💫She's Different💫

By DayyyFanyyy

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In the middle of an investigation Olivia and the squad raid an abandoned warehouse. Olivia stumbles upon this... More

Finding Bella
Saving Bella
Understanding Bella
Building Bella's Trust
A Growing Bella
My Bella
My Bella Pt.2
Bella's Doing Makeup
Bella And Noah
Bella's Birthday
Bella's Christmas
Bella's Christmas Pt.2
Bella's New House
Bella's Girls Day
Bella's Rough Patch
Bella's Adoption Day
Bella And Olivia
Bella And Olivia Pt.2
Bella During The Week
Bella During The Week Pt.2
Bella's First Mother's Day
Bella's First Mother's Day Pt.2
Bella's Favorite Month
Bella's Last Day Of School Festivities
Bella's Last Day Festivites Pt.2
Bella Visits Mommy
Bella's Fourth Of July
Bella's Forth Of July Pt.2
Bella And The Hammock
Bella Opens Up
Bella Opens Up Pt.2
Bella And Her Dad
Bella A Month Later
Worries For Bella
Olivia's Talk With Bella
Olivia's Talk With Bella Pt.2
Bella Tells The Truth
Bella's Donut Talk
Bella's Music Class
Olivia's Efforts To Protect Bella
A note~😊
Bella's Biological Parents
Bella's Thanksgiving
Bella Approaches Liv
Bella Auditions
Bella Auditions Pt.2
Bella's Acquired Feelings
Bella Misses Out
Bella's School Life
Bella Meets Olivia's 'Friend'
Olivia Tells Bella The Truth
Bella Takes It All In
Bella's Newfound Anger
Bella And Her Family Move Out
Bella Practices Self-Control
Bella Celebrates
Je sais pas
Bella Writes A Note
Bella Learns About Date Night
Bella Gets Ready For Christmas
Bella And Noah Have To Leave
Bella's Thoughts On Christmas
Bella Loves Chase
Bella Refuses
Olivia's Big Mistake
Olivia Fixes Her Bond With Bella
Bella Hides Out
Bella Goes To The Hospital
Bella Tells Her Friends
Olivia Teaches Bella
Bella Goes To Fins House
Bella Stays Away
Bella Feels Off
Bella Feels Off Pt.2
Bella With Tucker
Bella's Moods
Olivia's Confusion
Bella Goes Shopping
Bella Learns About Changes
Bella Questions
Bella Recieves A Letter
Bella's Passport Experience
Bella's Nightmares
Bella's Father Figure Issue
Bella Goes To The Dance
Bella Prepares For Hawaii
Bella's First Flight
Bella's New Friend
Bella's Time With Liv
Bella Takes A Tour
Bella Avoids
Bella Avoids Pt.2
Bella's Start To Summer
Bella Asks About Elliot
Bella's Unpredicability
Bella Goes to Camp
Bella Goes To Camp Pt. 2
Bella Learns About Cassie
Bella Learns About Cassie Pt.2
Bella And Noah's Issues
Bella Helps Her Friends
Bella Comes Home
Bella Goes To Florida
Bella Goes To The Waterpark
Bella And The Mall
Bella's Bad Habit Reappears
Bella's Last Days Of Summer
Bella Meets Someone New
Bella Gets School Supplies
Liv And Bella's Night Walk
Bella's Day Before
Bella's First Day Of School
Bella's Terrifying Encounter
Bella Gets Sensitive
Bella Confesses
Bella's Dilemma
Bella's Halloween
Bella's Halloween Pt. 2
Bella Afterwards
Bella And Noah's Visitor
Bella's Embarrasing Moment
Bella's Embarrasing Moment Pt.2
Bella Turns 9
Bella's Party
Bella's Sleepover
Bella's Amazing Christmas
Bella's Amazing Christmas Pt.2
Bella's Skating And NYE
Bella's New Year Wish
My Bad-
Bella's Competition
Bella's Spring Break
Bella's Discovery
Bella's Realization
Bella And Alex
Bella's Summer
Bella And 5th Grade
Bella's Mentor
Bella's Mentor Pt.2
Bella Deals With Grief
Bella Feels The Tension
Bella's Reward
Bella Gets The Vibes
Bella Hates To Ruin
Bella Hates To Ruin Pt.2
Bella And The Big 1-0
Bella Sees Change
Olivia And The Shocking Revalation
Bella's Day
Bella And The Final Move
Olivia's Shocking Revalation Pt.2
Bella's Results
Bella's Struggle
Bella And The Trip
Holiday Hill
Holiday Hill Pt.2
Bella and Leia
Bella's Elementary School Graduation
Bella's Cookie Dough Chat
Leia's Fourth of July
Paid To Keep Secrets
Bella Gets Caught
Leia's First Vacation
Elijah Things
Bella Tells Elijah
Lei's Fourth Birthday
Bella Learns About Changes Pt.2
Bella Starts Middle School
Weekend Vibes
Bella's Admiration
Bella And The Monster Under Her Bed

