Gilmore Girls - What Should H...

By Erin_Chilton

22.3K 1K 190

This story is about what could have happened had Lorelai not run away with Rory as a baby but had still not m... More

1. At Last
2. Spreading Like Wild Fire
3. School Work, Dinner's, Intention's and Goodnights
4. Long Weekend Surprise
5. Good Day's
6. Birthday Fun
7. Birthday shenanigans
8. So Much To Celebrate
9. Holiday's and Sweet 16
10. Birthday Boy
11. Tell Me More and Valentines
12. Arrangements and Loopholes
13. Australia
14. Final Prep and Arrivals
15. Last 48 Hours
16. Till Death Do Us Part
17. Honeymoon Hijinks
18. Honeymoon's Over
19. Holiday Festivities
20. Summer Break
21. Graduating with Honors
22. Summer Getaway
23. The Big Announcement
AN: sorry
24. Fall Fun
25. Holiday's Away.
26. Love Is In The Air
27. Babies Galore
28. Babies and Baby shower's
30. Not A Fool
31. Happy Times and Sad Events
32. Life's Surprises

29. New Years New Titles

397 20 3
By Erin_Chilton

February 14th, 2008

The group decided this year they would go to the annual Cupid's Arrow party that Hayden and Associates were throwing this year. The whole gang decided to get ready at the Hayden estate. Logan and Rory had it planned that she would answer the door holding Ivy and hand her to whatever uncle was at the door while Ivy wore her promotion shirt, Rory and Logan wore their valentines day shirt's announcing the expected baby.

4:00pm Hayden estate

*Ding dong* Rory answers the door

"Hello Finn, Andrea and little Auggie" Rory says handing Ivy to Finn who's arms were out to give her uncle Finn a hug

"Evening" Finn says

"Hey," Andrea says

"Well, little Love, what are you wearing?" Finn asks reading the shirt as Andrea sees what Rory's says and Andrea's eyes get wide and her jaw drops

"Wait... what, Promoted to big sister...... Love you let him do it to you again" Finn says laughing

"Yup, it was a shock to us both, we weren't even trying yet," Rory says

5 min pass

*Ding dong* Rory answers the door

"Hello Colin, Honor and of course princess Ariel," Rory says Hugging Honor and passing Ivy over to colin to see the shirt

"Hi. Oh god, not again" Colin says

"What, again?" Honor asks, and Rory points to her shirt

"Oh dear lord do you ever give it a rest," Honor asks laughing

"Yes, this was a surprise," Rory says

2 min Pass

*Ding dong* Rory answers the door

"Hey Tristan, Steph," Rory says as Ivy runs up to Tristan

"Hello, OMG YES" Steph squeals

"What, Oh well this time you guys can do it together" Tristan as snickering

"Umm, what?" Rory asks looking confused

"We can be pregnant together" Steph whispers

"OMG that's great, I was scared to tell you the most," Rory says

10 min pass

*Ding dong* Rory answers the door

"Hey Paris, Robert" Rory says

"Are you going to ask us in?" Paris asks

"Would you like to come in Paris?" Rory asks

"Better" Paris says sternly

"Paris calm down," Robert says

"Now that we are..... Wait what" Paris says looking at Rory's shirt

"Yup.... It's true Surprise" Rory says

"Oh your not the only one with a surprise," Paris says

"What do you mean?" Rory asks

"Hold on till everyone is together," Robert says

"Livingroom" Rory says walking to the living room and sitting down right away

"Now that everyone is here....." Paris says smiling and lifting her left hand and showing the major bling

"Finally," The guys say in chorus

"Congrats Paris" The girls all coo

"What do you mean finally?" Paris asks the guys

"He's had the ring forever he just needed to grow the balls to ask," Logan says

"Oh I figured he had the ring and was going to ask soon, at least I was hoping he was going to propose soon or I was going to have to do it myself," Paris says smirking

The Hayden's and the group ate a small dinner, and by 5:00pm they were all in their assigned rooms getting ready for the ball, including the babies.

