The Salvatore Sister • Ava Ro...

By moonlightbabesx

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Stefan and Damon's sister, Ava, arrives in town unannounced with secrets. Secrets that will destroy their fam... More



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By moonlightbabesx

All My Children
Season 3 Episode 15

(Flashback Late December 1890 New Orleans)
I walked into the compound when Klaus walks up to me, "Have you seen Rebekah or Elijah?" I asked him.

"No. They should be back later."

"Okay, I'll come back later." I said and turn to walk away but he appears in front of me.

"You've been avoiding me." Klaus says and I looked at him confusingly.

"What? No, I haven't. It's been three days."


"I'm giving you space: an out. I don't want you to be with me because you feel like you owe me something because you feel pity or because I have so much baggage that I can barely carry it myself or because I..."

Klaus cuts me by kissing me, "I'm with you because I want to be. I'm with you because I love you."

I pulled away for a moment, "Are you sure?" I asked and he answers by kissing me.

"I love you." Klaus says saying each word slowly.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to those three words." I said and he smiles, "I love you, too."


I'm at a party that Mikaelsons are hosting. Klaus holds out his hand and I take it. He leads me to the dance floor. I put my arms around him and he put his hands on my waist as we slowly dance and gazed into each other eyes.

"You look beautiful." Klaus smiled which makes me smile. "Did you find your brother?"

"No, but I did deal with the witches."

"How so?" He asks.

"They wanted the pendant my mother gave me so I gave it to them and they wouldn't in any way go out for revenge." I tell him.

"The talisman?" Klaus asks and I nod. "Ava, that's—"

I cut him off. "It's a small price to pay for what I did." I said and he just nods. "It has no use for me."

"We should go to England."


"Would you like to go to England? We haven't gone anywhere." He says as we continue to dance.

I pretended to think before I gave him an answer in which he smiles. "Yes. I've never went anywhere but here in the states and Italy."

"You haven't?" He asks as I shake my head, no. "Well, then I think I will show you the best of what this world has to offer."

"I think I'd like that." I smiled as he kisses me.
(End of Flashback)


Klaus is sitting on the couch while he's sketching and I'm sitting next to him and Kol is here too.

"Can I see know?" I asked Klaus.

"Later. It's a gift for you." He smiles just as Rebekah enters the living room.

"Well, well, well, there's our girl!" Kol says as he stands before her and blocks her way.

"Get out of my way, Kol." Rebekah says.

"Out all night. What a scandal! I trust you did better than that commoner? Matt, was it?" Kol asks.

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." Rebekah threatens and I smiled.

"Don't start, Ava!" Rebekah says and notices Klaus grinning, "You too, Nik."

"I didn't say anything." Klaus says.

"I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment." Kol says.

"What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it."

"It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart."

"Okay. Why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date." Klaus says as I get off the couch and he does too. "Meet me later?" He asks me and I nodded.


"Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around it in." Rebekah says.

"Just like you, Bekah." Kol says and I laughed as Rebekah throws her shoe at Kol.

"Good riddance, both of you!"

After they left I turned to look at Rebekah, "So, Bex? How did you spend the night with my brother?" I asked and her eyes widen with shock.

I wasn't mad that she slept with Damon I would've rather not seen them making out.

Before she can answer Elijah enters the room, holding the burnt sage. "Rebekah."

"Not you too, Elijah."

"I'm worried about mother. Have you not noticed her strange behavior?" Elijah asks.

"She's been dead for a thousand years. What's strange for her?"

"I'm worried too. She and Finn have been trying to get me alone to talk." I tell him.

"Talk about what?" Elijah asks as he walks closer to me.

"Something about the power link spell Klaus and I had done but I didn't go see them."

"If they ask again you'll go see them and see what they're up to." He says and I nod in understanding. "Burnt sage." Elijah says as shows Rebekah and I the sage and she takes it from him, "She was doing a privacy spell."

