Alpha Without a Pack...

By Puppies59

413K 20.8K 1.4K

She was born to lead a pack, but she's just starting her journey to freedom and family... Sidney Blake never... More

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Short Character bio's
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
The End (sort of)

Chapter 26

4.4K 267 19
By Puppies59


I ran faster and faster as I braced myself for the battle ahead, crossing into the main part of the boys territory. I could smell the rogues scent strongly and it was headed towards the pack house, I kept pushing forward as I let a snarl ripple out of me. I reached the pack house and took in the sight in one quick glance, Beckett was unconscious on the dirt but still breathing. Then I saw Fletcher was pinned under two large males, a third getting ready to deal a deadly blow, I didn't hesitate to rush into the battle to protect the pup. I body slammed one of the two off of Fletcher and tore into the third male that had been going for the poor pups throat, he was dead at my feet in seconds. 

Fletcher wriggled himself out of the other males grip but he was hurt and in no real condition to fight as he limped to my side, shivering with shock and panic. The rogues faced off with us as I pushed Fletcher behind me with a quick nudge and snarled at the 9 remaining rogues, soon they would join their fallen comrade if I had anything to say about it. "Stay behind me Puppet." I linked the terrified pup as I snarled towards the pack of growling males. "You can't take them all on alone!" Fletcher linked back in panic. "Watch me." My return was short and sweet as I charged headfirst into the battalion of males.

 I ripped and tore at anything within reach sinking my teeth into shoulders and throats and dodging as many attacks as possible. I felt teeth sink into my side before I tore away from my attacker, leaving him stunned by the chunk of fur still in his mouth as I ripped open his carotid in one quick lashing. Fletcher was fighting off a single rogue that had broken away from the group but I was too occupied with the others to help him. I had three more dead and dying but that left me standing against five males that hadn't just run a marathon to get here and weren't nearly as wounded or exhausted as I was starting to be. 

I refused to let them win though as I resolved myself to keep fighting, after all I'd fought worse in worse shape. I was on three good legs now but I didn't let that slow me down as I dodged one of their attacks and sank my teeth into the side of my attackers face. He yelped in pain but it didn't last long as another wolf rushed from the trees and finished him off. "About time you showed up Streaks." I linked towards Gavin as Fletcher finally got a good enough hold on his opponent to finish him off. The poor pup collapsed to the dirt in exhaustion but there were still wolves to fight and with Beck still out it meant 2 to 1 odds in favor of the trespassers. 

Gavin seemed to have caught his second wind as he jumped into battle with another rogue, suddenly two of them were on me, trying to force me into submission. I felt my anger rising as they tore at my ear and sent blood gushing from my wounds into my eyes, I let loose another angered growl of my own before pushing back. They had gotten smarter though and were working as a team to try pinning me, one on each side as they forced their combined weights on top of me. I knew that with my injuries I wasn't at full strength anymore and couldn't push them off so I had to resort to another tactic.

 I dropped to the ground like dead weight, causing both males to stumble slightly as I rolled under the one on my left and lashed out at his under belly, his blood coated my muzzle as he screamed out in pain. I stood to face both of them when I saw that Gavin was still fighting his one opponent, and that was when I realized where the fourth male was. I caught him making a go for Fletcher's sprawled and helpless form and I was seeing a whole new red outside of the blood from my wounds. I snarled once at the one and a half males still readying to continue our fight, then without a second thought I turned on the male going after the pup.

 It left my back wide open as I tore into the cowardly male going after the helpless pup, and my two previous opponents didn't let the open opportunity go to waste. I felt teeth sink into my back and another into my rear leg, I still focused on my task though. I didn't let go of the cowardly males throat until he was dead, then I turned my attention back to the last two. Gavin was at my side immediately, having killed his previous challenger he helped to finish off the male I'd nearly gutted as I tore into the one with his teeth sunk into my back. He had been going for my spine but luckily he'd missed, I on the other hand made sure my blow counted as his corpse hit the dirt along with the others. 

I heard the cars pulling up behind and smelled the boys as they rushed to our battlefield, I paid no attention to them as I went to check on the two boys who seemed in the worst shape. I limped over to where Fletcher was whimpering beside a very unstable Beck as he started to come back around. "What happened here !?" Simon squealed out as I turned to face the rest of the stunned boys as they looked over all the carnage. "Doc you need to take care of Fletcher and Beckett for now, questions can come later." I snarled as he hurried over to us, he glanced my way and gasped. "Sidney, you're bleeding!" Simon tried to come towards me but I growled out a warning that had him stopping in his tracks.