The party was amazing, and Paris got to show all of society she was finally engaged, some people thought she would die unmarried others thought Robert would have cheated on her rather than propose so she felt she should rub it in some snotty people's faces. Ivey, Auggie and Ariel were, of course, the hit of the party in their little outfit's, most other kids just had a plain little dress or a pair of slacks and a red top.

All the family's had a great time showing off their kids and grandkids except for of course Paris' absentee parents, but she was much happier without them she liked her surrogate family much better.

February 15th

Rory and Logan had gotten Andrea and Finn to watch Ivy so they could go to her doctor's appointment and check on the baby.

"Rory Huntzberger" The nurse calls

"That's us," Rory says getting up and walking to the nurse holding logans hand

"I need to take your weight, blood pressure then I need a sample," the nurse says

"Ok," Rory says and does as she's told before being taken back to a room

"The doctor will be with you shortly," The nurse says

"I cant wait to see and hear the baby," Logan says

"I just want to make sure everything is going smoothly," Rory says

"Im sure everything is fine the last time you drank was new years so as long as you weren't pregnant before then, you havent drank in the pregnancy," Logan says

"Oh I know im fine and I know Im not further along then I think, for all I know im not as far along as we thought," Rory says

*Knock knock*

"Hello, Dr. Mark," Rory says

"Nice to see you both again. What are you here for today?" Dr. Mark asks

"To confirm Im 8 weeks pregnant," Rory says laughing

"Ok, I guess you know about when conception was," Dr mark asks

"Ya it's the only time we could have let our guards down," Logan says

"Alright, let's take a look," Dr mark says getting Rory to lay down and exposed her stomach

Dr. Marks eyebrows rose as he was looking at everything and he smirked

"Well everything is alright, would you like to see what I found?" Dr mark asks

"Yes, can we hear the babies heartbeat also?" Logan asks

"Of course" Dr mark says turning the sound on and turning the monitor

"Why does it have 2 black spots?" Rory asks

"Well that would be one for each baby" Dr mark says

"You mean twins?" Logan asks smiling

"Yes you're having twins," Dr mark says

"Wow, when we do it we do it good...." Rory says

"Yes.... 3 kids in 18 months.... Oh god" Rory says

"How many pictures would you like?" dr mark asks

"10 please," Rory says

"Ya, double surprise. We planned to have kids 2 years apart and now.... Oh baby" Logan says

"You can say that again, oh babies," Rory says laughing

"What's funny," Logan asks

"We really did good this time, my moms going to cry, your moms going to expect me to stop working," Rory says

"My mom can expect all she wants it doesn't mean it's going to happen, and if needed you can work from home, we can hire a nanny to help out anything you desire babe," Logan says

"I know, I may take more time off work after having them though, and we will for sure need a nanny with 3 kids 18 months and under," Rory says

"That's all fine, we will figure it out as time goes," Logans says smiling

"My mom is going to freak," Rory says

"I think she will be happy for us, she may even try to move in with us for a while after they are born," Logan says laughing

"Oh god, I don't think we would ever see Ivy until they are born and I think the only time she would let me near the babies is to feed them," Rory says

"She wouldn't be that bad," Logan says

"She always wanted twins so she may just leave Ivy be until im feeding the twins," Rory says

"Possibly..... I can't believe it twin's....." Logan says smiling

"I know double trouble, triple diapers at least till Ivy is potty trained and double the baby stuff," Rory says

"I can't believe we will be the supplier of 60% of our group's kids," Logan says

"Actually only 50%, Stephs knocked up too but act surprised when they tell everyone else," Rory says

"Your kidding?" Logan asks

"No, they have had all guards down for a while, and they just let it happen when it was time," Rory says

"Im happy for them Tristan really wanted kids," Logan says

"So did Steph, she was getting worried she wouldn't be able to get pregnant and I know she was jealous of the rest of us for already having kids and getting pregnant, so easy," Rory says

