It's So Alchemical! | Varian...

By AnimationLover247

80.4K 1.5K 1.7K

Hi everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read this book. Second, this is t... More

Tangled Fever
Remember Your Mother
Are You Happy Now?
Hostage (Part 2)
Hostage (Part 3)
Baking Instinct
Cold Feet
Big Surprise
Bella Notte
Mad Love
Mad Love (Part 2)
A Promise
The Moonstone
The Ultimate Betrayal
The Ultimate Betrayal (Part 2)
The Ultimate Betrayal (Part 3)
Revenge of an Alchemist
Baby (Part 2)
The Day of Heart(break)
Somewhere Out There
An Accident
An Accident (Part 2)
An Accident (Part 3)
The Girl Who Become Queen
Dress Up
Queen For A Night

The Perfect Pair

9.2K 146 478
By AnimationLover247

It's inspired by a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode, "The Perfect Pear". I just thought it would make a great story. Also, if your dad isn't around or isn't like how he's portrayed in this story, I'm sorry, I mean no disrespect.


A long time ago, in a Kingdom called Corona, there lived two families. Both were farmers by trade and the fathers, Quirin Quirinson of Old Corona and (F/n) (L/n) of Young Corona, were leaders of their villages. However, they always seem to be at each other on who was the best farmer and who took better care of their village. Because of this, they, their families, and their friends were rivals to the core. However, the only Quirinson and (L/n) who ever got along was Varian, son of Quirin, and (Y/n), daughter of (F/n).

It started one day when a four-year-old girl was skipping along a sunny dirt road on her way home. Her (h/c) pigtails swing back and forth as she continued to skip by a field of buttercups.


She stopped when she heard a sound. "Pssst," it went again. The girl looked around and saw a bush beside her move. She toke a few steps closer to it. Just then, a figure pop out of the bush. She jumped back with fright but soon calm down when she saw that it was just a little boy. He's about a year older than her, has dark hair with a blue streak in front, freckles on his face, and pretty blue eyes. She'd seen this boy before, while her father was arguing with the leader of Old Corona one day.

"Shh, I'm not supposed to talk to you," the boy whispered. The girl looked around to see if there was anybody else close by. She saw no one. "I'm not supposed to talk to you either," she whispered back. The boy took her by the hand and pull her into the bush. "You're (Y/n), right?" he asked, "I heard your dad called you by that name once." She nodded, "And you're Varian. I heard your dad called you too." He smiled.

They both lean down to the Buttercup flowers. "My mom said that if you hold a buttercup under your chin, it'll make your chin glow." He plucked a buttercup and hold it up to his chin. "But it doesn't work on me," he added,"See?" (Y/n) plucked a buttercup and hold it up to her chin as well."It doesn't work on me either," she said. However, in Varian's mind's eye, her chin did glow, brightly and radiantly. His heart pounded as he starts to blush. "It sure does, Buttercup," he said softly. His expression changed when he realized what he just said. (Y/n) blinked in surprise by the nickname but then giggled at how cute he sounded. "Buttercup, I like that,"she said. Both kids smiled before they hear their fathers called them by their names. They both said their good-byes and went home.


9 years later

Fourteen year old Varian was testing his newest invention, an automatic field plow that you could rode on and control it by levers. He hoped it would help make farm life easier for his father and Old Corona village. It seems to be working so far.

As he continue to plow along the field, he noticed that he was plowing by the (L/n) farm and spotted (Y/n) weeding the garden. He sighed dreamily and lean on the controls, which accidentally push one of the levers. The plow turned sharply, causing Varian to fall off and landed on the ground with a thud. He got up and saw the plow heading towards the garden, picking up speed as it gets closer. He ran after it, trying to stop it, but before he could, the plow broke through the fence and crushed into the water silo, causing the water it was carrying to flood the garden and got (Y/n) soaking wet.

Just then, (F/n) arrived to check on his daughter and saw this huge wet mess. Not knowing about the plow, he stormed up to the confused girl and shouted, "(Y/n)! What did you do?" The girl jumped when she heard her father calling. "I... I'm not sure," replied (Y/n) nervously. Varian, watching the scene from close by, thought about making a run for it before (F/n) sees him. But the look on (Y/n)'s face made him work up the courage to face the angry man. He's not going to let her take the blame for something he did.

"She didn't do it!" he shouted. (Y/n) and (F/n) turned to him, surprised. "Excuse me?" asked (F/n). Varian toke a few steps closer to them before saying with sincerity in his voice, "The water silo, it was my fault." (Y/n) smiled and giggled with glee at Varian's honesty and bravery. (F/n) noticed this and wasn't too thrilled about it. He turned to Varian and said, "You owe me a new silo, boy. And you," he added when he turned back to his daughter, "Come with me." He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away.

