The Unexpected Mate (A LoveSi...

By LittleKittyWasabi

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This is a boy x boy fan fiction. Don't like gay love then move on. This isn't the story for you. ============... More

Full Synopses
Chapter 1) A Bad Feeling
Chapter 2) Ripple
Chapter 3) North
Chapter 4) Mages
Chapter 5) Mate?
Chapter 6) Meeting
Chapter 7) Voice
Chapter 8) A Conversation Through Water
Chapter 9) Confusion
Chapter 10) A Change
Chapter 11) A Waterfall
Chapter 13) A Must
Chapter 14) Win
Chapter 15) Mourning
Extra Chapter) Phun and Noh
Chapter 16) Decision

Chapter 12) Burning

162 17 6
By LittleKittyWasabi

The sun was descending when Phun made his way back to his home. It had been a long and tiring day. The worry that lightly bubbled under his skin had churned into a dark foreboding feeling.

The Alpha rubbed at his eyes, releasing a long sigh. Dropping his hands to dangle at his side, he gazed up at the sky above. A slight buzzing pain twinged behind his eyes. His gut churned. With another suffering sigh Phun's eyes closed and he rubbed at the bridge of his nose.

A loud shout caught his attention. Twisting his head around Phun spotted Win rushing toward him. Per followed a few paces behind. The younger wolf's shoulders were pulled tight. He looked shaken.

"What happen," Phun asked, one hand lightly grabbing Win's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

The boy stammered, starting and stopping. Per had finally caught up and pulled to a stop in front of them. He bent at the waist heaving. He lifted one hand up, silently asking for them to wait while he tried to breath. Win turned to the mage, a hand going to his back and rubbing circles into it. Phun glanced between the two eyebrows pinched.

The mage's eyes shifted to look up at Phun, head tilting up awkwardly. "Father," he gasped.

Win stilled. Slowly, wide frightened eyes turned to met Phun's.

"My father was here," the boy said, his voice lacking any emotion.

Phun opened his mouth to demand what had happened when a howl filled the air. The Alpha twisted around, eyes narrowing as he gazed toward the forest. Win glanced at Per, who had straightened, before coping Phun. The mage, confused, gazed around. All wolves around them were staring at the forest.

Another howl and all color drained from Win's face.

Phun whipped around, facing Win. "Get those unable to fight down below." His expression was pulled tight, voice sharp and filled with authority. The Alpha swiveled away and shifted. He lifted his snout to the air; he howled loud and sharp. The wolves around them scattered. Some shifting while others darted away. The Alpha glanced back at Win, eyes shimmering with a command. The boy nodded.

He turned to Per. "We must go," he stated flatly, fear dancing in his eyes. Grabbing Per's wrist he dragged the mage with him.

"What's going on, Win?"

The wolf glanced at him as he dragged Per toward the Alpha's house. "Invaders," was all he said. Win released Per's wrist as he headed toward a door hidden behind bushes. It was positioned at the base of the mountain off the side. Per hadn't noticed it before. The boy pushed the bushes to the side and stepped right up to the door. He briefly glanced at Per, giving him a grave smile.

"Something you should recognize."

Per's eyes narrowed in confusion as Win turned back to the door. The mage stepped closer, eyes scrutinizing the door. That's when he saw it. Symbols were crudely etched into the door. Symbols Per knew well. He had used them once before when he was younger and wanted to prank his brother by locking him out of their house. It hadn't worked, Shin was more skilled than Per at the time and knew how to break the lock.

"How did you get this," the mage asked. His eyes scanned the symbols. They were correct, perfectly placed where they should have been.

"Mari," Win stated as he lifted his hand. He placed the tips of his fingers on each symbol mumbling the name of each symbol under his breath. Once he was done a shudder could be heard and the door creaked open.

Per was shocked. He couldn't understand how a wolf was able to do a spell. Granted it was a simple spell, one every mage child learned at some point. But that's beside the point. A wolf was not a mage. So how could it be possible? And how did Mari even learn of it. It was so perfectly written, so accurately. He was going to have to talk to Mari.

Win pushed the door open fully and stepped inside. Another symbol was etched on a dirty wall. The wolf laid his fingers on it, mumbled its name, and the small hall was flooded with a dull yellow light. The symbol lined the wall as it led down beneath the mountain. The wolf stepped back and out of the door in time for other wolves to approach.

The group was led by Mari. She was ruffled and ashen but marched froward with determination. Her flicked to Per, who was gazing at her with narrowed eyes. The healer stopped next to Win and turned to the small crowd behind her. "Alright, everyone. In you go." She gestured toward the open door with a twitch of her head. The group was mostly composed of elders, the young, and a few men and women. They rushed passed them to disappear down the stairs.

