Lose My Mind (Nathan Sykes Fa...

By Jays_PissRocket

111K 1.2K 171

"Just leave me alone!" I try and storm away but a gentle, yet firm hand grabs my wrist forcing me to turn aro... More

Coming Home
Getting To Know You
Movie Night
New Friend
My Day with Nathan
That Was Unexpected
Meeting Logan Part 1
Meeting Logan Part 2
Sleeping With The Enemy
Red Carpet?
Girls Day
Not an Update
"I Found You"
A Good Day For Love To Die
You've Made Me Lose My Mind

"For The First Time"

3.5K 42 2
By Jays_PissRocket

(A/N the beginning of this is written by the ever so lovely @artharp! Go follow her on twitter people! Also I'm dedicating this to her and her wonderfulness. I added to the beginning of this chapter so it was both Alicia an I. We both really hope you enjoy, please leave comments and votes!)

(Also after maybe 3 or so chapters this story will end. I know how depressing but I have news... SEQUEL!!! Yeah gonna join the crowd an quit being the hipster I am. The sequel has no name, so comment some ideas please!)

 When we get home after the show, Nath pulls my over tired body straight up to his room for some privacy. He walks ahead of me, his hips taunting me after I saw what they could do tonight. He pulls to be a gentlemen, opening the door for me to walk into the room before him. However, I stop in my tracks because I can't believe what's in front of me. There are candles flickering all over the room, and roses, loads of roses, all over the room.

In awe I questioningly glance at my new boyfriend. God that felt good to say. “Nathan, where the hell did you find all of these candles?”

In his voice I hear a smile, making birds take flight in my stomach. “Well after your little announcement at the show I called Kelsey to help make this happen. Also Siva doesn't need all of those god forsaken candle does he?”

My heart melts into a gooey mass, puddling somewhere in the region of my feet, which never ever happens. I don't usually get this way over guys, but there's just something about Nathan. There has been since I met him. “Well, I'd say you did pretty well Sykes,” turning around to meet him eye to eye, I bring up my arms to tip his snap-back off his head and bury my hands in the hair at the back of his neck. “But I've got your number! I know you're just romancing me because you’re trying to get in my pants!”

Horror an shame suddenly take over his features, while turning a deep crimson he chuckled. For a moment it was complete silent, making my head spin.  “Maybe a little.” He leaned down planting a soft kiss on my lips as his hands played over the bare skin on my arms, making the ever present goosebumps appear on my skin. "Is it working?"

“I don't know,” I pause dramatically. “Maybe I need a little more convincing. You are attempting to rob me of my V-card you know this right?”

 He laughs again, “Course I know, why do you think I went to all this trouble?”

 My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline. “What so if I wasn’t a virgin, you’d just wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am me?” I ask incredulously, a bit annoyed.

 “Beccs, why do you make everything so difficult? You know that's not what I meant,” his whisper grazes my skin, making me want his lips on mine yet again. “Now can we please get back to the part where I’m convincing you how much I want you?” He pauses planting a kiss on one of my eyelids, forcing me to close them. “How much I want to be your first?” He kisses my other eyelid. “How I promise to be gentle?” He kisses my nose then. “How I promise you won’t be hurt again? I'm not here to hurt, use, or abuse you. From the moment I met  you, everything changed, I knew I had to get you whatever the pain. When you used me as a human mattress there was something.. I can't explain. Yeah we did some stupid things, making each other jealous, hurting each other with foul words, and even more foul gestures. But through it all, there was still something that made me crazy. You didn't swoon at my feet like I'm used to, so it was hard when I couldn't get what I want. Call me selfish if you must, but I'm putting this as nicely as I can. I am totally utterly in love you with Rebbeca.” His large piano hands find the skin on my arm again, making me shudder lightly. I look down, watching his hand play its magic on my outer body, while feeling the effects on my inner body. Nathan takes my head in between his hands, forcing me to make eye contact with those eyes. Usually full with something a bit mysterious are now filled with nothing but passion an love.

"Did you just quote One Direction? You an Louis still have a thing don't you?"

" I try to be serious and... Just... I know you're scared Becc's... I was too when it was time for sexy time. Oh don't give me that look you should've known it was coming. All I'm saying is that if you're not ready, then we'll wait. I'm not going to rush you into anything. I'm not going to be cliche dick and say if you love me you'd do this. Why? Because I already know how much you love me. I mean you kissed me at a concert in front of thousands of people who, by the way, are mostly obsessed with all of this."

