BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMP...

By Ddaegu_Exe

529K 8.7K 2K

Soft imagines to help you fall asleep or get tired. Basically a whole book of bedtime scenario's. • I'd like... More

~Author's Note~
{1} Kim Seokjin
{2} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin
{3} Jeon Jeongguk
{4} Kim Taehyung
{5} Kim Namjoon
{6} Kim Taehyung
{7} Min Yoongi & Jung Hoseok
{8} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin
{9} Park Jimin & Kim Taehyung
{10} Jung Hoseok
{11} Kim Namjoon
{12} Park Jimin
{13} Min Yoongi
{14} Jeon Jeongguk
{15} Jung Hoseok
{16} Kim Taehyung
{17} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin
{18} Min Yoongi & Park Jimin
{19} Park Jimin
{20} Kim Namjoon
{21} Jeon Jeongguk
{22} Min Yoongi & Kim Taehyung
{23} Jung Hoseok
{24} Kim Namjoon & Park Jimin
{25} Jeon Jeongguk
{26} Jung Hoseok
{27} Park Jimin PT.1
{28} Kim Seokjin
{29} Park Jimin PT.2
{30} Min Yoongi
{31} Kim Taehyung
{32} Park Jimin
{33} Kim Namjoon
{34} Kim Taehyung
{35} Park Jimin ~ Collab!
{36} Kim Namjoon
{37} Jung Hoseok
{38} Min Yoongi
{39} Jeon Jeongguk
{40} Jung Hoseok
{41} Kim Seokjin
{42} Kim Taehyung
{43} Kim Namjoon
{44} Min Yoongi
{45} Park Jimin
{46} Jeon Jeongguk
{47} Kim Taehyung
{48} Min Yoongi
{49} Jeon Jeongguk ~ Requested
{50} Kim Seokjin & Kim Namjoon
{51} Park Jimin
{52} Jung Hoseok
{53} Kim Seokjin
{54} Park Jimin
{55} Min Yoongi
{56} Jeon Jeongguk
{57} Kim Namjoon
{58} Kim Seokjin
{59} Kim Taehyung
{60} Jung Hoseok
{61} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin PT.1
{62} Jeon Jeongguk
{63} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin PT.2
{64} Min Yoongi
{65} Kim Seokjin
{66} Kim Namjoon
{67} Kim Taehyung PT.1
{68} Park Jimin
{69} Kim Taehyung PT.2
{70} Jung Hoseok
{71} Min Yoongi
{72} Jeon Jeongguk
{73} Kim Namjoon
{74} Kim Taehyung
{75} Kim Namjoon
{76} Kim Seokjin
{77} Jung Hoseok
{79} Min Yoongi ~ Important AN
{80} Kim Taehyung ~ Important AN
{81} Kim Seokjin
{82} Min Yoongi & Kim Namjoon
{83} Jeon Jeongguk
{84} Jung Hoseok
{85} Min Yoongi
{86} Park Jimin
{87} Kim Namjoon & Jung Hoseok
{88} Kim Taehyung
{89} Kim Seokjin & Jeon Jungkook
{90} Min Yoongi & Kim Taehyung PT.1
{91} Jung Hoseok
{92} Kim Taehyung
{93} Kim Namjoon
{94} Park Jimin ~ Request
{95} Jeon Jeongguk
{96} Kim Taehyung
{97} Min Yoongi ~ Request
{98} Jung Hoseok
{99} Min Yoongi & Kim Taehyung PT.2
~Author's Note + Face Reveal~

{78} Park Jimin

4.2K 71 24
By Ddaegu_Exe

3689 words

So both of my parents are disappointed in me.
How's your day?

Today you had decided to visit the company to come watch the boys dance, since you didn't really had something else to do. You politely nod your head to the lady behind the front desk, and she smiles in response. This isn't the first time you get here, so you're easily let through.

You skip over to the side of the building where they practise dancing, and you soon hear the music of one of the songs from their new album blast through the speakers. You carefully open the door, being as carefull as you can to not disturb them while they're dancing.

You place the bags with drinks and some snacks you got for them down on the table, setting your own bag next to it before sitting down on the couch against the wall beside it and rest your back against the soft cushions. You watch them in silence as they finish the dance.

