The Never Beginnings

By Serindiel

22.6K 827 478

"Do you want to go home?" He asked bracing himself for the answer that was sure to come. The girl looked at t... More

Prologue; An Awfully Big Adventure
Chapter 1: The First Story
Chapter 2: Nightmares
Chapter 3: The Most Wonderful Boy Who Ever Lived
Chapter 4: The Lost Boys
Chapter 5: Curiosity
Chapter 6: Shadows and Stitches
Chapter 7: Not a Dream
Chapter 8: Telling Stories
Chapter 9: Flying
Chapter 10: Kisses and Happy Thoughts
Chapter 11: A Dangerous Pirate
Chapter 12: Stories From a Girl
Chapter 13: Trouble
Chapter 14: Neverland
The Clever Kiss
Little Sparrow
Plans and Promises
Introductions and Interrogations
Skull Rock
Fights and Feelings
Training Lost Boys and Mothers
Triumphs, Thimbles, and Tears
The Fairy Returns
The Accord
Beach Break
Mermaid Lagoon
Offers by Candlelight
The Chief of Wisdom
In Need of Help
The Pirate's Trade
Done For
Don't Leave
A Story and a Thimble
Just the Beginning

Who Shot the Lady?

460 20 20
By Serindiel

High above the London skyline three boys flew towards the special second star. Well one boy flew and the other two floundered along. Peter had wasted no time teaching John and Michael on how to fly properly. He was far too eager to get back to Wendy.

Earlier Peter had flown back to the nursery window and looked inside. The older boy, John, was sprawled halfway on the bed and halfway on the floor. A small ocean of drool leaking from his snoring mouth. Michael wasn't much better, cocooned in a mass of blankets, head down by the baseboard and feet up by his pillow. Peter shook his head and gave a small chuckle. They would fit right in with the other lost boys.

He woke the boys, none too gently, and told them where he had taken their sister. Michael had instantly taken a liking to Peter; he was after all, his hero. It had taken a bit more persuasion and a few flying tricks to convince John who he was. Then sprinkling some extra pixie dust and telling them to think happy thoughts they were out the window! John and Michal fumbled and bumbled their way around but it was good enough for Peter. They were off and almost back to Neverland, Peter couldn't wait to see how happy Wendy would be when he brought her brothers with him. The thought made him grin and fly just a bit faster.


The lost boys watched in anticipation as their arrows hit their intended target, the big blue Bird. They boys cheered as they bird fell from the sky. Tink grinned evilly as she watched Wendy fall from the sky. It was just too perfect!

Cubby gawked in amazement as he watched. "I hit it! I actually hit it!"

Slightly and Nibs looked at each other then back at Cubby.

"What makes you think it was your arrow that shot it down?" Nibs said leaning on his bow.

"I just know it was I can feel it!" Cubby said proudly.

"Nah, Nah, it was our arrow!" The Twins vied.

Tootles pointed to himself emphatically, wanting to get his opinion in.

Slightly was getting a little annoyed. They could stand here all day arguing about who shot it or they could get off their butts and go find it.

"I don't care who shot it, let's just go find it!" Slightly yelled.

And with that the boys raced through the Neverland jungle, whooping and hollering, their victorious war cries filled the air. They had shot the dangerous Bird just like Tink had said to. Which meant Pan was going to be proud of them! Each was eager to be the first to the fallen Bird, and claim the right to tell Pan.

They slowed as they reached a small clearing. There in the center of the clearing was the bird. Only... it wasn't a bird.

Slightly held up a hand to signal to the boys to hold back and whispered in shock.

"That's no bird! That... is a lady!"

"A lady," The boys echoed in awe.

The boys crept closer to the lady. She was the most beautiful lady they had ever seen. She was perfect... except for the arrow that was sticking out of her heart, and the one in her leg. Slightly started to panic a little when he saw the blood on her nightdress.

The twins gasped, Nibs looked to Slightly who was trying to see how to stop the bleeding.

Cubby all but burst into hysterics when he saw that it really was his arrow that shot her down.

"I shot her! It wasn't a bird I shot a lady! What Am I going to do? Pan will kill me! Somebody quick, put me out of my misery! I shot a lady! I'm a common criminal!"

"Oh be quiet Cubby! You're worse than Nibs!" Slightly snipped. But Cubby did have a point. Pan would kill them if he knew they had shot a lady. She was dead and their situation was dire.

Just then a familiar crow echoed across the clearing, striking fear and dread into the hearts of the lost boys. Quickly as they could they stood in front of the fallen lady, trying to hide their misdeed for as long as they could.

Pan drifted into view along with two strange looking boys.

"Ateention!" Pan shouted, landing with hands on hips. "Hello boys! Up to no good I see! What's with the hunting gear? Shoot something did we? Well have I got a surprise for you! This here is John and Michael, they are Wendy's brothers."