It wasn't long until Pang and Shin came rushing up to them. The elder mage was clutching a shaking white wolf to his chest. Per gazed at the wolf.

"Win, what's going on," Pang asked anxiously. Her eyes darted around as wolves shifted and raced away.

"Invaders," Win repeated softly. The woman's mouth dropped open, face paling.

"Invaders? As in we're being attacked?" Shin asked. When Win nodded his back straightened. He looked down at his daughter before pecking her on the top of her head and handing her to Pang. He gazed at Lilly for a few heartbeats then looked up to meet Pang's scared gaze. He reached up to lightly cup the woman's cheek, a soft smile on his lips. "Take care of her, okay?"

Pang shakily nodded. The elder mage dropped his hand back to his side and turned to met Per's eyes. A silent conversation went between them before Shin twisted around and started to head away from the shelter below. Per shifted to stare at Win, a soft worried look in his eyes. Without saying anything he turned on his heels to follow his brother.

Win watched his mate's back until he disappeared.

Lunar Melody was under attack. An unknown pack was at this moment slinking their way through the forest. Their guards were putting up a fight but by the sounds and the smell of blood tinging the air it wouldn't be long until their foes breached their home. Every able wolf was called to arms. Everyone had a place, a job.

Including Mick.

Pained howls echoed against his eardrums. The descending sun painted the sky a range of oranges and reds as if their world had begun to burn. Mick's heart clenched. Fear clouding his mind. He knew what he had to do, what was needed of him. But his feet wouldn't budge. He stood at the Healer's door, griping the handle of the bag swung around his shoulders. Everything he needed for a quick mend was tossed inside. His legs shook and his breath squeezed passed his tight throat in short puffs.

The boy swallowed and squared his shoulders. He can do this. Just like he and Mari trained. March in there and help those wounded. He was a healer after all. That's what he trained for, wasn't it? Mick took a deep breath and turned to face the forest. More howls clogged his eardrums.

Distantly a muffled sound was lost in the fog inside Mick's head. The sound grew but nothing registered. It wasn't until a hand grasped his shoulder did Mick's brain click. With a startled shout the boy twisted around and away from the touch. His heart hammering against his ribs. With wide, shaky eyes he stared at two blurred bodies.

"Mick!" Per shouted waving his hands in front of the boy's face. The healer cringed and blinked several times.

"Per," he mumbled, hands gripping the front of his shirt.

"Where's Phun?"

The boy blinked and looked around. The Alpha was most likely near the edge of the forest. Either that or within the trees. Both options sent a shiver down his spine. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. With squared shoulders Mick took off in a general direction. The mages followed closely behind.

The tree line came into view as did three wolves. Phun stood right in front of the forest, his dark paw poised as if he was about to bolt into the foliage. Noh's silver wolf stood beside his mate; a stark contrast to Phun's black. On the other side of the Alpha was Ohm's wolf. His head held low, eyes focused.

The mages behind Mick quickly picked their pace up. They brushed passed him and called out. The three wolves turned and Mick could see the displeasure in both Ohm and Phun.

The Alpha shifted, a scowl etched into his features. "What are you doing here?" His eyes darted to Mick. The younger wolf paused and lowered his head.

"We can help." Shin said confidently. His eyes pleaded for the Alpha to agree. They were mages after all. It would be stupid to tuck them away, ignoring their abilities. The Alpha's eyes narrowed and twitched between the two mages. "Phun. You know you could trust us. We wouldn't.... Couldn't harm anyone in your pack." The elder mage bite his lip, glancing toward Per then back to Phun. "Our mates are here."

Per's eyebrows furrowed, eyes darting to his brother. Shin didn't look his way again, merely staring at Phun evenly.

The Alpha released a sigh before holding out both of his hands. Shin gave him a small smile. He lifted his cuffed hand and dropped it into Phun's waiting hand. Per jolted forward to copy his brother. The Alpha curled his fingers around the mage's wrists. Bright yellow flashed and the cuffs fell away.

Per sucked in a breath. His abilities freely rushed through his veins. He could feel it again, his friend's whispers. The mage closed his eyes and tilted his head up. A soft breeze ruffled his hair and kissed his nose. The whispers came more urgently. His brows smashed together, head cocking to the side. Ice shot through his veins. The boy's eyes shot open, head turning to glare in a certain direction. Briefly he glanced at his brother and the wolves. Shin was staring off into the forest, eyes glazed over. Phun had shifted back, head cocked toward Noh.

