Superheroes Loving Superheroe...

By TrickyNici

113K 3.7K 399

BOOK 1 OF THE LANA GRAHAM SERIES When the good Doctor had to pick a candidate for his Super Soldier serum, it... More

Camp Lehigh
Page 158, paragraph 4
The transformation
Abraham Erskine
We guinea pigs got to stick together...
I'm holding a beautiful woman <3
The Kiss
Germany and Schmidt
Out of the frying pan and into the hot seat
You Wanted
Cat and Mouse
Cut out photos
Welcome Home
Yes! Yes! YES!
Nightmares and Goldie's
The Perfect Nothing Day
The Final Chapter

The End is Nigh

4.7K 152 28
By TrickyNici

I LOVE YOU GUYS LIKE SOOO MUCH!!!! I am so terribly sorry about the extra long wait for this! It's really been a struggle to write, I wasn't sure how to go about doing this, getting so close to the end and all.. Welp, here it is, I won't keep you anymore! ENJOY!

DISCLAIMER: I only own Lana Graham and my own twist on the Captain America movie!

At one point or another, everyone has to get back to work, even the great Captain America. That meant I tagged along, ready to help anyway that I could. Steve, myself and the rest of his squad was sitting at a conference table in one of our many underground bases in Germany while Phillips gave us the run-down on his interrogation of Dr. Zola.

“Yohan Schmidt belongs in a bug house. He thinks he‘s God and he‘s willing to blow up half the world to prove it. Starting with the USA.” The Colonel stated, keeping his back to us and pointing at the large map on the wall.

“Schmidt‘s working with powers beyond our capabilities. He get‘s across the Atlantic, he‘ll wipe out the entire Eastern seaboard in an hour.” Stark said, a cold chill settling in my spine.

“How much time do we have?” I asked, getting the attention of everyone in the room. I quickly shifted back into my chair and wished I could turn invisible.

“According to my new best friend, less than 24 hours.” Phillips answered, turning all eyes back to him.

“Where is he now?” One of Steve’s elite group members asked, looking over maps and papers in his hands.

“Hydra‘s base is here, in the Alps. 500 feet below the surface.” The Colonel stated, pointing to a new picture of deep snow and the outline of a few smoke stacks.

“So what are we supposed to do? It’s not like we can just knock on the front door. ” Another one of Steve’s men said, leaving the statement hanging in the air.

“Why not?” All eyes turned to the Captain as he looked over his papers.

“Steve?” I piped up and Steve seemed to jolt from his thoughts and looked directly at me.

“That‘s exactly what were going to do.” He cleared his throat, turning his eyes back to the Colonel, who looked as stunned as everyone else.

After a few more thrown about comments, the plan was set to charge the front of the facility. I volunteered myself for the mission, much to everyone’s surprise. That included Steve’s.

“There‘s no way I‘m letting you go through this alone.” I whispered to him after he’d lightly taken my arm after the meeting and lead me into a stray conference room. Even before I finished the comment, I could feel the fight and distaste he had for me volunteering myself. I hushed his words before he could say them, with my fingertips.

“There‘s nothing that could come out of your perfect lips that‘ll change that, Steve.” I whispered again, moving my fingers to cup his cheek.

“I lost Bucky-” Steve started, his voice slightly broken as he touched his forehead to mine. He grabbed up my other hand and held it tightly.

“You won‘t lose me, Steve.” I reassured, smiling warmly at him.

“Let‘s get Schmidt, alright?” I chimed after a few second of us standing there, relishing the other’s company.

“Together.” Squeezing Steve’s hand as tight as he was mine. Just as we broke apart, someone on the other side of the door hollered for the Captain.

Like a true gentleman, he opened the door for me and I brushed past him slowly. They had already assembled the rest of the team and we were getting ready to head to the Alps.

“As a plus, my powers can get us in there much easier.” I said, zipping up my second jacket and working on getting my warm cap on.

“That‘ll get you and the rest of the guys in safe.” Steve walked up to me, standing nearly chest to chest with me as he watched me fumble with my many layers. A bright smile threatened to tug at his lips but he held it at bay.

“I‘m going straight for Schmidt.” He stated, finally reaching up to help me tug my toboggan over my ears. I moved it slightly up so I could look up at him, letting him see my concern.

