βœ“π«πžπ°π«π’π­πž 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚...

By fantasysteph

130K 2.9K 670

The oldest tale in time is that as a teenager one's biggest worries are acne, fitting in, anxiety, and high s... More

β­’ 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 β­’
π†π«πšπ©π‘π’πœπ¬ + 𝐏π₯𝐚𝐲π₯𝐒𝐬𝐭
|PART 1|
|thick and thin|
|the cure|
|watch me go live|
|french becky|
|yung luv|
|didnt see it coming|
|something borrowed|
|show you|
|end of the earth|
|cigarettes on patios|
|that would be enough|
|going to a place|
|sargento de hierro|
|sad together|
|hold my girl|
|so pissed|
|no goodbyes|
|navy blue|
|PART 3|
|dont let it break your heart|
|i drive me mad|
|aurora borealis|
|please dont touch|
|stand tall|
|his hands|
|i talk to the sky|
|a letter to my younger self|
|ghost of you|
Thank You!
|domestic stilver|
|college stilver|
|family time|
|ten years in the future|

|PART 2|

2.4K 49 6
By fantasysteph

The old group of friends had discovered a secret passageway that led to a basement in Alex's home. They were in the room with the intention of following Chase who wanted to steal Alex's dad's liquor. One step at a time they reach the bottom of the stairs, finding a balcony where they were able to see their parents in red robes.  The parents were performing what seemed to be a ceremony on a girl from the Gibborim Church that Karolina recognized to be named Destiny. 

"What..is...happening?" Alex slowly questions making Karolina shush him not wanting to be caught but none of the parents even turned at the sound of a new voice. It turned out that their parents had created a barrier that didn't allow anything to interrupt the ceremony yet the teens were still able to hear everything going on in the room 

"Please, please. I'm afraid" Destiny shouts in fear as she tries her best to wrestle her way out of the adult's tight hold on her. The teen who stands in horror on the balcony watching their parents place a teenage girl in a box that glowed a bright white light. Molly who wasn't able to see anything because Gert and Luna tried to block her view takes a photo with her phone only for a flash from her phone send the teens in a panic. They run back upstairs to where they once used to hang out when their parents would have their PRIDE meetings 

"Whatever happened I think our parents killed that girl" Nico states making Luna realize that what Nico said was true. Their parents killed that girl which only made Luna think of her parent, her mom, and their involvement in PRIDE. Luna had to ask herself if her mother could have ever taken part in the rituals as she was also part of PRIDE and if so, was that what lead her to commit suicide 


With the events of finding their parents potentially having killed a teenage girl and not being able to talk about it without the worry, their parents would be able to catch on the teen's sudden closeness. The teens had decided to meet up at the beach the next day, only to then split up and figure out more about their parent's mysterious actions. 

Gert and Chase went to snoop around the Yorkes basement only to find some type of small dinosaur that they had let escape. While at the Stein household, the two found the metal box PRIDE had placed Destiny in only nobody. 

Karolina went to the Church of Gibborim to find out if Destiny truly was in London as the text she received had said. Alex was going to check out the secret ceremony room in his basement. Nico was going to check out her mother's staff, the one that seemed to create the barrier that made it so they couldn't interrupt their parent's ceremony. And Molly went on with her day as if it was a normal Saturday. 

All while Luna went to visit her grandfather at his retirement home in order to find out more about her mom as if there was anyone who could possibly know any answers and that she trusted, it was her Pop-Pop. While Pop-Pop did not have any answers about PRIDE he did have something for Luna, a golden necklace containing a big totem at the center and once belonged to her mother 

"That big stone as you refer to it is a totem. One that when you touch it will change color, your mothers was red. You might have a different color meaning you will have a different power" Pop Pop says making Luna look at him with wide eyes once the word power leaves his mouth

"P-power?" Luna says not believing that a necklace can give one powers, especially a necklace that belonged to her mother, her mother had powers

"Yes, your mother was able to control air. She would activate the stone and it would let her shoot air tornadoes with a flick of a hand. That is the extent of her powers of which I knew she was able to access. I do know that if there are any threats in your life, the strength of the totem grows when those threats you must face become more powerful"


Karolina takes off the bracelet the Gibborim Church gives out to its followers and lets it fall to the floor. Karolina starts to light up, her skin turns to a mixture of a cotton candy rainbow lights taking Chase by surprise. Karolina had decided to trust him as she needed answers to the first night she glowed to which as at party Chase was also at. 

