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By twobitchmathews

388K 4.9K 2.4K

You loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like. ... More

1 | After Johnny and Dally's Deaths
2 | When you're cold
3 | Nicknames for each other
4 | Conversations between you two.
5 | The Socs mess with you
6 | How he greets you
7 | You're Pregnant
8 | Your best friend
9 | After a rumble
10 | His reaction when he sees you
11 | Typical date night
16 | Things he tells you in private
18 | The Gang in 2019.
19 | You Comfort him.
20 | Your favortie song together.
21 | How he treats your kids.
22 | Dating Ponyboy would include.
23 | Dating Sodapop would include.
24 | Dating Darrel would include.
25 | Dating Dallas would include.
26 | Dating Two-bit would include.
27 | Dating Johnny would include.
28 | Dating Steve would include.
A/N | My Opinions on The Outsiders.
29 | How he shows affection.
30 | You catch him revealing private info.
31 | You see him at school.
32 | How he wakes you up.
33 | Car rides with him.
34 | Would he cheat?
35 | How he hugs you.
36 | What your parents think of him.
39 | What he smells like.
40 | What your fighting about.
41 | His favortie physical feature about you.
44 | Him teaching you how to drive.
45 | How he is when your sick.
46 | How he is drunk.
47 | Taking him to the beach.
49 | His relationship with your sibling(s).
50 | What he said when he proposed.
51 | Cuddling with him.
53 | Where you honeymoon.
55 | Your Jobs.
56 | Where he took you on your first date.
57 | What of his you wear.
58 | How many kids he wants.
59 | What embarasses them.
60 | What he gets you for your birthday.
61 | Age you marry.
62 | Friend of his that you dislike.
63 | When he's jealous.
64 | Your childs name.
65 | Best man and maid of honor
66 | His preferred PDA
67 | What he does to make you happy
68 | Most Hurtful thing hes ever done
69 | His first impression of you
70 | Where you first met
72 | He takes you to a concert
73 | What you do on a lazy day
74 | Can't sleep
75 | Your Relationship 20 Years into the Future
76 | Their response to you dating a soc
78 | How he would react if you cheated
81 | His love language
82 | Jealousy
83 | He sees you crying
84 | You're drunk
85 | His bad habits
86 | You're in the hosptial
87 | His response to "I'm Pregnant"
88 | His weird sleeping habits
89 | You get in trouble

15 | Hes annoying you

7K 102 79
By twobitchmathews

Date: 07.21.19
Info: what he does that annoys you.

Ponyboy: Since neither you or Ponyboy had a drivers license or car your main source of transportation was by bicycle. You and Pony each had a bicycle that you guys would ride everywhere.

Going to the movies? Bicycle.
A rumble? Bicycle.
The lot? Bicycle.

One day you and Ponyboy were coming back to the Curtis house after a date at the nightly double.

"Ponyboy!" You yelled after him. Ponyboy kept riding far ahead of you. Usually you could keep up with him, but tonight you decided to wear a mini skirt in an attempt to impress your boyfriend.

Did this attempt work? No.

Already pissed off at the fact that you got dolled up for nothing, you stop, get off your bike, and sit on a nearby park bench.

You were going to sit on that bench until Pony got home and realized you were gone. That would get his attention, and he would be back in around 15 minutes.

Well, your plan didn't work out too well because before you knew it you had fallen asleep on that park bench. You woke up to Two-bit shaking you awake.

You: "Oh my god, Two, what time is it?"
Two-bit: "It's 3am. You know the whole gangs been out looking for you for hours?"

You shot Two-bit an embarrassed look, your face growing redder by the minute. "Gee, that certainly got Ponyboy's attention!" You thought to yourself.

Two walked you back to the Curtis house, your head hung low out of embarrassment. You sat on the couch waiting for all of the boys to return so you could explain yourself.

Then walked in Pony. Tears running down his blushed cheeks, and an arm wrapped around his shoulder belonging to Darry.

"Pony!" You stood and grabbed him from Darry, engulfing him in a giant bear hug.

Pony: "Y/N I thought a soc had gotten you. I was so worried."
Pony says into your shoulder still hugging.
You: "I'm so sorry. I was mad at you so I sat down.. and I lost track of time."
Pony: "Don't apologize. I'm sorry. I should have never sped off and left you."
You: "It's ok, hun."

After you two made up you sat on the couch and watched as Soda made his way in, then Dallas, Johnny, and eventually Steve. You embarrassingly told each of them the story and apologized for worrying them while Pony squeezed your hand tightly.

You and Pony spent the next hour of the night being lectured by Darrel about how "You guys can't just disappear on each other!" and "I had to call everyone!".

Obviously Darrel didn't trust you guys anymore because he made Sodapop walk you and Pony back to your house.

"Goodnight Pony." You say as you arrive to the steps of your front porch. "Goodnight, Hun. You looked amazing tonight." Pony responds as he gives you a kiss on the cheek and walks away with Soda.