The two headed to the house. "No daughter of mine is going to make goo-goo eyes at a Quirinson." said (F/n), pointing to Varian. (Y/n) said nothing but she did look back at Varian, who just stood there and smiled when he saw her looking back at him. Imaginary hearts appeared around him as he watched her walk away with a dreamy look on his face. Varian repaired the silo just as he promised as it also gave him an excuse to see (Y/n) more often.


At the Science Expo (Great Expotation)

(Y/n) and her parents were shopping at the capital when she noticed a crowd gathering for the annual science expo. She knew Varian would be there to present his newest invention so she snuck away while her parents were talking to a vendor. She looked everywhere for him but it was hard to see anything through this crowd.

Finally, she found a crate to stand on to get a better view of the stage. Just in time, (Y/n) thought, as she saw Varian coming out from behind the curtain and announced, "Behold, the power of alchemy!" Nothing happened for a while but then a short man with a long white beard came out and awkwardly said, "Behold, the power of... uh... that guy!" Varian facepalmed but he continued on with the presentation. (Y/n) watched with admiration as Varian presents his invention, the Elemental Remogrifier, which turned fifty pounds of sand into a brand new element. Varian held the element out for everyone to see. "I call this element, Cassandrium." he said.

(Y/n)'s jaw dropped. He made that element for Cassandra, the woman he once told her about. She didn't know why, but the way he talked about how cool Cassandra was made her feel jealous. Now, she sees that Varian actually like her and he was trying to impress her. Downhearted, (Y/n) jump off the crate and walked to a fountain, where she sat down and quietly sigh.

A few moments later, she felt a presence sitting on the other side of the fountain. She turned around and saw Varian, who looked just as downhearted as she was. She got up and move to sit by his side. "Are you okay?" she asked. Varian looked up to her. He looked happy to see her but also depressed about something. He sighed before saying, "Doctor St. Croix disqualified me from the competition because my assistant almost got him killed with a knife." (Y/n) gasped. "But Cassandra managed to catch it before it even touched him," he added quickly.

As soon as he said that, Cassandra arrived and sit down next to the teens. "You should've won," she said. Varian hung his head down again. "It doesn't matter. The truth is all I really wanted to do was impress you... and (Y/n)." (Y/n) blinked in surprise by this.

Varian turned to her as he continued, "I saw you arrived at the expo and watching my presentation, just as I hoped you would." "You did?" asked (Y/n). Varian nodded and said, "I thought if I showed you what I was capable of, you might see something in me. Something special." He sighed again and said, "I was just being dumb."

(Y/n) shook her head and said, "No, Varian, you did impress me. You're a great guy. You're smart. You're compassionate. You're unique." Varian smiled and said, "Thanks, for saying that." Then, of course, St. Croix messed with Varian's invention, which causes it to fly into one of the contestants' invention and create a wormhole that nearly destroyed everything. Fortunately, Varian, (Y/n), Cassandra, Rapunzel, Eugene, Max, Pascal, and few others worked together to stop it before it gets even worse.

As everyone started to clean up the mess, (Y/n) walked up to Varian. "Varian, can I ask you something?" she asked him. "Yes?" asked Varian. "Why did you named the element 'Cassandrium'?" asked (Y/n). "Because I wanted Cassandra to be my friend," he said, "That, and... I already named the first element." (Y/n) looked at him confused.

"The first element?" she asked. Varian dig into his pocket and pull out a necklace with a (f/c)-colored stone in the middle. He hands it over to her. "Here, this is the first element I made while I was testing the Remogrifier. It's your favorite color so I thought you might like it. I was gonna give it to you before I left for the expo, but you weren't home. So I thought I give it to you afterward."

(Y/n) toke the necklace from his hand and placed it around her neck. "Varian, that's really sweet of you," she said, "What did you called it?" Varian smiled and said, "I called it, (Y/n)-ium." This made (Y/n) blushed and smile.


During the Big Blizzard (Queen for a Day)

The snow storm was getting worse as (Y/n) and her family were trying to stay warm inside the house. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The way the knock sound indicates that someone's in trouble. (Y/n) opened to the door and was surprised to see that it was Varian. He pants as if he has been running all day.

"(Y/n)! Thank goodness you're here!" he said frantically, "The princess refused to help and I've been going around the city trying to find someone who will. I don't know who else to turn to!" (Y/n) spoke up, "Slow down, Varian. What is going on?"

"My dad's in danger!" Varian exclaimed, "I need someone to help me save him." (Y/n) blinked in surprise by this. "Save him from what?" she asked.

"Who are you talking to?" asked (F/n) as he comes to the door. He growled when he saw Varian. "What is he doing here?" he asked. "Dad, he needs our help," said (Y/n). (F/n) raised an eyebrow. "Help? From a (L/n)? This has got to be a joke." Varian shook his head, "It's not a joke! My dad-" (F/n) interrupted him, "Whatever problem Quirin has, I'm sure he can take care of it himself."


