To Lose Her

By GiantGorilla

91.8K 3.3K 423

Elly is back but something else is also lurking in the dark. More

Chapter 1 : Injured
Chapter 3 : Visitors pt 2
Chapter 4 : What's Hidden pt. 1
Chapter 5 : Decision
Chapter 6 : Flashback
Chapter 7 : A Soft Light
Chapter 8 : Dr Matthew
Chapter 9 : Susan is a flower
Chapter 10 : One call
Chapter 11 : Tell me, doctor
Chapter 12 : Right as Rain
Chapter 13 : One day you will
Chapter 14 : A Promise Broken
Chapter 15 : Jot it down
Chapter 16 : Light the way
Chapter 17 : Interrogation pt 1
Chapter 18 : Interrogation pt 2
Chapter 19 : Interrogation pt 3
Chapter 20 : Interrogation pt 4
Chapter 21 : Friends are Happiness
Chapter 22 : Surprise to you too
Chapter 23 : Never get Gwen drunk
Chapter 24 : Possibilities
Chapter 25 : Searching pt. 1
Chapter 26 : What's hidden pt. 2
Chapter 28 : It's her, not me
Chapter 27 : Submit to me
Chapter 29 : Stay Strong!
Chapter 30 : Oreo the Cat
Chapter 31 : Who is Susan?
Chapter 32 : Sunny is Dead
Chapter 33 : I Promise
Chapter 34 : I Killed Her
Chapter 35 : Found You
Chapter 36 : Make it Fly
Chapter 37 : The Hacker
Chapter 38 : Interrogation pt 5
Chapter 39 : Toy Shop
Chapter 40 : Onward
Chapter 41 : The Truth pt 1
Chapter 42 : A walk under the moonlight
Chapter 43 : Journal pt 1
Chapter 44 : The Truth pt 2
Chapter 45 : The Truth pt 3
Chapter 46 : Journal pt 2
Chapter 47 : The Surprise Visit
Chapter 48 : Hang On
Chapter 49 : A Spell Undo
Chapter 50 : Regret pt 1
Chapter 51 : Regret pt 2
Chapter 52 : Betrayal kills a family
Chapter 53 : Ted's Story Time
Chapter 54 : The Cries of a Loving Father
Chapter 55 : Sunny reborn
Chapter 56 : But mama I'm in love with a Criminal
Chapter 57 : Alpha Chris, I've come to bargain pt 1
Chapter 58 : Alpha Chris, I've come to bargain pt 2
Chapter 59: Visiting Hours
Chapter 60 : The Letter
Chapter 61 : Sleepwalking pt 1
Chapter 62 : Sleepwalking pt 2
Chapter 63 : Sleepwalking pt 3
Chapter 64 : Sleepwalking pt 4
Chapter 65 : Sleepwalking pt 5
Chapter 66 : In a box
Chapter 67 : A cozy blanket
Chapter 68 : The will to power
Chapter 69 : Sleepwalking pt 6
Chapter 70 : Sleeping Beauty no more
Chapter 71: Stuck in bed
Chapter 72: The Monster Inside
Chapter 73: The Monster huff and puff
Chapter 74: I am your daughter
Chapter 75: The table has turn
Chapter 76: A late night recap
Chapter 77: I swear to tell the truth and only the truth
Chapter 78: The delay to move on
Chapter 79: Before the door open
Chapter 80: List of Offences
Chapter 81: Leaving with a smile
Chapter 82: Farewell
Chapter 83: Rest in Peace, at last
Sneak Peek: Not the End

Chapter 2 : Visitors pt 1

2.8K 79 7
By GiantGorilla

Kyle Walters :

"If you have any problem, tell me straight away." The library was progressing slower than we expect. We had more cleaning to do especially with the library being a new habitat for the other animals. It was like walking into an aquarium and finding more fish than we could chew.

The library project was important after what happened, I thought a simple gift could lessen the murky in Elly and I's relationship as friends. She was my mate but I chose someone I've been in love for years. A love so deep and strong than my mate bond or any out there. I don't expect her to like and forgive me instantly but just minimize the hate is enough.

"Alpha." Max is already a grown man and he did as good as everyone expected. He was now under his father and learning the ropes to be my next Delta. He had the brain and brawn but not the experience and the thinking as well.

"You have -" He was cut off by a guy I haven't seen in ages. He had the exact expression on him for centuries and still he looks young and the same as the black and white photos in the history books.

"Friend!" He cheered and shook my hand like an old gentleman he is. "You've aged." The second thing he said when he saw my face but I laughed it out. "But always younger than you."

