Babysitter to the God of Misc...

Por asavagejoy

267K 9.9K 4.5K

BOOK ONE OF THE PROPHECY SERIES Dahlia is used to not being noticed, enjoying being invisible to those aroun... Más

Little Disclaimer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
* Sequel *

Chapter Twenty Four

6.8K 255 73
Por asavagejoy

Loki was up bright and early in the mornings. When I first met him I thought he wouldn't be - his dark clothes and sometimes moody persona reminded me of a hormonal teenager who would sleep into the early afternoon, but he wasn't like that at all.

He enjoyed his lie ins when he got them, but he liked to be kept busy, and that meant finding jobs to do from the moment he woke up to the moment he let himself relax in the evenings. He was also finding that I preferred to stay in bed, and my grumblings about waking up early were becoming more vocal by the day.

"Just five more minutes." I moaned, shoving my head into the pillow and yanking Loki's blankets up to cover my face.

"Maria will be here any moment for breakfast and if she sees you sleeping in my bed then there will be a scandal." Loki argued, tugging half heartedly at the corner of his bedding.

"What about that time I slept in your bed when I was still your maid? She probably saw that."

"When..? Dahlia you were resting after I tried to strangle you in my sleep!" Loki's exasperated cry made my head stick out of the blanket.

"Resting, sleeping... no difference really."

"Maria didn't see you that morning anyway, I made breakfast for you."

"What?" I sat upright, letting the blanket fall around my lap. "I don't think you did."

"I fetched the breakfast myself that morning. It was a part of my apology to you." His cheeks tinted a pale pink as he confessed, and I couldn't help the grin that tried to push my cheeks up.

"Aw, you liked me."

Loki cocked a brow, twisting to look at me from his seat on the edge of the bed. "I still like you."

I scrunched my face, looking to the side to hide the flush that fought its way up my neck.

"Dahlia, I do like you." Loki's voice hushed to a whisper, his breath hot against my neck as he leant closer. "So much." His lips fluttered lightly against my skin, causing my body to jolt and lean to the side. His nose tickled my jaw as he crept closer, his hand sitting beside my thigh as his body silently moved to straddle my outstretched legs.

Three resounding knocks brought the intimate moment to a slamming end, completed by a loud groan of annoyance by Loki, followed by a peck to the tip of my nose. "This will be resumed."

"Not if we're here."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I shrugged his question away by sliding out of the bed and slipping into my bathroom, locking the door carefully behind me. I needn't have bothered; Loki respects my privacy and never probed me with questions, nor followed me once I entered my rooms.

The water heated up as I undressed, and I pondered over my words to him. It was true, Loki and I couldn't progress whatever we were if we were still here. We were constantly interrupted by Thor, the King and Queen or Maria, and that was still in what should have been the privacy of Loki's chambers.

We weren't able to be officially together in public, as it would be scandalous to not only have Loki courting without the express wishes and approval of the Allfather, but also as I was his Carer. Both of us were in positions of power - we could never agree on who had more authority; Loki as Prince or me as the Prince's Carer - But it would likely cause an outrage for us doing it behind closed doors.

On Earth, a similar story would likely have a similar reaction, though some romantics would find the beauty of a Carer and their Prince falling in love with one another. I often found myself fantasising over a future with him - whether it included royal duties or a more simple home life set up, in small apartment flats back home.

I knew it was wrong to dream about such things. Loki wouldn't be able to leave Asgard for Earth, and even if he could he wouldn't want to. Last time he was there he attempted to take over the planet, kill countless people and became a most wanted criminal in every country. Even if Thor were able to clear Loki's name, which would mean he would have to publicly announce he was brainwashed and manipulated, everyone on Earth would be angry and most likely violent against him.

So I let the dreams fade and wash away with the water that poured off my body down the drain, and let my mind wander freely over activities we could do today. A life in hiding wasn't fun, but at least I was able to spend time with the man I had growing feelings for.

I changed quickly into a thin floor length dress that Loki had bought me a week previously. It was a pale blue, and shimmered as the sunlight caught it. Summer was slowly approaching, and as the weather warmed up it became clear it was only to get hotter. Growing up in England meant I wasn't used to the intensity of the warmth, but the thin fabrics were breathable and let me slowly adjust to the climate.

Both Sif and Thor had supplied me with hair ties so I could keep my hair off the back of my neck, which I appreciated greatly, as I was finding Loki liked kissing my neck. I gathered the black curls into a loose plait and paired it with my signature jewellery, the black bracelet and necklace encrusted with emeralds and shining green stones.

I heard Maria leave as the door clicked shut, and I found Loki sprawled across the sofa with his head resting on the arm of the chair. "Do you want some breakfast?"

"What is it?" I walked around the room, and took a seat on the edge of the sofa next to his. The tray on the table was laden with breads and fruit, and a sparkling drink filled the bottle next to two empty glasses.

