The Never Beginnings

By Serindiel

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"Do you want to go home?" He asked bracing himself for the answer that was sure to come. The girl looked at t... More

Prologue; An Awfully Big Adventure
Chapter 1: The First Story
Chapter 2: Nightmares
Chapter 3: The Most Wonderful Boy Who Ever Lived
Chapter 4: The Lost Boys
Chapter 5: Curiosity
Chapter 6: Shadows and Stitches
Chapter 7: Not a Dream
Chapter 8: Telling Stories
Chapter 9: Flying
Chapter 10: Kisses and Happy Thoughts
Chapter 11: A Dangerous Pirate
Chapter 12: Stories From a Girl
Chapter 13: Trouble
Chapter 14: Neverland
Who Shot the Lady?
The Clever Kiss
Little Sparrow
Plans and Promises
Introductions and Interrogations
Skull Rock
Fights and Feelings
Training Lost Boys and Mothers
Triumphs, Thimbles, and Tears
The Fairy Returns
The Accord
Beach Break
Mermaid Lagoon
Offers by Candlelight
The Chief of Wisdom
In Need of Help
The Pirate's Trade
Done For
Don't Leave
A Story and a Thimble

Just the Beginning

925 28 41
By Serindiel

Wendy had fallen asleep shorty after, exhaustion clearly written on her face. Peter had opted to stay, keeping watch, her silent sentinel. Peter turned on his side and watched the gently rise and fall of Wendy's chest. Relief flooded through him each time she drew a breath. Turning to lay on his back, Peter clasped his hands behind his head and blew out a long breath. The toll of the past few days finally catching up with him. There had been so much adrenaline coursing through his veins that he had hardly had time to stop and think, which was good. He didn't know if he wanted to think. Now that things had settled down, his mind was starting up again.

Hook. Hook was gone. Peter didn't know if he felt relief, or what he felt. His age old enemy was finally defeated, that stirred strange thoughts of loss. But when Peter thought about what Hook had done to his Wendy, his blood boiled and he was glad Hook was gone. Forever. Never to hurt those he cared about again.

Wendy. He had lost her for a moment there. Never had he felt such depth of emotion, and that terrified Peter. The loss had been heart wrenching and so painful, he would rather die than go through that again. But on the other hand the joy he felt after was equally as powerful. It was all so new, so strange. There was so much to explore, so much to learn. This was all new territory, when it came to the feelings he had towards Wendy. But one thing was for sure, he was over the moon. It scared him a little how much one silly girl had taken hold of him. She meant everything to him, she was the reason behind his crow, and she was his home.

Home. Hook had mentioned that Wendy had wanted to go home. A sliver of panic pierced Peter's heart. Did Wendy want to go home now? After all that had happened, had she had enough? Was their adventure over when he thought it was just beginning? No! It couldn't be, she wanted to be here, Wendy had said she loved him. Didn't that mean she wanted to stay with him? Uncertainty and Vulnerability two emotions Peter was quickly taking a disliking to, but they were plainly written on his face.

A soft moan shook Peter from his worrying. He would have to ask Wendy later if she wanted to go home. But right now he needed to be there when she woke up. He stuffed all his insecurities underneath his mask of bravado and turned on to his side and watched Wendy's eyes flutter open.

"Good Morning my Sleeping Wendy." Peter said softly, brushing a lock of hair out of Wendy's eyes.

"I believe the correct name is Sleeping Beauty. And since when am I 'yours'" Wendy voiced with a smile.

Peter cocked his eyebrow, "Well your name is Wendy and you were sleeping, as for the last matter. You've always been 'mine.' From the very beginning."

Wendy lowered her eyes as a blush crept up her cheeks. She couldn't think of anything to say for once.

Peter loved seeing the color in Wendy's cheeks. It meant that she was alive. He was so happy he leaned in to thimble Wendy when the Chief burst through the teepee flap. Peter cursed silently. Wendy gave him a disproving look and smiled at the Chief.

