Opposite attracts - Lashton...

By FiftyShadesOfStyles

220K 10.1K 1.5K

Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin were two completely different boys. Not only social wise but in many other way... More

Chapter one: Luke
Chapter two: Ashton
Chapter three: Luke
Chapter four: Ashton
Chapter five: Luke
Author notes
Chapter six: Ashton
Chapter seven: Luke
Chapter eight: Ashton
Chapter nine: Luke
Chapter ten: Ashton
Chapter eleven : Luke
Chapter twelve: Ashton
Chapter thirteen: Luke
Chapter fourteen: Ashton
Chapter fifteen: Luke
Chapter sixteen: Ashton
Chapter seventeen: Luke
Chapter eighteen: Ashton
Chapter nineteen: Luke
Chapter twenty: Ashton
Chapter twenty-one: Luke
Chapter twenty-two: Ashton
Chapter twenty-three: Luke
Chapter twenty-four: Ashton
Chapter twenty-five: Luke
Chapter twenty-six: Ashton
Chapter twenty-seven: Luke
Chapter twenty-eight: Ashton
Chapter twenty-nine: Luke
Chapter thirty: Ashton
Chapter thirty-one: Luke (Sneak peek)
Chapter thirty-one: Luke
Chapter thirty-two: Ashton
Author note
Chapter thirty-three: Luke
Chapter thirty-four: Ashton
Chapter thirty-five: Luke
Chapter thirty-six: Ashton
Chapter thirty-seven: Luke (sneak peek)
Chapter thirty-seven: Luke
Chapter thirty-eight: Ashton
Chapter thirty-nine: Luke
Chapter fourty-one: Luke
Chapter fourty-two: Ashton
Chapter fourty-three :Luke
Chapter fourty-four: Ashton
Chapter fourty-five: Luke
Chapter fourty-six: Ashton
Chapter fourty-seven: Luke
Chapter fourty-eight: Ashton (Sneak peek)
Chapter fourty-eight: Ashton
Chapter fourty-nine: Luke (Sneak peek)
Chapter fourty-nine: Luke
Chapter fifty: Ashton
Chapter fifty-one: Luke
Author notes
Chapter fifty-two: Ashton
Chapter fifty-three: Luke
Bromance Awards!!
Chapter fifty-four: Ashton
Chapter fifty-five: Luke
Chapter fifty-six: Ashton
Chapter fifty-seven: Luke
Chapter fifty-eight: Ashton
Chapter fifty-nine: Luke
Chapter sixty: Ashton
Chapter sixty-one: Luke
Sixty-two: Ashton
Chapter sixty-three: Luke
Epilogue: Ashton
Epilogue: Luke

Chapter fourty: Ashton

2.1K 147 29
By FiftyShadesOfStyles

  It was around one in the morning when a knock on the door woke me from my sleep. At first, I thought it was Luke arriving from the party, drunk but it turned out it was not. My mother had woken up and answered the door since the knocking was not stopping. She usually never answer the door at this time of the night because you never know who can be knocking at your door on a Friday night- early Saturday morning - in London. You always have to be careful. 

I sat up on my bed, trying to make out the voices but my mind was still half asleep. I rubbed my eyes and got up, curiously making my way to the door. I frowned, seeing a policeman standing in our doorway. From what I could see, the man was explaining something to my mother. Her hand was over her mouth, probably shocked by the man's words.

''Mum? Is everything okay?'' I asked her from where I was standing, worried.

''Thank you sir, I'll be on my way and make sure to call his parents,'' she said

''Have a good night, Mrs Irwin,'' said the man before leaving.

''Mum?'' I repeated. ''What did this policeman want?''

She turned to me and gave me a sympathetic look. ''I-I have to tell you something, Sweetie,'' she said, a pained look on her face. ''Luke is at the hospital, he got into an accident.''

  I wasted no time and quickly got dressed, I can't present myself at the hospital in my Spider-man pajamas.. I threw on whatever clothing was under my reach, grabbed my shoes and I was out of the door, not waiting for my mother. 

I ran trough the busy streets of London, wanting to get to the hospital as soon as possible. I ran into a couple person on my way, muttering faint apologies to them as I continued my journey. I have to see him. 

I didn't let my mum enough time to explain what happened but I'm sure the doctors or even a nurse will be kind enough to explain everything to me. When I heard the news slipping from her mouth, all I thought was 'I have to see him.' 'I have to see if he is okay or will be.' So I ran. 

When I passed the automatic doors of the hospital, I went straight to the receptionins's office who was straight in front of me.

''Can I please have the number of Luke Hemmings's room?'' I asked her, trying to regain my breathing to normal. 

She looked trough her computer and gave me a sadistic look. ''I'm sorry, young man but he is in surgery,'' she explained. ''Who are you? Are you his brother?'' she asked.

I shook my head. ''No.''

''In this case, I'm afraid you won't be able to see him soon. We haven't been able to reach his parents yet. No visits are allowed till then, it's the rule.'' 

Stupid rule, I thoughts to myself. 

Luke is in surgery. He must be very injured if he's in there... I hope he's gonna be fine. He has to.

  After hours of waiting in the waiting room, earning glares, weird and annoyed looks by a couple people, a nurse approached me. I'm sorry if I'm not properly dressed - I'm wearing dark grey sweatpants, a holey tee shirt (that must me Luke's) and a black hoodie. My hair must be a curly mess because I didn't tried to tame them or even take a look in a mirror before sprinting here.

