You Are Mine (Levi x Reader)

By AnImaginarylifE

471K 15.7K 20.3K

You Are Mine (Levi x reader) Levi Ackerman, 'Humanity's Strongest' with a personality as cold as ice. What wo... More

Chapter 1- Expression
Chapter 2- Confession?
Chapter 3- How I Met You
Chapter 4- Decisions...
Chapter 5- You Are Mine
Chapter 6- Rumors
Chapter 7- Advantage
Chapter 8- Levi vs. Eren
How to give Compliments- by Levi Ackerman
Chapter 9- The 'Little' Substitute
Chapter 10- Cold
Chapter 11- The assistant
I Dare you!!!!!!>:3
Chapter 13- Special treatment!
Chapter 14- Promises are meant to be broken (Part 1)
Chapter 14- Promises are meant to be broken (Part 2)
Chapter 15- A Difficult Consequence Exchange for a Precious Life
Chapter 15 (Part 2)- The Return of a Precious Life
The dream

Chapter 12- Shall we continue?

20.2K 683 622
By AnImaginarylifE

Running through the damp night streets with Eren, dragging you away from Levi's office. Splashing puddles every step of the way.

"E-EREN!?!!" you exclaimed, hoping to hear a reasonable answer from the brunette.

But, he did not reply and continued to run with his hand still squeezing yours, making sure you won't let go.

"EREN!!!! Let me go or I will kick you right here, right now!!!" you yelled, still not getting any answers from him since he already knew you wouldn't do that.

so you tried to make him stop by quickly sitting down on the ground. And finally, he stopped.

"(F/N)!! Just keep running!!!" he said, pulling your hand. Attempting to make you stand up.

But you refused."No, I'm not moving from this spot until you tell me where the hell you're taking me" taking your hand of Eren's grip, you crossed your arms and rested your chin on your knees. Averting your gaze from the boy.

In the past, you never actually cared about Eren with his silly little games, sometimes, you even join his games for fun. But. 'breaking a romantic kiss is a completely different story!!' you thought.

Eren frowned, and quickly thought of a plan. he took some steps closer, bending to your level "are you sure you won't stand?" he asked.

"yes. And you can't do anything about that." you replied.

Making him smirk, he quickly carried you on his shoulders and continued running as you squirm endlessly at what he just did.

"EREN! LET ME GO!!!" you yelled once again.

"I'll explain later (F/N), just please stop squirming. The rain is starting to pour again"

--meanwhile... LEVI'S POV---

Running as fast as I can, after that bratty Jaeger. 'How dare he take (F/N) away like that, he's dead'. I said to myself, thinking of what torture I could do to that brat if he ever tries to touch (F/N). Then, I felt water from the sky. 'The rain is starting to pour, I need to hurry up and find her'. I said to myself, taking the hood of my scouting legion cape and pulling it over my head.

"I will not rest until I find you (F/N). I promise."

----regular POV!----

Eren ran as fast as he can with you on his arms, hoping you both won't get caught by the rain. Especially Levi himself. After some quick twists and turns on the streets, the titan boy went to the nearby forest, running towards a small cabin by the river bank.

He opened the door, entering afterwards. It looked abandoned, so I guess no one would mind trespassing.

"we got here just in time!" he happily said, putting you down as he took a glance at the nearby window. "good thing the rain didn't catch us..." he added.

You also took a peek at the window. Seeing dark clouds forming together with water quickly pouring down from the sky making you think 'what the heck is going to happen now?'

Turning your head sideways, examining the room, everything looked old and broken. Even the door, which makes it perfectly easy to escape.

You quietly tried to walk towards it, hoping to get out. But in the process, one of the floor boards broke, which made you fall with a very loud crash making Eren turn around to see what was going on. He was completely shocked in seeing you with one of your leg stuck on the broken floor board, struggling to get out like a little rat with its tail stuck on a mouse trap.

He went towards you and held out his hand with a warm smile "give me your hand. I'll help!" he said, making you raise an eyebrow afterwards.

"No. I can do this on my own." you said coldly. Still struggling on your escape.

"but why?" the boy asked.