"You know she fancies such things. Why don't you ask Finn? He's been doting on her."

"I don't trust Finn. He hates what we are, he always has." Elijah says.

"That's not true. And as for mother, she returned for one reason, to make our family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?" Rebekah asks.


I walked into the Grill and my eyes immediately meet Klaus and he smirks as I walked towards him. "You look stunning, love." Klaus says and I smiled as I sat between him and Kol.

"One for the lady." Kol says to the bartender and he nods.

The bartender comes gives me a glass of scotch, "Thank you." I said as he smirks at me.

"Leave before I kill you." Klaus compels the bartender.

"I see somethings never change." Kol smiles.

Klaus has killed men and women for many things even as little as looking at me the wrong way.

I notice Caroline walking into the bar and Kol points at her, "I remember her from last night. Ava doesn't like her." Kol says and I glared at him. "I mean, it because you didn't take her to the ball."

"Is that so?" Klaus smirks and I roll my eyes.

Caroline notices me there and she looks scared but continues to walk towards us with confidence.

"Oh, hey, Ava." She smiled fakely.

I stared at her to the point she's uncomfortable and she quickly glances across the Grill. I look to see Damon looking at her and he quickly looks away when I see him looking.

"I should just go." She says and leaves.

I turn to look at Klaus and move my mouth towards his ear and whisper, "I'll be right back." I said and chugged my drink.

I walked outside of the Grill and Caroline turns around to face me, "I'm not going to tell anyone about your secret."

"You know what they say. Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." I smirk and she looks frightened, "Don't worry. You can't keep a secret if there isn't one."

"You told them?" Caroline asks, shocked.

"Of course, I don't trust anyone who hasn't earn my trust much less you. What are you and Damon up to?" I asked.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." Caroline says and her heart is beating rapidly.

"Your heartbeat says otherwise and I know Damon. You all are up to something. You can tell me the easy way or the hard way." I said as I took a step closer to her.

"I'm on vervain." She says with an attitude.

"I know." I said as showed her my vampire face then I hear a whoosh behind me.

"Did you feel that?" Klaus asks appearing behind me and I turn to look at him.

"No. Feel what?" I asked confusingly and he looks at me oddly. I realize what he's talking about. I quickly turned and grabbed Caroline by the neck, "Hard way it is. What are you up to?!"

"Nothing!" She says as she tried to get out of my grip but can't.

"What did you do?!"

"Nothing. I did nothing."

"Kol." I said and turn to look at Klaus, "It's Kol. They're up to something. Go!" I yelled and he vamp-speeds back to the Grill.

I grabbed Caroline tightly by the neck, "You better be glad you're Stefan's friend or you'd be dead right about now." I said and snapped her neck and threw her across the pavement.

I vamp-speed towards the back of the Grill just as Elijah appears and I only heard Damon saying that Esther is going to kill Klaus, "Leave him! We still need them, Niklaus."

"What did mother do? What did she do, Elijah?" Klaus asks and I can hear the fear in his voice.

Elijah walks down the stairs towards Damon, holding a phone, "You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now."

Damon looks up at the clock tower and sees that it's 8:30, "You told me we had until after nine."

"I'm sure Rebekah will be more than happy to start her work early. You know your sister is considered an Original." Elijah says.

"She said she wouldn't hurt Ava." Damon says.

"And you believed her trustworthy? Never trust a Mikaelson." Elijah says and turns to look at me. "Go find Rebekah." He hugs me and I'm confused then he whispers only enough for me to hear, "She's at the old Lockwood cellar." He says and pulls away from the hug, "Go!"

I nodded before vamp-speeding away.


I'm running through the woods when I felt someone following me and I heard humming. I quickly turn around and I see the guy I never wanted to see.

My sire.

The vampire who tortured, raped, and turned me.


"Hello, Ava. Miss me?" He smirks.

"You... you were dead."

