Gilmore Girls: Breaking Free

By HelenLouise7

122K 2.8K 961

It seems that no matter how much time passes by, the big questions left by Gilmore Girls 'A Year in the Life'... More

Chapter 2: Maine
Chapter 3: Settling In
Chapter 4: Lorelai
Chapter 5: The Interview
Chapter 6: Saturday
Chapter 7: Christopher
Chapter 8: The Spending Spree
Chapter 9: The Phone Call
Chapter 10: More Surprises
Chapter 11: The Storm
Chapter 12: Evening Walk
Chapter 13: The Accident
Chapter 14: The Coma
Chapter 15: Waking Up
Chapter 16: Filling in the Gaps
Chapter 17: The Turnaround
Chapter 18: Revelations
Chapter19: Breakthrough
Chapter 20: London
Chapter 21: Coming Home
Chapter 22: Special
Chapter 23: Highs and Lows
Chapter 24: When the Bough Breaks
Chapter 25: More Memories
Chapter 26: Sacrifice
Chapter 27: I'll be Home For Christmas
Chapter 28: Stars Hollow
Chapter 29: Unlocking Doors
Chapter 30: So Close!
Chapter 31: Breaking Free
Chapter 32: Ready for Anything
Chapter 33: All I Want For Christmas Is You!
Chapter 34: Christmas Day Surprises
Chapter 35: Early Preparations
Chapter 36: Startling Revelations
Chapter 37: The Vow
Chapter 38: The Search
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: A Clean Slate
Chapter 41: Pre-Wedding Surprises
Chapter 42: Diamonds Are Forever
Chapter 43: I Choose You
Chapter 44: The Reception
Chapter 45: The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 46: Reconciliation
Chapter 47: Life Goes On
Chapter 48: Hope

Chapter 1: That's the Dynastic Plan

8.5K 90 22
By HelenLouise7

Logan leaned back in a comfortable chesterfield leather desk chair, in his opulant London office and sighed deeply. He had been reading over the same page of numbers for the past half an hour! Ever since his trip to Stars Hollow, concentration and focus were not his strong points! One scene played over and over in his mind:  Ace and that final kiss! Logan closed his eyes —he could still feel her lips on his and he could almost hear her saying, "I think your days of rescuing me are over..." He had to admit that this dented his pride a little. Knowing Rory didn't need him anymore hurt more than he would have expected. Until that moment he hadn't realised just how much he needed to be there for Rory —he would do anything for her!

"It's what she wanted...." Logan concluded again. "She has her life.... I have was what it was....she didn't even want the key to the house in Maine.......what we had, it clearly has run its course...."

"What has run it's course? Logan....Logan?" Finn asked wondering where his friend was as he entered the office —his eyes looked so far away. "Are you okay mate?"

"Finn...was I expecting you?" Logan enquired trying to come back to the present and remember what was scheduled for the morning but he was coming up with a blank. Scrolling through his reminders he found that he did indeed have an appointment with Finn. He sighed again as he recalled Odette had booked them in to see the tailor who would be making suits for their upcoming wedding.

"You have remembered that you're marrying Odette in know keeping the family happy and all that entails?" Finn asked trying to lighten the moment but failing miserably. He had grave concerns for his friend who looked like he had not slept for days!

Logan ran his hands through his usually neat hair, closed his laptop and grabbed his coat. "Yes I have let's just get this over with! Is Colin meeting us there?"

"Yes I do believe he is," Finn replied taking in the fact that along with Logan's unruly hair, his friend also appeared to have a very crumpled suit today. "Is Odette away?"

"Why all the questions Finn?" Logan asked defensively as they headed out the front door. "She is in Paris having shoes hand made for the wedding....and spending an obscene amount of money on lingerie!"

"Woah! You lucky devil!" Finn exclaimed, instantly regretting his comment as Logan glared at him. "Sorry Logan...I wonder if we would have time to get you a haircut on the way to the tailor's?"

There was no reply as Logan reached for his cell phone to read a message that he had just received. Finn watched as his friend stopped in his tracks and appeared to almost smile as he read it.

"Finn, you'll have to go alone....just tell them I will reschedule...something has come up," Logan said quickly as he headed back to the office.

"But Odette won't be happy mate....I hope that it's important!" Finn warned.

