Mythical love

By etricswart

17.9K 713 109

A werewolf named Beca goes to a secret mythical school, expecting it to be a normal year. Suddenly she experi... More

Barden's Academy
Friends and foes
First day
The rivalry begins
Are we friends now?
Taco Bell
The fair
Buddy system and chores
Casa da Delinquents
Playing Cupid
The "date"
Wing women
Karaoke night
Party time
What friends are for
We're in this together
The end?


548 27 1
By etricswart

Beca just couldn't understand it.

How could a single rabbit; a small animal with hair that hops around, get so much attention.

The short brunette leaned against the living room doorway and watched as the little animal walked around while almost all the girls were cooing over it.

The guys on the other hand were also there, but they were playing video games on the TV.

"Come on Lucky. Come to aunt Stacie," the leggy brunette baby talked to the animal.

"No. Forget about her and come to me," Chloe tried to get Lucky's attention.

All the girls tried except for Emily.

Then Emily put out her hands and called to the rabbit. "Here Lucky. Come on boy."

The rabbit instantly went over to the young girl and put its front paws in her hands, resulting in a chorus of 'aawwwee' from the others.

"How are you so good with him?," Aubrey questioned, quite astonished that the animal had such a bond with Emily.

Emily shrugged and scratched Lucky behind the ear causing him to fall onto his side and enjoy the attention.

"Ha!" everyone looked up to see Bumper pointing at Donal. "I win!"

The boys were currently playing Fiva on Beca's PS4 and were tied. Bumper however had just scored and was beaming with joy.

Donald and Jesse however smiled at the dancing giant with knowing grins.

"Bumper," Benji sighed. "That was our goal. You scored the winning point for them," Benji held the bridge of his nose.

"Wait what!?" the giant exclaimed.

"Ha!" Donal and Jesse said in unison causing the girls to giggle.

Beca decided that enough was enough and that it was time to talk to the group. "Ok listen up," she tried to everyone's attention, but the boys were now in an argument with Bumper and the girls were busy with Lucky.

"Hello?" the brunette said a little louder and the results were still the same.

"Hey!" Beca finally yelled and everybody froze as silence fell over the room.

Beca glared at all of them and there was no movement from anyone.

Lucky started to walk over to Beca and it didn't go unnoticed. The only things moving; were Lucky and the group's eyes following him.

Beca raised an eyebrow as the rabbit came closer to her and rested against her leg.

This resulted in a few grins coming from the girls.

Beca didn't like it at all and gently shoved the bunny away with her foot. "Shoo, go to your mama," she pointed the rabbit into the direction of Emily.

The bunny looked at Beca with it's big eyes and Beca looked at Emily pleadingly. "Emily. Call back your monster."

Said girl rolled her eyes and held out her hands to which the rabbit responded to.

"Aawwww" Aubrey had a small smirk on her face. "Is the midget scared of a little bunny?"

"First of all," Beca pointed finger in the air, "I am not scared of that thing. And second, I am not a midget."

"Oh please," scoffed the blonde. "Even the dwarf is taller than you."

That was the final bit to push Benji, who had been trying to hold in his chuckles, to burst out laughing.

The brunette glared at him. "What are you laughing about," she asked the wizard who froze as he realised she was talking to him.

"Careful Becs. Don't threaten the wizard or he might pull another rabbit out of his hat," Stacie chuckled.

"Watch it Conrad," Beca warned the werewolf with a finger and a glare.

After all the laughter had died down Beca turned to the group with a serious expression. "Ok listen up guys, we've got to do something."

"About what?" Cynthia was the first to ask.

"These attacks. They weren't just a coincidence."

"What do you mean not a coincidence?" Donald had put down his controller and turned himself around to properly look at Beca.

"You know that harpy near the square this morning?" everyone nodded and Chloe put her hand on Emily's who seemed to go pale at the mention of the murder.

"Well I recognised her. She was part of the TEC group. The Top Elite Clans. They're like the VIP's of the elites."

"Yeah. Chloe and I are also part of the group along with you Stacie and Emily," Aubrey stated from the couch.

"And thanks to a source, I have managed to find out why the academy dismissed us," Beca said proudly.

"How did you manage that?" Cynthia questioned a bit impressed.

"I have my ways," the brunette shrugged.

"Anyway," Aubrey said curiously and motioned for Beca to continue.

"It turns out that they found another student in the bathroom, also murdered." A series of gasps escaped from the girls while the guy's eyes widened.