"Eh, technically so are you." He says as walks closer to me and I walked backward. "I made an enemy so I had to fake my death. So I made sure they and everyone thought I had died. Including you. You do know how to fall off the grid. But I found you in 1983. Married to Klaus Mikaelson of all people. Then you saw me in the bar in Europe and I lost you. I heard you were back in Mystic Falls and you went to a club with that guy Kol Mikaelson. If only he weren't an Original I would've killed him."


"Jordyn. Ring any bells?" He asks and then smirks. "That was me."

I suddenly feel disgusted because I danced with Jordyn meaning I danced with him. It was the night I went to the club with Kol.

"You feeding off of me was pretty... hot if you ask me. Did you know your father came looking for you?" He asks.

Why would Giuseppe come looking for me?

"You know, the werewolf? He put up a good fight but I killed him."

Werewolf? This is what Damon must've been talking about.

"Which made me wonder are you both vampire and werewolf? But you aren't because of the spell your mother had done." He says and I looked at him confusingly. "Wondering how I knew? I was at the ball yesterday. I listen to the conversation between you and Damon. Too bad we didn't get to dance. That would've been lovely, wouldn't it?"

I glared at him as I showed him my vampire face. "I'm older than you. Remember that before you do something stupid." He says.

I vamp-speed towards him and before I can't get to him I get this extremely painful headache. I looked to see and there are over two dozen witches. Why so many witches?

I clutched on to my head and dropped to my knees as I screamed in pain. There's blood coming out of my eyes, ears, and nose. I screamed even more as my bones start breaking but nothing is happening.

"They're trying to undo the spell you're mother had done on you." He says to me.


(Narrator's POV) At the old witch house, Finn is standing in the center of the pentagram.

"They're coming, Mother!" Fin says.

"No, it's too soon, the moon is not high enough. Go! Quickly!" Esther says as Bonnie and Abby retreat into the house. Kol, Elijah, and Klaus walk up. "My sons, come forward."

"Stay beside me, mother." Finn says as Esther walks onto the pentagram.

"It's okay. They can't enter."

Kol approaches the pentagram and the torches around it flare up bright. He's driven back. "That's lovely. We're stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn."

"Be quiet, Kol. Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine." Esther tells her son.

"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity." Elijah says.

"My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago."

"Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I'll send you back to Hell. Ava did nothing to you so why link her?" Klaus asks.

"Ava is not linked to any of you. She will be purified thanks to the power link spell you had done on her." Esther says and they all looked at her confusingly.
"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you. You're a curse on this Earth. Stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life, I'm sorry, you've wasted your time."

Esther starts sensing something. "No! Sisters! Do not abandon me!"

"Mother!" Finn says and the pentagram torches flare-up. Finn grabs Esther. The other brothers cower from the flames. After a moment the torches die out. Elijah, Klaus, and Kol stand around in shock. Finn and Esther are gone.


(Ava's POV)
I'm curled up because my bones are still breaking and my eyes are closed shut. I'm trying not to cry out in pain.

"Keeping doing what you're doing! It's working!" He shouted to the witches.

I open my eyes to see my hand being turned. Fur started to appear. Oh my god. Oh my god. This can't be true. Oh my god. I kept repeating that to myself.

I hear whooshing and hearts being ripped out. I open my eyes to see Klaus, Kol, and Elijah.

As the three continued fighting off the witches by killing them the pain slowly goes away and my body goes back to normal. Kol rushes toward Garrett but I stop him.

"He's mine." I said as I vamp out and lunged towards Garrett by jumping a few feet into the air before crashing down on to him. I began punching him over and over again.

He kicks me off of him and we both stand up in defense positions, "You got feisty, Ava. You're not as innocent as when we were together."

I angrily sped towards him and we began fighting again.

I grabbed Garrett on a chokehold from behind and broke a tree branch.