Per didn't wait. He bolted into the forest. His destination already mapped out.

Howls erupted around him. The scent of trees and dirt was tinged with the sour smell of blood. He jumped over a fallen log as a snarl caught his attention. Out the bushes darted a shaggy looking wolf. Its teeth were bared, saliva dripping. It raced at him at lighting speed. Per barely had time to react. The mage twisted away, hands twirling behind him. The wolf charged again. Per mumbled a simple word and a gust of wind blew passed him to collide with his attacker. The wolf was forced off its paws to crash into a near by tree. It whimpered and collapsed. The mage didn't wait to see if it would get up. He turned on his heals and dashed deeper into the trees. He couldn't afford any time loss. He had to get there before things turned uglier.

Another wolf jumped out of nowhere. It snarled before diving at him. The mage plunged to the side, falling to the ground. The wolf was quick and was on top of him in no time. Per gripped at its neck, fingers keeping the vicious teeth inches away from his face. He grunted, fighting against its strength. With a sharp in take of breath wind pooled around his wrists. The gust twirled down his wrists, latching around the wolf's neck. It twined tighter and tighter until it was sharp, cutting into the massive neck. The beast whined. With its last ounce of strength it lunged at Per. Its teeth grazed the side of his face. It fell limp seconds later.

Per scrambled away, backing into a tree. His breathing was rough as his heart pounded against his chest. Lifting a shaking hand to his face Per whipped at the oozing wound. He dropped his blood coated hand into his lap. He didn't have time for this. He had to continue, had prevent the worst outcome.

But as he forced his wobbly legs under him, head tilted to the sky, he saw it.

Smoke bellowed above and the scent of burning tinged the air.

The trees cried out. He felt it within him, the brutal pain of heat licking at his core.

Shin cursed as another wolf darted toward him. He easily dispatched his would be attacker with a flick of his wrist. The root of a near by tree bursting out of the dirt, knocking the wolf to the ground. It whined as the root thrashed against it. Soon it laid limp.

The mage ghosted through the forest, hands brushing each trunk he passed. Growls echo around him. The ashen smell of burning foliage clogged his lungs. A snapping had Shin turning on his heels. A wolf stood a short distance away, teeth bared. Saliva dripped from its blood soaked muzzle. The mage's heart stuttered as two more wolves stepped out of the brushes. His eyes darted between them. He took a step back as the one directly in front of him growled. The other two moved forward, slowly at first, pace picking up as the the third wolf dashed forward.

Shin swung one arm up. Vines shot up, tangling with a wolf's feet. It yelped, crumbling to the ground. One of the remaining wolves attacked. Shin ducked away. He twirled around, wrists bending as more vines grew, latching onto the wolf that had attacked him. The vines engulfed the wolf immediately. With a quick squeeze of Shin's finger the vines pierced the wolf's body. The air filled with whimpers and the snapping of bones.

The two remaining wolves snarled and howled as their companion fell lifelessly to the ground. The vines binding one were ripped apart as it lunged at Shin. The mage threw his hands up to create a shield but he wasn't quick enough. The wolf's claws ripped into his arms, leaving bloody gashes diagonally travailing from wrist to elbow. He cried out, plunging to the ground and away from the wolf. It approached him slow and dangerous.

Shin's gut sank. This was how he'd die, to wolves, ripped apart. His eyes slid closed.

A snarl and a shriek had his eyes snapping open. A massive black wolf stood inches away from him with one of the attacking wolves in its teeth. The other wolf laid off to the side unmoving. The black wolf's jaw crunched drown. Blood gushed from the wounded neck, streaming down the black wolf's chin.

As the body slipped from its mouth a silver wolf darted out of the bushes. Its fur matted with dried blood and mud. It took a quick look around before making its way toward Shin. It shifted mid step and crouched in front of the mage.

"Shin," Noh softly said, eyes latched onto his blooded arms.

"I'll be fine," he breathed. The gashes were long but thankfully not deep. It oozed, shooting pain through him. His breathing was short puffs, vision blurring.

Noh looked sideways at his mate. The black wolf turned his snout to the sky and howled. The sound echoed through the forest. The wolf turned his attention to his mate and the wounded mage. He stood on guard, ears twitching at every sound.

After a couple of minutes of waiting another wolf raced out of the foliage. Its front legs were covered in blood and its pale gray fur was matted with dirt. Its eyes glanced at Phun, dipping its head slightly. The wolf turned toward Shin and Noh. It made its way toward them, eyes scanning over the mage.