"Now get!" he exclaimed as he slammed the door in the boy's face. "Dad!" exclaimed (Y/n), "What if Quirin really is in danger?" (F/n) turned to face his daughter. "If he really needs someone to help him, he wouldn't be asking us. "

"But dad..."

"No buts! Now be a good girl and fetch us some more firewood. It looks like we're gonna be stuck inside the house for a while." (Y/n) still wanted to help Varian but she knew there's no use arguing with her father so she did as she was told. As she grabbed some firewood, she looked to see if Varian's still there but he had already left.

Later that day, the storm has ceased. (Y/n) wanted to see if Varian and his father were okay but her father was watching her, making it difficult for her to sneak away. So (Y/n) waited 'til nighttime to sneak away when she's sure everyone's asleep.

She ran to Old Corona, which appears to be abandoned and almost completely covered with black, spiky rocks, and towards Varian's house. She knocked on the door but nobody answered. The door was unlocked so she let herself in. She went into Varian's lab to see if he's there but he's nowhere to be seen.

She noticed a big cloth covering something in the middle of the room. She got curious and removed it. What she saw shocked her. There was Quirin with his arm stretched out with a piece of paper in his hand, frozen in an amber substance.

As (Y/n) stared in shock at him, a figure entered the room. "What are you doing here?!" it bellowed. (Y/n) jumped and turned around. It was Varian. Only, he didn't look like his normal cheery self. He ran to the amber, placing his hands on it and moving his eyes around it as if to make sure it wasn't tempered with. "What did you do?!" he asked. "Nothing," (Y/n) replied, feeling scared. "Exactly! You did nothing! Corona did nothing!" he shouted angrily, still looking at the amber with tears in his eyes. "Get out," he said.

"Varian..." said (Y/n), reaching for his shoulder.

"I said, get out!" he shouted. It frightened her so bad she ran out of the house. She continue to ran towards home with tears in her eyes. She didn't know how or why but one thing's for sure: something had changed in Varian.


After the Battle of Old Corona (Secret of The Sun Drop)

(Y/n) watched with sadness as the guards put Varian inside the jail cart. Ruddiger the raccoon ran to Varian and climb up to his shoulder. "I will make you proud of me, dad" Varian said as a guard closed the door and the cart starts to move, "If it's the last thing I'll do."

(Y/n) still couldn't believe that someone as sweet as Varian would end up like this. Her father, on the other hand, watch with content. "I knew the Quirinsons were nothing but trouble," he said, "Not only Quirin stood by and watch his village get destroyed by those rocks, but his son nearly destroyed Corona with his own hands! Now they're both getting what they deserved." (Y/n) said nothing but deep down, she knew her father's wrong.

On the day after Rapunzel and her companions left on their journey to follow the black rocks, (Y/n) walked to the castle, carrying a basket in her hand. She asked to see the king and she was granted permission. King Frederic and Queen Arianna sat on their thrones as (Y/n) approached them. "What brings you here from Young Corona village?" asked the King. (Y/n) toke a deep breath before saying, "Your majesty, with your permission, I would like to see Varian." Everyone's eyes widen with shock. "And," she continued, "Maybe arrange for me to visit him every few days or so?" Everyone looked at each other for a moment then back at (Y/n).

"Are you a therapist?" asked Nigel, the royal adviser. (Y/n) shook her head and said, "No, but-" "Young lady, this isn't a playground!" said Nigel, "You don't just come visit criminals anytime you want, especially the dangerous ones." (Y/n) tighten her grip on her basket but kept herself calm. "You mean Varian's in prison? After the king said he would get him help?" asked (Y/n). "No, of course not," said the queen, reassuringly, "We put him in a special room to give him the treatment he needs. After all, he's still a child." (Y/n) quietly sighed with relief.

But then, the Captain of the guards stepped forth. "Why would you care about what happens to him anyway?" he asked, "Aren't your families in a feud?" (Y/n) gave the Captain a glare. "Our dads are in a feud, not Varian and I," she said, "And I don't care what anybody says, I know that deep down, he's still the same Varian I've met as a little girl." Members of the court whispered to each other, discussing on what to make of her. The King and Queen, on the other hand, looked at each other for a moment and could tell what the other's thinking.

After a while, they turned back to (Y/n). "Ms. (L/n), I promised Rapunzel I would get Varian the help he needs. Perhaps you might be the help we're looking for," said the King. The court were surprised to hear this. So was (Y/n), but she smiled. "We'll give you a chance to try to get through him," said the King, "But if nothing changes within a month, we'll try something else. Is that clear?" (Y/n) nodded and said, "Yes, your majesty." Then the King had the Captain of the guards escort (Y/n) to Varian's room.