As soon as the music stops they all yell or groan, while Jungkook and Taehyung goof around. Yoongi is the first one to notice you as he walks over to the couch.

"Oh, hey. How long have you been here?" He smiles as he plops down next to you.

"Long enough to know you're all doing the dance perfectly." You reply and smile back at him. He chuckles as he leans back on the couch, closing his eyes. Just then Jimin notices you.

"Princess! When did you get here?" He asks with a smile and jogs over to you. You let yourself being engulfed by his arms wrapping around you in a hug. "Just now, not too long ago. I brought you guys some food."

"Really? You're the best!" He says as he lets go of you, planting a quick kiss to your lips before walking towards the table. The rest of the boys all skip over to the table as soon as they notice, Yoongi slightly complaining about standing up but doing so anyway when Namjoon held up his favourite drink, while Hoseok walked over to you with a big smile playing on his lips.

Even though you loved all the members, Hoseok was special. He had always been there when you felt down. He was the first one to approve of your relationship with Jimin, looking at the bright side of it rather than the downsides, with him being an idol and all. He had been the first one of the members who befriended you, who treated you like one of them rather than just the girlfriend of Jimin. Of course you loved Jimin more, but Hoseok was a special case and he became a close friend of yours in the short time you've known each other.

"Hey!" He greeted you. "How've you been?"

You smiled up at him and watched him fall down on the couch next to you, pushing his bangs back in the progress. "I've been alright, I guess. Work has been a bitch but other than that I'm fine."

"Ah that's good. Any comments on the dance? Do you like it?" He asked you and opened the cap of the waterbottle in his hands, immediately taking a few sips.

"Of course I don't! Your dances are always so beautiful and thoughtful. Besides you're all amazing dancers, I just can't have any comments on it. By the way, Jin really got better in switching between dance parts!" You smiled, looking at the boys who where digging into the snacks you brought them.

Hoseok laughed beside you. "Yeah, we're all really proud of him, he's doing so well. Ecpecially after that fall the other day."

You snap your head towards Hoseok. "Fall? What fall?"

"Oh, we didn't tell you?" He asks and furrows his eyebrows. After you shake your head he continues. "Well during the practise on the original stage Jin-Hyung kinda bumped into Jungkook, and afterwards he tripped over his own feet, causing him to fall on his side. It really isn't that serious, it was the shock of it that he struggled with for a few days."

You pout a little and look over to Jin. He's smacking the back of Taehyung's head while Jimin and Jungkook are laughing, probably because of something he said about Jin.

"He does look a little stiff with his left shoulder..."

"Ah, don't worry too much." Hoseok says and pats your knee a few times. "Jin-Hyung is stronger than you think. After a couple days he'll be all fine, trust me."

"I know, but still.. It's hard trusting yourself again after falling like that, and it's even worse when you're an idol, I guess." You sigh and look down at your hands.

"Oh c'mon, name a person more confident than Jin-Hyung."

You look at Hoseok and tilt your head. "What?" You ask in confusion, but he doesn't respond, only raises his eybrows in awaiting. You think about it for a second, deciding to just answer the question. After a few minutes you still didn't think of an answer, and Hoseok smiles beside you.

"See? He'll be fine, nobody is more confident than him."

"Dancing is different than looks though..."

"We'll just compliment him a lot, don't worry." He chuckles, making you smile as well. Just then Jimin walks up to you. "What are you guys talking about?" He asks as he sits down on the empty spot next to you, draping an arm over your shoulders.

"He just told me about Jin and his fall and all." You smile and peck his cheek. "You dance really well Jiminie."

"Yeah?" He smiles as well. "Thank you, baby, that means a lot." He says and rubs your shoulder a few times.

"Oh! By the way, Hoseok, I got you something!" You say, suddenly remembering the present in your bag. You jump up, dropping Jimin's arm loosely behind you on the couch on your previous spot and skip over to the table.

"Really? You didn't have to!" Hoseok says, but his smile gives away that he's happy about it.