"Yeah," Beca continued, "His name was Fred Thompson. He was a zombie and also part of the TEC. But it turns out that he was drawn to the bathroom by his friend who was not part of the TEC and found her dead on the floor."

"So that means-" Flo started but was too scared to finish the sentence.

"We could all be targets," Jessica finished and looked frightened.

"Plus I think whoever attacked me and Stacie, was also the one who attacked you," Aubrey pointed to Beca.

"Yeah?" Beca asked earning a nod from the blonde.

"The spikes that were shot at us were the similar to the one you were shot with," Aubrey finished.

The room was so quiet that even Lucky's breathing could be heard.

"So what do we do?" Ashley broke the silence.

"I say we find whoever's behind this and kill them!" Amy exclaimed like she was prepared for war making Lilly grin widely at the thought.

"Our ANGEL ladies and gentlemen," Emily pointed to her friend who smiled sheepishly as she realised what she had just said.

"Love the enthusiasm," Beca complimented the angel.

"Hate the idea," Stacie however finished.

"No what I think we need to do is stick together from now on," Beca took a few steps into the living room.

"Yeah! Why don't you all just move in here!" Stacie exclaimed while beaming from excitement.

"No no no. I didn't mean like-" Beca started, but was cut off.

"It could be like a sorority house!" Chloe was excited as well earning a few 'yeahs' from around the room.

"The boys could stay down here, and we could all bunk together," Emily suggested.

"I'm good with that," Jesse agreed followed by nodding from the other boys.

"Please Beca!" Emily begged her sister.

"I would say no, but I know that all of you are on her side and unfortunately I also know that some way you'll get me to agree. So I'll just say yes right now."

Beca winced as the room filled with the squealing of several girls.

"Ok! But we are going to have some rules!" she shouted in order to be loud enough. "First rule. Never do that again."

"Ok well we're going to go get our stuff then," Jesse got up with the other guys.

"Yeah we'll be back soon," Chloe got up to exit the house.

"Wait. I'll come with you, we need supplies," Stacie followed the two two vampires.

"And we need food!" Beca called out after them.

"Then got off of your lazy ass and go get some!" Beca and Emily heard Stacie's voice coming from outside.

Beca threw her head back and groaned as Emily rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Let me just go put Lucky in my room and then we can go get something to eat," Emily said while climbing the stairs.

Shortly after the young brunette went up the stairs; she came back down and grabbed Beca by the arms, pulling her up and out the door.

"But I don't want to goooo," the older girl whined as they made their way down the porch steps.

"Fine. Then you can stay here while I go to Taco Bell," Emily made her way down and started off towards town.

"Ok wait I'm coming!" Beca quickly ran after her sister who shook her head with a smile.


The front door of Aubrey and Chloe's house swung open and the three girls stepped inside.

"So how are we going to do this?" Stacie wondered.

Chloe turned to the brunette and looked as happy as always. "Well I'm going to pack two bags. One for me and one for Aubrey while you two go get the medical supplies. Then afterwards we carry the bags and two mattresses over to your place."

Aubrey looked at her friend with a hint of concern.

"What?" the redhead asked her friend.

Aubrey glanced over to Stacie who looked confused as well. "Well you seem pretty excited about all this. Almost a little too excited."

"Well how can I not be Bree. We're going to part of a sorority." Chloe was practically jumping with joy and her smile almost touched her eyes.

"But Chloe," Aubrey tried a different approach, "Remember. The only reason we're doing all of this is because there's something that wants us all dead."

"I agree with Blondie here," Stacie backed the vampire up. Chloe's smile seemed to falter and Stacie realised what she said and tried to fix it. "We're not saying that you shouldn't be excited. Only that you should be careful as well."

"Ok. Fair point, I will. So let's get going, I'll start upstairs and you guys can go get the supplies." The redhead jogged up the stairs towards her room.

Stacie let out a sigh of relief which spiked Audrey's curiosity.

"And that?" the blonde asked the brunette as she lead her to the bathroom.

"I'm just glad I didn't totally break down her positive spirit," Stacie answered as she saw Aubrey open up a cupboard filled with medical supplies.

"Wow," Stacie had never seen so many different pills, enzymes and other medications in one place before.

"Funny. Emily said that too," Aubrey grinned as she turned around and handed Stacie a bottle.

"Wait Emily was here?" Stacie started packing all the stuff handed to her in a bag.

"Yeah, it was when Beca got hurt. She came with me to get some of the stuff that she knew would help. Then we realised that, surprisingly, we didn't have any tape for the bandages."