"You have five minutes," said the Captain, opening the door, "If he tries anything, give us a call." (Y/n) looked in to examine the room. It's actually very nice for a room built for mentally ill people. She saw Varian laying on his wooden bed with his furry friend sleeping in his arms. His apron, gloves, and goggles were missing. The guards must've confiscated them, She thought.

(Y/n) stepped inside the room before the door closed behind her. She toke a deep breath. "Pssst," she went. Varian didn't move. "Pssst!" she went again, only louder. Varian still doesn't move. She picked a grape from her basket and tossed it to hit his head. That got his attention. Varian turned around to see her. (Y/n) saw that he has bags under his eyes as if he haven't slept in days. She felt really bad for him.

"I'm not supposed to talk to you," she said and smiled a bit, remembering the day they were both little. Varian didn't answer; he just looked at her with a tired, angry, and slightly confused expression.

"I got something for you," she said as she put the basket on the table. He got up and watched as she remove the cloth. Inside the basket was a ham sandwich, a small bottle of juice, a bunch of grapes, and a buttercup flower. She pick up the flower and stood in front of him. "Remember when we tried to see if our chins would glow if we hold a buttercup up?" she asked. She hold the flower up to Varian's chin and this time, to her, it did glow. However, Varian toke the flower from her hand and threw it to the ground. Then he laid back on the bed with his back towards her. (Y/n) blinked in surprise, but remain calm. "Okay. It's fine. It was just a silly theory anyway," she said before she sat down on a chair next to the table.

They were silent for a moment before (Y/n) decided to start a new conversation. "So, Varian, how are you doing?" she asked. Varian turns around to face her. "How am I doing?" he asked darkly. He sat up again and said, "Well let me see, I found out my dad was hiding something about the black rocks and he refused to tell me what it was, then he got encased in amber, which grew from the same rocks that was destroying the entire Old Corona village; I ran to the castle in a blizzard to get Princess Rapunzel to help me only to had her turned her back on me and everyone else took her side, I struggle to survive on my own while looking for a way to free my father, oh, I tricked the princess into helping me steal a useless flower, and most recently, I got arrested for kidnapping the queen and attacking the kingdom, which I did because there was no other way to get everyone's attention!"

(Y/n) listened to his ranting with a mixed look of shock and sympathy. Ruddiger rub his cheek on his master in attempt to calm him down. Varian panted for a moment before continuing, "But enough about me. Let's talk about you. How are you doing?" He leaned forward and gave her a little crazed smile. (Y/n) blinked and thought for a moment, looking for the right words to say. "Well, since you asked, I came here to see you," she said, "because I missed you."

Varian's eyes widen a bit in surprise. "You... miss me?" he asked slowly. (Y/n) nodded and said, "Yes, I missed seeing your warm, friendly smile whenever we meet each other. I missed hearing your sweet voice when you talked about alchemy. I missed feeling your arms around me..." She blushed when she realize what she's saying. "I mean whenever I felt sad!" she added quickly.

Varian said nothing. He just looked at her with a raised eyebrow. (Y/n) sighed and said, "Look, Varian, what I'm trying to say is... is that I missed the real you. My friend. My Varian." Varian still said nothing, he just looked down on the floor to avoid eye contact.

(Y/n) scoot the chair closer to him. She wanted to tip Varian's chin up to look into his eyes, but she figured that he didn't what to be touched right now. Instead, she just look at him and said, "Varian, I get why you're upset. You wanted to save your dad and no one came to help you. Not Rapunzel, not the kingdom,... not me. And I'm really, really sorry.'' Varian noticed how her eyes look big with guilt but refused to look directly at her.

"And I'm sure Rapunzel's sorry too," said (Y/n). "I know," said Varian quietly. "What?" asked (Y/n). "I know she's sorry. She told me herself," said Varian without looking at her, "But sorry is never going to break that amber. I thought the flower would break it but it didn't. I thought Rapunzel's hair would break it because she's suppose to have the Sun Drop now, but it didn't. I... I... I don't understand."

His voice starts to crack and his eyes starts to tear up as he said, "It should've worked. Why didn't it work?" Unable to hold back anymore, he cried. (Y/n) leaned followed and hugged him. She expected him to push her back and shout at her, saying he doesn't need her help, but he didn't. This time, Varian just cried onto her shoulder. This went on for a few minutes before Varian pull back and looked at her with still some tears in this eyes. (Y/n) just smile sympathetically at him, letting him know that she's here for him.

Just then the Captain of the guards opened the door. "Time's up," he said. (Y/n) turned to look at the Captain. "Right now?" she asked. "I'd said five minutes and it's been five minutes," said the Captain, "It's time for you to leave." (Y/n) looked at Varian again, who looked just as unhappy as she was about her leaving.

"And Ms. (L/n)," the Captain added, "The king wants me to tell you that you're welcome to visit him whenever you want, as long as he doesn't cause you any trouble." (Y/n)'s face lighten up a bit. "No trouble at all," she said.