"Of course I did! I saw this in the store the other day and I just had to get it for you, I couldn't resist." You say and walk back over to the couch, sitting down between the two and shifting to the side to face Hoseok. You drop the present in his lap and rest back against Jimin's chest, waiting for him to open it.

He unwraps the present rather quickly, all too excited to see what's inside. His eyes light up once he sees what it is. He turns the small thing around, examining it before turning towards you. "This is amazing! Thank you!"

You giggle as he pulls you up from Jimin's chest and hugs you tightly. You hug him back tightly as well, happy to see he likes it. When he pulls back you drop back against Jimin's chest, his arms immediately wrapping securely around your shoulders while you drop your legs over Hoseok's knees, the position rather comfortable.

Hoseok eyes the small pouch with a Mang figure dangling from it with big eyes, his smile wide as he leans back aganst the couch. "You really shouldn't have bought me this."

"Oh shut up." You chuckle. "I know you like it. When I saw it I had to think of you and after that I just couldn't resist buying it."

"Well I'm glad you did, this thing is beautiful." He says as he pats your knee a few times. Jimin pulls you closer to his chest and nuzzles his nose into your shoulder. "I've missed you.."

You coo a little at his hushed voice and bring your hands up to rest them at his arm. "I've missed you too Jiminie."

"Jiminie!" Jungkook then calls. "Come here for a second?"

Jimin all but whines as he unwillingly let's go of you, muttering under his breath about that's Hyung for you. You sit up a bit so he can stand up before you lean back again. You smile as you watch the Maknae line talk for a bit with each other before they're running all around the place, Taehyung and Jungkook always finding a way to get Jimin to goof around with them.

Hoseok and you smile at them before you turn to each other.

"So," You start, making yourself comfortable on the couch cushions while shifting your legs further over his lap. "What did I miss?"

Hoseok grins and adverts his gaze towards your legs, starting to massage one of them. "You have no idea what happened when Namjoon did this thing to Yoongi-Hyung."

He begins to tell you everything what happened to the dorms, from Namjoon falling down onto Jungkook waddling around with a plushy in his hands, from Jin scolding everyone to Yoongi sleeping for 15 hours straight and Taehyung splashing water in his face, which didn't end that well for him.

The hours slowly tick by, neither of all of you even thinking about going home, simply enjoying each other's company too much. Throughout the time you spend with Hoseok, you could feel Jimin's eyes piercing in your back every once in a while. You didn't pay it that much mind, focussing your attention on Hoseok's stories instead.

After some time Jin leaves with Jimin, saying they would get something to drink for the eight of you. You had decided to just spend the evening here. Through the time Hoseok and you ended up taking up the space of the whole couch, facing each other and your legs all tangled up.

"Baby?" Jimin calls you after they come back. You look up at him and hum, patting a rhythm on Hoseok's knees.

"I got your favourite!"

Your eyes light up and you quickly thank him before taking the drink out of his hands. The cold material numbs your fingertips a little, but you don't really mind.

"I got your favourite as well Hoseok-Hyung." Jimin says and hands him his bottle as well.

Ever since you were friends you found out you had a lot in common, and so also your favourite drink.

"Cheers!" Hoseok laughs and bumps his bottle of Sprite against yours before taking a big sip. You smile at him and follow his actions.

Jimin slightly looks away and bites the inside of his cheek. Afterwards he squeezes himself between you and the couch, sitting behind you he immediately wraps his arms around you and grabs your hands.

Hoseok wines a little. "Nawh, that felt nice." He pouts, making you smile. "I'll pat another rythm on your knee next time, don't worry"

Jimin tightens his arms around you and presses a kiss to your nape. "What about me, huh? Don't I get some knee tapping?"

You chuckle and lean against his chest. "Of course, I'll pat your knee if you want to anytime."

"Ew." Yoongi groans as he walks past, clutching a pillow against his chest while Jungkook giggles, walking behind him towards the dorms. "We'll be going to sleep, bye Noona!" He chirps before he skips to catch up with Yoongi.

"Bye Kookie!" You yell after him, Yoongi being far too away already to hear you, waving a little out of habit. "I'm getting a little tired too." You pout and stretch your arms, the muscles popping deliciously.