Aubrey chuckled at the memory as she tried to explain to Emily how they had every type of medical supplies except for medical tape.

"Wait wasn't that the reason you came to the store and found me?"

"Yep," the vampire happily replied as she closed the cupboard.

When she turned around she saw Stacie staring out the window, a look of fear ever present.

Aubrey knew she shouldn't care about her 'opponent', but she hated seeing the brunette like this. "You ok?" The question was asked out of genuineness and sympathy.

"I just can't believe we almost died today," Stacie didn't even turn her head as she was afraid to not pay attention.

"I know, but look on the bright side. At least we're alive," the blonde tried to sound a little more cheerful than usual. A small smile crept onto Stacie's lips as she knew that the vampire was right.

Aubrey turned to leave, but just as she reached the door, Stacie spoke again. "Thank you by the way, for saving me. If it weren't for you...... I don't even want to think about what could've happened."

A strange feeling stirred within Aubrey. She liked being able to protect someone and to be acknowledged for it.

"You're welcome. But I do have one question though," Aubrey turned to Stacie who looked at her as a motion to ask. "Why did you wait for me once you were outside the class? Why didn't you just run?"

Stacie felt her cheeks heating up as they turned a shade of pink. She couldn't tell the vampire the real reason, so she quickly decided on a little white lie.

"Well you saved my life. So it would've been selfish to just leave you behind," she shrugged and tried to sound as convincing as possible.

Aubrey wasn't entirely convinced, but decided not to push it.

"Are you guys going to come help me carry these things or what!?" Chloe called from upstairs causing both girls to remember that the redhead was still here too.

"Uh.. yeah we're coming!" Aubrey walked towards the stairs while Stacie watched her go.

'Man look at that ass' the brunette gently licked her lips in thought.

"No Stacie. Focus," she left the bathroom, shaking the thoughts from her head.


Stacie, Aubrey and Chloe were the first to arrive back at the house.

"Guess we're the first ones back," Aubrey said as she helped Chloe pull in one of the mattresses.

"Yeah, but Beca and Emily should be here," Stacie peaked into every room looking for her friends.

As Stacie went upstairs, Aubrey and Chloe decided to take a break and catch their breath.

"Come on. Let's get that last mattress in here and then we can relax a little," Aubrey walked over to the door while Chloe was still bent over with her hands on her knees.


A scream grabbed Chloe's attention and she looked up to see that the other mattress was already inside the house. But something was different about it.

Chloe definitely remembered that it didn't have arms and legs.

"What happened?" Stacie asked as she pointed towards the mattress at the bottom of the stairs with an Aubrey under it.

Chloe shrugged and looked outside.

They saw the boys walking in with their stuff.

Aubrey poked her head out from under the mattress and glared at Bumper. "I said push! Not throw!" she yelled at the giant.

"And I did push," Bumper raised his hands in surrender.

"Remember he is a giant and his push is a little stronger than your push," Stacie chuckled as she stood above Aubrey and looked down at the vampire.

"Well thank you Captain Obvious," Aubrey mumbled as she got up.

As they boys were setting up and moving a few things around, the rest of the girls came filing in.

Soon everyone had arrived and set up. They were all sitting in the living room talking when they heard the front door open.

"Seriously Beca? You're changing your favourite food from pancakes to Taco Bell?" Emily asked as she walked in carrying multiple bags of Taco Bell.

"Yes, I mean this stuff is delicious. Plus now if I want some I don't have to be nice to you in order to get it." Beca called out as they both took the food into the kitchen.

Emily walked out of the kitchen and quickly made her way upstairs.

"Um hello!?" Stacie called out to the two werewolves.

"Hi, I'll be right there. I just have to go check up on Lucky," Emily called back while making her way towards her room.

"You mean that thing is still here?" Beca motioned upstairs with her thumb.

"Yes he is and he's going to stay here. Aren't you Lucky?" the young brunette spoke to the rabbit in her arms with her baby voice.

"I'm going to eat him," Beca stated bluntly crossing her arms.

Emily gasped and covered the rabbit's ears.

"Don't you dare Beca Mitchell," Chloe said as she walked over to Emily and whispered something to the rabbit.

"Anyway we brought dinner," the short brunette announced and motioned to the kitchen. "But everyone is only allowed ONE bag. Understand Amy?"

"Wha- wha-..... ok," Amy said softly in defeat.

"Good now I've got mine so the rest of you have at it," Beca plopped down onto the couch with her food while everyone else got up to get theirs.