He seemed to ignore my look because his smile grew as he looked my attire over, placing a kiss on my cheek.

“I’ve always wanted my own little eskimo.” He said, laughing when I huffed loudly and crossed my arms over my chest.

“That serum affected us both differently, you got the insanely warm body, I ended up with a crazy overactive brain.” I grumbled, and Steve did his best to hide his laugh as he wrapped both arms around me, pulling me close to him.

“I‘ll see you on the sunny side, Captain Rogers.” I said, looking back up at him after a long hug.

In my snowboots, I didn’t have to stand on my tiptoes nearly as much to reach Steve’s welcoming lips. His grip around my middle tightened as he moved in sync with me. Finally pulling away after the amazing kiss, Steve rested his forehead against mine, his face suddenly serious.

“Lana.” Bright green clashed with blue as we stared into each other’s eyes.

“I love you, more than anything.” I knew he meant it every time that he said it but that didn’t stop it from making my heart jump clear to my throat.

“And I love you.” My words came out a little strained as I tried not to cry, shoving down the feeling that this might be the last time I got to hold him in my arms.

“Please be safe.” I said just barely over a whisper but I knew he heard me anyway.

With a final squeeze, we let each other go but never moved far from each other as we made our way to the awaiting plane. As we loaded onto the aircraft, I felt something get pressed into my hand. Turning to face the person behind me, I looked down at the rifle placed in my hand by one of Steve’s men.

“You know how to use one of these?” He asked, shouldering his pack and brushing past me.

Running a hand over the smoothed wooden handle, I quickly unlocked the bolt action, checked the barrel and released it.

“Yea, I’m good.” I hollered back at him, making the people around us chuckle.

Steve and I sat on one side of the carrier, with seats lined against each wall. A few of his men were seatbelted in on the side opposite us. As I sat down and reached for my belt, I felt hands grab mine and I couldn’t help my smile as Steve crouched in front of me, buckling me in and setting his arms on my legs.

“I thought you might need some help, with your extra layers and all.” Steve commented, letting out a hearty laugh when I smacked his arm with my gloved hand.

“I love you.” I tried my best to look angry as I crossed my arms over my chest and ignored his statement.

“Hey.” A smile started to tug at my lips as I glanced at him.

He’d suited up, his fitted helmet in place and latched on tight. His eyes held mischievousness and love as he grinned up at me, still leaned on my legs. Our eyes met and I couldn’t help myself, I leaned down and gave his lips a quick peck.

“I love you too, you big goof.” I felt his smile against my lips.

“You guys are disgusting!” The whole plane erupted in laughs as one of the men shouted at us.

I felt my cheeks get rosy from embarrassment and Steve leaned back on his heels, and I was shocked to see that he didn’t even look fazed. If it could have been possible, his smile grew even bigger. Taking the seat available beside me, he fastened himself in, just in time for the carrier to take off.

No one talked much during the flight, a few jokes were randomly exchanged, but most of us kept to ourselves. I know the man across from me was clutching a bible and talking to himself softly. Another was looking at a picture of his family and reading a letter, that he kept kissing and smiling at.

Removing one of my gloves, I reached my freed hand over to grab Steve’s, giving it a generous squeeze. I felt my anxiety spike as I looked at our now entwined fingers.

“Don’t do that.” I looked up at him, watching him watch me.

“Overthink things.” I smiled weakly and looked back down at our fingers. He ran his thumb across my hand, making me watch the trail his finger made.

“When we get done here, I’ll have Stark drop us off in France for some fondue.” Laughing lightly, I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Fondue, huh?” I asked after looking at him for a moment. Steve just shrugged simply, smiling down at me.

“Why not? We have the rest of our lives to figure out what we want to do.” As he said it, he raised our connected hands to his lips, giving the back of my hand a kiss.

“The rest of our lives.” Then he moved his lips to my ring finger, placing another kiss there before setting our hands on his leg, rubbing his thumb on the last place he kissed. It sent the butterflies in my tummy into overdrive. I hadn’t forgot that one question he had yet to formally ask me.