Peter pointed to the one in the glasses and top hat, John, and the one holding a stuffed bear, Michael.

"Remember Wendy, the one who tells the stories? And no one thought she was real? Well I brought her with me and she's wonderful and she is clever and she is...'

As Peter continued dread lodged itself in Slightly's throat, realizing just who the lady was.

"And she's dead Peter." Slightly managed to choke out.

Peter stopped in his tracks, "What did you say?"

The boys parted revealing the fallen Wendy. Nibs spoke this time, "She's dead."

Peter looked in disbelief. Wendy lay perfectly still, as if she were only sleeping; the only problem was the arrow protruding from her chest and the blood on her nightdress from the arrow in her leg.

Peter's heat stopped in that moment. "WENDY!" He cried rushing over to her, shoving the lost boys out of the way.

"No no no NO!" Peter reached down; Wendy's cheek was cold to the touch. She was dead. How could she be dead? She was so full of laughter and life before he left! Peter glared at the offending arrow in her heart, anger boiling to the surface. Someone shot her, and that someone must pay. Peter's hands hovered over her heart and snapped the arrow.

Whipping around, Peter faced the lost boys, "WHOSE ARROW?"

The lost boys looked in fear at their leader but no one stepped forward. Peter took a menacing step towards them. "I demand to know! Whose arrow?!"

Rage filled Peter and as he went to strike the nearest boy, he heard a small whimper. Peter spun around and looked down at Wendy. She moved!

A little body wormed his was between Peter and the lost boys, desperate to get to his beloved sister.

"She's not dead! Oh Wendy! Wendy! Can you hear me?" Michael cried, throwing himself at her. He put his little hands on her cheeks, "Wendy please wake up! John come here she's alive!"

John dropped his umbrella and ran towards his sister. Bending down he listened for breathing. There it was, small and weak, but there.

"Holy mother of England," John whispered. Realizing that Wendy was still alive and knowing that she needed immediate medical attention. "Quick somebody we need to get help! We need to stop the bleeding!"

John looked to Peter, but Peter just stood, unmoving, in shock. John stood up next to Peter and gave him a good 'what for' slap.

"Come on Pan! My sister is alive! She needs help!"

Peter shook out of his reverie and dropped down to Wendy's side. She moaned again. This was enough to snap Peter into action.

"Twins! Run ahead and tell the Indian Medicine Woman we need her help!"

"On it Pan!" They said in unison, sprinting off through the jungle.

Peter's hands hovered over Wendy; he didn't want to hurt her more. As gently as he could he scooped Wendy up in his arms. One arm supporting her back and the other under her knees. Then mustering up a happy thought Peter began to fly towards the Indian Village.

"Hold on Wendy, just hold on a little longer."


Tiger Lilly was having a perfectly normal day, peaceful and quiet. It was boring her out of her mind. She groaned and wished she was off having an adventure with a certain red head.

A noise awakened her from her daydream. The flap to her teepee opened and one of the twins rushed inside. Panting and out of breath, he tried to relay his message,

"Tiger Lilly....Pan.... the Lady was shot...needs medicine... So she doesn't die...Can you help?"

Confusion was written all over her face. "Slow down and breathe! Now what is wrong? What Lady? Who got shot? Where's Peter?"

Suddenly there was a loud commotion outside of her teepee. Murmurs and gasps could be heard. Tiger Lilly rushed outside, the twin on her heels.

Peter landed in the center of a group of Indians, a strange blue girl in his arms. Peter looked around for Tiger Lilly, spotting her he ran towards her.

"No time to explain, She's been shot, in the heart and the leg, can you help?"

Tiger Lilly looked down at the pale girl. Who was she? A slight pang of jealousy went through her. Someone else was in Peter's arms. Granted she was barely alive, but still. She was about to say that she couldn't do anything.

"Please Tiger Lilly."

Tiger Lilly glanced at Peter in shock, his eyes were pleading with her for help. This threw her for a loop, The great Pan never said please.

She sighed, "Alright bring her into the teepee, I don't know if I can save her, but I'll try."

Relief flooded through Peter, he ducked under the flap and set Wendy down on the little cot. Wincing as she moaned in pain.

She needed to assess the girls wounds and she couldn't do it with Peter hovering over her.

"Out Peter, I need to work." Tiger Lilly said pointing to the door.


"No buts! Do you want her to live? I thought so, now please leave me in peace!"

Peter held onto Wendy's hand and bent down to whisper something in her ear. Then reluctantly left the teepee.

Tiger Lilly watched the exchange with curious eyes. Who was this girl? Why was she so important to Peter? What was that look in Peter's eyes? He had certainly never looked at her like that. Why had she wished for something exciting to happen? She needed to be more careful with what she wished for in the future. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts the medicine side of her took over and she began to work on the mystery girl.

Outside Peter ran his hands through his hair. Now the waiting game would begin. It was going to be a long day.

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