The Reapers Resolve (Naruto X...

By HaileyXOXOkiller

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War, something all shinobi might go through. Tough decisions and hardships will have to be faced. Hailey is b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50!! ;)

Chapter 34

263 10 0
By HaileyXOXOkiller

My scythe was covered in raging flames as my red eyes glowed brightly. He lunged with his twin swords, off the bat I noticed his inhumane speed, very similar to mine.

I also noticed his tendency to block with his left arm was his right was mainly offense. He was obviously in no mood to negotiate and he spoke with his blades. The sound of scraping metal was heard as our weapons collided with fury. He managed to get two big blows on my body. One across my abdomen and the other on my thigh. I held back the pain and pretended like I was fine.

"Give it up buddy, you can't beat me." I smirked as my fire was engulfing his swords. He held me in an 'X' block, but my fire was starting to burn through his swords. He could feel the intense heat coming from my scythe, yet the bright flames didn't seem to bother him in the slightest.

"Well see about that princess." He laced with venom and dropped his swords. I recovered from my loss of balance quickly as I regained my footing and pivoted to face him. I did my best to not take notice of the blood that was currently dripping down my legs, one more than the others.

"Cute trick, but your gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna stop a little ol' princess like me." My smile held sarcasm and anger. Nobody hurts my family and gets away with it. I held up two fingers by my shoulder and looked at him. My eyes bore into his which were covered. It got me thinking, just why were his eyes covered. "Oh and why I'm speaking, how many figures am I holding up?"

He scowled and scoffed off my question like it was nothing. So he is a blind sensor type, intreasting. He raced towards me, his speed increasing with each step. He was now going in hand to hand combat. Unsmart choice, especially that I have a scythe. He started throwing punches that I blocked with my scythes handle. I felt my stomach starting to sear from pain, more pain with each movement I made. It was quite clear that this was a little deeper than just a flesh wound.

"If I would have to guess I'd say that you tried becoming a full fledged shinobi, but you were handicapped. Loss of vision, freak accident, I'm not too sure. But the village disapproved and rejected you and you were angry." His scowl grew even bigger as I spoke, leaving me to assume that what I had inferred was indeed correct.

My eyes darted around the room, taking note of masters position. I also took a mental image of how the council members were sprawled across the room. Now I get them out of their pickle.

I watched as Aaron took kunai out from his jacket, he skillfully threw one at me. I could see that he was much more confident in his throwing skills, perfect for me.

"Too bad, I bet you would've made a fine shinobi. But I do wonder how you got here." I spoke as I moved over slightly, he threw a kunai, which I side stepped and it hit one of the council members bindings. This was easier than fighting recklessly and I saved my movements which also means less irratation to my wounds. I smirked, he's to focused on me to even notice where the reject kunai are landing. I kept this up, silently shaking my head as to tell the freed members to stay quiet.

I smelt my backup outside, undoubtly taking care of the guards I had snuck past. He tossed one more kunai, which rid of masters bondings. I noticed his brows furrow as he shot me-you guessed it- another scowl.

"You bitch, you have reinforcements outside, that wasn't part of the deal!" He shouted he was unmistakably enraged. I smirked and nodded to my fellow comrades in the room. "This means I can kill the hostages!"

On cue master rose from his spot, or should I say grew. He enlarged himself and in the process broke the ceiling. He swiftly picked up Aaron in his large hands as the council yelled. the ground shook and I covered my stomach with my free hand, the Crimson colored blood stained my hand and keep dripping down my legs.

"You are here by under arrest for Kidnapping, and assault to the council and wizard saints." The old man yelled.

"Hey isn't that master!" I heard Natsu yell, and I could imagine his goofy smile as he did so. Needless to say saving my family never gets old, and in the meantime I have another family to save from an ongoing war. The only thing is how would I do that with so little blood to spare.

My backup busted through the doors and saw the scene in front of them. Wendy immediately ran to me, seeing my condition made her eyes light up with worry.

"Hailey, hold still." I did as she said, but dropped my scythe. I could feel my vision getting blurry, I top of my exhaustion was the fact that blood was still escaping my body.

She helped me ease my way to the ground. I did my absolute best to try and stay awake. I have to, for the ninjas sake. I could only pray to Mavis that they would be okay. My breathing was ragged, Wendy's eyes were focused on the large gash on my lower stomach.

"Hailey this is deep, I don't have the medical supplies to treat it here." Her voice trailed off. I grabbed her bloodied hand with my own and looked her dead in the eyes. What I said next made her question my sanity.

"Cauterize it."

"That would cause more pain that good, sure it would stop the bleeding but you'd be in tremendous pai-" I cut her off quickly and squeezed her hand.

"Get Natsu's little ass over here and burn it."

She nodded slowly as she gained the attention of the dragon slayer near by. Let's pray that this actually works.

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