"You know our group is almost going to be outnumbered, and if Paris and Robert get pregnant in the next 4 months then that will be 7+ kids under 2," Logan says

"Oh geez really we are going to make the new generation of the LDB just between our little group if things keep going this way," Rory says

"Just think there are multiples in Robert's family so they could have twins or more," Rory says laughing

"Oh Paris would have a meltdown if she didn't plan on multiples it would throw everything off in her world" Logan cackles

"Not funny, she may just cause world war 3," Rory says

"Oh it is Funny, but I think with Roberts family history they may plan to possibly have multiples so she may just plan every outcome of multiples, and I think Robert would be the stay at home parents and let Paris work if they had kids anyway," Logan says

"I think your right on both accounts, he loves kids so I could see him taking on the major role with them, Paris hasn't really been too comfortable with many kids in the past," Rory says

"How are we going to tell everyone about having twins?" Logan asks

"I think we should leave it as a surprise as long as possible, if we have one of each then we tell people we chose not to find out the sex and if they are worried just buy one for each sex and what we don't use we will pass it on or use with our next baby" Rory says

"That sounds like a good idea, but are you really going to want to have another baby after having 3 in 18 months?" Logn asks

"I wouldn't want an uneven number of kids, and 4 seems like a good number maybe 2 of each" Rory says

"I like that idea, 4 kids 2 boys 2 girls," Logan says smiling

"Yes, Ivy then Logan jr, Taylor and Eli," Rory says laughing

"No to logan jr, I don't want a jr I was bad enough, but Taylor and Eli could work as long as they are gender-neutral," Logan says

"Ya maybe we will have to see what we end up having," Rory says

"Did we just name future children that aren't even born yet?" Logan asks

"I think we may have come up with some names, yes but they aren't set in stone," Rory says

March 16th, 2008

Logan and Rory were throwing Ivy a first birthday party at the Huntzberger estate in Hartford. The theme was Donut's, a bit different, but that's the way they wanted it.

By now everyone had suspicions of Steph's pregnancy but no confirmation yet as it was still early in the pregnancy.


Rory and Logan's apartment

Everyone met on the main floor of the apartment for drink's until the last guest showed up, and the party could start, the party location was going to be the rooftop indoor space. It was decorated beautifully with balloons, and Donut themed items all around, most of the decorations were things that the kids could play with, there were about 10 kids in total under the age of 2 from their friends and even a few of HPG's young families that watched Ivy grow over the past year, Rory and Logan had bonded with a few people from their office who had children and they got together from time to time.

"How's the birthday girl doing today?" Someone asked

"She's doing good, she's been trying to eat the snacks and decorations all day saying nummy to everything," Rory says, and a few people laugh at the cuteness

"Is she happy about the new baby?" Marshal asks

"I think so, she keeps rubbing my Rory's stomach and saying "mommy baby" or "my baby," but I don't think she really realizes anything yet," Logan says

"I remember when my second was coming our oldest was 18 months and was so happy until he found out the baby was a girl, he wanted a baby brother, but then he fell in love when she was born," Maggie says

"Then a year later we had our 3rd and last baby, and it was a boy. We ended up having 3 kids in 3 years and boy that was busy" Marshal says

"I wouldn't recommend having 3 in 3 years, it was easier with just two, the oldest two were jealous of the baby and how much attention he got, but after a few months we got a schedule down, and all was great again," Maggie says

"Oh that sounds like hell," Steph says

"Do you have any kids?" Maggie asks

"Just the one," Steph says rubbing her belly, and the gang looks at her shocked

"What, you all knew already please I havent been drinking or anything fun in months," Steph says laughing

The guys all clapped Tristan on the back and congratulated Steph on the baby.

"Tristan finally did something good in his life after marrying you," Colin says

"Oh shut it, but yes she lets me do good things often," Tristan says

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