"Yeah?" Jimin asks and presses another kiss to your nape. "Wanna go home?"

"You're gonna leave me??" Hoseok fakes a shocked expression, making you chuckle and lean forward to squish his cheeks together with your hand palms. "Of course we're gonna leave you sweetie, we need to go home."

He scoffs a little and grabs your wrists to pull your hands away from his face. "Not funny."

You giggle and lean back against Jimin. "I won't have anything against sleeping here though, this is pretty comfortable."

Jimin chuckles and pats your thigh. "Even though that sounds like a good idea, I don't want to have back pains tomorrow morning from sleeping on an old couch." He says and gently pushes you up.

You protest a little because standing up isn't exactly your favourite thing to do, but eventually you give in, standing up and stretching your arms above your head. Suddenly you feel someone pinching your sides, causing you to squeak and quickly jump away, quickly reaching for your sides.

You turn around and glare at the two boys in front of you. "WHO DID THAT?!"

Hoseok quickly puts his hands up in surrender, pointing at Jimin, while said male looks at him with a shocked expression.

"I didn't do it, I swear!" He quickly says and stands up. "Baby I didn't do it!"

You glare at him and cross your arms. "Well Hoseok wouldn't lie to me so-"

"Oh and I would??" He interrupts you.

"Jimin how could you?" Hoseok says dramatically, standing up as well. "Pinching her side like that!" He shakes his head. "I expected better from you."

Jimin looks back and forth between the two of you, making hand gestures while trying to come up with something to say. Eventually he gives up and looks away with a frown.

"I give up. You guys are too much to handle." He says and walks towards the table, fetching your bags together with your jacket. He walks back and hands you your jacket. "We're going home."

You chuckle at him and put on your jacket, pulling your hair out from beneath it afterwards. Hoseok holds his hands out and looks at you with a tilted head. You smile and walk up to him, hugging him tightly.

"It was nice seeing you again." He says and leans his chin on top of your head.

"It was nice seeing you again as well, I had fun today."

When you pull back you turn to Jimin, seeing him mocking you two before his face is back to normal. "Ready to go?"

Hoseok nods and grabs his bag from beside the couch. You sigh and begin walking towards the door, opening it and waiting for the boys to walk through it before you close it behind you. You say bye to Hoseok when he needs to go the other way to go to the dorms. Jimin places his hand on the small of your back as you walk through the large doors of the building, before he grabs your hand and begins walking towards your apartment not too far away.

The whole walk is a comfortable silence, but you can sense something's wrong. Normally he'd start a conversation or ask about your day, but today he doesn't. He just keeps silent as he holds your hand, occasionally squeezing it.

When you reach the appartment he unlocks the door, letting you enter first before he walks in. You let go of his hand and shimmy your jacket off your shoulders, throwing it over one of the chairs in the kitchen before kicking your shoes off, Jimin following your actions.

He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly with your back against his chest while burying his face in the crook of your neck.

"You know I love you, right?" He asks, his voice soft and a bit muffled. You furrow your eyebrows. "What? Of course I do, I love you too. Why do you ask?"

"Well... Your hair has been sticking to one side, for like, the whole evening now."

Your eyes shoot open, and you quickly bring a hand up to your hair, feeling what's wrong with it. He was right. It's a mess. You thrash around and turn around, looking at him.

"And you knew the whole time?!"

He shrugs, a grin playing across his lips. You huffed a little and narrowed your eyes. "Oh you're done for."

His eyes widen and he bolts up the stairs with a gasp, running away from you. You furrow your eyebrows and run after him, nearly scraping your knees on the stairs when you almost tripped. When you catch up to him you jump on his back, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his chest, hitting him with loose fists.

"Why didn't you say something?!"

"I'm sorry I thought it looked adorable!"

"You should've told me, this is so humiliating!"

"But it wasn't even that bad!"

While you continue hitting him, Jimin struggles go walk over to the bed. When he finally does he sits down on the edge, letting himself fall backwards. You yelp a little as his weight suddenly leans on you.


"What?" He innocently asks. You wiggle a bit and hit his shoulder. "Get off of me!"