Olivia Consoles Bella

249 8 3
By DayyyFanyyy

Saturday, January 4th
"Morning sweet pea."
"Morning Mommy." She hopped into my bed and watched as I watched a video on my phone.
"What's that?"
"It's isn't nothing, tell me what it is." Bella demanded.
"It isn't age-appropriate." She slid on her glasses and looked at me.
"Ever since Carisi bought you those glasses you've become a whole new kid."
"I have a double personality Mommy. We both don't play games." I laughed and posed a question to my daughter.
"Do you still play with your dolls Bella?"
"How is that good?"
"Treasure your childhood little one. Just treasure it."
"Okay weirdo. What are we doing today?"
"Whatever you want."
"Trampoline park."
Trampoline Park (Bella's Perspective)
Last time I came to this specific park with Mom, I was about 6 and I couldn't do a backflip. But now, I could do all of the tricks I wished to do as a 6 year old.
"I'm getting a bit rusty..this isn't good."
"When's the last time you've been to class?"
"A while ago because of test tutoring."
"Oh yeah." I jumped and shot the basketball into the hoop. The reason why I haven't been to gym is because Mommy wants me to take some tests for private middle schools, because if you do good they'll give you a scholarship! Mom really wants me to go to one of the best middle schools, but I'm not sure if I wanna leave my friends.
"Feeling confident?"
"I'm not sure." I did a back flip and my Mom smiled.
"You're a very bright little girl, I think you'll do really well." I shrugged and then looked down at the ground.
"What do you want to tell me?"
"Nothing, I was just spaced out for a minute."
"Okay. We'll go with that." We left the park and went to go get some Wendy's. We sat in the car and I kind of just waited. Since I knew Mommy wanted to talk about Christmas.
"Okay honey, I wanna speak with you."
"Of course Mom."
"So about Christmas, I know you might be confused and have questions. And I want to talk about them now, so we don't have any issues."
"I know you realized that Elliot stayed over that night."
"Well duh. We're on the same floor."
"There's no need to cop an attitude. What I'm trying to say is that I know you must've felt so uncomfortable, and I'm so sorry,"
"What were you guys doing in there?"
"Bella..let's not get into that."
"Are you guys dating?"
"Well after Christmas, we don't even know ourselves."
"I know this is selfish to say but, please don't date him." I said.
"Because, I don't want things to change anymore. I want you to be happy Mommy, I do. But I feel like you might change if you date Mr.Stabler."
"Bella, What are you talking about?" I started to cry and I put my head in my lap.
"Bella? Is there something else bugging you?" She gave me a hug and I cried harder.
"Can you explain more?"
"I just did. I don't want things to change anymore, we're moving and then you're gonna date him, bring him over, and then we're gonna go places with him, and then he's gonna wanna move in! I don't want any more change! What can't you understand? I'm sorry, I'm really sorry that I'm hurting your feelings, but I don't want anyone to hurt you, or us even,"
"Oh honey. You don't have to worry about that! I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, Noah, or I. You know I wouldn't ever let that happen."
"Is that why you broke up with Mr.Tucker?"
"Yes, because I didn't want you guys to be upset."
"I feel like a bad daughter."
"I kinda just told you to not date anyone."
"No, you said you didn't want me to date the wrong person. The way you said it sounded like that, but it was meant to be interpreted differently."
"It was meant to be understood differently."
"Oh. Yeah."
"Elliot is a great guy, trust me on that."
"You pinky promise?"
"Of course. I love you sweet pea."
"Love you too."
"Now, should we go home? People are probably wondering what we're doing in the parking lot for so long."
Oren's Coffee (Olivia's Perspective)
"Hey Liv." Elliot put his phone down and I sighed.
"Let's not move so quickly."
"I wanted to say the same. How's Bella?"
"Better, we had a little heart to heart and it got very emotional. She said she doesn't want anyone to hurt me, and I had to tell her that you'd never do that. Knowing, that fully well you've already hurt me."