"Good Morning Little Sparrow! I see you are feeling better." The Chief waggled his eyebrows at the two. This time both Peter and Wendy blushed crimson.

"I...well...uh...yes. Yes I am feeling better." Wendy stumbled out.

"Good, good! Now Flying Eagle I need to redress the bandages, you will wait outside the teepee." The Chief held up a hand when Peter started to protest. "None of that, she will be through in just a few minutes. I'm sure you can manage."

Peter grumbled but obligingly left the tent. As he stumbled out he was met with an onslaught of clamoring hands.

"Where's Mother?"

"Can we see her now?"

"How is she?"

"Why can't we see her yet?"

"Did you thimble her?"

Peter's eyes widened as he held up his hands in defense. "Whoa, whoa! Quiet down!"

The lost boys' questions subsided. Taking a deep breath Peter straightened his tunic.

"Mother is inside the tent. No you can't see her now. The Chief says she will be fine. She is resting. And that is none of your concern." He said giving Nibs a pointed look for the "thimble" question. Nibs grinned sheepishly.

Nibs was about to press the question when the tent flap opened. "MOTHER!" He cried running towards the teepee. The rest of the boys followed suit.

The Chief came out supporting Wendy on his arm. Peter whirled around and looked at the Chief then down at Wendy, he was about to protest, but Wendy spoke up.

"Before you worry, the Chief says I'm healing quite nicely. And we heard a commotion out here. So it was decided that a little fresh air would do me some good."

The Chief nodded. "And tonight we will celebrate! You will all be our guests of honor! Now I must go and get things ready, Flying Eagle?"

The Chief beckoned Peter to come and help support Wendy. Peter was by her side in a flash. He slipped one arm around her waist and used the other arm to hold her hand. One the Chief was certain Wendy was taken care of he waved goodbye and headed into the village.

"Mother we were so worried about you!" Slightly started.

"Yeah we thought you were a gonner!"

"And then Peter's thimble saved you!"

"We missed you so much Mother!"

"You got thimbled just like in the stories!"

"Are you still hurted?"

"When can you go on another adventure?"

"Will you tell us a story tonight at the celebration?"

Wendy's heart was warmed by all the concern from her boys. She opened her mouth to respond but Peter beat her to it.

"Calm down you blockheads!" Peter demanded. "Mother is still very tired and sore and you're probably giving her a headache!"

Wendy turned to Peter, a slight smile on her face, "Peter, I'm quite capable of answering a few questions, my mouth isn't broken."

Peter looked down at her mouth and smiled. "No it's not."

Wendy blushed profusely and quickly turned towards her boys. "I am feeling much better; in fact I feel good enough to tell a short story tonight!"

The boys cheered!

"Why don't you go on ahead to the celebration and I'll be right along!" Wendy said happily.

As the lost boys left they gave their Mother a quick hug and received a thimble on their cheeks. Nibs was the last one, and held something behind his back. Shyly he shuffled his feet on the ground.

"These are for you Mother."

Nibs produced a small bundle of wild flowers that had looked to have seen better days. But Wendy thought they were the prettiest flowers she'd ever received. Oh how she loved her boys!

"Thank you Nibs." Wendy said as she thimble him on the cheek. "These are lovely!"

Just then a beautiful young Indian maiden came up to the three.

"The Chief says they are ready for you to join them."

Wendy watched as Nibs suddenly stood up straighter, and ...was that a wink she saw? She smiled to herself as she watched Nib's interaction with the Indian maiden. They young girl blushed and Nibs smiled at her.

"We'll be right along, thank you." Wendy replied politely.

The maiden turned and started to walk away leaving a slack-jawed Nibs staring after her. Wendy nudged him.

Nibs turned around and Wendy gave him a meaningful look.

"I...uh....her name is Dancing Moon." He said embarrassed to have been caught.

