Once Upon A Bus Ride

By iamtheeamani

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Morgan Hall is your average teenager. That is if you consider having a billionaire CEO of a world renowned co... More

Chapter 1: I'm Not Perfect
Chapter 3: I'd Like To Do Him First
Chapter 4: You Should Really Stop Giving A Shit
Chapter 5: You're Not So Bad
Chapter 6: Amber Hall Has Done It Again
Chapter 7: As Single As A Pringle
Chapter 8: I'm Sorry You're Such A Bitch
Chapter 9: Sorry For Calling You An Asshole
Chapter 10: I Like You Only A Little
Chapter 11: Keep Flirting And Play Dumb
Chapter 12: Top Secret
Chapter 13: Bitchy Boy
Chapter 14: I Knew You Couldn't Resist Me
Chapter 15: French Fry
Chapter 16: Cloudy With A Hundred Percent Chance Of Bullshit
Chapter 17: How To Get Away With Murder
Chapter 18: You So Like Him
Chapter 19: My Inner Self Is A Bitch
Chapter 20: He's Only Three Quarter Bitch
Chapter 21: Lean On Me
Chapter 22: Incompetent, Unskillful, Inexpert
Chapter 23: I Don't Have Enough Middle Fingers For That
Chapter 24: I Don't Sweat, I Shimmer
Chapter 25: On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
Chapter 26: He's A Walking STD
Chapter 27: I Sound Like Arnold Schwarzenegger When I Scream
Chapter 28: I'm About To Descend Into Armageddon
Chapter 29: At Least Kiss Him Before You Pass Out
Chapter 30: I Definitely Leave Them Screaming
Chapter 31: She Didn't Come Here To See Magic Mike
Chapter 32: Epiphany
Chapter 33: My Face Has A Mind Of Its Own
Chapter 34: Take A Cue From Elsa And Let It Go
Chapter 35: I'm A Limited Edition
Chapter 36: Kill Him And Then Move To Mexico
Chapter 37: Ma'am This Is McDonald's
Chapter 38: You Kiss All Your Friends Like This?
Chapter 39: The Only Kind Of Running I Do
Chapter 40: I Fear For My Brain Cells
Chapter 41: Take Control
Chapter 42: Outside Is Overrated
Chapter 43: There'll Be No Making Of My Grandchildren On This Couch
Chapter 44: The Most Awkward Conversation In History
Chapter 45: They Have A Verdict
Chapter 46: La La Land
Chapter 47: This Is Your Mom's Couch
Chapter 48: I Bet I Make Your Bells Jingle
Chapter 49: Somewhere In The Fucking Stars
Chapter 50: It's An Inclination I Guess
Chapter 51: It's Britney Bitch
Chapter 52: Freaking Hannah Montana
Chapter 53: You Lucky Lying Bitch
Chapter 54: Priorities
Chapter 55: Guess You're Just Toxic
Chapter 56: I'm Not Just A Pretty Face
Chapter 57: Too Fucking Little Too Fucking Late
Chapter 58: I Like This Kind Of Cliché
Chapter 59: Lucifer One and Lucifer Two
Chapter 60: You Make Me A Nervous Wreck Too
Chapter 61: There's More Than Meets The Jackass
Chapter 62: Bottoms Up Bitch
Chapter 63: Have A Nice Life
Chapter 64: Someday
Epilogue 1: Quite Miss Home
Epilogue 2: Once Upon A Bus Ride
Author's Note

Chapter 2: You Really Need Some Excitement In Your Life

1.2K 82 5
By iamtheeamani

2. You Really Need Some Excitement In Your Life

After school I made my way to the parking lot. I wasn't so enthused at the fact that I had to drive to the hotel but I couldn't do anything about it. Besides, dad may just take off again to wherever work calls him tomorrow so it was best I spent time with him now. My phone died during my last period but he was probably trying to call me.

My car refused to start when I got in. I tried a second time, and then again, but still the engine refused to come alive.