"So what brings you here, Matthew?" I could feel my warriors were on there foot and ready to attack in seconds. "Walk with me." It was a better idea to get him out of here while I mind-linked the others to stand down. "When can we ever get used to each other?" He commented as we walked towards my office. "When I see pigs flying." We chuckled.

"So tell me. What are you doing here?" I asked him for the second time. "Well, surprisingly, I was caught by one of your warrior when I tried to sneak in." I eyed him with interest.

"You're still trying to test my warriors even though you've been doing this when my grandparents were still alive."

"And yet I still failed." We chatted until he finally told me his true intentions. "I've heard you have found your mate, your Luna." I nodded but said nothing more. We weren't close buddies but it was more to a political relationship. He has intense knowledge of the world as he has saw the history shaped the world to it is now first hand. However, discussing about my relationship with my mate was a topic to personal.

"And may I see this young lady who has capture my friend's beating heart." I nodded. "Let's go to my office." He smiled since a vampire walking calmly around still shook the young ones.

"Tea?" He nodded before I mind-linked May to prepare the hot brewing beverage. "Tell me again why you drink tea?" I heard the answer since I could have ever remember. Once my grandfather asked him and I'm sure our prior ancestor did as well and now I'm repeating the never ending loop.

"Because it reminds me the taste of humanity and elegance. It makes me remember someone really important on a very important day." He gave me the same smile and his eyes spoke louder than his words. These were the eyes of someone who loved and been in loved. Something I might not experience with my mate but I'm sure I will with Violet.

"Talking about someone important in a gentleman's life, where is this beauty you are dear for?"

"She's on her way. You're going to love her and a little surprise, you know her." He eyed me in question but nevertheless waited for Violet to come while we chatted away. "Hows the city?"

"Bustling with horrendous activities. Every second of my day, I'll be treating wounds either from stupidity, crimes, carelessness or even evil. The world changed so fast and now what I've seen can only be remembered in my mind. Buried but alive." He was a doctor and was assigned to work in one of the biggest hospital. Despite his thrist for blood, his human side which to help people never dies.

"You could come here and work at our hospital. Dan would love to be working with someone who knows the medicine world in a different light." He shook his head at my offer while never once his smile faded. He always has a friendly looking face. An expression that defines his personality.

"I would love to my friend but in the city no one has been afraid to let me treat them." I fully understood his reasoning. Working here means treating my pack and they're still not too open with a vampire. Even Roxy, Hunter's wife, has felt the judging looks or the little trust they would present to her.

Knock! Knock!

We stopped the conversation as a beautiful lady strode in. Her worn out jeans dirtied from soil so was her sleeveless white shirt. Her face was beat red from the hot sun but the natural red on her face was as if she applied a blush which made her expression more vibrant all while her hair hung with a hairband tying all the ginger strained in a bundle of silk.

"Matthew!" She hugged him while he gladly accepted the embracement. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"I wouldn't call it ages since our definition means absolutely different. We haven't seen each other for 3 years and by then both of you were nothing more than lovers but now." He pulled her to stand beside me. She blushed and took my arm. "Congratulation to both of you." He took both of our hand and gave a squeeze. "Thank you." She was in a joyous mood.

"Now tell me what you were doing dear." We sat down and she explained the plans she was going to do to the garden that was left by my grandparents. Later, the tea came by but it wasn't May who was pouring the tea for us.

"Nicky! That's a surprise. When did you help out in the kitchen?" She gave a brief answer of May being occupied with her baby and she was there to give a hand. "Thank you." I could feel her curious eyes in the room. Before she left us to our conversation, Max came in with a serious look which I now know how to read. He never told me his feelings but his face can never hide what in his heart or mind. At this moment, he dislike the scene in front of him as a vampire was sipping tea and chatting freely.

"What is it Max?" His eyes pulled away from Matthew and Violet talking about botanical things and ideas. "There's two vampire wanting to see you." Matthew froze in his seat. His attention no longer to her. "Matthew, you didn't tell me you brought your friends over." My facial was tensed in being sworn with the other two vampires. How did I have not  sensed them?

"Violet dear, why don't you go home. Bring your friend as well." He calmly told her and she nodded in obedience. He eyed me and I knew this was not vampires we could trust. "Max, tell everyone to be in their homes and not to come out until I say so. All guards patrol the area if there are more vampires in sight." I ordered him after the two ladies walked out and far enough not to hear. He nodded and jogged out in a hurry.

"You've noticed, didn't you? How none of us had sensed their presence until Max informed us." He agreed to my statement. "Now listen carefully Alpha, they are one of the strongest vampire clan in the world especially when there is a witch on their side. She uses black magic for mostly everything. But they should also not forget to not underestimate the strongest pack in the world with the strongest warriors in all aspect." Despite him rarely coming here, he still knows the pack at back of his palm.

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