 "Them first Doc, when they're okay then you can check Gavin, only then will I allow you to treat my wounds." I warned him through a link as I curled up beside a tree and settled in to watch over them. "They barely have any wounds on them, you need my help more then they do right now!" He protested. "Don't argue with me and get to work already. The faster you treat them, the faster I will let you treat me." I rumbled out, he hesitated for a moment but them settled in on checking everyone over. Beckett had been knocked out on an innital ambush so other than a really bad headache and feeling a bit dizzy he was fine.

 Fletcher had a few wounds but nothing serious enough to cause issue, he was mostly just exhausted from defending himself so much. I was starting to feel the drowsiness setting in while Simon checked Gavin over, I fought off my drooping eyelids to make sure he was good first. Luckily he would only have to wear a bandage for a day or two on the deep gash he'd gotten in the fighting, but he was overall fine. "There they are all fine, now can I please make sure you're not going to bleed to death." Simon pleaded and I let him approach me, he wisely did so with caution.

 "What were you thinking running into an unknown fight like that Crazy girl!?" Gavin was shouting at me now, and his tone was only adding to my growing headache. "It's not the first time I've ever gone into battle Streaks, and chances are it won't be the last. I can take care of myself just fine, I was more worried for those two facing an army alone." I link out as I send a glance to where Fletcher and Beckett were watching me silently. "You could have been killed, these injuries are not something to take lightly." Simon scolded as he carefully brushed back some of my fur to expose the deep gash in my leg.

 I heard gasps from the others and maybe even Simon himself but my headache was starting to make it harder to focus on who or what I was hearing, I was just so tired. "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting, Napoleon Hill." I linked the quote softly to all of them before continuing. "I'm a fighter, I have to be because the only one who looks out for me is me. My wounds will heal with time and rest, they always do." I linked out before shutting out everything and letting the darkness pull me under its rest.


She was unconscious to all of us now, I didn't want her to be until I knew how bad her injuries were but with her dead to the world it was easier to check her over. "She still doesn't trust us to have her back, does she?" Jason whispered out sadly. "Give her time, if she's been on her own for so long it's going to take her a while to get used to having us around." Colton muttered out as he kicked at one of the dead rogues. "She was worried about us, that's why she ... they were going to kill me but she stopped them." Fletch whispered out, it only added to my growing respect of the younger female. 

"How is she Si?" I was surprised when Beckett was the first one to ask about her. "She's got a few gashes here and there but nothing too serious, clean them up some and they'll heal without any scars I'd say. It's the bite here on her back that I want to keep an eye on, they were trying to paralyze her from the placement. Luckily it looks like they missed, but getting any sort of infection that close to her spine would be bad news." I stated slowly as I studied the deep punctures in her back. The very thought of watching her die terrified me, it was something I would not accept, I couldn't.


Staring at the tiny she wolf curled up, her fur matted with blood, it wasn't a site I wanted to get used to. "What happened?" I barked out an order to the three members of my pack, who still hadn't been able to take their eyes off of her. "We were headed back to the sanctuary when Sid had a bad gut feeling and when we got closer we smelled them. There were three rogues waiting for us when we pulled up, they attacked and we fought back, killing two and pinning the third. Sidney was snarling and snapping at him, I guess they were linking but I couldn't hear them. Then she suddenly snapped his neck and asked who was at the pack house, she took off before I even finished answering. " Gavin says clearly.

 "I chased after her and linked everyone, that was when Fletcher's link came through." He finished up as he sent a look to the other two who had been home for the day. "I stepped outside and next thing I know something hit me pretty hard and knocked me out." Beckett grumbled out, after all it was a decent shot to his pride. "I saw them knock Beck out through the window and linked everyone, I went to go help Beck when more of them came and pinned me. Then Sidney was there and fighting, Gavin showed up and joined in and then all of you got here. " Fletcher finished nervously fiddling with his hands as he kept his eyes locked on the sleeping female.

 "She fought better than any of us." Gavin sighed out softly as silence reigned over all once more. Knowing that the little wolf had fought to protect my pack was puzzling to me. She said she only defended herself, but yet she rushed in to save the members of my pack? She was remarkably brave or maybe she was just plain crazy like Gavin said, but either way I was grateful for the younger females actions. She was proving to be one of the better things I'd come across in my time as alpha, and even if she didn't want to join my pack I would do everything in my power to keep her close.

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