"Oh come on," I muttered before stepping out of the red convertible.

I spotted Paige and Sienna.

"Guys," I called. "Do you think you can give me a ride to The Inn?"

"The Inn?" Paige asked. "That's in the opposite direction of where we're headed."

"Oh, well where are you going?"

"There's a sale going on at Sephora," Sienna gushed. "And we have to make it in time before the store closes."

"Didn't you go shopping for this kinda stuff like two days ago?" I questioned.

"Oh Morgan, what's a sale if you don't take advantage of it?" Paige asked. "We'll see you."

She strutted off with Sienna while I just leaned on my car and huffed. I would have asked Shannon but she had already left. She ditched last period with believe it or not, Cole. Just great.

I stood there for a few seconds before seeing a bus pull up at the stop. I checked my time and weighed my options. Right now I had no other choice. I had never taken the bus before. Ah well, there was a first time for everything wasn't there?

I walked to the stop and got on. All eyes were on me as I walked down the aisle to find a seat.

"She's from Sterling," a girl whispered to her friend after not so subtly pointing at my blazer.

Most of these kids were from  Lincoln High, the public school literally right next to ours. We shared the same courtyard even, but it was basically theirs as only a few of us from Sterling ever sat there. I ignored them and took a seat on the very last row.

A plump kid in the seat in front of me turned. "You better get up. I guess he decided to use the bus today."

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "Um, who exactly?"

He immediately squeaked and turned back. I lifted my gaze however and was met with the most intimidating pair of green eyes I had ever seen. He was definitely not lacking in looks. He attended Lincoln. I had seen him in the courtyard before. His hair was a dirty shade of blonde, and his gaze was fixed on only one thing - me.

"Um...hello?" I said.

"Get up," he said.

I frowned. "No."

"Excuse me?"

"I said no," I repeated. "You heard me."

"No," he echoed.

I shrugged. "I was here first. Besides, I don't see your name written anywhere."

He brought his face closer to mine. "Look girl, I want to be alone, and you're in my spot. Now I'm asking nicely, move."

"It's just a seat mister," I said. "There are plenty of 'em to go around. Pick another one, because I'm not moving."

He didn't say anything after that. He only stared at me for about five more seconds and sat down at the edge of the seat, next to the other window. What was his deal anyway? Designated bus seat? Please.

We didn't speak throughout the entire bus ride. He did catch me once when I tried to steal a glance at him though. He was cute, sue me. When the bus came to a halt at one point he got up without a word and descended. Kinda rude but I guess I might have annoyed him. Clearly he liked being in his own space. It wasn't until after the bus began moving again that I saw that he had left something behind. An iPod. An old one. I turned the back and the words "PROPERTY OF AARON SMITH" were engraved on the baby blue metal casing.

Aaron, that was his name.

I decided to keep the iPod so I could give it to him the next day. That could give me an excuse to talk to him at least. I got so distracted I didn't realize the bus had stopped again, this time at where I needed to alight. I rose my head and saw that the doors were closing.

"Oh, wait!" I shouted to the driver, making everyone look at me again. "I'm sorry, this is my stop."

"Well then get a move on it princess, we don't have all afternoon," a girl said.

I ignored her and quickly made my way down the aisle and out of the bus.

"Thank you sir," I said to the driver, giving him a smile before I got off.

I walked a few yards and stopped when I was standing in front of the five-story Inn Hotel. I checked my watch. Damn it, I was almost an hour late. I quickened my steps till I got to Chez Royale, the restaurant I was supposed to meet my dad in.

"Hi," I said to one waiter. "Um there was a reservation made here under the name Hall. I'm supposed to meet someone at the table."

"Of course mademoiselle, right this way," he said.

He led me to the table and I gave my dad a sheepish look before hugging him and taking a seat. I noticed there were two other people sitting at the table. Well cheers to father-daughter time.