Nathan pulls away, using his arms to show off his body. I choke out a laugh as model poses start coming out, making him look a bit like Siva. My smile fades as I think of the other house mates, how would they feel? And Jay? What about Jay? He confessed his love to late right? I almost let him kiss me though, if he would've closed the distance I would've kissed him back. 

My thoughts race back to that dream I had after I first got there, (WHO REMEMBERS? COMMENT WHAT IT WAS ABOUT!). The way I saw passion behind those green eyes that changed to blue in a matter of seconds. I come back to myself shift uncomfortabley, sighing deeply before speaking.

"Nathan, I... I am scared. This is huge, this is something that, I've never even thought of. Does it make me the whore everyone already thinks I am by going that far with you?"

The answer I receive is Nathan sealing his perfectly formed lips over mine, making the ability to talk impossible. He walks us to the bed gently pushing me back onto it. I scoot back slowly, not wanting to pull my mouth from his. When I lay back on the bed, he rests his body fully on mine. Our kiss deepens and soon my hands are tugging at the back of his shirt, signaling him to take it off. I need to feel his skin. When he removes his shirt, I run my hands over the warm skin of his chest. He only lets me explore for a few moments before he grabs the bottom of my dress, so I lift up a bit to let him pull it off me. He stares at me a moment and I can see appreciation in his eyes, but suddenly I’m hit with a wave of shyness. Its not like he hasn’t seen me in various states of undress before in bits and pieces. I usually just strip in front of him when I get ready for bed, but this time it’s different. As if reading my mind, he tips my chin up with a finger and seals his mouth onto mine again, erasing any thoughts from my mind. I feel his hands at my waist, making my skin hot, waiting for him to do something drastic. Glad I wore good underwear tonight. He doesn’t immediately move to take them off me, just runs his fingers softly over the skin of my lower belly, being patient with me. Making me feel amazing.  He pulls his mouth away from mine and trails kisses down to my neck. I feel his hand at my back, unbuttoning my bra. He lifts off me to pull my bra off and kisses down to my breasts. The way he’s making me feel, I lose any of the shyness I had.

 Soon I’m divested of all of my clothes and he’s left in just his boxers. While his lips and tongue still wreak havoc over my chest, I begin to get shy as he gets near the unknown for me. His head is resting on my stomach, his fingers cool to the touch as they start tracing shapes across my tanned tummy. I lace my fingers through his hair yanking a bit on the strands to get him to look up at me.

 “Nathan, I...I'm ready,” I whisper. He leans over me and seals his lips onto mine again. I reach down to push his boxers off of him. He gasps into my mouth at my authority in the situation. I smile into the kiss as he starts pulling away. "Cheeky girl aren't we?"

Nathan hurriedly hops off of me, rushing to the bathroom. I lay there, the shyness crawling back into my bones. I force it back down, telling myself this is the right thing to do. That I'm ready for this.. This commitment that I'm going to make. It's not a mistake, we're going to consummate our love.. Aren't we?

The sounds of drawers opening, and slamming shut grab my attention. Through the thick wooden door I hear muffled curses, making me wonder what on earth he could be looking for. Finally all of those years of sex ed come rushing back, making me get nervous. I grab the blanket, wrapping it around my small frame before going into the hall to take a breather. 

The hallway is calm, making my skin start to cool off quickly. What was I thinking, I'm not ready for this! I'm still young, and innocent. Well my mind not so much, but my body is completely innocent. The only time I go down that way is to wash and wipe. The hyperventilating begins making it harder to breathe.

"Rebbeca? Are you okay?" I snap my attention at  tall figure in front of me. I release I held in scream in the form of a sigh when I see it's only Jay. Only Jay, oh this is going to be interesting now isn't it? I turn my attention back to him, a shy smile appearing on my lips.

"Wonderful, just wonderful...." 

"Are you going to tell me what's going on? Or do you want me to make my assumption known an you get utterly disgusted."

I can't help but laugh at his calm demeanor. Even from what happened earlier I can't stay mad at him, he was my only real friend when I got here. Other then Max, which doesn't count seeing as he was originally family. I just shake my head at his comment, laughing as I do so. Jay sits there patiently waiting for me to talk as I still faintly hear things still being slammed around in the bathroom.