You walk into your house, butterflies fluttering throughout your stomach. "I love Ponyboy Curtis" you thought.

Sodapop: It was 2am. The whole neighborhood was quiet. The only light guiding you was the moonlight, and of course that one flickering street light off of St. Louis avenue.

You reached Sodapop's bedroom window and crawled in with his help.

Soda: "Hey Sweetheart."
You: "Hey Soda, where's Pony?"
Soda: "Made him set up camp on the couch. Don't worry he won't tell Darry."

Soda pulled you in for a deep kiss. His hands grabbed at your bottom, and his tongue explored your mouth.

You were a good kid. You've never been snuck into someone's house before so this whole idea freaks you out. In fact, the only reason you were standing in Sodapop's room at 2am is because your folks are on vacation and you were too scared to be home alone.

You crawl into Sodapop's bed, him quickly following behind. You and Soda lay there cuddling and making small talk for a minute before his hands start making there way up your thigh.

"Soda we can't fool around, Darry will hear! I don't want any trouble!" You whisper yelled at him. Soda looked you straight in the eye "We'll be quiet. Don't worry." You knew giving in would be the easiest opportunity, and at this point you were tired.

"Fine." You said in an annoyed tone. You and Soda began making out and feeling each other's bodies. Soda slipped your shirt off "Soda, we can't-"

You were cut off by the bedroom door squeaking open. There stood in the doorframe a open mouthed Ponyboy. "I-I just came in here to grab my copy of gone with the wind." Pony whispered as he walked to the dresser to grab it. "Goodnight guys" pony said obviously embarassed.

"See what happens when you can't keep your hands off of me?" You smirk at a flustered Sodapop. "Goodnight. I love you Y/N" he responds sternly.

You fell asleep in Sodas bed with his arms wrapped gently around you.

Darrel: You sat on the Curtis boys couch making occasional awkward eye contact with Johnny. Darrel was in the kitchen yelling at Ponyboy for god knows what.

You and the gang all sat quietly in the living room, trying not to point out the obvious. God, you hated it when Darry would yell at Pony. It was so annoying when he would rant to you about Pony doing something not even that bad.

Finally you broke the ice.

You sighed and stood up headed for the bedroom you shared with Darrel. "Goodnight guys" you said which was followed by 5 dull "Goodnights."

You were laying in bed finally about to drift off to sleep before Darry layed on the bed next to you.

Darry: "Son of a bitch, that boy has no respect."
You: "He's perfectly fine. You worry about him too much."
Darry: "Dont tell me how I should raise my kid brother."

You two layed there awkwardly. Staring at the ceiling.

After a few minutes you began chuckling and Darry turned to face you with his eyes squinted.

Darry: "What? What's so funny?"
"Come on tell me."

Your laughs grew harder and he kept begging you to answer him, his seriousness turning into giggles as well.

You: "So, no sex tonight?"

Darry responded with a wink and kissed your forehead goodnight.

Dallas: You were on one of the phones at the DX talking to your lifelong friend Tim Shepard. You figured you would kill time while Dally got the oil changed in his car, plus you had to tell Tim about some Socs that we're talking about him.

You were in the middle of telling Tim about the Socs when the bell on the building door rings. Suddenly, while you were mid-conversation, the phone is grabbed out of your hand and thrown back on to the handle.

You: "Dallas!"
Dallas: "Come on doll, they finished. Let's go make sure the car is still roomy."

He says this to you with an eyebrow raised and his hands pulling you closer.

You: "I'm not going with you."
Dallas: "So what, your mad? Sorry I broke up your conversation with one of your little girlfriends. Besides, how would you get home?"
You: "Steve or Soda can take me home. I was talking to TIM for your information."

Dallas' face suddenly becomes serious.

Dallas: "Oh my, my, you have a thing for Shepard?"
You: "Its not like that."
Dallas: "then tell me what it's like doll. I've been two-timed before."
You: "Dal! I heard a group of socs talking about how they were going to jump the Shepard gang later."

Dallas grabbed your hand and pulled you to the car. You were shocked so you got in as he sped off.

You: "What the hell Dal!"
Dallas: "you didn't tell me. I would've knocked it off sooner had you told me earlier I get a chance to fight."
"I love you Y/N. Now make sure my blades in the glove compartment, I might need it later."

Two-bit: You were in the middle of baking a cake at the Curtis house. You were opening the oven door to take your sweet smelling creation out when the phone rang.

You let the phone ring for a good minute while placing your chocolate cake in the fridge. "I guess I'll get it" you thought to yourself.

You: "Hello?"
Caller: "Is Darrel Curtisss thereeeee?"

The caller was slurring his words like crazy. You could tell he was drunk.

You: "No, who is this?"
Caller: "I'm Keith nice to meet ya! Wait! What's your name?"
You: "Um? It's Y/N."
Caller: "Wow I think that's my girlfriends name!"