"Where were you Morgan, I've been trying to reach you all afternoon," he asked.

"Sorry I'm late dad, I got held up at school."

"It's alright sweetheart, the food's delayed anyway," he said, giving me a warm smile. "I'd like you to meet Mr. Nicholas Wyatt, he's a business associate of mine and manager of Mr. Joshua Martin over here."

"Nice to meet you both," I said shaking both their hands.

"You can just call me Josh," he said with a wink as we shook hands.

I knew who he was. He was a model/actor who had made it into a number of screens. Any girl would have died to be in my position but I guess I just wasn't as crazy about him. He had very dark hair and brown eyes. He was good looking though, that I wasn't going to lie about. Mr. Wyatt on the other hand had a little gray hair here and there and he looked like a pretty serious man.

We delved right into a conversation, well I mostly just sat there nodding while the three of them went on and on. Dad and Mr. Wyatt about business and Josh about his career. So long story short, I was bored out of my mind.

Halfway through dessert the lights in the restaurant suddenly dimmed. An emcee walked on the stage where the live acts usually performed.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Today Chez Royale has been gifted with something wonderful. Please give it up for a surprise performance. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Miss Jean Hall!"

Applause resounded throughout the room while I remained confused as to what my sister was doing here in town. She was absolutely stunning in a simple blue mini dress and black leather jacket with cute black high-heeled boots.

"Amazing isn't she?" dad beamed as she performed one of her rather old songs.

I only smiled while Mr. Wyatt nodded and Josh practically drooled.

"Thank you everyone, have a great night!" she said at the end of her performance.

We clapped as she made her way off the stage and towards us.

"Daddy!" she squealed as she gave him a big hug.

"There's my shining star," he grinned.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly to Mr. Wyatt and Josh before giving each of them a handshake. "I'm Jean. Nice to meet you."

They exchanged pleasantries before my sister finally turned to me. "Hey sis, you can at least pretend to be excited that I'm here."

I chuckled and hugged her. "I am thrilled. I was just wondering what you were doing here. I thought you had some premiere in a few weeks or something."

"Well good news, the premiere's right here in New York!" she told me. "Gives me a chance to be home for a while."

"Before you take off again," I said.

She fixed my hair. "Don't be silly Morgan, you know I hate being away from you guys. I can't help what I do."

I managed a small smile. "I know."

I gave her the rest of my dessert and she told us about her experience filming the movie before Josh and his manager had to leave.

"Why don't you girls head home," dad said. "I've got another meeting in about twenty minutes."

"Sure," I obliged since home was the only place I wanted to be at the moment. "I need a ride though."

"You can ride with me," Jean said. "But we'll have to go through the underground like I came in, we don't want to get mobbed."

"Right," I said. "You're like...famous famous now."

She chuckled and took my hand. "Come on sis."


"So tell me something Morgan," Jean began.

"Tell you what?" I chuckled, putting a handful of popcorn in my mouth.

She and I were snuggled up on the sofa watching tv.

"Anything," she shrugged. "I'd like to know what's going on in your life. I've only been away for so long."

"Nothing is," I told her truthfully. "Same old boring stuff. School, shopping...more shopping."

She laughed. "Come on."

"What? We don't all live the life of a Hollywood tv slash pop star," I told her.

"Okay what about romance?" she asked. "Met anyone cute lately?"

I immediately thought of Aaron Smith, the boy I met on the bus today. His attitude was far from 'cute' though.

I shook my head. "Nope."

"You really need some excitement in your life," Jean joked.

I laughed a little. "Tell me something I don't know."


Before I slept I took a look at Aaron's iPod again. I couldn't help but listen to a few of the songs. Well it started out as a few but I ended up going through his endless playlists. I'll admit, he had really good songs on there. Maybe I could keep the iPod a little longer? Sigh, no I couldn't. That wouldn't be very nice. I decided to look for him during lunch and give it back. It took a couple yawns, but I finally went to sleep.

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