Gilmore Girls: Breaking Free

By HelenLouise7

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It seems that no matter how much time passes by, the big questions left by Gilmore Girls 'A Year in the Life'... More

Chapter 1: That's the Dynastic Plan
Chapter 2: Maine
Chapter 3: Settling In
Chapter 4: Lorelai
Chapter 5: The Interview
Chapter 7: Christopher
Chapter 8: The Spending Spree
Chapter 9: The Phone Call
Chapter 10: More Surprises
Chapter 11: The Storm
Chapter 12: Evening Walk
Chapter 13: The Accident
Chapter 14: The Coma
Chapter 15: Waking Up
Chapter 16: Filling in the Gaps
Chapter 17: The Turnaround
Chapter 18: Revelations
Chapter19: Breakthrough
Chapter 20: London
Chapter 21: Coming Home
Chapter 22: Special
Chapter 23: Highs and Lows
Chapter 24: When the Bough Breaks
Chapter 25: More Memories
Chapter 26: Sacrifice
Chapter 27: I'll be Home For Christmas
Chapter 28: Stars Hollow
Chapter 29: Unlocking Doors
Chapter 30: So Close!
Chapter 31: Breaking Free
Chapter 32: Ready for Anything
Chapter 33: All I Want For Christmas Is You!
Chapter 34: Christmas Day Surprises
Chapter 35: Early Preparations
Chapter 36: Startling Revelations
Chapter 37: The Vow
Chapter 38: The Search
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: A Clean Slate
Chapter 41: Pre-Wedding Surprises
Chapter 42: Diamonds Are Forever
Chapter 43: I Choose You
Chapter 44: The Reception
Chapter 45: The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 46: Reconciliation
Chapter 47: Life Goes On
Chapter 48: Hope

Chapter 6: Saturday

2.9K 62 18
By HelenLouise7

"I'm right aren't I Rory?...This is Logan Huntzburger's house! Are you seeing him again? I thought you two parted years ago!" Jess sounded shocked.

"What if it is Logan's house? Why would that be a problem?" Rory retorted not liking Jess' tone. "Of course I'm not seeing him....Logan is getting married in January...."

There was silence for a few seconds while Rory prepared some hot cocoa. She thought about how anti Logan her friend was but given their history, she couldn't really blame him.

Jess was pleased Rory wasn't in a relationship with Logan but couldn't understand why she would want anything to do with him.

"So what is it that you're not telling me Rory....Huntzburger must be back in your life in someway or you wouldn't be living in his house!" Jess probed.

It didn't take much for Rory to crack. She was extremely tired and didn't feel like playing games. "We were seeing each other the past couple of years but he has to marry someone else it's over....he just wanted me to have somewhere to write...that's all..."

"If he was seeing you then why would he marry someone else ...did he get them pregnant?" Jess asked not giving up.

Rory's eyes filled with tears when Jess said the word pregnant. She quickly turned away hoping Jess would not detect her reaction but it was too late!

"Rory.........I'm sorry....I guess I'm right...that sucks....." Jess began.

Rory turned, her face was wet with tears. "No're not right at all....I'm the one who's pregnant!"

Jess was silent. He was shocked and felt so bad for making Rory cry. Jess took Rory in his arms and held her.  As he did, the floodgates opened up! No one had hugged Rory since she found out she was pregnant and she had felt so alone. She cried and cried and cried, unable to stop! Jess stroked her hair and spoke calmly,"It will be okay Rory.....I'll be here to help you...."

All the while, Jess wanted to punch Logan Huntzburger but he kept his thoughts to himself.  When Rory stopped crying, she looked so terribly drained and Jess just wanted to look after her.

"Why don't we get you off to bed? You'll feel better in the morning," Jess promised.

He helped Rory upstairs to her room and said he would let himself out when she was settled but Rory pulled Jess toward her bed.

"Will you sleep here with me Jess? I just need someone to be close....just for tonight...." Rory pleaded, her blue eyes still glistening with tears.

Against his better judgement, Jess replied, "Of course..."

As they lay together, Rory's tears subsided and it wasn't long before she fell asleep. Jess had a hard time sleeping as he thought through the situation Rory was in.

"Who would get someone pregnant and then go ahead and marry someone else?" Jess wondered. "She's better off without him but she needs someone in her life she can rely on.....I would gladly be there even though it would be really weird being around his child....If only the father was anyone but Huntzburger!"

When Rory awoke the next morning, she was glad it was Saturday and she didn't need to go to work. She couldn't believe that she had told Jess so much or that she had insisted he stay —in her bed! In the light of day, Rory felt embarrassed about it all and vowed to pull herself together!

Jess was beginning to stir after finally managing to get a little sleep. He heard the shower and while Rory was in the en-suite, he decided to slip downstairs to make her some breakfast.  He didn't have a lot of time because he still had to drive to Portland but he wanted to make sure Rory was okay before he left.

A short while later, Rory joined Jess in the kitchen. She felt a lot better after her shower and Jess was glad to see she looked happier than she had the night before.

"I am so sorry about last night Jess," Rory started, anxious that there be no misunderstandings. "I really am okay....I was just very tired and it had been such a big day.....I'm not usually needy like that....we are going to be just fine....."