"Maybe the bracelet is some kind of inhibitor" Chase theorizes to Karolina as they both stand in her home. 

"Which would explain why my mom never wanted me to take it off," Karolina says realizing that the powers she had recently discovered were something she could have discovered a long time ago if only she would have asked questions and rebelled as most teens do 


Having taken Tina's staff and meeting up with Alex who had been able to access Leslies encrypted files that held information of PRIDE's secret meeting in the secret basement of the Wilder residence. Alex and Nico found intake files on runaways one file for the past fifteen years, all teens who had no next of kin and all who were at one point taken in by the Church of Gibborim. The duo then confirmed that their parents were serial killers and Leslie Dean handpicked the victims. 

One of the waiters at the cafe had informed its customers of a car alarm going off and it so happened to be Alex's car. Alex had run out to check up on his car which led to him being kidnapped as Nico watched a black car quickly make its way out of the parking lot. Leading Nico to gather everyone up to go and save Alex from Darius who used to be an old friend of Geoffrey. 

That night the teens learned about each other's abilities; Karolina's lights, Molly's super strength, Nico being able to stop bullets with her mother's staff, Chase having a prototype of the Fistigons and Gert having a Dinosaur that listens to her. 

At the end of the day, Nico sneaks into her mother's office quietly to put away the staff that helped to protect her and her friends from harm. Only for Tina to catch Nico in her office with the staff still in her hand and instead of being mad Tina was happy 

"You are the only other person that staff will work for. Why don't you keep it for the night. I trust you, Nico" Tina tells her daughter sincerely and with a smile, which takes Nico by surprise 


Molly had arrived at an empty home only to be startled by a noise which led her to be met with a mini dinosaur. Making a scared Molly use her super-strength to move out of the reptiles way, the two make it to the foyer. Before Molly can attack the dinosaur Gert opens the door and shouts to the dinosaur, "Get away from her" 

Luna who had arrived at the same time to the house as Gert stands behind her in awe at the fact that there was a dinosaur standing in their house and also seeming to understand Gert. 

"Be still. Holy shit, it does what I say." Gert says to Old Lace as she was right, the dinosaur was following her every word 


Chase sees his father standing before him angry and wearing the Fistagons they both worked on. Chase, scared for what his dad was going to do, try to stay calm, "Dad don't!"

Victor extends his arms out in front of himself and makes a fist with both hands while directly pointing them at his son. Not listening to the words that left his son's mouth, Victor fires away the Fistagons sending Chase backward to clash against the glass wall and land on the broken pieces of glass with a grunt. 

Chase laying on the ground pleads at his father, who takes a step forward ready to shoot his son with another blast of the Fistagons only to be stopped with a bullet to the shoulder. Chase looks to where the shot came from to see his mother standing with a silver gun 


"This was left specifically for me. Something important" Molly says as she inserts the VHS tape into the player letting Alex press play so the video can start 

"Molly, since before you were born, we've been part of an organization called PRIDE. They're planning on digging something up, something buried deep beneath the city" Gene, Molly's father speaks as he sits next to Alice, Molly's mother 

"We were told that it was a renewable energy source, that would do good for the planet," Alice says as her husbands look over to her then back at the camera, "But now we're not so sure"

"And even if what's down there is good... There's a blind fault you can't see from the surface, and if we disturb it, it will cause a series of seismic events" Gene continues to explain believing that only Molly would be seeing the tape yet she wasn't alone 

"Not to mention we found some really weird stuff in these rock samples," Alice says as her voice wavers

"The point is if you're watching this, we failed to stop it," Gene says knowing that the message recording would be their last hope, the teens are their last hope 


Darius turns the volume down yet the faint lyrics of the rap music he was listening to could still be overheard as he speaks, "You gonna tell me what's going on with that school and those crazy-ass friends of yours?" 

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Alex quotes, their enemy being Geoffrey, Alex's dad.