Wendy just smiled and nodded her head in the direction of the girl. Nibs looked the girl then back at Wendy, uncertainty shown in his eyes.

"You'll never know if you never try." Wendy said answering the unasked question.

Nibs quickly hugged Wendy, took a deep breath, puffed out his chest and called out.

"Dancing Moon! Wait up!"

Wendy laughed softly as Nibs ran off.

"What was that all about?" Peter asked, thoroughly confused, and clearly missing something.

"Oh nothing." Wendy smiled squeezing Peter's hand. "Come; let's not keep the Chief waiting."

"Wait, just....wait Wendy." Peter sighed. Now that he had Wendy alone it was time to ask her the question that had been plaguing him. But suddenly he lost all courage to do so.

"What is it Peter?" Wendy implored.

Peter ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

" you want to go home?"

Wendy was confused. "What do you mean?"

Peter looked worried. "I don't mean back to the hide out, I mean home, home. To London home." He asked bracing himself for the answer that was sure to come.

The girl looked at the ground for a long time. She hadn't thought about her London home since the night Hook had propositioned her to become a pirate. She'd almost forgotten about it. Then she looked up at the boy who had become to mean so much to her. This felt so right, so new, so exciting! How could she give all of this up? But at the same time, how could she leave her home, her mother and father and never see them again.

Wendy was quiet for a long time and it scared Peter. Suddenly she spoke up.

"No Peter...This," she gestured to the magical land surrounding them, "This, the lost boys...and you," She added shyly. "This is my home now."

Peter just stared at her in shock. That was not the answer he was expecting. Finally after a moment, the words clicked into place in Peter's mind. This was her home, he was her home. A huge smile of relief plastered itself on his face. And he leaned in closer.

Wendy's heart started to beat rapidly, but she wasn't done talking. She put a finger on Peter's lips.

"But I would like to visit my parents every once in a while. I'm sure they are worried."

Peter nodded and tried to lean in again, but Wendy's finger was in the way and she turned her head as she talked.

"And it would certainly be up to Michael and John if they wanted to stay. They might stay for summer and then go back for school. But it is up to them completely. And.."

This time Peter put his finger on Wendy's mouth.

"Anything for you Wendy lady. Now, will you please stop talking?"

Wendy looked a little taken back. But before she could reply, Peter's lips were on hers. Wendy was suddenly dizzy, and her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. But she also felt like she could explode into a million pieces of light. She leaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Peter's neck.

Peter broke the kiss and touched Wendy's forehead with his own.

"You know I really like thimbles."

Wendy laughed and hugged Peter. "Of course you do, silly boy. Come on, let's go see what the Chief has cooked up this time."

Peter gave Wendy one more, quick thimble and she laughed.

The stars looked down and smiled, there had been so many adventures. And so many stories had come to a close on that island. But for Peter Pan and Wendy Darling- this was only just the beginning.


He was only aware of three things. Agony, torture, pain. It consumed him. Fire ran through his veins, molten lava, sluggish and burning. It was dark; there was no light, no noise, and no smell. Just empty, darkness, and pain.

Suddenly a piercing light was forced into his dark existence. The light was more painful; he tried to run away from it, seeking the blackness for comfort. But the light followed and caught him. Every cell in his body burst into flame. There is nothing but light now, but it's harsh and blinding. A strangled scream claws its way up from his throat, as his eyes are forced open.

The light is gone replaced by a dank, musty cavern. He is confused. He can smell things, he can see things, but he cannot move and he cannot speak. Where is he? Suddenly there is sound, and a garbled noise reaches his ear. He strains to hear it. But he can't make out the words. He closes his eyes and focuses harder.

"Welcome back Cap'n."

With those words, memories flood into his brain. Rage consumes him. And his red eyes open.

"Hello Smee."


Thank you all so much for going on this adventure with me! I want to write a sequel, but real life is kind of busy, so it may be a slow process. But it is one I want to start! I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! Thank you for your support!

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