"It's okay Rory..." Jess began. "This is something you shouldn't have to carry alone....I just can't believe Huntzburger doesn't want to be here for you.....If it were my child, I would drop everything and move Heaven and earth to be with you two!"

Jess detected something change in Rory's eyes. He immediately became suspicious. "You haven't told him I right?"

Rory looked uncomfortable as she answered, "It's just not as easy as it seems...the whole thing would end up in the don't know his please don't mention this to anyone....I haven't even told my mom it's his baby!"

Jess was surprised to hear that and despite the fact he didn't agree with Rory keeping the father from knowing, he kept his opinions to himself, said his goodbyes and headed off to his conference, promising to check on her at the end of the weekend.

Rory sat in the sun trying her best to relax. She had to get into some writing but needed to refocus. Jess' visit had really messed with her resolve to be independent and stick to her plan! She still couldn't believe that she made him sleep in her bed!

"I don't know if it was just my hormones but I can't afford to be falling apart like that, especially now that I have a real job again!" Rory scolded herself. "I do hope that things are going to get easier. This baby needs a mom who has her life together and doesn't invite ex boyfriends to stay the night in their bed whenever they are feeling a bit fragile! .....I don't know how Mom coped so well...she was half my age and did everything by herself!....I wonder if she was fearful of failing like I am?"

Rory decided to make the effort to go for a walk and perhaps check out the real estate agents in town while picking up some personal items from the store. She needed to keep looking toward her end goal, which was to be independent by the time Logan was married. Rory breathed deeply and resolved that she would not cry! She was doing really well as she headed up the road until she received a call from her father.

"Hi Dad, how's it going?" Rory asked already feeling teary at the sound of his voice. She hoped that he wouldn't ask anything too deep!

"Hey Rory, I'm doing pretty well, how about you?" Christopher replied, noticing some different sounds in the background.

"I'm great! Just going for a walk..." Rory replied hoping that she would not need to say where she was.

"Sounds like you're near the water! I can hear sea gulls!" Christopher commented.

"Well I'm actually in York, Maine...." Rory admitted, silently cursing the seagulls for giving her away. "I've come here to write and at the moment I'm staying in a friend's place."

"Wow well that sounds good! It's nice to have a change! I was going to ask you out for dinner tonight but that might be a bit difficult..." Christopher stated but then had an idea. "You know I've been looking for an excuse to get my new motorbike out and I think I have found it! How about I ride up and have dinner with you in York!"

Rory wasn't expecting this but she felt like she couldn't really say no and besides she really needed some company. "Okay then....that would be really cool Dad! You can stay with me...there are plenty of spare beds!"

"Great! I'll go get my leathers on and I'll see you in about 5 hours!" Christopher said sounding very excited.

"Lovely! Don't forget to have plenty of rest stops Dad and just take it easy —you aren't 25!" Rory reminded him protectively.

Rory was just about to head across the road to Williams Partner's Realty when a familiar voice called out her name. Turning her head, she was surprised to see it was her new boss Matt Morgan!

"Hello Rory," Matt said hoping he wasn't being too forward. "How's your weekend going?"

Feeling quite flustered, Rory was sure she was most likely blushing as Matt's steely blue eyes checked her out.

"Hi Mr Morgan...Matt...I'm having a good weekend so far!" Rory replied wishing she had gone to a little more trouble when dressing this morning.

"If you're not too busy, would you like to join me for coffee?" Matt asked seizing the opportunity while it was presented to him. "There's a great little place just around the corner called the Stonewall Kitchen."

Rory didn't hesitate, "Yes that is just what I need! Thank you...I was hoping to have some cafe recommendations....I take my coffee very seriously!"

Rory scolded herself for saying that when she was supposed to be weaning herself off coffee! Fortunately, she had only had decaf this morning so she could have a full strength coffee with Matt without arousing suspicion.

Before long, Rory and Matt were sitting chatting away about their life stories. Somehow, Rory felt comfortable with this man she had not known for long. He was intrigued by the story of her mom raising her and managing to accomplish so much at such a young age.

"It's amazing how people rise to the occasion and deal with whatever life throws at them. I really admire people like your mom! She sure did a great job with you!" Matt concluded hoping he didn't sound like he was coming onto his new employee.

"She really was fun to live with! We used to have movie nights and eat all sorts of takeaway food and there was so much confectionary!" Rory reminisced. "It's still a surprise to me that I have good teeth!"

"Sounds like fun...perhaps we could have a movie night soon!" Matt suggested, hoping he wasn't moving too fast.

Rory was taken aback by Matt's suggestion but flattered too. It would be nice to have a date with someone to get her mind off Logan. "That would be great!"

Matt grinned from ear to ear as he escorted Rory from the cafe. He just had the feeling that things were really looking up for him! Since losing his girlfriend in a tragic accident, Matt hadn't dated much at all. He was very popular at his church but shied away from asking out any of the young women there.

"Maybe it's time, I opened myself up to something new...." Matt thought as he returned home. "Maybe I can start fresh with someone who doesn't know I've been walking around under a black cloud for the last twelve years!"

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