Given With Love

By JoiMyers

100 28 0

This is a love story with made up characters. Shannon said .. Yes..I wanna find happiness but at what price... More

1 Jason pov
2. Run in heelsπŸ‘ πŸ‘‘
3's a crowd
4 Catching a wave πŸ„β€β™€οΈπŸ„β€β™‚οΈπŸŠβ€β™€οΈ
Argument x 2
🍹🍺Who gave you the right!!!🍾πŸ₯‚
8 straight ways of denial
Our Final days in paradise !!
Eyes wide open!
Our last night in paradise
Flights and decisions
Home and smiling
interview part 1
interview part 2
interview part 3
She's a working women!
Ways to not lose your job !
This is my facial expression!
Work/ Personal space
Work work and more work
Day before our " Gala"
Gala part one.
Gala part 2
Thank you ....
Sunday morning breath!

7...ways to flirt

3 1 0
By JoiMyers

All 3 of our pov's
At once!!!!

He just carried my best friend out of here ....

What is going on in my brother's head....

Wow caveman!
that went out in the late 1600s ......

that's what's going through all of our minds right now.

Well hey man I just went out to make sure that we were cool with the food and where is everybody.

Jason pov

that's my best friend Mark.

Oh man... I don't know what happened before we got here but woo hoo.

I never seen him that mad. Dam he just stormed into the house cleared it out an locked the door.
Laughing while thinking about whoever he had on his shoulders he won't let go.

She must have really let him have it he said chuckling.

Even now when it's done.
All I know is he asked both of us to fly over here.
We haven't even had the ink dry on our new systems and we hightailed it on the jet over here.

Now he is over here causing a ruckus and causing me to lose my religion all in the same day..
... ladies good night I said.

No no no!
....hey man why you say goodnight.
I just finished making all this food we need somebody to eat with.

Well since Mark did make a lot of food here, would you two care to join us.
I'm sorry I'm being rude what's your name again.

Oh hi.
I'm Patty and this is Shannon.

Oh hi Patty , Shannon ...nice to meet you, 'THIS knucklehead glaring at me right" now is Jason.
Still trying to lighten the mood.
.Mark says...
Patty as in peppermint Patty,
Mark joked.
...Um no as in Patricia but my friends call me Patty.

So ladies of you will join me I have everything set up on the deck tables.
I will eat as soon as I check on my friend.

She's in good hands.
James will bring her down so let's eat...

I took out my phone and called James and said bring her to eat but...all I could here was shouts and moans so... I hung up and looked up at 3 sets of eyes.

What... why are the three you looking at me like that.....

Well.... because you idiot... you had your phone on speaker and her friends can hear them.
Shit we just can't tell who was screaming or who was moaning laughed Mark... your blushing..

Imm'm I'm not blushing..
.. when did I start stuttering.

Oh you're blushing all right. Mark joked.

Uh... oh shut up Mark,.
.. they're both grown out.

Well he better not take advantage of her oh he's going to have to deal with me.

Hey what are you going to do, he's my baby brother.
You planning to go through me...

Yeah with a corkscrew.
Now past the wine she said all in same breath ....
Well lets eat.

Eat what I mean looking at the rest of them at the table ..her cheeks then pinked even more .
Thinking about what she just herd.

Wow now it's her turn to blush
...your cheeks a little rosie over there Miss Shannon..

Mark said as Patty giggled.

After eating hamburgers steaks chicken and grilled veggies.

I'm stuffed now how about a stroll down the beach Patty, care to join me.

I don't see why not can you behave and not have me end up in a room like those two who hasn't been seen the last two hours.

Laughing at them ....
Just enjoy scream if you need me said Shannon.

As soon as they left.
I changed my mind and started yelling... "why do you sit their and keep staring at me"! .is there something wrong just say it.
I thought.

He remained quite .
Then 10 seconds later ...
'By the way thanks for dinner let your friend know I appreciate him cooking for us and you can see yourself out good night'.

We never even left for the new place we ended up staying here for the night.

I have packing to do.
Crap I said that out loud.

Need any help.
Oh no thanks.
I got it from here enjoy the rest of your night sir.

My names Jason.

Well hello my names Jason now you have a good night.

As I walked away
..'.he was saying you might have won this battle but you won't win the war''.

I thinking to myself what have I gotten myself into.

Just go pack up , it next to our last night here anyway.
Sunday night will be here and our flight leaves at 6 pm on schedule.

Once again I here a door open and I want to check on who's coming in.
I don't know if it's Patty or Chris so I yell out into the hallway to tell them that....
I'm in my room packing and to come in.

No response from them so maybe she's going to go straight to bed.

Well it's the curiosity side in me.
I want to know what happened with   the walk to the beach.

I just wanted ask her so....
Patty it's me ..

Now why I said it like she didn't know it's me,  but are you okay.

I'm okay she said...I'm just getting ready for bed.
Is it okay if I open the door ...
no no don't she yelled.

Um.. why you don't want me to open the door.

Well because I'm not by myself but I'll see you in the morning..
.then I here the singing voice good night from Mark .

"it's a lovely night to have a walk"  he continued singing while Patty giggled at his shenanigans.

Well first Chris and now it's Patty seems like these three was put here to take us down. From where I'm standing ain't nobody's getting my v-card.

I can't believe those two well I'll just go back to my room and finish packing.

I hope it that they don't get hurt the process but I want details in the morning.

What's that noise.
I know that's not what I think it is, but maybe I should just walk back down to the beach area to get away.

I don't want to hear that...
oh my goodness keep it down in there I say as I walk down the hall pass her room.

As walk down in a beach.
Maybe I shouldn't but well,
I won't go too far.
I don't want to come up missing from a walk.
Here goes nothing,  strolling around in the dark side bring my phone.

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