BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMP...

By Ddaegu_Exe

529K 8.7K 2K

Soft imagines to help you fall asleep or get tired. Basically a whole book of bedtime scenario's. • I'd like... More

~Author's Note~
{1} Kim Seokjin
{2} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin
{3} Jeon Jeongguk
{4} Kim Taehyung
{5} Kim Namjoon
{6} Kim Taehyung
{7} Min Yoongi & Jung Hoseok
{8} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin
{9} Park Jimin & Kim Taehyung
{10} Jung Hoseok
{11} Kim Namjoon
{12} Park Jimin
{13} Min Yoongi
{14} Jeon Jeongguk
{15} Jung Hoseok
{16} Kim Taehyung
{17} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin
{18} Min Yoongi & Park Jimin
{19} Park Jimin
{20} Kim Namjoon
{21} Jeon Jeongguk
{22} Min Yoongi & Kim Taehyung
{23} Jung Hoseok
{24} Kim Namjoon & Park Jimin
{25} Jeon Jeongguk
{26} Jung Hoseok
{27} Park Jimin PT.1
{28} Kim Seokjin
{29} Park Jimin PT.2
{30} Min Yoongi
{31} Kim Taehyung
{32} Park Jimin
{33} Kim Namjoon
{34} Kim Taehyung
{35} Park Jimin ~ Collab!
{36} Kim Namjoon
{37} Jung Hoseok
{38} Min Yoongi
{39} Jeon Jeongguk
{40} Jung Hoseok
{41} Kim Seokjin
{42} Kim Taehyung
{43} Kim Namjoon
{44} Min Yoongi
{45} Park Jimin
{46} Jeon Jeongguk
{47} Kim Taehyung
{48} Min Yoongi
{49} Jeon Jeongguk ~ Requested
{50} Kim Seokjin & Kim Namjoon
{51} Park Jimin
{52} Jung Hoseok
{53} Kim Seokjin
{54} Park Jimin
{55} Min Yoongi
{56} Jeon Jeongguk
{57} Kim Namjoon
{58} Kim Seokjin
{59} Kim Taehyung
{60} Jung Hoseok
{61} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin PT.1
{62} Jeon Jeongguk
{63} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin PT.2
{64} Min Yoongi
{65} Kim Seokjin
{66} Kim Namjoon
{67} Kim Taehyung PT.1
{68} Park Jimin
{69} Kim Taehyung PT.2
{70} Jung Hoseok
{71} Min Yoongi
{73} Kim Namjoon
{74} Kim Taehyung
{75} Kim Namjoon
{76} Kim Seokjin
{77} Jung Hoseok
{78} Park Jimin
{79} Min Yoongi ~ Important AN
{80} Kim Taehyung ~ Important AN
{81} Kim Seokjin
{82} Min Yoongi & Kim Namjoon
{83} Jeon Jeongguk
{84} Jung Hoseok
{85} Min Yoongi
{86} Park Jimin
{87} Kim Namjoon & Jung Hoseok
{88} Kim Taehyung
{89} Kim Seokjin & Jeon Jungkook
{90} Min Yoongi & Kim Taehyung PT.1
{91} Jung Hoseok
{92} Kim Taehyung
{93} Kim Namjoon
{94} Park Jimin ~ Request
{95} Jeon Jeongguk
{96} Kim Taehyung
{97} Min Yoongi ~ Request
{98} Jung Hoseok
{99} Min Yoongi & Kim Taehyung PT.2
~Author's Note + Face Reveal~

{72} Jeon Jeongguk

4.1K 65 18
By Ddaegu_Exe

2057 words

I kinda feel bad these days so the imagines will be updated a tad slower :(

You sigh as you slam the door of your car shut and walk towards the doors of the large building in front of you.

Today is Wednesday, meaning you were going to see Jungkook again. Every Wednesday for the past few months you went to visit him, it had become a routine.

Even so you hated it. Not becuase you were going to see him, but because of the circumstances.

You pushed the door open and walked inside, immediately greeted by the scent of antibiotics and bandages lingering around the building. In the first few weeks the smell bothered you a lot, but from there you got used to it.