"If I can't have her no one can." Garrett says as he grabbed by hand to stake myself and him at the same time but I'm stronger so he couldn't and I threw him on to the floor.

"How are— impossible... you shouldn't be stronger than me. Don't act all powerful, Ava. You're just a weak little girl."

I got on top of him and began stabbing him over and over again. I couldn't stop myself. I don't know how many times I stabbed him until I feel someone arms around being wrapped around my stomach pulling me off of him and I know it's Klaus.

He lets me go and I turned to look at him while clenching my jaw. "He's dead, Ava." Klaus whispers.

I walked over to the body and there are stab wounds everywhere. On his face, neck, and chest.

"Let's go home, Aves." Klaus says and I ignored him. I grabbed Garrett's arm and dragged him away. "Where are you going?" He asks as he follows me and I continued to ignore him. "Ava?"

I dragged the body all the way to the quarry and Klaus follows him. I looked at the body once more before I threw it in the quarry.

This nightmare is finally over. After 149 years this nightmare has finally come to an end.

I look over to Klaus and said, "Now we can go home but we have to help them bury the bodies." I tell Klaus and he nods.

We finished burying all the witches body and no one said a word since.


(Narrator's POV)
Elijah walking into the room where Klaus is at. There was a brief moment of silence before he spoke up, "You still love her, don't you?"

"I can't imagine the day I won't." Klaus says as he takes a sip of bourbon.

"Who was the guy that Ava killed?" Elijah asks.

"It's not my secret to tell." Klaus tells him and he nods.

"Did you see—"

Klaus cuts him off. "I did see it. She was turning."

"How is that even possible? She's not from a werewolf bloodline." Elijah said confused.

"As we saw earlier she is. I just don't think she knows that." Klaus says as he still trying to process everything he saw.

"Do you think the same hybrid curse was placed on her as it was placed on you?" Elijah asks.


"Do you think—"

"I don't know anything, Elijah. I'm just as shocked as you and Kol are. So, please."

"Kol left and I'm leaving." Elijah said and Klaus looked up to him.

"You know something always brings the family back together. Always and Forever, right, brother?" Klaus says before leaving the room.


(Ava POV)
I'm in the bathroom looking in the mirror and I have blood on my face. His blood. I have flashes of memories of the first two years of being a vampire. Every day I would wake up with a new body next to me. A dead body or bodies. There would always be blood around my face. I hand balls up into a fist and I stared at it. I look up to look in the mirror and I see Klaus.

"Hey." I said as I turned to face him.

"I love you."

"What?" I asked, surprised.

The last time he told me he loved me was almost thirty years ago. Except when he told me he loved me three days ago but he thought I was sleeping which I wasn't.

"I love you, Ava. Always and Forever. Don't ever forget that." Klaus says as he tucks my hair behind my ear and kisses me.

"One thing about you is that you never treated me as if I was broken when I told you everything about me. You still look at me the same way you did in the bar in 1884."

"You're beautiful. I've always thought that about you and I always will." He says and I smiled.

"Who would have thought hooking up in a bar restroom would've brought us here." I chuckled.

"You are by far the best thing that ever happened to me." Klaus says.

I turned around as he takes a step forward towards the sink; he wets a rag and turns to face me; he gently wipes the blood off of me.

"Don't let anyone tell you you're not powerful." He says as I turned and he puts a hand on my cheek, "You are Ava Rose Salvatore. You're the most powerful woman I know."

"You would still want to be with me even after everything you know about me?"

"I would still be with you if you were smelly and senile." Klaus smiles and I chuckled as I remember the time we talking about being human. "Ava, I saw something. I saw you—"

"You saw me turning."

"You knew?" Klaus asks surprised.