I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling him press a kiss into my hair and murmur something softly to me before I closed my eyes and relished the feeling of having the man I loved more than life itself pressed against me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Time to get up.” Slowly, I woke up, stretching my arms over my head.

“Good morning sunshine.” I smiled at Steve as he brushed a piece of my hair from my face.

“Hey, we here?” I yawned, digging my fist into my eyes in an attempt to clear them up a little.

“Just about, but I gotta drop here. My bike’s waiting for me below and I’m gonna see how well their base is fortified.” I looked up at him as he rose to his full height.

Reaching behind me, he grabbed a parachute from the wall and strapped it on. We hit an air pocket, sending a jolt through the plane that almost knocked the Captain right off his feet. It was my turn to bite my lip, holding back my laugh as he immediately looked at me to see if I was smiling.

After he grabbed the parachute, his gloved finger reached under my chin, lifting my lips to his. the kiss was slow, soft and perfect all at once. I felt warmth rush from my lips to the rest of my body. When Steve pulled away, I caught a shimmer of his feelings that he quickly burried away. There was a small twinge of fear but, not for himself personally.

“I love you Steve Rogers.” I reassured, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly with both of mine. He looked down at my hands and returned to pressure, before looking up and meeting my gaze. His fear came from the possibility of never seeing me again. And that scared me almost as much as it did him.

“I’ll see you on the sunny side.” I continued, flashing him my best pearly-white smile.

“I love you.” As he walked away, he wouldn’t let go of my hand until he was too far away to hold on anymore.

His gaze didn’t leave mine until he walked out right off the dropped hanger door, making me rip my seatbelt off and run to the edge. I barely got ahold of one of the hanging tassel’s above my head before leaning over the edge. One of the other men grabbed the back of my jacket and was pulling me back in quickly but I had seen that Steve was alright, already opening his parachute and descending at a safe pace.

“No wonder he worries about you so much!” The man who grabbed me barked, making everyone else laugh. I sat back down in time for our own landing to happen.

We landed a few miles away from where we'd dropped Steve, just a mile shy of Schmidt's last remaining base. We all loaded out, a tank was on our carrier as well so it rolled out first along with a few foot soldiers. Then I walked out, along with Steve’s men, who followed me to the main tent.

We quickly set up base and waited till our deployed scouts told us when Steve got himself into the base. The plan that the men had come up with didn’t sit well with me at all. Steve would storm the main gates of the base and get as far in as he could before either busting a way in or being captured by the guards. His goal was to be taken straight to Schmidt, wherever he ended up being, and I would then track him from outside the building so Steve’s elite soldiers could go directly for Schmidt.

When the scouts came back and told us that Steve had been taken, it made my heart throb painfully and I stepped away from the rest of the group to start tracking his movements. After taking a few steps through the snow and past the first line of trees, the sound level dropped off almost completely. Taking a few deep breaths, I closed my eyes and focused.

I felt him instantly, could smell his musk on the breeze that moved around me and feel the way his hand felt grabbing mine. It sent a chill through my many layers and I tightened my fists, feeling the way that the men detaining him were being excessively rough with him. A sharp jab into my gut told me that he’d been hit by one of them. He took the punch like a champ, which made me do the same.

When his movements finally stopped, and I felt his whole body tense and recognition go through him, my eyes flew open and I turned on my heels, the best I could in the snow, and started back towards the camp. Grabbing up the rifle that I’d been handed, I swung it on my back.

“I got him, let’s go!” I yelled, not looking to see if anyone was paying attention to me, or even heard me, as I started off to a good vantage point to where I could still feel Steve talking to Schmidt.

Someone came up behind me, moving a branch out of my way as I rushed through the snow. I didn’t stop to thank him, or even look back at him but I could hear several sets of footsteps behind me, trudging through the snow just as I was. When we reached the top of a small hill that dropped off to a good 150 foot drop off into the deep unknown.

I threw myself chest first into the snow, maneuvered my rifle in front of me and quickly looked down the scope. There was Steve, being held by two of Schmidt’s men and the fleshless faced man himself now two steps from Steve, talking with light hand gestures. Something Steve had said set off Schmidt and he started hitting Steve, making the wind rush from my own lungs and make me groan audiably.