"Liv I'm sorry about-"
"I don't need to hear it. Again. We can attempt to pursue something, but not in front of the kids. Especially Bella, I think it's a bit of a trigger for her."
"A trigger? Has Bella been-"
"We don't need to discuss it here. But, I don't want to see my daughter cry, the way she did the other day. It hurts my soul to see her upset."
"I understand. I didn't even tell Eli."
"Eli's basically a teen now isn't he?"
"I remember his birth like it was yesterday."
"When do you think the kids should meet?"
"I don't know. Let's just let things flow." I looked at my phone and smiled. Just let things flow.
Bella's Room (Noah's Perspective)
"Aren't you excited to move?"
"Don't be so boring."
"I'm not trying to be. I just don't really have any feelings about it."
"But you have feelings for Axel."
"I'm going to kill you one of these days. I said I don't like him!"
"Do you hate his guts?"
"No! Just, stop being annoying before I kick you out." I laughed. It was fun annoying Bella, she has these reactions that make you wanna mess with her even more.
"So Axel doesn't look cute?" She hit me with her pillow and then ran to Mom's room.
"What is going on?"
"She's hiding because she knows I'm gonna get her."
"He keeps annoying me about Axel again! Tell him to stop it!"
"Okay okay, both of you cut it out! Noah, go first."
"She hit me with a pillow."
"He came into my room and started to annoy me."
"Bella, wait."
"You're not fair!" She walked out and slammed her bedroom door.
"Noah, why did you go and bother her? You know she's very sensitive right now,"
"I didn't know that."
"When is she not sensitive?"
"When you're not harassing her. If you actually weren't bothering her, you'd see she isn't always that moody. Bella can be a very calm person, and funny. Just stop harassing the poor girl. She's going through a lot."
"Mommy? Can you please come here?"
"What's the matter honey?"
"I want to show you something! Please hurry!" Mom got up quickly and went into Bella's room. It was probably another girl thing. Sometimes, I wish there was another guy in the house. When it's two girls and one boy, you feel overpowered.
Gym Class (Bella's Perspective)
Since we weren't allowed to use the locker rooms like the middle schoolers yet, we were allowed to wear "gym attire" for the day. In gym class you basically play any sport, and they watch you play, and then they grade you. But on Fridays we do dodgeball, I hate dodgeball with a passion.
"Okay, those who are unprepared and are not playing can sit out." I sat out with Jana and Kayla played.
"You know she only plays to be with the boys?"
"That's what it looks like."
"Jana, that isn't nice." Paisley said.
"You shouldn't talk badly about her. What if she found out?"
"That's true." I said. We started to talk about other things.
"Guys, we should all hang out as a group again."
"And do what?"
"Go to lunch."
"Let's see about that.."
"Why do you say that Bella?"
"I can't do anything because of tutoring, and dance, and gym. Kylie too."
"Oh yeah, I don't have to do tutoring every week."
"Ugh, I don't even want to do this stupid test anymore."
"So why are you going to tutoring?"
"Because Mom is making me, and she's paying for it."
"But if you don't want to do it you shouldn't have to."
"But I want to make Mommy proud of me." Our teacher blew the whistle and I got my bag so I could go to Ms.Hinds room as everyone went to lunch."
"Hey Bella!"
"Hey." I put my stuff down and sat near her desk.
"You've been really down today."
"I know, it's just something's that happened over the break and stuff."
"I'm all ears."
"Well my mom invited this guy over for Christmas, and he stayed overnight."
"And I'm no idiot. And I was like are you guys dating or something and blah, blah, blah."
"And she's telling me she can't say much and she doesn't know, but I kind of worry about her."
"Because I want her to be happy, what if he doesn't make her happy?"
"You know Bella, you really shouldn't be worrying about these things, you need to focus on being a kid."
"I know, but I can't help it. Olivia took me in when she didn't have to. I feel like, I have to care."

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