''You can go,'' said a kind the nurse, telling me the number of Luke's room. ''None of us is able to join his parents for the moment but you two seemed quite close, seeing you probably ran here when you heard the bad news.'' I thanked her and got up, making my way to the said room number.

  I was stopped by a doctor when I was about to open the door to Luke's room. He explained Luke's situation to me since I was the closest thing to family they could talk to. His father wasn't replying to their calls. He's such a coward.

When I entered in the white and bright hospital room, I choked a sob and gasped when I first laid an eye on the hospital bed. He had a broken wrist and a concussion from what the doctor told me but I'm sure he hasn't told me everything since I'm not family. The had to roll him in surgery and he stayed there for a long time. A broken wrist doesn't take that long to fix. I'm not stupid. Not to mention the numerous scratches and cuts on his face. My heart hurt at the sight of the fragile looking blonde boy. Luke is always tough and strong but right now, as I look at his laying body, he looks anything but that. He looks vulnerable and broken. It's a paining sight.

I walked closer to his bed, trying to be quiet to not disturb him - he is still asleep due to the surgery and pain medications. There was a small chair beside his bed so I sat there, my eyes stuck on the blond boy. His hair were now flat but he was still beautiful despite all his injuries. He always is.

''Hey,'' I greeted, my voice cracking a little, shocked. ''I know you probably not close to waking up but I've heard you can still hear us when you're sleeping so I'm gonna to that and speak,now. I might not be that interesting but I'm still going to talk because I know you won't want to hear me out when you're gonna wake up. Not to mention that you can't roll your eyes at me nor cut me off with snide remarks or simply say mean things you don't even think just to hurt me like you did tonight.'' 

''Those words you said to me before leaving for that dumb party hurt, Luke. I've never thought you'd ever say such things to me. I always knew you were not the kindest guy in the world but that.. hurts. It felt like a stab in the chest.''

I closed my eyes, thinking about what he said. ''I'm not here to be a tourist. I'm here to have great time and that's exactly what I'm gonna do tonight. whether you like it or not. You're not my mother, Ashton. You're just a random boy I go paired with for a school project.''

''I understand that you were angry but what you said was rude. Very rude and offensive. I've been treated badly in my life but that hurts more than anything. Wanna know why?'' I asked, not waiting for an answer since he was sleeping. ''Because it came from you, Luke. It was your words. Not the second neibour's two streets down, your's.'' 

''Your opinion has a huge importance to me if you didn't know already. What you think of me really does matter to me. Like a lot. I don't want you to think I'm just a 'random boy you got paired with for a school project'. I'm your friend, Luke. We're eachother's anchor.''

I paused, thinking of what else I could chat him about. Maybe I could update him about his situation? I bet no one told him about his injuries. The doctor said they rolled him in surgery as soon as he arrived in the hospital and hooked him to machines. Once it was all done, they put him here, in a room.

''The doctor said you were lucky to not be more injured. What were you doing on that motorcycle? On top of that, you were not wearing a helmet.. Are you mental? What the hell where you thinking, Luke? Y-you could've died,'' I told his immobile body laying on the hospital bed. 

''I don't know what I would do if you had died on that accident..'' I sighed, running a hand down my face, trying to not let my emotions take over and cry. I can't cry, not when the boy I am in love with almost died. He is alive. I should be happy. Or at least relieved he is 'okay'. 

''I was so scared when my mum told me about the accident. I panicked and ran here to make sure you were alright. I ran trough damn London to check on you, Luke. I was so, so worried.'' I took a breath, trying to regain my calm and not panic again. I have to stop getting so worked up today or I'll end up in one of those beds too.

''When I was waiting in the waiting room, the doctor told me they almost lost you during the surgery. You were fucking dying, Lukey. And at this exact moment, I felt bad because I kept thinking that if you don't make it alive, I'm never gonna have the chance to tell you something important. Very important. And that thing is that- Luke, I-I love you.'' At this point, I was crying on the edge of the bed, holding the blonde's hand in mine as my head was resting on the rough sheets of the hospital bed. 

''Now I've said it. I don't care if you not ready or never say it back. All I want is you to know that I love you, Luke Hemmings. I fell in love with you whether you want it of not. I tried to deny it or keep it for myself but I can't hold it in anymore. Not after this,'' I pressed a kiss to his slightly battered hand, kissing each of his little scratches, careful to not hurt him more. 

''I'm gonna go, now. The doctor said you won't be waking up till a few more hours and I won't lie, I am knackered,'' I chuckled. I arrived here at half one in the morning and it's almost two in the afternoon. ''Bye, Lukey.'' I got up but a little voice stopped me and made me spin around on my heels.

''Don't go, I-I want you to stay,'' he said in a faint, scratchy voice, opening his bright blue eyes half way. 

A/N Sorry for the monologues, I know people don't like them but they were important to write. I had to explain the situation and Ashton's thoughts the right way. Also, as if I would kill Luke, haha. I already told you guys that the middle of the book was when the boys are going to England. It can't end so soon. A lot more is to come, don't worry. What did you think of this chapter? How you think Luke's father will react when he'll learn about the accident? Do you think Luke will get in trouble due to the accident? Please let me know in the comments below and don't forget to vote.

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