"It's nothing, I'm just...." I can't finish my sentence. What am I? Nervous, well of course even Nathan said he was his first time. But there was something else, something I couldn't pin point...


That's it! My attention snaps to the Nottingham boy next to me, finally noticing that he sat down cross legged. I lean my head against his shoulder, not once really realizing what I was doing, or that I was naked. Jay didn't bring it up either, he just let me sit there. Comforting me without having to say anything. 

"Yeah... Uncertain."

"It's okay to be. Listen Becc's what I did earlier wasn't the nicest thing I've done and I'm not proud of it but it's how I feel. I mean when you feel something for someone you should jump at an opportunity and I didn't. I waited until you fell for Nath, because I knew you needed a friend more than anything else. But after that interview, when we walked with each other and you opened up to me. That's when it started. I started to notice how imperfectly perfect you are, wow that makes complete sense. Imperfectly perfect, what am I Dr. Seuss now? Just what I'm trying to get at is, that if you have even the slightest bit of uncertainty, don't go through with it. You would hate yourself, and regret doing something you weren't ready for. I'm not saying this because I don't want you with Nath, I'm saying this as one of your closest friends. I don't want you hating yourself for a foolish decision you were forced into by a horny sloth."

The slamming in the bathroom stops, making me realize Nathan has found what he's looking for. I look up at Jay, his blue eyes searching the darkness in front of us for an unknown answer to one of his many questions. I plant a small kiss on his cheek, before getting up. From the change in his facial expression, a blush has crept on to his face.

"Thanks Jay... You made things a lot harder and easier for me at the same time. Honestly Bird, if it weren't for you I'd be a wreck. I'm glad you told me what you did today Jay." And with that I wen't back into the bedroom to see an awaiting Nathan with his boxers placed back over his naked body. 

His thick eye brows go up into his hair line as he see's me wrapped up in his comforter. I give a corny smirk before walking over to him, placing my small hands against his chest. I draw circles there, trying to think of the right way to say things.

"Nath.. I... You know I love you as you said. I-I just don't think I'm ready yet. We only just became official, and yeah I've been sleeping in your bed but as a friend. I-I think we should do this right ya know? Like do things the right way, and not the famous Nathan Sykes way. I know the famous Nathan, the dick Nathan, the romantic Nathan... Now I want to know the real Nathan. If that makes sense?"

A sad smile flits across his face, as he takes my hands in his.  I look up at him, and for the first time in a long time I doubted everything I thought I felt. Maybe this isn't what I wanted? Maybe Nathan wasn't the one I was meant to be with. My thoughts flicked to Jay, the way he was so open with me. The way he was there for me when I was at my most vulnerable. I love Nathan though, more then my thoughts an feelings could comprehend. Shouldn't that be enough?

His eyes searched mine, making a blush creeps its way onto my cheeks. That sad smile, changed to a grin when he saw his ability over me. I can't help it though, the way his eyes search my soul, makes the secrets of the past come forth. Nathan leans down, planting a lingering kiss on my now surprised lips.

"I completely understand Becc's, please don't worry about it. I mean not everyone can handle sexy Sykes. Will you please stay here with me though? I don't think I'd be able to sleep if you weren't in the same bed as me. God that sounds creepy.... Not that you're creepy its just the way I said that..... I mean I'm creepy..... But not in a creepy way..... Shit I'm rambling."

I shut him up by kissing him lightly, making him smile through the contact. This kiss was sweet and passionate but nothing to heavy. The kind of kiss you enjoy the most, seeing as it's with love and not lust. 

I pull away, searching around the room for my undergarments. Once they're found I pull them on, no longer shy seeing as Nath's seen it all basically. Once my bra an underwear are on, the infamous Misfits shirt is thrown at me. The smile that spreads across my face is genuine, his scent engulfing as the shirt falls loosely around my body.

"I love seeing you in my clothing." I close the gap between us. Jumping into his arms, I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to his bed. He stands there, debating on whether to drop me or place me down lightly. I kiss his cheek, seeing a small blush creep across his face.

"And I love you Nathan"


OKAY! So this chapter wasn't very long an had a bit of... Lets say pazazz? Anyway, good boy Nathan isn't going to be a good boy for long. Sexy Sykes is going to surprise us all in the end!!! Anyway I'd like to thank Alicia again for writing the more graphic parts of this chapter. She truely is talented! 

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