You could hear Dallas in the background (obviously drunk too) slur "Dumbass, that is your girlfriend."

Caller: "oh hey baby."
You: "Two-bit where are you guys?"
Caller: "We got drunk in the alley behind the dingo. Don't tell my girlfriend."

You hung up the phone and drove off to pick them up before they caused any trouble.

You pull up to the alley to find two bit carving his name with a blade into the brick wall and Dallas taking a piss on a dumpster. "Get in boys!" You yell.

The boys drag themselves into your car and you all sit there silently for the whole drive back to the Curtis house.

Dallas runs inside and you and Two stand on the porch. You guys are looking straight at each other, waiting for each other to speak.

You: "I can't believe you two!"
Two-bit: "I'm so sssorry. I didn't mean to get this drunk. I really do love you, and appreecciate youuu!"
You: "Fine Two. I love you too."

Two wraps his arm around you and you walk into the house. Sitting on the floor an empty plate that once held your freshly baked cake. Sitting behind this plate was a chocolate covered Ponyboy Curtis.

You: "Oh, so Pony? You can eat all of the cake I made but you couldn't answer a phone earlier?"
Two-bit and Dally: "Ohhhh your in trouble!"

Johnny: You and Johnny were sitting at the nightly double. Of course, Dal had to join along. "Ugh" you thought. Even though you loved Dal just like you loved the rest of the gang, he got under your skin. Every time Dal came around Johnny, Johnny would get into trouble or he would catch an attitude with you.

You: "Johnny, honey, would you go grab me a coke?"
Johnny: "I'm sorry baby, I'm busy talkin to Dal."

Johnny turned back to Dallas and continued talking. You sat and watched the movie, dry-mouthed from a lack of cola.

"Screw a broad, who needs em?" You heard Dally say to Johnny. Johnny replied with an enthusiastic "yeah!"

You couldn't take any more of your boyfriend ignoring you for some accent talking ex-convict. You simply got up and walked away without saying anything. "Let's see who's ignoring who now" you thought as you walked to see what Cherry and Marcia were doing.

Marcia was hot and heavy making out with Randy, so you took a seat next to Cherry.

Cherry: "Hey Y/N, everything ok?"

You suddenly collapsed into that question. Tears were rolling down your face. It was so bad even Randy tried to comfort you.

You: " It's my boyfriend! I think he doesn't want to be with me anymore!"
Cherry: "Come on Marcia. You, me, and Y/N are gonna go get some answers."

The three of you got up and walked towards where you had been sitting earlier this evening leaving their soc boyfriends behind. You were glad to say goodbye to Randy and Bob, you knew they had beef with your boyfriend.

As you three are walking towards the west end of the drive in you hear a familiar voice call your name.

Johnny: "Y/N!"
You: "What is it? Your going to break up with me and become some player like Dal?"
Dallas: "Hey! I'm the one who encouraged him to come find you and apologize!"

Soon Cherry and Marcia said there goodbyes and left, Dallas following them trying to make a move.

Johnny: "I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to make it seem like I don't want you."
You: "Johnny. I'm so upset."
Johnny: "I just wanted to seem rough in front of Dal, you know?"
"I love you."
You: "What?"
Johnny: "it's fine you don't have to say it back."

Johnny began to walk away with his hands in his pocket and his eyes staring down at the ground.

You: "I love you more Johnny Cade!"

Johnny walked back to you and pulled you into a warm embrace.

Johnny: "That's impossible."

Steve: "Today was the worst day of school ever!" You thought while walking to the DX to meet your boyfriend Steve.

First, You spent all night working on a project you thought was due today, only to find out it wasn't due until next week.

Then, you sat down at lunch only to realize you forgot to pack it and you didn't have any money on you.

And finally, you flunked a Spanish quiz that you thought you were going to pass.

You eventually made your way to the building. Steve greeted you by smacking your butt on the way in the door. You turned around sharply. Steve knew you hated when he did that, usually you could bare it, but today you were not going to put up with it.

"Fuck off steve!" You slammed the door and walked to sit at the counter of the DX. Steve stood at the door speechless. He looked scared.

Soda exchanged an uncomfortable look between you and Steve before continuing to work on a car.

Soda: "Go ask what's bugging her Steve."
Steve: "no man I think I'm good."
Soda: "what? Your scared of your own girl?"
Steve: "well yeah. I've never seen her like that before."

You watched out the window as Steve tried to build up the courage to come talk to you. Soon, the bell on the building door rang. It was Steve.

You: "I'm so sorry Steve. I've just had the roughest day."
Steve: "It's ok. Just vent to me."

You told Steve all about your terrible day and he listened intently. "Alright" steve said before walking out the door and talking to Soda.

Steve marched back in the room. "Sodas gonna close up for me, let's go to the dingo."

You and Steve had an amazing date at the dingo that night.

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