'Why...? Why would he even ask why?' you said to yourself with your eye twitching. "that's because I would never ask for help to someone who just kidnapped me for no reason!" you said, almost shouting at him.

"what do you mean kidnapped?" he asked, laughing afterwards. "(F/N), do you see any ropes tied on your hands? Blind folds around your eyes? Or are you in some sort of weird place not knowing where the heck you are?" he asked, still a bit chuckling.

"No, no and yes." you replied, still not thinking about taking his Hand.

"huh? You actually don't know where you are right now?" he asked once again, looking a little confused. "you really don't remember anything (F/N)?"

You took a closer look around the room, realizing something familiar. The small cabin was actually your secret hide-out when you were little. The same place where you first met Eren, Armin and Mikasa.

----flash back----(F/N)'s POV

Running as fast as I can, deep in the forest, I saw a small cabin by a river bank. It looked abandoned so I went inside it. It was old and filthy. But...

Whenever I came inside the cabin, my problems seem to float away... 'this cabin is magical!' my eleven year old self says. And, I guess I was kinda right. Every time I come here, I always seem to smile. I always loved this place.

But, one time, I came here crying. I guess the cabin's magic wasn't working that time. But, why was I crying? I can't seem to remember...

"hey... Why are you crying?" lifting my head up, I saw a brown haired boy with emerald green eyes looking straight at me.

"what? N-no, I'm not crying..." I replied wiping my tears. "who are you anyway?"

"me? I'm Eren" he said with a smile.

"hey Eren! Wait for me!"turning my head, I saw a blond haired boy with blue eyes coming from the door. Panting heavily, giving me a stare "oh hello!" he said, also with a smile, then whispered something in Eren's ears. Which is pretty easy to hear.

"Eren. What did you do now?" he whispered.

"what?!? I didn't do anything, I just saw her here. I swear!" Eren whispered back.

"EREN!!!" I then heard a female voice. Turning my head, I saw a girl with black hair and dark black eyes. "EREN! You shouldn't skip chores! Mom would get angry!" I hear her say. She stopped, Then turned to me.

"who are you?" she asked.

Quickly shaking my head."I-I'm (F/N)... (F/N) (L/N)" I said with a smile.

"I'm Mikasa" she said with her red scarf covering her smile.

"okay, since we all know each other. I guess we're friends!" the brunette said, holding out his hand to me,

slightly tilting my head, I replied. "friends?" This cabin never fails to make me smile.

"yes, we're friends!!!"

----flashback over~!!----Regular POV

'But, what was the reason I was crying back then anyway? And why did I forget this cabin when it was so precious to me before? It doesn't make any sense.' you thought. Looking back at Eren, still holding his hand out for you. "why did you suddenly take me out of Levi's office?" you asked a bit irritated.

"that's because... " He went silent for a moment, then continued. "I wanted to talk to you."

"you... JUST wanted to talk?" you asked with your eye a bit twitching again.

"yes... Anyway, the door is open so you can leave at anytime you want. That way you won't feel kidnapped" he said playfully. "but please stay for a while. I just wanted to talk." he added, still holding out his hand.

You wanted to leave. No. You needed to leave. But Eren's warm smile is making you feel very guilty when you thought about leaving.

So, You decided to stay. For a while at least.

you sighed and grabbed his arm instead of his hand and got out of that broken floor board.

Eren frowned a bit at your action, but shocked when he saw your leg"(F/N), your leg!" he pointed, looking worried.

Your leg was a little scratched, but no serious injury and you could still walk so luckily its fine. "no, its fine. Its just a scratch. Nothing to be worried about..."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes. Now, what did you want to say?" you asked.

The boy sat on the ground, leaning against the wall, gesturing you to sit beside him. You went forward, did what he gestured you to do, but sat at least half a meter away from him. "just tell me what you wanted to say... Don't worry, I won't go."

He sighed and placed his arms behind his head "...fine, you got me, I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to spend some time with you." he replied. Averting his gaze, hoping you won't see his blushing face.

"Eren..." you sighed. "you know, you didn't have to kidnap me just to get my attention. You can call me anytime you want." you replied, cupping your hands on his cheeks, looking straight at him "Just don't do it when I'm in the middle of a romantic kiss. Got it?!" you said, pretending to be Levi.