In those short minutes of waiting Shin's skin had started to drain of its color. His arms, held limp in his lap, were slick with blood and sweat. The mage's teeth were clenched, hissing whenever his body shivered.

The wolf shifted into a wary looking Mari.

The smoke had thickened, darkening the dying rays of the sun. It was becoming increasingly hard to breathe. Per's lungs protesting with every breath. The mage neared the rapid blaze. The flames dancing across the lush greenery, consuming all in its path. Sweat darkened his clothes and dampening his hair.

He needed to stop the flames.

The question was how? He knew without oxygen the fire would burn itself out. He had used that technique before but Per wasn't strong enough for such a large area. It just wasn't feasible. He would need another way.

If only Per had been born with the power to manipulate water.

A brush of smoky wind against his cheek forced his head to the right. The mage shook the soft gust away, marching on toward the billowing fumes. Another brush of air, this time stronger, forced his whole body to stumble to the right. He cursed, gazing up at the dark sky. The wind blew against him aggressively. Pushing the mage until he started walking in its desired direction.

It only took a few steps to see what his friend was trying to tell him. Water. Hidden within the trees was a river, most likely running from the lake Win had shown him.

He gazed up at the darkness above. The fumes bellowing above blocking his sight. Hopefully there were a few clouds. Just enough to accomplish what he needed. It would take a lot of his energy; he'd become useless afterwords. But there was nothing else he could do. He had to stop the flames from destroying Win's home.

The mage dropped his eyes to the river. The bubbling current sloshed over rocks at an easy pace. Per twisted his hands in front of him. They moved gracefully over the river like a beautiful dance. The air buzzed. It twirled in time with his fingers. Building and building, until it whipped violently, pulling water into its flurry. The tornado reached higher and higher, beyond the black cloud.

Per silently prayed it would work. Prayed the water within his whirlwind would be consumed by the clouds. Prayed for a down pour, a storm to quench the raging flames. Prayed for this to end.

The twister disappeared beyond his eye sight. His chest squeezed, hands dropping to his side. The mage stumbled back, legs shaking. His entire body burned. His friend's touch was light, barely there, as if he had the cuffs on again. A sharp noise had him swinging around. Vision barely focusing on the approaching wolf.

It lunged. Per floundered back. His foot slipped and the mage crashed into the river. Water soaked his clothes, breath stuttering. The wolf growled. Its paws thundering against the ground, closing the gape between them. Per's heart quickened painfully.

A snarl erupted as another furry body slammed into the wolf. This wolf was smaller than the other but bared its teeth just as threateningly. The large wolf snorted at the sight of the smaller, eyes boring into it.

Their furs were almost identical. Both black, except, the smaller had three gray areas while the larger had gray strains threaded through from age.

Seeing those three gray areas had Per's heart sinking. "Win," he breathed staggering to his feet.

The wolf's gray ear twitched. Win lowered his stance threateningly, facing the other wolf. He snarled. The other wolf snorted again, head held high, eyes flicking between the mage and the smaller wolf. It bared its teeth before launching at Per again.

The smaller wolf didn't let him get far. He lunged at him, bodies colliding again. Teeth dug into the larger wolf's neck. The wolf twisted, snapping at the smaller. Win whimpered as teeth latched onto his side, tossing him to off.

Per's breath hitched as the larger wolf stocked toward Win, who struggled to gain his footing. As the wolf surged at Win Per quickly threw his body at the wolf. Both tumbled to the ground. The wolf was quicker at gaining his feet. It stood over Per, snarling.

"He's mine," a voice snapped.

The wolf glanced at the newcomer and snorted. It stepped over Per, throwing an amused glare at the mage. Per scrambled to his feet, eyes darting around, looking for Win. The younger wolf stood his ground a few feet away. The other wolf advancing. The mage lifted his hand, ready to send a tornado at the wolf, however no wind twisted around him. His had shook as he tried again. When nothing happen the mage cursed and began to rush toward the two wolves. His path was blocked by a flame shooting between them. Per skirted to a halt and twisted around.

"Pay attention, now." The fire mage took a step forward. "We have unfinished business," Mel grinned, manic dancing in his eyes.

He snapped his fingers and the flames beside Per grew. The heat licked at his back, growing. A flick of the fire mage's wrist sent the flames at the other mage. Per dodged, throwing his body to the side. The fire mage laughed as he flicked his wrist again. He was tauting Per. Playing him. Each flick sent flames in Per's direction but never fast enough, never close enough to touch him. Giving the mage time to rush away but never to rest and catch his breath.

Per was a mouse caught in a cat's trap.

