How America Became America

By MysteryFuryWriter

61.1K 1.4K 490

America's mother is pissed. She's tired of seeing all the other nations gang up on her son... so, why not mak... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9


1.9K 45 28
By MysteryFuryWriter

It didn't take long for Amelia to compose herself. She quickly stood up, wiping away any remaining tears and turned towards the rest of the nations. Her face was blotchy, but beside that, it looked like nothing had happened. Her smile was the same, although the nations could now see it was a little forced.

Lilli, the personification of Liechtenstein, came up to Amelia and just hugged her. Amelia laughed awkwardly towards the small nation clinging to her. After a minute Lilli let go and gave Amelia a soft smile.

Before any words could be said, the scene started up again.

"-Go and get ready. Also, stop being a stupid woman and leave my sights!"

Amelia of the past kept her head down, "yes, sir."

The scene ended there. The nations looked to Amelia, who kept her head held high. The next scene started and there were gunshots. Alfred was in his military getup, but was clearly uncomfortable. He didn't want to do this. He quickly ran past his men and towards the Parliament Building. Torch in hand, he raced inside the building.

"I'm sorry Kiá- Mattie..." he said before lighting several pieces of furniture on fire and dropping the torch.

He quickly ran out of the building, only to be awarded with the sight of his brother clutching his chest in pain. He had never seen this before and ran up to his brother. Matthew, watching the memory, touched his chest softly. He could still feel the scar.

"W-what's wrong?" he asked out of fear.

"You're burning his heart," Arthur, appearing out of nowhere, said softly as he crouched next to his younger brother and next to his enemy.

Before any other words could be exchanged, Alfred got up and ran. He ran as fast as he could away from what he had just done.

"So that's how Mattie got that scar," Gilbert, the personification of Prussia, stated. "No wonder he doesn't talk about it."

When Gilbert opened his mouth, Amelia flinched slightly. Only the nations closest her noticed that. The scene ended before anymore could be said.
More gunshots were heard, a lot more. As the scene came into focus, Alfred was fighting on a hill overlooking Washington.

"They're in the President's House!" a solider that had just ridden up yelled out.

Alfred stopped shooting and quickly turned to the solider, "What do you mean?"

"We saw them entering and they were looking for the president and his wife."

"Hah! Good luck with that, I made them leave a week-"

Just then Alfred screamed out in pain. He collapsed and clutched his chest tightly."

"Sp-spyglass!" Alfred rasped out, before screaming in pain again.

The solider quickly grabbed a spyglass he had and handed it to the screaming nation, who used it to look at the orange blaze in the distance. He looked around and spotted Arthur patting Matthew's shoulder in praise. Matthew was smiling... no. Matthew was smirking, there was no doubt about it.

Amelia watched as Alfred was writhing about, trying to get the pain to stop, but there was no use, it wouldn't stop until the fire was out. Matthew came up to Amelia and pulled her into a tight hug, whispering apologizes over and over.

"I-it's alright bro," she said, her voice somehow not sounding real. "I'm alright."

With that, Matthew held on tighter, seemingly knowing something that the others didn't. When he did pull away, the scene was finished. Now they were in a canvas tent. Alfred was on a cot, his chest wrapped tightly. Madison above him with a glare.

"You failed," he said. "You're a disgrace."

Before Madison could say anymore, the scene ended, making room for a new one. Amelia was standing next to a new man behind a desk. He was signing something.

"Now," the man started. "We won't bother them, and they can't bother us."

"Yes," Amelia replied, "sir."

"Now, what did I say about all that sir nonsense?"

"Not to do that, sir."

The man sighed; the nations now recognized him as James Monroe. They also noticed that Amelia was starting to drift from the crowd. Lilli grabbed her hand to keep her from drifting farther. Before more could be said, the door appeared before the nations.

As they enter Saiska was sitting on the couch once more. She still glared at the nations as she stood up (besides her children). Amelia ran up to her mother and started whining again about how unfair everything was. Instead of disappearing like last time, she just hugged her daughter, stunning Amelia.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Even I forgot how bad it was," Saiska responded.

"Does that mean we can stop now?"

That hope quickly dissipated when Saiska shook her head. Then, she vanished, making her daughter stumble forward a bit. Amelia cursed slightly and turned to face the other nations. She smiled sheepishly at them.

"How about we talk about Toris and I?" she suddenly asked, causing said nation to look at her in disbelief. "What? I'd rather talk about that than anything else."

Toris just shook his head in exasperation. Amelia smirked and grabbed his hand and sat in a chair, pulling Toris into her lap, making him blush.

Arthur broke the silence, "no," he said flatly. "We are going to discuss what we just saw."

Amelia just shook her head, "I'd rather not. My privacy is already being violated, I don't need to explain getting hit by my boss or how I hurt my own brother. I don't need therapy right now."

Ivan smirked, "I think you do, comrade."

Amelia was about to just launch herself at Ivan, but Toris stopped her, telling her it wasn't worth it.

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