Perfect Beginning (The Preque...

By Taedreamer02

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The Perfect series of books has followed lovers through early dates, late nights, heartbreak and Paradise. B... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38

chapter 5

706 65 24
By Taedreamer02

He glanced back over to the driver/bodyguard and saw him pay the bill. 

“Not enough time" he said, cursing under his breath.

Your eyes never left Jin's .  He made you feel the delicate balance of the pleasure of being present with him in the moment and the painful anticipation of him walking out the door.

Your heart hurt.  You were wildly searching for a way to hold onto him, to keep the huge guard at bay and stand still the late afternoon sun.

Tears pricked your eyes as you remembered feeling so alone on the park bench.  You were not alone at all, he was there.  Now he was here.  He found you and you were unwilling to let him go.

Suddenly Jin was out of his chair, kneeling in front of you.  He grabbed your hands in his, ignoring the man now edging toward you.

“Go out with me. Please!” he continued in a rush “Please!  I will be gone three weeks then we'll go out, spend time together.  Say yes! Tell me yes!”

Seeing the hesitation in your face he said “ My life is crazy and it won’t be easy.  If you need time to decide I will get it for you.  You don’t know me yet, but I WILL make him chase me all over this café until you tell me yes."

You could see in his face he was serious and was preparing to run from the guard.

You laughed.  How could you say “no" to him.

“Yes" you said.  The joy on his face was echoed in yours.

“Yes?” he asked . “Yes!” he celebrated at your reply.

He pulled you to your feet as he stood in one fluid motion.

You ended standing practically pressed to his chest.

Laughter died as both of you caught your breath at being so close.  Jin bent his head closer to you. You searched his eyes and tried to breathe. 

It felt so very natural to lean toward him, to tilt your head to match his.  He stopped inches from your mouth and blinked back to awareness of your surroundings, of the fact that you had just met.

“I am sorry," he whispered.

“Please don't be," you responding, your breath hitching.

You saw him pulling away from you and saw the anger flash across his face.  The bodyguard had wrapped his arm around Jin's waist and was moving him toward the door.

“Three weeks…..promise" he said as he reached the door.

You nodded at him and watched as he disappeared into the sun, leaving you dazed, wondering if it had all been a beautiful day dream.

You sat slowly and touched your fingers to your lips.  The waiter cleaned your table, the two sets of cups confirming this was real and no dream.

You sat daydreaming about a future where laughter chased away the loneliness, until your head caught up with your heart.

Jin had left and never asked anything more than your name.

The memory of him on his knees in front of you flashed and you chose hope.  Jin would look for you and he would find you.  Your heart had a strange peace about that.

Jin cursed all the way to the car.  As usual it fell on deaf ears as his guard pulled away from the city street and headed onto the expressway toward the airport.

Realizing his anger was futile, he turned his thoughts back to you.  Three weeks and he would see you again. 

“I will call her once we land" he thought.

Then he felt the blood drain from his face.  Shit……he did not get your phone number.

“Turn around…..I have to go back" he demanded.  Then he realized the car had arrived at the airport. He dropped his head and cursed again.

Exiting the car, he pulled his phone from his pocket and found his friend, the restaurant owner, in the contacts.
His friend picked up and Jin rushed without even introducing himself.

“Hey! What’s the name of the floral shop on your street?” he asked, praying for his friend to answer quickly.

He breathed a deep sigh of relief once he had the shop's name and number stored in his phone.  He would find you and he would never let you go again.

Jin called the florist as he waited for the plane to get final clearance for takeoff. 

“Hello! Mam'm….please help me" he started “ I was just in your shop this afternoon. With the beautiful young lady?”

The shop owner did remember the young man and woman fate brought in her shop. 

She smiled a secret smile as she heard the urgency in the man's voice.  She listened as he asked if she could deliver flowers on Monday and if she would help him find the address for the business where the young lady worked.

Jin quickly described in detail what he wanted delivered and the cards he wanted to send.  Jin finally relaxed when the florist repeated his instructions back to him. 

Now all he could do was wait.  He reclined his seat and fell into exhausted sleep as the plane took off. 

He was very sure of what he wants,"  the old lady thought, musing that she had already been Cupid today and now she needed play Flora for the young lovers. 

She hummed happily as she set about her work.

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