Perfect Beginning (The Preque...

By Taedreamer02

27.6K 2K 1.2K

The Perfect series of books has followed lovers through early dates, late nights, heartbreak and Paradise. B... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38

chapter 3

828 66 17
By Taedreamer02

"Oh Dear" the old woman laughed, bringing both of you  back to the present. “Let's get this picked up.”

At that both of you quickly gathered the rest of the flowers and placed them back on the counter.

The old woman sighed, then smiled up at Jin.  “What do you need young man?  Flowers for the Mrs.?” she asked loudly.

“What? NO!…there is no Mrs.” Jin stuttered, his face blushing as he slid a glance to you.

Interesting, you thought.

“Oh, the girlfriend then" she nodded, “lucky girl.”

“No! “ Jin rushed in "No lucky girl!”

“What??” the old woman grumbled
“ You are breaking up with her!! You scoundrel” she scolded and swatted Jin.

The look on his face was too much.  You tried to hold back but your giggle burst into full blown laughter.

He looked at you and seeing your body shaking with laughter and your eyes water with happy tears made this moment seem exactly right.

“Hey!” he shouted at you in mock indignation. “What about you?? Did you make this mess for your husband?”

At the shake of your head he tried again “your boyfriend?” His expressions made you laugh all the harder.

“Well? …..  Well?” he continued.

You shook your head again.

“Good!” he exclaimed. “Because I just dropped your lunch and now I have to buy you a new one!"

At the shock on your face it was his turn to laugh.  As his distinctive laugh rang out you had to join in.  Suddenly you no longer felt alone. Today you had a lot of things to celebrate.

Jin seized his chance while you were still laughing.

“Mam'm" he said, addressing the florist but never taking his eyes off you “ Where is the best spot around here for a good sandwich and coffee?"

The tiny woman pointed to a small shop down the street.  She  swept the bundle of flowers in her arms and disappeared behind the curtain in the back, leaving the two of you staring at each other.

“May I replace your lunch?” Jin asked.

You looked at him, searching his face.  He smiled at you, nervously worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.

He was so beautiful.  The emotion and heat that passed between you took you by surprise.

The question on his lips and the question in his eyes were completely different queries.  All you knew for sure was that you wanted desperately to say “yes" to both of them.

Watching you think about the request, Jin grew nervous.  It took him by surprise how desperately he wanted, no needed, you to say yes. 

He watched your face and saw the emotions flicker there -  curiosity, hesitation, reserve, desire?

He saw your eyes darken then he knew when you had made a decision.  He waited for your response.

You knew there was only one answer.

“Yes" you whispered. At his obvious excitement you smiled and said again “Yes".

Jin stepped aside and let you lead the way to the door.  He opened it for you and stepped out behind you, his hand almost touching your back as you walked.

You really appreciated all those small signs that he was a gentleman and was treating you with care and respect.  That had been sorely missing from the men in your life lately.

The short walk to the café was animated by both of you commenting on store fronts or characters you saw on the street.  By the time you stepped inside the quiet shop you were smiling and relaxed with each other.

After being greeted at the door, you were shown to a quiet corner in the back.  You fell into a spirited discussion about what to order.  You deferred to Jin.  He knew a lot about the dishes and choices.  He made selections that sounded delicious. 

The waiter took your order and left, tucking the menus under his arm as he walked away.

You looked at Jin to find him staring at you.  You blushed at the open approval on his face. 

The two of you lost time as you sat staring at each other, lost in silent conversation.  Your focus was broken when your waiter brought the drinks.

After he left the two of you fell into an awkward silence.  Your eyes met and shifted away.  Finally, drawing a deep breath you spoke.

“Why were you in the flower shop?” you asked.

“Who were the flowers for?” Jin asked at the same time. 

You looked at each other in surprise and began to laugh.

“You first"

“No, you first"

“No, go ahead"

Finally Jin firmly said “Ladies First" and sat to wait for you to start.

You looked at Jin as he sat next to you.  He leaned forward in his seat and placed his elbows on the table, his body language indicting genuine interest and care as he waited for you to speak.

His attitude alone made you feel safe, that he was truly interested in you and what you had to say.  You drew a deep breath and began to explain.

Jin watched as you gathered your thoughts.  He was fascinated that he could see your emotions so plainly in your face. 

He watched as you observed him and gauged his interest.  Someone had not been kind or supportive to you in your past.  He could see you weighing if you could trust him or not. 

He leaned into you, waiting to hear you, wanting to learn about you.  He let out the breath he had been holding when you smiled at him and began to speak.

You had just given him the incalculable gift of your trust.  From out of the blue this thought sounded in his head, strong and true, he would protect you with everything he had.

He had no idea where that came from, but it felt right. He drew closer to listen to you.

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