"But why? You lay on my chest all the time. Why can't I do so?"

"Because you're heavy!" You whine. "Too heavy for me anyway."

"But I'm comfortable!" He says and grabs your wrist, pulling them more over his chest before holding your hands.

You sigh. "Jimin get off of me so I can change."

He shakes his head, his hair ticking your collarbones.

"Chim, c'mon."

He shakes his head once more, tightening his hold on your hands a little. You sigh and move your legs from around his waist to rest them on his thighs.

"I'm warning you Jimin."

He keeps shaking his head, not even listening to your words. You start digging your heels in his thighs a little, not too hard, just enough to warn him again. You smirk, coming up with a brilliant idea. You smile and wiggle your hands free, quickly pinching his sides, causing Jimin to shoot up to a sitting position with a yelp. You move your hands and push against his back, removing your feet from his legs.

"Stand up!"

He groans but finally complies, standing up and rubbing at his sides. He looks at you and pouts. "Meanie."

You playfully stick your tongue out. "You started it."

He chuckles and pulls his shirt over his head, starting to change while you do the same. Feeling shy around each other was thrown away a while ago by being together for so long already.

When you finally changed you let yourself fall down on the bed on your back, closing your eyes. Jimin soon follows suit, finding his place between your legs and presses a kiss to your collarbones before burying his face in the crook of your neck.

His bare chest feels warm, even through your thin silk top, and his breath hitting your neck sent shivers down your spine. He moves his arms to rest them on either side of your body, and suddenly you don't mind his weight anymore.

You smile a little and brush a hand through his hair. "You tired?"

He nods, his nose running along your neck. "Have been the whole evening."

"You should've told me, we could've gone home earlier."

He shakes his head. "I didn't want to ruin your fun with Hoseok." He says, the name falling off his tongue in a higer pitched, mocking voice. You furrow your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

He lifts his head and looks at you. "You know what I mean."

"No, I don't."

A sigh leaves his lips and he looks away. "You were sitting with Hoseok-Hyung the whole time, laughing and all."

"Still. We could've just went home if you're that tired."

He sighs again. "No we couldn't."

"Yes, we could." You say, a dry chuckle leaving your lips. "Jimin, what's wrong?"

"I just- I don't like it when you hang out with him. You barely even looked at me today, and all I tried was getting your attention, yet I didn't get any, and I was constantly being called away from you."

Your eyes soften, and you reach a hand up to cup his face.

"I just wanted to cuddle but all you did was laughing and talking with him. It was like I didn't even excist."

"I'm sorry Jiminie," You softly say. "I didn't mean to make you upset."

He shrugs. "It's okay. I know you guys are just friends, and I shouldn't be jealous of him, I know he wouldn't try to take you away from me."

"And..?" You say, indicating for him to say something more.

"And yes, I trust you too." He smiles and leans in to softly peck your lips. You smile into the kiss and cup his face as well. After he pulled away he pecked your cheek. "I love you, princess."

"I love you too, my prince."

He smiled down at you, pecked your cheek again and burried his face in the crook of your neck once more.

"Oh, my weight-" He suddenly started and wanted to move away to lay next to you instead, but you stopped him with a hand on his back.

"Its okay." You cut him off. He furrowed his eyebrows. "But I'm too heavy-"

"It doesn't bother me anymore." You say, cutting him off again. "Just lay down, you're warm."

He chuckles and lays his head down again, placing his arms next to your head once more. You feel him pressing a kiss to your neck. "I love you." He says again, this time his voice a mere whisper.

You bring your hands to his hair, gently tugging on the baby strands on the back of his neck. "I love you too."

He groaned in response, seeming to like your little assault on his hair. You sigh in content and close your eyes, letting your body and mind relax.

Slowly, you feel yourself fall asleep, being tired from the long day you had. You made a mental note to spend the next day cuddled up and binge watching some dramatic movies to catch up with the lost cuddle time with Jimin.

Soft snores filled your ears, and you giggle softly at the male laying on top of you, fast asleep.

The calming sounds of the soft snores of Jimin, and his breath hitting your neck lulled you to sleep, your soft and gentle hand motions on his hair slowly coming to a stop.


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