“You alright?” I shook my shoulders out the best I could and nodded, looking back down the scope of the gun.

That had been the first time I’d ever been so in tune with someone, or something. It was affecting me in every way. I almost felt like I was the one getting beat on by the crazy German.

“I swear to God, if he hits him one more time, I‘ll kill him right now.” I growled out, putting the crosshairs on my scope right on the side of Schmidt’s head.

“Ease off the trigger, Lana.” One of Steve’s men spoke    

“He‘ll die before he does anything else to him!” I retorted angrily, feeling my finger start to tighten on the trigger.

“Let‘s go!” Someone standing nearly above me yelled and I looked up long enough to see that they were setting up a zip-line, so we could zip right into Schmidt’s personal office.

I looped the strap of the rifle across my shoulder and grabbed the first set of handlebars from one of the guys. Just as he fired the gun that shot out the line, I hooked on my handlebar and started down the line.

“Jesus woman, don’t you ever listen?!” I laughed as the cold breeze blew through my hair, my hat getting lost in the high winds. The line behind me gave a little and I knew there were more people coming in behind me.

As I neared the glass, I stuck out the heel of my boot and used the force of my velocity to break through the glass, at the same time as the two other men to my right. When  our feet hit the ground, the men started shooting and I grabbed the person nearest me, throwing his head into Schmidt’s desk. After I had knocked him out, I looked around for the Captain but he was no where to be seen.

“He went that way!” I looked to my right to see one of the men pointing towards the open door that lead out into the hallway.

“Thanks!” I hollered as I ran for the door, stopping long enough to take a deep breath and focus back on Steve.

I turned right out of the room and started down the hallways, twisting and turning as if I’d run the hallways all my life. It was like Steve had left breadcrumbs on the ground for me to follow and my mind was the only one that could see them. Just as I rounded the last corner, the closest I had felt to Steve since we parted ways, I saw flames. Tucking close to the wall, I saw that it was one of Schmidt’s men, wielding dual flame throwers.

Reaching out my mind, I loosened the cap on one the the flame thrower’s fuel tanks and routed a bit of the flames to it, causing an explosion that dropped him to the floor. I rushed to where he was at, looking around for Schmidt.

“Steve!” I yelled, wrapping my arms around his middle.

I hugged his back close to me. He pulled me away just enough to turn around and hold me back just at tightly. Pressing a kiss to the top of my head, I felt a small smile through my hair.

“You're late.” At his statement, I pulled away to look up at him.

“You knew I was coming?” I asked, flashing him a coy smile when he rose both shoulders in un-concern.

“I figured.” He said, sounding a bit annoyed and relieved that I was there.

“Come on!” Steve checked all the entrances into the hallway intersection and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards where he had thrown his shield to jam a shutting door.

Letting me go under the shield first, he moved under it next before wedging it from the door and taking off down the hallway. It wasn’t long before we heard more gunfire and the start of a huge engine.

“Steve, look!” I pointed at the huge plane that was rolling away, getting ready for it’s take off. But between us and the plane was a plane hanger full of soldiers fighting.

“Stay back!” Steve shouted as he threw his shield into one of Schmidt’s men charging at me.

“You need my help with that plane!” I yelled back, dunking under a punch and throwing my shoulder into his abdomen, pushing up with all my might and throwing him over my back.

By the time that I straightened my back, another person had one of the glowing blue guns pointed at me. I rose my arms above my head and he rose the barrel to point at my head. Just as I saw his finger move towards the trigger, my mind jumped into overdrive.

“Don‘t you dare.” I breathed a deep sigh when I saw Steve’s shield hit the man in the back.

Steve jumped over his knocked out body and wrapped an arm around my waist, holding up his shield to protect us from a shot. He straightened himself to his full height and looked back at me. I shooed him in the way of the plane and he took off towards it at full speed.

I looked around, seeing most of the fighting done and all Schmidt’s men being detained. I felt around for some kind of vehicle and I saw that there was a classy German car with a long hood and four seats. I started towards it but was beat to it by Colonel Phillips and Peggy. I waved at them, flagging them down just before they started off after Steve.

“Getting into trouble, I see.” I jumped into the back seat beside Peggy as we took off towards the plane. I looked over at Phillips and grinned.