"The usual." Loki picked himself up and helped himself to a bit of everything, pouring one glass to the rim before sipping it. I watched as he slowly ate through his plate of food, and let my eyes drift out the window to the already strong sunlight.

"What are you thinking about?" Loki asked.

I stayed quiet, picking at my food. Deciding that now wasn't an ideal time to vocalise my worries of our possible future together, I shrugged the thoughts away and smiled at him. "Nothing. How's the breakfast?"

"Why aren't you eating?" He narrowed his eyes at me, staring me down until I reached out and poured a glass of the sparkling drink. "Dahlia?"

"I'm just not that hungry this morning. Though the fruit looks nice, I'll have a bit." 

He gave me an odd look, but nodded and left me to quietly eat through a small selection of the fruits whilst he collected a pile of paperwork regarding the numbers in the growing army.

I wandered around the rooms once I'd eaten, picking up the odd trinket and sliding some of the heavy books off the shelves stacked against the wall. Unlike old books in libraries on earth that spread dust as the pages fell open, these books didn't fill the air with the old dust. They looked ancient, but the pages were sturdy and thicker than I expected it to be.

"What time is it?" Loki appeared by my side as I pushed a book back on the wall.

"Soon be lunchtime," I answered, reaching up to slide another book from the shelf. Something looked familiar and I stared as Loki started mumbling about being hungry. Embossed in gold on the leather bound cover was the title of a book I used to own back at home.

Loki's hands slid around my waist as he tucked his chin over my shoulder, causing his hair to rise and sit in my face.


He replied by pressing a kiss to exposed skin at the top of my dress, his arms tightening to wrap around my waist.

"Where did you get this?"

"Get what?" He looked up and glanced at the book in my hand. "Oh, the fairytales. Thor bought it on his last trip to Midgard and said I might like to read it as studies into their culture."

"You studied these?" I turned around in his arms, leaning back a little so I could see his face properly.

He nodded, "its odd how much suffering is in them considering you tell them to young children."

"Says you," I muttered, flicking the Brothers Grimm book open. "Half your stories for kids revolve around murdering a beast."

"Yes." Loki confirmed, looking confused at my argument. "They must defeat the beast in order to grow into brave people who can look after themselves."

"The children die in your stories." I pointed out, raising an eyebrow as I remembered a handful of the stories I'd asked Loki to tell me whilst we were walking one day. In turn I'd told him the story of Cinderella and Snow White.

He rolled his eyes, "It's fiction Dahlia." With that he took the book from my hands and pushed it back on the shelf, before grabbing my hands and pulling me in the direction of the door.

As we reached it, Loki spun and pushed me back to the wall with a cheeky grin lighting his features. "You look gorgeous today."

"Thank you," I blushed, flicking my eyes from his chest to his eyes. "You're not so bad yourself."

"Not what you were saying last night." Loki grinned at my shocked face, and I shoved him back, embarrassed by how openly he was talking.


He ducked down and pressed a short kiss to my lips. Just as I began responding, intending to kiss him back, he pulled away and swung the door open. "Come on then, off to lunch."

I glared at him and marched past, aware of how dark the blush on my cheeks would be at Loki confusing my emotions.

He caught up and nudged my shoulder. I ignored him, looking straight forward as he did it again. By the third time he'd added a whining "Dahlia."

"What Loki?" I smiled politely at a queue of serving girls who were stood to the side of the hall, placing trays of food onto the tables at the side.

"Are you mad at me?"

"What? No!" I spun to look at his confused expression.

"Then why are you ignoring me?"

"Because you were teasing-"

I got half way through my short explanation before a tall man in thick armour approached us. "Prince Loki, the Allfather requests your presence at his table."

Loki's face darkened. "Can I not eat my lunch first?"

"It is regarding the arrival of the palaces new guests." The man bowed his head and strode away, leaving through a door behind us.

Loki turned to face me, his face melting into an expression of guilt. "I'm really sorry but I need to help with this. Do you think you could put up with Odin for an hour or two."

I bit back a sigh and nodded. "If you can do it then so can I."

He smiled, entwining our fingers for a mere second before his hand slipped away and he led the way to the high table. Odin was seated on the tallest chair, with Frigga sat patiently at his side.

"You're late." Odin grumbled as Loki and I slid into our seats. He shot me a look over his glass, as if I were the reason to us only just arriving, but I held his gaze. Loki's hand found mine under the table and his reassuring squeeze helped me to muster a smile in Odins direction.

"I apologise Allfather." I received a glare in return, and had to bite down on my lip, squeezing Loki's hand tighter before the royal family discussed ways of entertaining another family in the palace.