She got up and turned to pick up the basket. She looked at Varian once more and said, "I'll be back soon." She starts to leave the room when Varian spoke up. "Is that a promise?" he asked. (Y/n) stopped and thought for a moment. She knew he felt that no one can keep their promises to him anymore. So she answered, "No, I'm coming back because I want to." Varian raised his eyebrows in surprise as he watch her left the room and close the door. He sat in silence for a moment before leaning down to pick up the buttercup flower and sniffed it, remembering the day he first called his friend "Buttercup".


True to her word, (Y/n) came back. She visited him three days of the week, talking to him and giving him ham sandwiches and buttercup flowers. He seemed to be getting better every time she visited. He even started talking to her the way he used to before the storm.

But then, one day, she heard from others that Varian has disappeared. She went to the castle to see if it was true and sure enough, he was gone. She grew worried about him, wondering if she'll ever see him again. However, she started receiving letters from someone called "V", who she soon realized was Varian, telling her about the adventures he had and how he's planning to find answers to the mystery behind the black rocks. In one of the letters, he promised he'll come back to her when he found what he's looking for.

Some time later, (Y/n) was plucking fruit from one of her family's trees when she heard a voice spoke to her.

"Hello, Buttercup."

Her heart leaped when she realized who it was. She turned around and sure enough, it was Varian. He had grown taller and a little muscular than she last saw him. His hair had grown a little longer and was tied up in a ponytail and he had grown a goatee on his chin.

"Wow," (Y/n) said as she climb down the ladder and walk up to him, "You certainly have grown." Varian smiled and said, "So have you." She smiled back and engulfed him in a hug. "I missed you so much." He hugged her back and said, "I missed you too."


In time, Quirin was free from his amber prison, Rapunzel and Eugene got married, Cassandra went through rehabilitation after being free from the Moonstone's corruption, and Varian not only earned forgiveness from the people of Corona but also became the royal alchemist. He gets to live in the palace, though he often come by Old Corona to see his dad and Young Corona to see (Y/n). Unfortunately, the rivalry between the (L/n)s and the Quirinsons hadn't changed at all, so they had to keep their growing relationship a secret.

One day, Rapunzel was looking for (Y/n) to give her a present she made when she found her and Varian having a picnic in a hidden spot of the forest. Varian handed (Y/n) a bouquet of flowers but something tickled his nose, causing him to sneeze. His sneeze blew the flowers onto her. Varian looked at (Y/n) nervously as she blew one of the flowers off her face. He was afraid she might get angry at him but instead she laughed. Varian sighed with relief and soon laugh along with her.

As soon as the laughter died down, they both lean in for a kiss. But before the lips even touch each others', they heard a twig snapped. Both (Y/n) and Varian looked, only to find Rapunzel, waving at them. "Sorry, I just wanted to bring you something to thank you for your help. But I can see you're busy," she chuckled.

(Y/n) pleaded, "Please, don't tell my dad! If he finds out about this, he'll make sure Varian and I will never see each other again!" Rapunzel smiled and zip her fingers across her lips as a sign that means their secret is safe with her. Rapunzel had learned years ago to respect other people's business.

However, when Rapunzel "zipped" her lips, Quirin arrived, looking for Varian. He saw him with (Y/n), holding hands. "Varian, would you care to explain to me why you're holding her hand?" he asked. Varian tried to find the right words, "Well, I... Uh..." But he couldn't find any. Quirin reach down, grabbed him by the arm, and pull him up. "I thought I told you not to socialize with the (L/n)s, especially this one," said Quirin as he pull his son away. Varian said nothing but looked back to (Y/n) as he followed his father. (Y/n) smiled.

"You and Varian?"

(Y/n) and Rapunzel turned to see Eugene walking up to them. He had seen what happened. "Whoa, I wouldn't believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes," he continued, "Your dads hate each other." (Y/n) sighed and said, "I know, but I can't help it. We just sorta... happened." Now she had a dreamy look on her face and imaginary hearts appeared around her. Rapunzel waved her hand in front of (Y/n)'s face to see if she's there but apparently, she's not.


Some days later, (Y/n) and Varian were sitting on a hill, overlooking the beautiful view of Corona. Varian turned to her and placed a flower in her hair. "Happy one hundred and thirty-one thousand, four hundred and fifty-six hour anniversary, Milady" he said.

"What?" (Y/n) laughed, "That's way longer than we've been together."

"I know," Varian replied, "But it's the anniversary of the first time I called you 'Buttercup'." (Y/n) blushed. Varian looked away from her gaze and said, "It's okay if you didn't get me anything." (Y/n) smirked. "Actually..." she said as she pull out something from behind her, "I did."

Varian was surprised by what he saw. "A guitar? For me?" he said as he toke the guitar and strum a few strings. "But I don't know how to play," he added. (Y/n) laughed. "Quiet, you," she said teasingly, taking the guitar back. She started to play a lovely tune and sing a beautiful song she wrote for just an occasion.

