The Reapers Resolve (Naruto X...

By HaileyXOXOkiller

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War, something all shinobi might go through. Tough decisions and hardships will have to be faced. Hailey is b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50!! ;)

Chapter 37

254 13 0
By HaileyXOXOkiller

A week has passed and things are slowly going back to normal... Sort of. Sasuke has been interrogated by the leaf. Natsu had been by my side the entire time as well.

Currently I was lounging around my apartment with Natsu being a butt munch. I turned my head to look at the pink haired idiot, a sly smirk creeping onto my face.

"So you and Lucy?" I questioned with a quirked brow. His smile grew bigger as I mentioned the pregnant celestial mage. "Yep, we're having a child!"

His excitement was cute, I have no doubt in my mind that Natsu will make a great dad. His smile lit up just talking about it. I couldn't blame him either, he was soon to be 21 and Lucy too.

"So are you taking some time away from the guild?" Natsu asked, his smile slightly falling. I looked down at my lap, fidgeting with my thumbs.

"I don't know." I sighed, "Right now I have no idea where I should be. The world is being a bitch."

I hung my head lowly, thinking of what my future had in store for little ol' me. In all honesty, my mind drifted to a certain raven haired male. I facepalmed and slid my hand down my face, letting out a groan. I was frustrated, and I didn't know what to do.

"When do you get to see lover boy?" Natsu teased with a smirk. I shot him a glare, but for some reason it didn't seem to faze me all that much. "Later today, if what Kakashi said was correct."

He playfully punched my shoulder and smiled. "Lighten up! You're the all mighty Reaper, nobody can put you down!"

I looked at the lamp next to me and a sly plan filled my head. I secretly reached for the lamp as I told Natsu to look at the window.

"Hey Hailey I don't see any- OW!" I slammer the lamp over his head, but made sure not to cause any permanent damage.

"LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP NATSU!" I laughed like a mad man, so much I rolled off the couch and onto the floor. Laughing the entire time. Natsu held his head, even through the pain he still held his goofy smile. Not that long ago, I faked smiles and pretended that I was okay, I think I have grown greatly from then. At least now I'm actually smiling for real, and it felt good to say the least.

After I died from laughter I stood myself up, ignoring the light pain in my stomach. I walked over to the window, and ignored Natsu's complaints.

Outside everyone was working to make sure the village was in good condition after the war. The damage here wasn't all that bad, but the village could use some care. Kakashi had give us the day off, so now I'm stuck lounging around.

"Hailey! I'm boredddddd." He drawled out the adjective, sighing I look over my shoulder.

"Wanna go get some food?" I asked, well no matter his answer we were going to get food. "Ramen?!"

"Yes!" We were both childish when it came to our eating habits. Whenever Mira made chicken nuggets that were shaped like dinosaurs we would recreate their extention. Now we were going to have a slurping contest with delicious noodles. I confidently say that not much has changed since we were kids. I still can't believe the bozo next to me will be a father soon. And ice brain will be too. I smiled lightly as we rushed out of the apartment.

We dodged obstacles that came our way, and avoided running into people. I saw the famous Ramen stand in view and rushed past Natsu. I threw the curtain to the side and smelt the amazing scent. I sat down, Natsu following my actions.

"Two miso Ramens please." I smiled and put some money on the table. The old man smiled and nodded. "On the house kid, everyone knows you, and it's the least I can do to thank you for your efforts in the war."

I smiled and nodded lightly, Natsu was star struck and all I could do was laugh. 

"You're a hero!" He gawked. We chatted somewhat quietly as we waited for our meal. The old man placed the food in front of us with a smile. "Enjoy."

A smiled as I picked up a pair of chopsticks, Natsu following suit. We had a silently contest, it wasn't official but we slurped down noodles like it was nobody's business. I was almost done when a familiar scent of ramen came in from the curtain.

A blonde haired man with orange jacket took a seat next to us. His scruffy hair all over the place as he ordered some ramen too. I stopped eating, losing the contest in the process, and looked at Naruto.

"Sup dude, haven't seen you in a while." I smiled and patted him on the back. He looked at me, his smile lighting up the entire room... without the need of a lamp. "Hailey! Been a couple days."

"Yep." I popped the p because I felt like it and returned a small smile in his direction. "So whatcha been up to?"

"I'm helping around the village, and I just got back from seeing Sauske, then I helped-" I stopped listening as he said the word I've been dying to know about. "How is he?"

"Oh, he's doing good, great actually. They're calling off his jail statement and I think he said he was seeing you tonight?" I nodded to his words, excitement radiating off of my body. Natsu slung am arm over my shoulder and put his head on top of my own. "What we talking about?"

I then noticed that how entire bowl, broth and all, was gone. Natsu can eat when he's hungry! I slowly finished my meal as the two dimwits talked about their ramen. Then they had an eating contest. I sighed and said goodbye to the two. But they didn't hear me in the slightest.

What was I going to do with these two?

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