The more the better BNHA

By JustOkNow

93.4K 3.1K 818

Izuku Midoriya is not alone, he has what he calls brothers but there really just other personalities. Izuku s... More

Meet the Midoriya's
Off we go
Were staying here?
Secret's cant hide forever
Question and answers
Kurutta's first day and Shai has a panic attack
On sunday its a date
Getting ready
Lets hit the arcade or lets just talk on a bench
I jinxed it
A day to be proud of
Hero costumes draft
Now 4
No strangers
Its not clowns
Kurutta's plan
A child's imagination
Were back baby!
Kurutta shows fear
The back of the school
Phone texting
Bus ride
Pool fun
Singging makes everthing better
I love my fans right now
A painfull sleep
Kurutta has problems to
Something big is comeing
The cat
Hide and go seek
A friend
All about Kurutta
Battle 2
Whats happening?
Change is coming
Im a run away
Hiding my pain
Shai's stay
Not here
Somthing is off
Somthing is off (part 2)
Band together
We need to hurry
Its starting and no one can stop it
Under controls
End part 1
End part 2 (FINAL)

Ready go FIGHT

5.7K 218 52
By JustOkNow

Todoroki pov
As I was done caring wood back so we can have a fire I here someone yell. I look in the direction of the noise and saw kirishima caring someone then I hit me ITS MIDORIYA I ran over to see that he's unconscious. Kirishima puts him down and backs up. He's wet and looks to be cold so I bring him up to my chest and use my flames to worm him up. I then carry him to the tent and cover him up.

Kurutta pov
I wake up in a tent 'they must have brought us back' I look to the side and the tent door was open so I look out and it's sunset. I walk out not wanting to stay in the tent to see everybody by a fire with Iida noticing me "midoriya are you feeling better" but this time he doesn't use his hand gestures 'he really worried about me huh' "yes I'm fine so what was in the package" I say because it's already open "it was marshmallows chocolate and gram crackers!" Mina says happily with s'mores in her mouth.

'I almost drowned for s'mores...tipical' "well if I almost drowned for them I want one" I say getting a marshmallow gram crackers and chocolate. Some time has past and I'm injoing myself getting another marshmallow "didn't you already have enough deku" Katsuki says with a smirk trying to embarrass me "didn't you already get that stick out your ass" I reply in a sharp tone.

People just looked at me dumb founded because I cursed but all I really notice is that Katsuki knows who I am now. All he did was smirk he never said anything to the class yet about my MPD but why? The day was done and we all went in the tent. I get woken up by the devil himself Katsuki Bakugo, so I follow him not wanting to wake everyone up but it's almost sunrise so what does he need?

I walk out to him grabbing my shirt and pining me to a tree "hello Kurutta what the hell are you doing making a comeback like that" all I do is laugh a little "what's it to you are you scared that I'm the only brother that stands up to you" I say with a grin.

I can take him on any day my quirk is no good for fighting but that's why I learned to fight with hand on hand combat. Katsuki pushes me down in the dirt so I kick him in the ankle to make him fall. I use my quirk "what's the matter I'm to much" to everyone else I'm just looking at him but he can hear me I know he can "SHUT UP DEKU" Katsuki yells at me "why should I you make my life and my brothers a living hell" Katsuki gets up and punches me.

He then uses his quirk. I don't want to admit it but that hurt like hell so I tont him "Kacchan stop your hurting me" he hates it when I call him that 'Kurutta what's going on!?' 'WHY ARE WE FIGHTING' it's Tanoshi and Shai they woke up. shit. In no time Katsuki punches me in the face making my nose bleed and Tanoshi fights me for control.

Tanoshi yells out "stop fighting" as I try to hold on control "why should I he started it!" "you tow calm down we're bleeding" "whats going on?" Now Izuku's awake great "just shut up and let me handle this" I say looking up at Katsuki 'why is he smiling?'. My eras start to bleed because I over did my quirk a bit 'guys look' Shai says scared in our mind "what" I snap at my brother looking to the side I now know why Katsuki was smiling.

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