♪♫ We're far apart in every way

But you're the best part of my day

And sure as I breathe the air

I know we are the perfect pair

On a prickly path that goes on for miles

But it's worth it just to see you smile ♪♫

As (Y/n) sang, she thought back on all the times she had with Varian. From the fun times they had as little children to the challenging times they had as teenagers to the wonderful times they had as full-fledged adults.

♪♫ And I cannot be pulled apart

From the hold you have on my heart

And even if the world tells us it's wrong

You're in my head like a catchy song ♪♫

"Wow, it's just... wow." said Varian, spellbound by her voice. "Do you like it?" asked (Y/n), "Come on, be honest." Varian smiled and cried with joy, "It's the best gift you could've ever given me!" (Y/n) smiled as she continued to sing.

♪♫ The seasons change and leaves may fall

But I'll be with you through them all

And rain or shine, you'll always be mine

On a prickly path that goes on for miles

You're the only one who makes it all worthwhile

And you should not blame me, too

If I can't help fallin' in love with you... ♪♫

(Y/n) stopped and blushed. Varian blushed a bit too. "Hey, no fair! I was gonna tell you the same thing," he said. (Y/n) laughed, "You're just mad I beat you to it." Varian pouted. "I'm serious, I was," he said, "I was gonna make you close your eyes..." He gestured her to close her eyes and she did. "Then I bestowed my gift onto you," (Y/n) felt something being placed around her wrist. "Then I was gonna say 'Okay, now open them.'" (Y/n) opened your eyes and looked down to see she's wearing a bracelet with a matching (f/c) stone in the middle. Only this time, the stone was flat and heart-shaped with markings of a "V + (First initial)" on it.

"Then I'd say 'Ta-da! I made a (Y/n)-ium bracelet to match your necklace.' And then you'd say," he mimics her voice, "'Oh Varian, that's so sweet! I love it!'" He spoke again with his normal voice, "And then I'd say, 'I love you.'" He said the last three words with a flirtatious tone.

He sighed and said, "Too bad it didn't work out though." (Y/n) smirked. "Yeah, too bad," she said as she place her hand on his cheek. Varian toke hold of her hand and pull her closer to him, making her lips touch his. The lip-touching soon became kissing as they both closed their eyes and wrap themselves in each other's arms.

(Y/n) wished this day would never end.


"We're moving?!"

(Y/n) was devastated. Her father had just announced that the (L/n) family were moving to the land formally known as the Dark Kingdom. "But that's so far!" she complained.

"It's what's best for our family," said (F/n) with a serious tone, "Now that the black rocks are gone, there's acres of untouched land and a warehouse to store our crops. We'll get to expand our business and get away from that gosh-darned Quirin and his son." He said the last several words with irritation.

(Y/n) shook her head, "But dad, I loved it here in Corona! I love its beautiful landscapes, the people who inhabited it, the culture, and all my friends are here, especially V-" She stopped herself before she said "Varian".

"We're moving away and that's that," said her father. "But dad," (Y/n) started again before he quickly turn back to her. "That is enough, (Y/n)," her father said with a voice of warning. (Y/n) froze and stare for a while before whispering, "Yes, sir." (F/n) walked out of the room and close the door behind him. (Y/n) flop down to her bed and cried into her pillow. She really didn't want to leave but she also saw that there's no way out of it. So after she cried for a while, (Y/n) did the only thing she could do: tell everyone the news.

Of course, her friends didn't take the news very well. They wanted her stay too but they knew that they couldn't make her father change his mind. Not even the king and queen of Corona could force him to stay in the kingdom if he didn't want to.

Varian toke the news the hardest of all. "So that's it?" he asked, still upset. "What do you want me to do?" asked (Y/n) in tears, "I love you, but I have to stay with my family." She then ran out of his lab, sobbing.

Varian turned around and placed his hands on a desk. He could feel his heart breaking into pieces. He almost lost his father once and now he's going to lose (Y/n), the only person who has ever been there for him when everyone else thought he was a lost cause. He needed to do something, but what? Just then, an idea came to his head. The more he thought about it, the more it formulated into a plan. It's a risky plan, but if it means she'll stay in Corona with him, then he's more than willing to try it. He left his lab to tell the others his plan.


(Y/n) was packing some of her things, still sobbing a bit, when she heard a tap on a window. She looked up from her luggage and saw Ruddiger with an envelope in his mouth. (Y/n) opened the window and toke the envelope from him. She examine it for a moment before opening it. It was note, which said:

(Y/n), Meet me at the Snuggly Duckling at midnight. Love, Varian.

What is Varian up to? thought (Y/n). She decided that the best way to find out is to do as Varian instructed.

