Perfect Beginning (The Preque...

By Taedreamer02

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The Perfect series of books has followed lovers through early dates, late nights, heartbreak and Paradise. B... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38

chapter 24

644 43 38
By Taedreamer02

Exhaustion came, but did not save Jin from dreams of you. 

His night was filled with hazy images of sweet lips welcoming his mouth over and over, gentle hands reaching and soothing his arms and his chest, tangling in his hair,  clasping his waist and of soft curves fitting perfectly against the hard planes of his body. 

When he woke up he was frustrated and aching for you.  He lay in his bed wondering how he could delicately share that information with you when his message tone chirped.

He sighed and fell back into his disheveled bed, torn apart by his night of fevered dreams.

He quickly  checked the schedule and cursed.  After some quick calculations, he took the phone to text you, praying you were willing to put up with his crazy lifestyle. 

Now was the time to find out.

Shit..did he really just send that? Would you think he was some creep.

Great Jin so much better! He thought.

Jin sat looking at the phone.  Was this a trick? 

This was really one of those times seeing your face would help out tremendously. 

He thought back to what he had learned about you.  Were you teasing him or teasing him

He let out a low groan, either way his body was responding.

Jin laughed at that.  This was fun, torture  but fun.

Jin made you laugh. 

You had thought of him all morning.  You smiled to think of him dreaming about you, then you felt the heat flush down your body thinking of him in the shower. 

Your mind drifted away,  imagining what he was implying, especially after that last text.

A new alert tone brought you back to reality.

Jin had just pushed send on the last one when your response appeared.

Jin sat staring at your reply and wondered again how he got so lucky to find you that day in the park.

You drew a deep breath and smiled, hoping Jin enjoyed this as much as you did.

You laughed and somehow managed to go back to work.

The next two weeks were  basically the same.  Both your schedules were insanely packed, but you made the time for several lunches, even drinks one early evening after your work and before his. 

In between were the text messages,  fun, flirty, encouraging, or serious in turn. 

Each interaction left you hungry. You wanted more time with him, more conversation, more connection.  You wanted him to kiss you senseless again.

Finally,” Jin thought as he got the schedule. Not Sunday night, but he had a three hour block open on a Sunday afternoon.

He quickly texted you the news.

You sat and stared at the message. Tears pricked your eyes as you read it.  What a beautiful, unexpected gift for the two of you.

Your tears were falling now.  This was too much and not enough. 

You wanted to explore more of this, of him.  After a minute you responded.

Jin was anxiously waiting for your response so he could begin to make plans. 

As he read your text he felt a peace steal over him like he had not felt in a very long time.

The rest of the week crawled.  In between work assignments you worried about the house or what you would cook. 

You finally decided to buy some tarts and a small quiche from the bakery in your neighborhood. 

While you were there you loaded up on other items, some specialty bread and jams. 

A stop Saturday afternoon at the market had you loading up on fresh fruit and the eggs and meat you would cook that afternoon. 

You had no idea what Jin liked for breakfast.  That seemed like something you should definitely know about him.

Yep...what he likes for breakfast is something we should know!!

So...moving forward!! Excited !! nervous!! Scared! All of the above!! Can't wait for Sunday afternoon!!!

There is a lot of texting in this chapter!  Honestly that my main means of communication these days. 

I have had a couple of folks ask.  I use an ap called ifake text message to make the texts.  It is pretty easy to use, but rather time consuming. 

Will you give your feedback?  Do you like the text images? Are they easy to read or more difficult?   Do they make it seem like a real convo or do you find them disruptive to the flow of the story??
Here's a bonus for sharing your thoughts♡♡

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