"Then I guess we tight as hell," Darius says with a nod before extending his hand out to Alex meaning they had an agreement. Darius was going to give Alex money so he and his group of friends can survive on the streets 


"Tonight may be our last night on Earth," Chase tells Luna as they stand to the side of the dance floor surrounded by dance decorations and classmates all dressed up for the school dance 

"Well, if that's how it is. How about one last dance before out last night on earth?" Luna says with a smile before she takes Chase's hand and pulls him away from the dance floor towards an empty room away from the crowd. 

Standing in the middle of the room Luna let's go of Chase's hand and places them around his neck as he places his hands around her waist and the two started to sway. Luna then takes a deep breath before looking up at Chase who was already looking down at her and she goes up on her tippy toes and kisses him. Chase kisses back and in the middle of it all, Luna just wanted to comment on how soft his lips were. Her mind goes blank as Chase's lips leave hers and start to kiss down her neck making Luna start to unbutton his shirt. With no objection from either one of them they let things escalate 


Chase and Luna had yet to head back to the car where the rest of their teens were waiting for the two. Nico was tired of waiting so she took Karolina with her to go looking for the two, and having searched the dance their walk towards a hallway and before they can keep searching the blonde stops them. 

Karolina places her hands on Nico's cheek and lean in to kiss her. Karolina moves away from kissing Nico and leans back in after not hearing any protesting and liking the way Nico's lips felt against hers. The two pull apart needing to catch their breath, Nico opens her eyes and whispers "Whoa"

"I've just wanted to do that for a really long time," Karolina says not knowing if Nico's 'Woah' was a good response or a bad one because for her it was an amazing Woah 


The teens stand side to side as their parents walk towards them at the construction site aware that their kids knew the truth about who PRIDE really was to them. 

"It's time to come home, son," Geoffrey says directly to Alex as all their parents wanted was to take their children home 

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Alex shouts 

Stacey speaks up in an equally calm and loving voice, "We're a family" 

"We are a family," Gert says referring to the teens meaning that did not include the parents

"And we'll fight you if we have to!" Molly says taking a step forwards while she shows them her glowing eyes making the parents take a collective step back scared. Chase lifts up his Fistigons, Molly keeps her eyes glowing a bright orange, Luna touches her totem and keeps her hands in front of her yet her palms facing the floor, and Karolina takes off her bracelet allowing her to glow in various pink/purple/orange/blue colors

"Did you know about this?" Geoffrey asks Leslie who looks at her daughter speechless

"No, but it's what I was afraid of"Leslie responds as she stares at her daughter glowing with lights that resemble those of a man, she has put all her faith in throughout the years. And the secret was out, Karolina was going to learn that Jonah, the man behind everything is Karolina's father 


The teens had arrived at their camp out in the hills near the Griffith Observatory where they had decided to make camp and sleep in the stolen Church of Gibborim van. Before the sun can set the teens were trying to make a fire 

"Hey, can we talk?" Luna asks Chase as he settles down the tree branches in their makeshift fire pit making him nod his head. Luna walks past Chase and over to a secluded area away from the fire pit and the van.

"Um so ever since my mom died I started to become impulsive... us having sex was impulsive because it was with you and I didn't think about what it would mean for us now," Luna says trying not to show how nervous she felt but was given away by her excessive hand movements 

"There is an 'us'?" Chase asks not knowing if after she ignored their conversation while at the construction site if she was even interested in him as he was interested in her and becoming more than friends

"Yes? Unless you don't want there to be that type of us then that's okay too" Luna says and both of their insecurities as to what they were with a kiss and now they were no longer just friends 


The teens were at a bus depot ready to run away somewhere far away from their parents but were interrupted from deciding on what out of state city to travel to when the television in the waiting room broadcasted a news section caught their attention 

"She has fallen in with a group of teenagers that are persons of interest in the death of Destiny Gonzales. Anyone with news regarding this case should contact the police immediately"The newscaster reports making the teens become wanted for murder and abduction. Changing the teen's plans to leave California and instead they runaway


in some chapters or along the future there will be talking about self-harm, suicide, and maybe more. there will be talk that can trigger certain feelings or thoughts if that does happen contact someone and get help. You can even text 741741 where a crisis worker will text with you

I will try my best to make it that you can skip it without missing any important information

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