When it was very late at night and she's sure her family's asleep, (Y/n) snuck out of the house and make her way to the Snuggly Duckling. When she got there, she spotted Varian waiting for her at the door. "I was starting to think you weren't coming," he said. (Y/n) started, "Varian, what is goin-" He raise his hand up as a signal for her to stop. He tells her to close her eyes and follow him inside. She wasn't sure what he's doing but she did as she was told. He led her inside the building, where she heard some chatting and whispering and one person shushed them. Then, Varian stopped. "Okay, you can open them now," he said. (Y/n) opened her eyes and gasped at what she saw.

The building was decorated with white curtains, white bows, and colorful flowers. The tables were covered with white table cloths and there were trays of food on one long table, a big, beautifully decorated cake on the middle of one round table, and an archway decked with vines and buttercups. All of her friends: Rapunzel, Eugene, their kids, Lance, Adira, Angry, Red, Xavier, and all the Pub Thugs; were there too. Big Nose was standing at the archway with a book in his hand. She knew what all this meant but she wasn't sure if this was real or if she's just dreaming it.

Varian finally spoke, "I don't want to be apart from you, ever." He stood in front of (Y/n) and toke hold of her hands. "I don't know what we'll do, but I'm sure of us. So sure, that I'd marry you today," he said sincerely. (Y/n) blinked in surprise and blushed as he kneel down on one knee. He asked, "(Y/n), will do me an honor of becoming my wife?"

(Y/n) stood speechless for a moment, but when she contemplated the question, she knew the answer. "Yes, of course I will!" she replied, hugging Varian. Everybody cheered. Rapunzel walked up to them and place crowns of flowers on their heads. "I'm so happy for you guys," she said cheerfully before returning to her husband and kids.

"I believe that's my cue," said Big Nose as he open a book. Hook Hand threw an axe above the accordion player's head, scaring him to play the wedding march. (Y/n) and Varian linked arms and walked down the aisle to begin the wedding ceremony. It went beautifully.

Varian knew (Y/n) wouldn't want to make a big splash, so they both have a special way to seal their vows. Between them stood a stool with an empty beaker on top. (Y/n) hold a beaker with (f/c) liquid in it while Varian hold a beaker with green liquid. When they both said their vows, they pour the liquids into the empty beaker and watch as it reacted with a puff of smoke, which form a shape of a mixed colored heart.

"I now pronounced you-"

"Varian!" a gruff voice called out, "Are you in there?" Everyone turn their heads towards the front door, which soon opened, revealing it was Quirin. He looked in shock when he saw the decorations, the food, the people, and his son standing next to the daughter of his rival. "Varian, what is going on here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Before anyone can answer, another voice called out. "(Y/n), where are you? You're supposed to be packing!" (F/n) entered the building and stopped when he saw the whole setting. "What are you two doing?" he asked grimly.

Rapunzel got up to speak but Varian gestured that he'll handle this. Rapunzel nodded and step back. Varian turned to the angry and confused men and said with sincerity in his voice, "Dad, Mr. (L/n), Buttercup and I are in love."

"What?!" exclaimed both dads.

(Y/n) continued, "And we'll be married as soon as Big Nose says..."

"Oh, I now pronounce you husband and wife!" said Big Nose quickly.

The couple turn to face each other. "Doesn't that feel nice," (Y/n) asked Varian before kissing him to make the marriage official.

"What do you mean 'married'?" asked Quirin as he walked up and pull the two apart, "You two can't be married!"

"Finally, something we can agree on," said (F/n) as he walked up to his daughter's side, "(Y/n), enough with this nonsense. We're moving! And you gotta stick with your family!" He turned around and started walking toward the door. (Y/n) didn't follow him.

"But dad, the Quirinsons are my family now too," she said. (F/n) stopped and quickly turn towards her. Varian moved to stand by her side.

"You can't be serious," said (F/n) with a hint of anger in his voice, "Are you choosing being a Quirinson over being a (L/n)?" (Y/n) turned her head to look at Varian and then back to her dad. "Are you making me choose?" she asked as tears start to form in her eyes. (F/n) was taken aback by the question but soon answered it, "Yes, I am." Everyone was shocked by this response but said nothing.

(Y/n) looked at her dad with tears in her eyes for a moment before she replied, "Then yeah, I guess I am." Varian, noticing how hard it was for her, hugged her and place his head on hers. Her father stood there in shock for moment before he angrily said, "Fine!" and ran out the door. (Y/n) sobbed into her hands as Varian hold her in his arms, trying to comfort her. Quirin came up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, showing compassion to his now daughter-in-law.


16 years later

A 10-year-old girl with light blue eyes, freckles, and dark hair with a blue streak was skipping along the street when she saw an elderly man sitting behind a stand, selling some vegetables to the citizens. She'd never seen this man before so she decided to greet him.

"Hi," she said to the old man, "You must be new. I'm Miranda. Welcome to Corona."