"O-okay..." he said, as you take your hands of his cheeks.

"but, I have a favor..." he said.

"what is it?"

"go on a date with me?" he asked playfully, making you playfully punch his arm because of what he just said. "EREN!!! BE SERIOUS!!!" you yelled.

"okay okay!!" he laughed. "I'll just ask a question then... "

"okay. But be serious this time or I'll leave." you replied.

"...what do you see in that shorty?" he asked, looking straight at you.

you blushed a little bit at his question. "I don't know, I just..."

"wow (F/N), you still haven't answered but your face is already redder than Mikasa's scarf!" he pointed out.

"sh-shut up..." you said, covering your red tomato face.

He laughed. "you really do like him, do you?"

Suddenly, the door breaks open, revealing an angry short man in front of the tiny cabin, making a "tch..." sound.

It was Levi.

He entered the room and went forward, taking your hand as you stand up. "Levi!?" you said, looking shocked.

Placing his arms on your waist. he answers Eren's question "yes. She does." leaning forward closer to your flushed yet shocked face, placing his slender fingers on your chin. With a smirk, He gently crashes his soft lips on yours in front of the titan boy, making him look pissed.

Holding back from the kiss. He furrowed his eyebrows and went closer to Eren "be lucky I don't have time to kill the hell out of you. Jaeger." he said. Eren was about to stand up but before he can, Levi gave him a kick on his stomach making him fall to the ground.

"y-you little shorty..." the titan boy says. Hugging his stomach from the pain.

"try to take (F/N) away like that and I will make sure you won't regenerate ever again." The Corporal added, giving Eren another hard kick on his stomach, making him loose consciousness afterwards.

You wanted to help the boy but, this Time, you thought he deserved it. At least it was just two kicks, the three of you knew that Levi could've done something more brutal.

"Don't you dare try to barge in my office when we're busy" he growled, and went towards you, taking his cape off, he gently wrapped it around you and asked "(F/N), are you alright?"

"y-yes, don't worry, I'm okay." you softly said.

"your leg..." he pointed out.

"no, no, its just a little scratch..."

He went closer, placing his hand on your waist, he then carries you up bridal style. Not letting you walk even if its just a small injury.

"Levi!! Its fine! I can still walk." you insisted.

"shut up, you're hurt." he replied with his usual voice. Walking towards the exit.

"wait! How about Eren?" you asked, looking at the boy who lost consciousness.

"Don't worry, I told my cousin to pick him up on my way here." the Corporal said as he walks toward the door. "this way, nothing will disturb us."

You nod politely. Blushing a little bit.

"(F/N), put the hood on, its still raining" he commanded.

"but, how about you?" you asked with a worried tone.

"you need it more, you might get sick." he insisted

You hesitated but pulled the hood over your head. As he walk outside the small cabin.

It was still raining, and Levi's office is miles away from there. But he doesn't seem to care as long as you're with him.

---mini time skip~!---

After all that walking, you both finally arrived in front of his office, Levi went inside with you wrapped in his manly arms with care, as he lays you down on his bed.

You wanted to thank him so you stood up, your face suddenly turned red when you saw Levi, shirt-less in front of you with his black locks still wet from the rain. feeling nervous, you still decided to thank him. "Levi, th-thankyou for helping me..." you said with a gentle smile. Which made the corporal walk towards you, crashing his lips of yours. "shall we continue?"

You blushed and nodded politely afterwards.

The short man carried you and placed you on his bed, but when he was about to start...

he suddenly fell asleep.

He did explore every single street in wall Sina just to find you, he even carried you on the way back. You know it was exhausting.

It made you frown, but it also made you laugh a bit, so instead, you leaned closer, giving him a kiss on the cheek which you thought felt warmer than usual. So, you placed your hand on his fore head and compared it with yours. He was burning up...

"L-Levi! You have a fever!"


Hi guys~! ^_^ finally done with this chapter... Hmp... The Corporal got sick huh? I wonder what will happen. and what about Eren? And what the Heck was that cabin all about?O.o all this suspense is making me giggle. :3


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<----!~thank you for reading~!---->

With tons of love. <3


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