"She will just have to deal with it....sorry Finn, I'll call you later!" Logan replied as he impatiently waited for his phone to ring.

In Stars Hollow, Rory was nervously rehearsing what to say to Logan. She had finally plucked up enough courage to send the text message, saying there was something she needed to discuss with him. Logan had surprised her with his quick reply.

After breaking the news of her pregnancy to her mom, everything seemed different. Lorelai had appeared to be in shock and Rory regretted not having chosen a more appropriate time to share something so life changing, but it just spilled out as they sat chatting after her mom's impromptu late night wedding. There was no time to discuss things before Luke and Lorelai left for their honeymoon so Rory had made some decisions herself. Confiding in anyone else seemed out of the question at this point, after all, she was still in shock herself! Everything was so complicated and to add to that, her grandmother had decided to sell her family home so Rory no longer had her Grandfather's study to write in.

She kept remembering that last perfect night she had spent with Logan and his insistence that she take the key to his family's house in Maine. He had always been so supportive of her career and wanted her to have a place to write. Rory felt a little foolish changing her mind after having rejected his offer but she really needed to get away from Stars Hollow!

Although she was only in the seventh week of her pregnancy, she was sure that any day, one of her friends or neighbours would notice that something was different. Rory was having enough trouble dealing with it all so the best thing would be to disappear for a while.  After all, everyone was used to her jet setting lifestyle. Once she had moved to Maine, she would figure out her next step.

She wished with all her heart that things could have been different with Logan. Rory had imagined how he would react to the baby news if they had still been a couple. Sure it would have been a surprise but she was quite certain he would be over the moon!

Rory braced herself as she put the call through to Logan, knowing that she had to keep this most significant life event a secret in order to do what she felt was the right thing by the man she loved so deeply.

"Hi Ace, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Logan asked as he picked up. Every part of him longed for this woman and he just wished with everything in him that she was calling to plead with him to not marry Odette!

"Hi Logan....sorry to trouble you..." Rory stumbled as her heart quickened at the sound of his voice.

Her final goodbye with Logan played heavily on her mind.  Apart from the fact that it had left her carrying his child, Rory just felt confused.  When she had asked about whether he really was going to marry Odette, he replied, 'That's the dynastic plan' and that was it! Rory wondered if she gave up too quickly but everything was set in motion to unite two of the world's most powerful media families.

"You will think I am a woman who can't make up her mind but you know how you offered me the key to the house in Maine?....I just wondered if the offer still stands..." Rory managed to get out. "My Grandma has found a buyer for her Hartford home and I had hoped to write there in Grandpa's study..."

"Of course the offer is still open! My family are coming here this Christmas and they never really use the house. Actually about a month ago Dad officially put the house in my name, so you won't have to worry about Mitchum and Shira turning up at all! I know you would love it Ace and you can have it as long as you like...." Logan offered feeling a little closer to Rory just at the thought that she would be staying in his house.

"I wouldn't need the maid you mentioned," Rory added, "I can cook for one....I am getting better at that!"

"Okay Ace, but when you see the size of this place, you will definitely appreciate having her clean for you...maybe I'll get her to help you out with meals the first few days," Logan suggested.

"Okay...sounds good!" Rory replied, hoping that the staff wouldn't be in touch with Logan! She knew she would only be able to conceal the pregnancy for the first few months.

"I can have the key couriered to you by tomorrow, so start packing!" Logan said feeling happier just for having talked to his beautiful Ace.

"Will do, " Rory exclaimed excitedly. "I really appreciate it Logan! Mom said I could stay with them as long as I wanted but I think she and Luke need space. They are due back from their honeymoon at the end of the week. I've resigned from my unpaid position at the Stars Hollow Gazette so there's really nothing keeping me here...."

"Sounds good....I'm very happy to be of service Ace! I'll make sure everything is ready for your arrival," Logan replied wishing he could do more.

As they said their good byes, once again Logan deeply regretted signing the ridiculous contract that had locked him into marriage with Odette! As a wave of morning sickness swept over Rory, she also had regrets. In omitting to tell him about the baby, she felt like she had just deceived the one man who would do anything for her!

"Your Daddy would love you so much but maybe it's best if we just keep this to ourselves kid..." Rory whispered as she looked down at her belly. "Your grandmother did it alone and so can I!"

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