Callsign: DEKU

By indiancanadian2

309K 6.4K 1.1K

Not everyone is born equal, This is a story of how a qurikless kid is forced into a life he never wanted, wit... More

CH:1 11 years ago
CH 3: Still Falling
CH: 4 Welcome to HAVEN
CH: 6 Ochako's first day
CH 7: First day at work
CH 8: Reunion
CH:11 Awake
CHARACTER skills break down (Deku)
CH 14: let's go
Ch:15 Lunch
CH 16: Just breath
Ch:17 The plan
CH: 18 Aftermath
CH 19: Date
Quick heads up
CH: 20 First Patrol
CH:21 spotlight
CH: 22 The briefing
Ch: 23 I-island
Holy shit guys
CH: 25 Display
CH: 26 night recce
CH: 27 Planning the attack
CH: 28 Operation Castle siege
Ch: 29 Contact front!
Requesting artistic support
CH:31 hand to hand
Ch: 32 Team up
Ch 33: escape
Ch 34: Left behind, but not forgotten
requesting artistic support.
CH:35 survival
CH:36 Backup
Discord server
CH:37 Torpedos away!
Happy Holidays!
CH: 38 Operation Telephone
Ch : 39 Early Christmas
CH: 40 Always make them pay

CH:24 Replacement

3K 72 18
By indiancanadian2

As the group left the stadium they were greeted by All-might and a man standing next to him. All might-"This is David Sheild, my friend and colleague, we worked together while I was working in America" Then a blond girl with glasses jumped out behind him smiling and waving. Melissa-"im melissa pleased to meet you" Everyone waved back, Melissa walked up to Deku Melissa-"is it true you are quirkless" Deku-"Um yea im quirkless" Melissa-"That's so cool, im quirkless too! you're really amazing. I became a scientist to help heroes with their gear, but to see a quirkless person be a hero is awesome!" All might-"How is your investigation going so far?" Deku-"We were just planning on heading to the exhibits. Melissa-"Exhibit 3 is the automation field. That's probably your best bet to find out about your robots" David-"Here take these passes, these will give you access to any workshop or VIP area, you also have access to our I-island security detail as backup." Torodoki-"Security detail?" then right on cue 4 soldiers decloak and retracted their visors showing their faces. A man with a beret and trench coat approached behind David 

Hades-"Its been awhile Deku" Deku frowned and gritted his teeth Deku-"Hades what are you doing here" as Deku approached him the 4 soldiers stepped in front of him. Hades-" I-island has requested Afterlife to provide security during the expo due to the important tech being displayed here. Id like to introduce you to the next generation of super soldier, the AUG lls." the 4 soldiers were clearly adults around their mid-20s.  Hades-"callsigns Hazard, shield, crash, and pulse" they were all bald with little to no facial scars, their armour shiny and scratch free, unlike Deku. The looked like they never been in a fight, Deku-"How old are they?" Hazard-"That's classified" Deku snapped back at Hazard Deku-"Don't talk to me about classified, agent!" Hazard was about to advance on Deku but Pulse stopped him. Pulse-"Holy shit dude, that's Deku,... the Deku,  he's one of the few first-generation AUGs still alive" The 4 agents realized who they were among, a legend in the Afterlife division. A child soldier raised for war and combat forged in battle and Tested  Pulse-"To answer your question we are all 25 years old. After the AUG 1 program members were selected from a pool of consenting adults from law enforcement and special forces." Hazard-"Simply put we are the best of the best, no better replacement for the outdated first gen Augs" Deku-"That's a lot of talk from shinies, look at your armour. It's shiny and new, you guys haven't even been in combat yet." Hades-"All the more reason for you to lead them on this. They need the experience" Deku thought for a moment about the whole ordeal Deku-"Fine meet me here at 2100 hours for night recon. Hades simply nodded and the 4 agents cloaked back up and disappeared. 

David-"Im sorry I didn't know you 2 had history" Deku-"It's alright" Deku looked back to his group. Deku-"Lida escort Melissa while you guys check Exbhit 3 for anything relating to automated death bots, Shouto and Momo check the VIP areas to see what the gossip is floating around. Me and Ochako will check the exhibit on weapons." All might-"Me and David will do our own investigation" With that, the group split up. Ochako-"Why did you pair you and me together?" Deku-"Would you want me to pair up with Melissa instead?" Ochako blush and playfully hit Deku on the shoulder. Deku giggles Deku-"I wanted to spend time with you alone, kinda like a date" Ochako-"How romantic a secret mission and a date" they both laughed. Word about Deku's exploits in the arena spread like wildfire. He could swear he heard a girl saying he was cute, which probably pissed Ochako off a bit. They arrived at a cafe and sat down both were reading a brochure about the expo. Ochako-"Can I ask you a question?" Deku-"Sure go ahead" Ochako-"Do you miss being an agent?" there was a long pause Deku-"Kinda, I miss my friends mostly, people I grew up with. I just wish I could go back in time and tell them how much they meant to me. It was always about the missions, no downtime, no break, just back to back missions. it broke all of us, but deep down we all knew it was worth it." Ochako-" Well I don't think so" Ochako looked at Deku directly in the eyes.  Ochako-"I don't think someone needs to lose so much of their childhood and freedom just to help others, it's not right to force kids into violence, no hero would let something like that happen to kids like you."

Deku absorbed what she said in. yea he was forced to give up so much but it was still worth it right? he still gets nightmares in his sleep, flashbacks, all the scars and pain he felt. His mom was more like a distant relative to him then say a parent because she was never a real part of his life. Hell, Sprinter was the only person he considers family. Deku went back to reading the brochure Suddenly something caught Deku's eye on the brochure. In Exhibit 4 there was a display labelled as remotely operated weapons. curious Deku read on, looking up a company called Prima. Deku-"Ochako I think I found something interesting here" Ochako-"Let's go then, but first coffee!"

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