"Hello."  You greeted the woman behind the counter. She was looking through some files, and you could read some of the patient names on them.

She looked up to you and smiled, letting go of the papers and folding her hands in front of her.  "Hello, how can I help you?"

"I'm here for Jeon Jungkook."  You said while slightly smiling back. She nodded and rolled her chair over to the computer, clicking away on the screen while furrowing her eyebrows.

Eventually she turned back to you.  "He's getting his treatment now but you can go see him if you want. Do you know his room number?"

You nodded and thanked her before walking towards the elevators. Luckily there was no one else who wanted to go up or down, so you had the whole elevator to yourself.

You reached your hand up and pushed the button, watching the doors close while leaning back against the wall. You looked up to the number above the doors as you felt the elevator start to move, watching the number switch from one to two, from two to three, from three to four, and from four to five.

When the door opened you saw some people who were waiting on the elevator. You politely smiled at them before walking out, giving them space to enter. You sighed and walked through the hallway, walking to the room where your boyfriend was supposed to be.

Finally you reached the familiar room, the number 407 painted neatly on the middle of the door. You reached your hand up to knock a few times before you slowly opened the door.

"There you go."  The nurse who stood next to the bed said.  "I'll come back in a few hours to give you your second dose. Until then just rest a bit."

You closed the door and leaned your back against it as you waited for them to finish. You saw Jungkook nod.  "Thank you."

The nurse grabbed the stuff she had needed to give him his medicine and tapped some buttons on the monitor before she turned towards the door. She smiled once she saw you, and you moved away from the door to let her exit.

"You're here."  Jungkook smiled as soon as he noticed your precense. You smiled back at him and walked towards the edge of the bed.  "Of course I am. I told you I'd come visit you every Wednesday."

His eyes seemed to twinkle a little at your words. He reached a hand up and made a grabby hand. You smiled and reached your hand up as well to let him hold your hand as you sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"So,"  You started.  "Is it boring?"

Jungkook made a humming like sound as he played with your fingers.  "Very. Before I got moved to this room I had a roommate. He was nice to talk with but now that I'm all alone everything seems so dull and the time moves so slow."

"I'm sorry to hear that Kookie."  You pouted.

"No no, it's okay. It's my own fault I'm stuck in here now."  He lightly chuckled.

"Still. It sounds so horrible."

"You get used to it pretty easily though. At least I don't have a creepy nurse who wants to poke my eyes out and use them as decoration."

"You really need to stop watching those movies, they take over your brain."  You chuckled.  "But yeah, Misun is nice."

"Other than her I don't really talk to anyone. She always brings me stuff to do though. Last time I got a cardgame, and the time before that she gave me a coloring book. Oh! And last week she got me something cool!"

He let go of your hand and leaned towards his nightstand, opening the cabinet and getting something out.

"A polaroid camera!"  He happily said, a huge smile covering his face. You smiled as well as you looked at the baby blue object.  "The color is so cute!"

"Mhm!"  Jungkook hummed, before grabbing your hand again. He slightly tugged at your hand.  "We should take a picture together. I want to be able to look at you when I miss you"

Your heart swelled at his words. You hated how you could only see him on Wednesdays. You whished you could visit him everyday, but you knew you couldn't. You were too busy with your work, and you also had many responsibilities besides that. It didn't help that this hospital was an hour away as well.

You forced yourself to push the thought away, not wanting to ruin your time together, and smiled up at him.  "Sure!"

You stood up and moved towards him while Jungkook held the camera in front of you both. You smiled sweetely at the camera and waited for him to click the button so it would make a picuture.

But he never did.

You frowned and looked at him, seeing him pout.

"What's wrong?"  You asked as your smile falthered. He shook his head and moved the camera down.  "I don't want to take the picture like this."  He pouted.

"Well how you want to take it then?"

As soon as he heard you say those words he quickly kicked the soft blanket off, gently pulling you towards him, giving you no other choice than to get on the bed beside him.

"Kook what are you-"

He shut you up with a quick peck on your lips. He leaned forward and grabbed the blanket, pulling it over the both of you. He smiled and got comfortable before patting his chest a few times.

You chuckled and rest your head on his shoulder as Jungkook held the polaroid camera up. You smiled at the camera and waited for him to take the picture, which this time, he did.