While they were getting their meals, Lucky had escaped Emily's grasp and hopped over to where Beca was. As she opened her mouth to consume the dish, her eyes caught sight of the white creature.

It had big eyes and was staring at her taco. "No. You eat carrots and this is mine," the girl proceeded to take a bite, but stopped as she glanced back at the little animal.

She sighed and broke off a piece of the taco. She then leaned down and reached her hand out to the bunny.

"Fine. But if you tell anyone about this; then I promise I WILL eat you, kapeish?" she whispered to Lucky and handed him the treat.

The rabbit sneezed, but looked like he nodded before he gently nuzzled Beca's hand and took the piece of taco before walking over to the single seat couch to eat.

Chloe was in the kitchen doorway with her hand covering her mouth as she could not believe what she had just witnessed.

The redhead saw a side that the werewolf always kept hidden. A side that portrayed kindness and compassion. She was always trying to look and be badass that she put up these high walls.

It was like she didn't allow herself to show any emotion and seeing her interaction with the rabbit made Chloe's heart melt.


After all of the 'misfits' as they jokingly call themselves, have eaten; they were all lounging around doing their own thing.

"Alright nerds. I'm heading up," Beca announced as she got up from the couch.

Chloe was getting tired too and looked around and saw some of the group yawn.

"I think I'm going to it the hay too," Aubrey covered her mouth as a yawn escaped.

"Come on Lucky. Let's go beddy bye," Emily started climbing the stairs while tickling the rabbit's nose. "Night guys!" she called out to others.

"Night Em!" Beca called back as she went to get a glass of water. When she came back she saw the girls all heading up and the guys setting up their sleeping areas.

Bumper got the three seater couch, Jesse the two seater, Benji the one seater and Donald got the mattress on the floor where the coffee table used to be.

"Night girls!" Beca called to them as she ascended the stairway.

"See ya Captain," Donald responded and then they shut the lights off and started to settle in.

As Beca turned to her left she saw half of the girls already sound asleep.

Flo and Benji had brought their magical bunker beds, which was a normal bed, but with a secret word could multiply and create a bunk bed.

Since Ashley and Jessica were very close friends, they shared the mattress on the ground. Cynthia was on the bottom bunk and Flo on the top. But what surprised Beca the most was the bed.

Aubrey and Stacie were cuddling together. A smirk grew on Beca's face, but she decided to talk about it in the morning.

She turned around and went into the other room which contained the other half of the girls. Amy was sprawled out on the mattress and Lilly somehow got onto the ceiling, now hanging upside down.

Beca just ignored it and turned to the bunk bed. But she only saw one person.

Emily was on the top with a sleeping Lucky cuddled up in her arms. 'That bloody rabbit's going to live here now isn't it?' Beca thought.

But there was no sign of the redhead.

"Can you move please," Beca jumped when a voice from behind her shook her out of her thoughts.

"Great Maker Red!" the brunette whisper yelled as she clutched her heart. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

Chloe giggled and stepped past Beca into the room.

"Soooo," Chloe swayed from side to side awkwardly, "Which one do you want?"

After she regained herself, Beca saw the redhead motioning towards the bed or the bunk bed.

"You know what. You look like a rough sleeper. So if I let you sleep on the bunk bed; you'll for sure fall off during the night and I'll probably have to deal with it," the werewolf quickly, and successfully, spun a story.

"Yeah so you take the bed." Beca folded her arms trying to make it seem like she was thinking about this logically and wasn't being kind to the vampire.

Chloe however saw through it, but decided to play along. "Thank you so much for thinking of my well being," she mockingly replied with a slight bow.

"Hey. Don't get all sappy on me and I didn't do it for you," Beca pointed a finger at the redhead. "I did for myself so that I would have less to worry about."

Without another word the brunette spun around and clicked off the lights, allowing the darkness to enter the room.

As they both settled in, Chloe nuzzled into the pillows as she usually liked to snuggle with anything. "Good night Beca."

"Yeah yeah, see ya," the brunette grumbled back. The redhead couldn't help but smile as she shook her head.

Soon both of the girl's thoughts left them, allowing them to fall asleep.

Chloe felt safe here, with all of her new friends, but especially with Beca. She didn't know why, but the brunette had this thing about her that always made Chloe feel like no harm would come to her.

In the darkness, the werewolf was watching the vampire sleep, thanks to her night vision.

After she was sure the redhead was asleep she quietly whispered, "Good night Chloe," and closed her eyes.

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