~Loki's POV~

Dahlia was acting off. She said she wasn't angry at me but there was a sadness around her and I couldn't quite interpret the reasoning behind it. All day she's focused herself on tasks where she didn't necessarily need me nearby, so we worked quietly.

We were now waiting for the newest additions of the palace, which included the princesses of the light elves and their daughters. The sisters worked together to bring harmony to the realms whilst their partners stayed to defend their homes should war present itself.

Dahlia was stood to the side of the throne room, looking around with a curious eye at the sculptures Mother had commissioned to be built.

I watched as Fandral sidled up to her and lowered his head to whisper in her ear. A smile crept along her lips as she shook her head, discreetly elbowing his side as he looked up with a grin lighting up his features. Dahlias gaze soon followed, her cheeks tinged with a rose blush, when she met my eye. Her head bowed immediately, the blush darkened as she muttered something. Fandrals eye flicked to mine before he nodded in polite greeting.

I frowned, curious at their interaction though I couldn't leave the throneside just because I felt a little jealous. I convinced myself the jealousy was unwarranted as Dahlia had made it clear she had feelings for me, and I believe her when she  tells me. She was friends with Fandral, and I was growing happier with their friendship after seeing how Dahlia was opening up with having more people to confide in.

My attention was pulled away as the doors opened and two guards announced the arrival of our guests. Rows of elves, led by their Queen and Princesses walked the length of the room before bowing at the foot of the steps.

Odin began speaking, but my gaze drifted back to Dahlia. Her eyes were fixed on the new arrivals, wide and absorbing the sights. Her fingers tapped her thighs as she leant to the side to get a closer look at the front of the group, a smile growing on her face.

About an hour later the hundreds of people gathered in the room began to leave, causing a bottleneck at the door as they impatiently waited to get out to the fresh air. My family waited by the throne to finish finalising details with the guests, and for a less formal catch up whilst everybody else left.

Dahlia hovered by the side, hesitant to approach as her brows furrowed in thought. She still seemed a little distant like she was during the morning, though the excitement of the elves seemed to have lifted her spirits a little. Before I had a chance to approach her, Fandral appeared by her side and tugged her over to where the youngest princess was standing.

I was about to go over and steal Dahlia away, planning on taking her to the small ruins of the abandoned town where I'd first confessed my feelings for her, when the eldest princess sidled up to me. "Loki, my dear, look how you've grown."

Clarissa was a year older than Thor, and with her elvish genes she stood tall and powerfully built, a height that matched my giant genes. Her smile was gentle though, as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pressed her lips to my cheek in their traditional greeting.

"How have you been?" I asked, genuinely interested. We used to be friends, many years ago, and though we hadn't seen each other in decades, it didn't feel like it had been that long.

"Oh, as well as can be expected. My mother still disapproves of Tay but I stood up to her."

"Which one is Tay again?"

Clarissa pointed to a slightly shorter elf with shining silver hair clipped back to fall down one shoulder. A smile lit up the woman's face as she caught us looking in her direction, and she lifted her hand in a not so subtle wave. "She is wonderful Loki. I mean, wonderful." She rocked her head back as a devilish smile lit up her features, a cheeky glint echoing in her eyes.

"I don't want to know." I muttered, a frown tugging my lips down as Clarissa became lost in thought.

"What about you though, still oblivious to the men and women fawning after you?"

I tilted my head to the side, but ignored the insult hidden in her question. Clarissa carried on though, "a few of my sisters have been drooling after you for years now Loki. Why not give them a chance?"

"I'm not interested in light elves." I dismissed the notion as I watched Dahlias lips lift into a smile at the youngest elf, who had just hooked an arm around Fandrals shoulders and planted a kiss on his heated cheek.

"No? Well, you were always fussier than the other men here."

Dahlia had slipped away from Fandral and his new date, and had returned to hovering on the edge of the throne room, fingers entwining as she fidgeted. I dragged my gaze away, and politely bid goodbye from Clarissa with a bow of my head.

Dahlia looked up as I approached, a tired smile on her face as I walked up to her. "I was thinking we could spend the evening out by the ruins? You said it would be a good place to sit and think and I think we should do just that."

Her fingers strayed to the beaded bracelet around her wrist. "You need to spend time with your guests Loki-"

"I want to spend time with you."

Dahlia froze for a second before rolling her eyes, "You always spend time with me Loki. You aren't allowed to leave my side, remember?"

"Just me and you. When was the last time it was just us? I want to dance with you and talk with you. Hold you, I want to be with you Dahlia." I dropped my voice, aware we were still in public. Dahlias cheeks had darkened considerably, but she couldn't disguise the smile that crept onto her lips.

"We better get going then." She said with a grin.

I'm so sorry for such the long wait! I'm still getting used to my work schedule and I've not had a lot of time to write.

I'm hoping to update more often though!

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting xxx ❤️

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