The flash of the camera blinded you for a moment, but you gained your sight back rather quickly. Jungkook smiled widely as he grabbed the picture and waved it around a little to get the picture to appear more quickly.

When it did he held it in front of you both to look at it. Jungkook was smiling brightly, adorable little wrinkles standing proud around his eyes. You chuckled at the sight.

"Perfect."  He smiled. You returned the smile as well and grabbed his wrist, moving his arm up so he was holding the camera up again.

"Take another one on the count of three."

He turned his head towards you and frowned, clearly not understanding what you meant.

"Look at the camera and just click when I get to three!"  You laughed and placed a hand on his chin, turning his head to face the camera again.

"Okay okay!"  He laughed as well and moved his fingers on top of the button, ready to take a picture.

"One,"  You started counting, placing your hand on top of his chest.

"Two,"  You said and moved closer to him.

Three,"  You whispered, closing your eyes and quickly planting your lips on the side of his cheek, just on the moment Jungkook clicked the button on the polaroid camera.

You smiled as you moved away, pecking his cheek once more before settling down on his shoulder again. Jungkook smiled, moving the camera down and fetching the picture that was slowly developed. He waved it around a little before looking at it.

His lips formed a huge smile, and he turned his head towards you, kissing your forehead.

"I love you."  He said and moved his gaze back towards the picture.  "I'm going to give this one a special place."

You chuckled at him.  "I love you too."

He leaned over the edge of the bed and placed the camera and the pictures on the nightstand, before laying on his back again, moving an arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer as a silence filled the room.

"I'm really happy you came today."  He said after a few minutes.

"You know I'm more than happy to be here."

"Yeah, but still. I know you're busy with your work and everything you have to do. I'm happy you can make some time free for me to visit me, even if it's just once a week and I miss you all the time."

His words brought a smile on your face, but it wasn't one of happiness. You felt bad you couldn't be there for him more.

"I just really appreciate what you do for me,"  He continued.  "I mean, you could just let the nurses do things for me and keep me company, but you don't. I don't know a lot of people who are so busy but still make some time free for me. Thank you."  He finished by placing a kiss to your forehead.

You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat before speaking up.  "It's okay. I'm happy to keep you some company, you know that. And don't worry about my busy schedule, okay?"

A sigh left his lips.  "I always worry about you. You need to think of yourself as well. Next week, when you're here, I'll take care of you. And when I get out of this hospital I'll take you on so many dates to repay you for this. I promise!"

You softly smiled.  "You don't have to Kookie, it's okay."

"But what if I want to? I want to repay you baby, I love you so much and I really appreciate everything you do for me. I don't deserve you."

You moved your head to look up at him, a frown covering your features.  "Don't say that, of course you deserve me. You deserve everything in the world."

He smiled.  "I love you."

"I love you too."  You said and gently pecked his lips. Jungkook rolled over on his side and snuggled his face in the crook of you neck, closing his eyes while he moved his arms securely around your waist.  "Can we have nap time now? I'm tired."

You chuckled.  "Of course we can."  You said and moved a hand up to his head, tangling your fingers in his hair and playing with the strands. He softly groaned in content and snuggled into your neck more, getting comfortable.

You closed your eyes as well, the idea of a short nap not sounding too bad as you were tired from all the work you did the past month. Jungkook placed a soft kiss to your neck.  "I love you."

You smiled and kissed the top of his head.  "I love you too Kook."  You whispered and continued playing with his hair. The strands of his black hair felt soft against your skin as you twirled them between your fingers, occassionally tugging on them a bit.

You heard the vibrations of your phone in your bag, and you knew it had to be from your work. You wanted to rush to pick up the call, but you didn't. You couldn't stand up with the way Jungkook was clinging onto you, and you party didn't even want to stand up yourself.

'They can figure it out on their own this time'  You thought and planted a kiss to the top of his head once more.

His only response was a soft groan and a lazy kiss to your neck. You sighed in content, letting yourself relax for the first time in weeks.

Slowly, you started to fall asleep, feeling Jungkook's arms tighten around you a little at the sounds of something falling on the floor down the hall.


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