to buy into Esther forgiveness but I don't.
Talking like this would've been nicer if I did trust Finn and Esther.


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