“Since day one, sir.” It was his turn to chuckle as he floored the little car towards Steve.

I could tell that Steve was starting to lose ground on the plane. Just as we pulled up, Steve had stopped, thinking that he had lost Schmidt for good.

“Get in!” The Colonel yelled as he stopped long enough for him to hop into the seat with me and we took off once again.

None of us said a word as we watched that even the little sporty car couldn’t keep up with the plane either. I felt around the car, thinking there had to be something we could do to maybe give us an edge. My head snapped to a small red button just under the steering wheel. Reaching between the men, I push it in, making the whole car jump ahead at three times the speed it had been going.

Phillip’s get us just beside the tire of the plane and Steve rose to jump onto the wheel. I stood up at the same time. Steve stepped onto the wheel cover, reaching out to grab my hand, knowing he couldn’t stop me from coming. I grabbed his hand tightly but felt someone grab ahold of my arm.

Turning back to look at Peggy for a moment, flashing her a smile as she started to say something to me, probably trying to stop me from going.

“We guinea pigs gotta stick together.” I yelled over all the noise, making a smile flash quickly on her face as she released my arm and Steve pulled me up into him.

Just as I grabbed onto him tightly, the plane took off from the ground and into the air, making my legs weak with how fast we were climbing into the air. Luckily, Steve had his arm tight around me and on the leg wheel as it tucked us inside the plane.

We jumped the railing that lead onto a walkway and made our way slowly through the plane’s holding area. I sniffed the air, immediately scrunching my nose as my senses taking over everything else. I looked over to the left, over the railing where we had just come from and looked back at Steve, who was looking around for a way out.

“Steve, look.” I whispered harshly, pulling him to my side.

There were piloted bomber’s, filled to the brim with enough explosives to level entire cities. On each bomber was a major city name. Boston, Chicago and New York were just a few. I looked up at Steve at the same time that he looked at me and he shouldered his shield.

“Can you disable the bombs?” He asked, grabbing the railing with both hands.

“Yea, I think so.” I bit my bottom lip as I took a deep breath.

Each plane was exactly the same as the others so I focused on one specifically, thinking that if I could figure out one, the other s would be easy. It only took several seconds for me to disarm the first one and the rest were a walk in the part.

“There disar-” I was stopped abruptly by one hand clamping over my mouth and the other went around my throat as I was yanked away from the railing, and Steve.

He reached out to grab me but I was pulled away too fast and he quickly pulled his shield out around him, making the man holding me tighten his grip on me.

“Make her turn them back on!” The gruff voice hollered right in my ear.

“Now!” I choked as his grip got even tighter and I couldn’t breath at all.

One of Schmidt’s men somehow got behind Steve and that was a bad move on his part. I could feel Steve’s anger dripping off him and he let it loose on the enemies around him. The guy holding me loosened his grip just enough to where I could start to think again and I jabbed my elbow into his gut and stomped on his boot, making him double over as I fell to my knees.

While coughing, I felt the man grab the back of my jacket but suddenly let go when Steve’s fist collided with his face, knocking the man clean out.

“Are you ok?” Steve grabbed both of my shoulders lightly as he helped me sit up.

My back leaned against one of the railing posts as I took deep breaths, my throat feeling extremely dry. Steve lightly touched the skin on my neck before moving his hands to cup my face so I looked at him.

“Lana, talk to me.” I gulped, trying to wet my throat.

“Baby?” I smiled, letting out a short laugh as I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek

“I like it when you call me that.” I choked out, making us both laugh.

Steve rose to his feet, looking down at me and reaching both his hand out to me. I set both of mine in his hands and briskly pulled me to my feet. Wrapping an arm around my waist and the other dug deep into the back of my hair, his lips met mine for a brief but, perfect kiss.

“Come on, baby.” His whisper left my whole body warm and gooey on the inside and I smiled as he grabbed his shield with one hand and grabbed ahold of me with the other.

“Let’s go sock old Schmidt in the face then, shall we?” I asked, making him shake his head at me.

Well, there you have it guys! Hope you enjoyed it! :D I've got the next chapter all outlined out and I should have it done really soon! Vote and Comment as well, I LOOOVEEE comments!!! :D

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