Soon enough, Per was shaking from exhaustion, soaked in sweat, and breathing harsh. His ability lost in the haze of fatigue. Mel, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. Grinning from ear to ear, loud obnoxious chuckles leaving his lips every time Per barely dodged the flames. The mage threw himself to the side as another burst of flames grazed passed him. Curses fell from his lips as he picked himself up, glaring at the laughing fire mage.


If he was going to die within these flames, so be it, but Per wasn't going to go down without a fight. The mage squared his shoulders and evened out his breathing. He took a step toward Mel. Then another and another. Until he was running at the fasted speed he could mange, right at the other mage. His finger curled into his palm.

The fire mage was shocked. Eyes bulging and mouth dropping open. Per's fist collided with his cheek sending him stumbling to the side. Not giving the mage time to recover Per rammed his knee into his gut. The fire mage crumbled to the ground, heaving for air. Per closed the gape between them, arm poised high to land another punch. He arm swung down just as a flame flared protecting the mage. Per flinched back, his hand grazing the fire. He hissed stumbling back. The fires, still burning around him, narrowed in. Closing any gaps between and circling Per.

The fire mage stood and faced him. He raised his hand, fingers spread. "Time to die," Mel said with a grin breaking his face. His fingers closed into a fist and the fires roared. They spun around him, nearing him. The flames heat grew with each passing second.

There was no way of escaping for Per. He closed his eyes, reading himself.

A drop landed on his nose. Per's eyes sprang open, head tilting to the sky. Another drop landed on his cheek. Then another on his forehead.

And then there was a downpour.

Per smiled as water drenched him. It had worked. His eyes fluttered closed. Thank the Gods.

He could hear the sizzling of the flames around him being squashed. The smell of burnt foliage clogged his nose. His eyes slid open. Darkness cloaked his surroundings. The dying flames giving off barely any light. Any moonlight was hidden behind angry clouds dumping the land with their water.

Per lowered his head. The fire mage cursed and sneered. He was rendered powerless. His flames were no threat within the storm. But Per, Per wasn't. Even if he was too exhausted for his ability manifest he was not helpless. His brother had made sure of that. Taught him the basics of fighting. Per had learned enough to end this, one way or another.

The storm howled in his ears as he raced forward. The two mages clashed in the middle. Each throwing punches at the other. But Per was more skilled. He quickly landed a firm punch to the fire mage's gut then another to his face, breaking his nose. He didn't stop. Per pelted the mage's face with punches until blood coated the man's face and his knuckles. He still wouldn't stop. Couldn't. Lost in the anger induced hazed. Breathing harsh, face twisted into an ugly sneer. It wasn't until something twined around his waist and pulled him back that the fog broke.

He snapped his head around to find his brother standing a few feet away, a hand raised in front of him. Per glanced down to see a vine wrapped around him. He snapped it and rushed to his brother. Shin flicked his hand. Another vine wrapped around Per, stopping him in his tracks.

Shin had stepped next to the fire mage. Knelling down next to him he noticed the mage was surprisingly still alive. He sneered up at Shin, blood gurgling in his throat. Vines slowly wrapped around the bleeding mage.

"You," Shin started, voice low so no one but the mage could hear him. "Shall never hurt my family again." He raised his hand over the mage, now nearly consumed in vines. He squeezed his hand and there was a hissing gurgle sound as the mage thrashed about. A final snap and the mage's movement stopped. Shin stared down at the lifeless eyes. "Never again."

Slowly he turned to his brother. Per's eyes were wide. Neither of them noticed the wolves coming into the burnt clearing. Shin moved to stand in front of Per. The vine, locking Per in place, fell away as Shin laid a hand on his brother's cheek. He rubbed a thumb across the still bleeding wound.

"You're injured," the elder stated.

The younger mage rolled his eyes. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that," he retorted, gesturing to Shin's bandaged arms.

"Merely a scratch."

Per snorted, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Liar."

The wolves around them edged closer. Some of them shifted. Shin glanced at Phun and Noh who stood next to a woman dressed in red. He looked back at Per, who's eyes have narrowed, darting around.

"It's over, Per. An allied pack came to help. Chased the others away."

"Hm," Per hummed distractedly. His pushed his brother out of the way and twisted around. His heart hammered in his chest.

He wasn't there.

"Per, whats wrong?"

The younger mage's movements became frantic. He rushed about, twisting around, bumping into wolves.

Where was he?

"Per!" Shin grabbed his brother's arm, forcing the younger mage to look at him.

"He's not here." His heart squeezed. "Win."


Thanks for reading <3

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