"I found out yesterday. Damon and I got into an argument a few days ago and I told him how my father use to get drunk he used to tell me I'm not his daughter. I didn't believe him because he was always drunk and would remember nothing the next day. Then yesterday Damon said that my mother had a spell done on me before I was born... a spell to bind a werewolf side for one birth and one death. I didn't believe him. Then earlier the guy... I found out his name is Garrett... He was at the ball yesterday and he heard Damon telling me about the spell. Then he tried to get the witches to undo the spell then you guys showed up and my body went back to normal."

"And how do you feel about having a different father from your bothers?" Klaus asks.

"I don't know how I feel. What I don't understand if my father knew I wasn't his daughter how come he put up with all the things I put him through? He could've kicked me out the moment I told him I was pregnant but instead he sent me away and I came back home. He was there when my daughter was buried. He comforted me when my mother died. I don't understand."

Klaus looks confused just as I am. "Neither do I."


After I showered I walked back into Klaus' bedroom with his shirt on. I crawled onto the bed I laid next to him. He told me everything that happened with his mother. About her wanting to kill all her children.

"Don't worry, love. Nothing will happen to me." He assured me.

"How did you find me?" I asked him.

"Rebekah told Elijah you never made it to the cellar and I knew something was off so we went to look for you." Klaus says and he takes hold of my hand.

"I love you, Nik." I said as I looked at him.

I can see a small smile appearing on his face. I got on top of him and he puts his hands on my waist. I pulled my hair to the side as I leaned in and kissed him. He uses his strength so that I'm on the bottom. We pulled away for a moment as we took off each clothes off and then reconnected our lips.

His lips traveled down my neck, "Bite me." I moan softly and he looks surprised.

I've never let anyone bite me. Not even him. The last time he bit my neck it didn't go as expected. Bitting me triggers memories that happen me on the week before I was turned.

I grabbed his hand and placed it on the side of my neck, "Right here."

"Ava, the last time..."

"This isn't like the last time. I want you to." I said and I put both of my hands under his eyes, "Show me." His veins appear under his eyes and I feel them. His yellow eyes and fangs appear. "Do it."

He leans down towards my neck and I feel his teeth grazing against my skin. I felt his fangs sinking into my neck and I gasp. There were no flashes of when I was turned. I only felt the venom coursing through my body. There was something so sensual about it I didn't mind the pain.

He pulls away and looks at me with his yellow eyes and fangs. I smiled as I put both hands on the side of his face before kissing him. He takes my hands and intertwined our fingers as our bodies move in sync and I relished in the moment of us making love.


Klaus and I are in the parlor and we are talking. "Where does this leave us?" He asks and I stayed quiet for a couple of seconds.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you for compelling Stefan to turning off his humanity. I think you should know that."

"I know what I did was unforgivable. I know nothing I do will make up for what I did but I want to try."

"I just need time." I said and he nods in understanding.

I didn't want to tell him that Damon is making me choose between him and them. He'd probably kill Damon for even asking me to chose.

"In the meantime?" He asks.

"I love you. I always have and I always will." I said and he smiles softly. I heard footsteps approaching us and we both turned to see Rebekah.

"I thought you'd have gone by now. Elijah's leaving. Kol's fled. Esther and Finn are gone too." Klaus says to his sister.

"I hated you when I learned you killed our mother. But I realize now that after a thousand years together as a family, you're the only one who never left me."

"Well, aren't we a pair."

"There's something I need you to see." Rebekah says pulls out her phone and holds it up to show Klaus the video of Elena she took.

"Come to brag about your skills as a torturer?" Klaus asks as he takes the phone and looks at the screen.

"Look at the images on the wall behind Elena. The Natives told the story of our family history, look at the images on the far wall." Rebekah says.

"What is it?" Klaus and I asked at the same time.

"A Native worshipping at the Great White Oak tree."

"And? We burned that tree to the ground." Klaus points out.

"Look at the markings that precede it. That's the native calendar."

"This can't be right." Klaus says.

"A White Oak tree, three hundred years after we fled back to the Old World. There must have been a sapling, a new tree to replace the old. That tree could kill us. It's not over, Nik."

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