"You mean welcome back to Corona," said a man behind her, "He originally lives here before he opened his famous farm in a far off land." Miranda was surprised by this revelation. "Really?" she asked but the man had already walked away.

She turned back to the older man and asked, "Why did you move back?" The old man smack lips and said, "I, well, I need a change of pace." Miranda had a feeling deep down that there's more to it than that but decides not to question him. "Well, I need to get home. It was nice meeting you, mister..." The old man told her his name. Then Miranda said goodbye and ran towards home.

She made it back to a house next to the castle, where she lives with her family. When she opened the door, she found her older brother and sister bickering about something. Her brother, Eugene, is the oldest child with dark hair like her, (e/c) eyes, and looked a lot like their father when he was a teenager. Her sister, Cass-Adira, has (h/c) hair, light blue eyes, light freckles on her nose, and was said to look a lot like her mother at her age.

"Cassie and Flynn, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" teased Eugene. "For the last time, I do not like him that way!" shouted Cass-Adira in defense. "Oh yes you do!" Eugene shouted back, "I saw the way you swoon when the prince walked by." "Shut up!" shouted Cass-Adira again. "That's enough, both of you!" called their mother from another room. "He/she started it!" they shouted at the same time. "It's not about who started it, it's about how you'll finished it!" was their mother's answer.

Miranda said nothing as she walked to the dining room. She sat down at the table and listen to her mother hum a song as she cook dinner. "Hello, Miranda, how's the trip to the market?" asked her mother. "Great, mom," said Miranda, "I met this old man today and I learned that he used to live here in Corona before moving to another country. He told me he came back for a change of pace."

"Really?" asked her mother as she turn off the stove, "That's interesting. What's his name?"

Miranda was about to answer when they heard a door open and a male voice sang, "I'm home!" Miranda face lit up upon recognizing the voice. She got off the chair excitedly and ran to the man.

"Daddy!" she said as she jumped his arms. He swung her around and laugh. "How's my little alchemist?" he asked. "Great, daddy," she answered. Then Eugene and Cass-Adira joined in on the hug before their mother came in and kissed her husband.

After some loving embraces, the family sat down for dinner. The father, Varian, told his family about his day at work. The older children talked about school and friends, as well as getting into arguments again. The mother, (Y/n), soon noticed that Miranda hasn't spoken a word yet and had a look on her face, as if she's thinking about something else.

"Is something wrong, dear?" she asked Miranda as she start picking up plates to wash them. Miranda shook her head and replied, "No mom, I just can't stop thinking about the old man I told you about. I don't know why, but I felt like he came back to Corona for more than just a change of pace." (Y/n) thought for a moment. "What's his name?" she asked. "(F/n) (L/n)," replied Miranda. She jumped when she heard a sound of breaking glass. (Y/n) had dropped a plate in shock of hearing two words she never thought she'd hear again.


As the sun sets, the old man was closing up shop when he heard a familiar voice spoke behind him, "Did you really move back to Corona for a change of pace?" He turned around and saw a woman he knew all too well. He sighed and bowed his head in shame before replying, "No."

"Then, you came back because you're really sorry?" asked (Y/n). He looked up to her with tears forming in his eyes. "I'm... so sorry. I-I-I was just so angry, and... well, I-I never..." (Y/n) wrapped her arms around him. "It's all in the past, dad," she said as she started to tear up as well. (F/n) smiled and hugged back.

"Mom?" asked a young boy behind her, "Is that man who I think he is?" (Y/n) turned around to see her husband and children. "Yes Eugene, he is your grandfather," she said with a smile. (F/n)'s eyes widen a bit as he toke a good look at his grand-kids, especially Miranda.

He chuckled. "I thought your smile reminded me of my (Y/n)," he said to the youngest child. Miranda smiled and hugged him. "It's good to have you back, Grand-papa. Oh! Can I call you 'Grand-papa'?" she asked. (F/n) chuckled again and said, "Yes, you can."

"What's going on here?" asked an old but gruff voice.

It was Quirin. He's an old man now but he can still walk just fine. He had decided to pay a visit to his son and his family and was on his way to their house when he saw them talking to someone. He stopped his horse and got off the cart to get a closer look. He stopped when he saw (F/n). Everyone was silent for a moment, unsure about what'd happen next.

Finally, Quirin spoke. "So... you're back, huh?" he asked.

"Sure am," said (F/n), "I never should of left. I can't believe I let a silly feud keep me from my family."

Varian placed a hand on his shoulder. "There's nothing keeping you from us now," he said, "So let's not miss anything else."

Quirin sighed and said, "Varian's right." He extends his hand to his former rival. "Welcome back, you prickly old pear," he said. (F/n) looked at his hand for a moment before he toke it and shake it. "Thanks, you old crabapple," he said with a small smile. (Y/n), Varian, and their children smiled as well, relieved that the feud's finally over.

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